Zayden repair

What marketing are you talking about?
Is it about Dr. Woods claiming this a simple case an year after it was presented on the forums? He deciding to speak how simple a repair it is after Dr. Arvind did it?

Is that the marketing you are against? Then you are correct. That is the sort of negative marketing Dr. Woods should not have resorted to. Such a shame.

» I did not want to comment on this aspect of Dr. Woods reply earlier. Now, I
» do. Its sad to see a great doctor like Dr. Woods stooping out of petty
» motives to downplay this repair case.
» I expected better from you, Dr. Woods. Its not the first time that
» Zayden’s case was discussed. If it was, in your opinion, such an easy
» repair, you should have commented so before. Zayden and all of us would
» have been so happy and relieved.
» Its sad you resorted to such ungentleman like statements at this stage of
» Zayden’s repair journey.
» Maybe, you have your reasons for not giving your advise before. They do
» not appear genuine to me by your posts on this thread. To me, it seems like
» you have a grudge agauinst Dr. A and want to do anything to gratify it.

Dont be so critical, its not fair to Dr. Woods. He offered his professional opinion and was actually supportive without blindly cheerleading as to the magnanimity of taking on the case in the first place, pro bono.

It’s quite good to see such discussion between two pioneers such as Dr. Arvind and Dr. Woods over someones repair in such a sorry state as Zayden was.

Both of them on speaking terms, discussing any cases such as these, in public forum, benefits us ALL. That is why divisiveness and ambition needs to take a back seat to patient education, discussion of our concerns, and published results like these of Zayden.

Please dont attempt to widen any divide.

» What marketing are you talking about?
» Is it about Dr. Woods claiming this a simple case an year after it was
» presented on the forums? He deciding to speak how simple a repair it is
» after Dr. Arvind did it?
» Is that the marketing you are against? Then you are correct. That is the
» sort of negative marketing Dr. Woods should not have resorted to. Such a
» shame.

Dr. Woods did not invite himself to the thread unsolicited. Dr. Arvind asked for feedback from the forum when he presented the case. Dr. Woods put forth his opinions accordingly.

Let’s not belabor this. The important thing is that Zayden got the help he needed.

I have been a long time reader over the years of this forum but have never posted until now.

I would like to say how much admiration I have for Dr A for taking on this case. It says something when only 2 Dr’s reply about how difficult this case is, to say that an excellent result is easily achievable seems ridiculous to me.

Zayden I will be praying that you get a good outcome, you are in great hands. The world would be a much better place if there were more caring people like Dr A about.

I have been a long time reader over the years of this forum but have never posted until now.

I would like to say how much admiration I have for Dr A for taking on this case. It says something when only 2 Dr’s reply about how difficult this case is, to say that an excellent result is easily achievable seems ridiculous to me.

Zayden I will be praying that you get a good outcome, you are in great hands. The world would be a much better place if there were more caring people like Dr A about.

» I would like to say how much admiration I have for Dr A for taking on this
» case. It says something when only 2 Dr’s reply about how difficult this
» case is, to say that an excellent result is easily achievable seems
» ridiculous to me.

Who said “an excellent result is easily achievable” ?

“An excellent result is quite achievable” Word quite= actually. You are mixing this word up with easily. No one ever said this was easy.

» I did not want to comment on this aspect of Dr. Woods reply earlier. Now, I
» do. Its sad to see a great doctor like Dr. Woods stooping out of petty
» motives to downplay this repair case.
» I expected better from you, Dr. Woods. Its not the first time that
» Zayden’s case was discussed. If it was, in your opinion, such an easy
» repair, you should have commented so before. Zayden and all of us would
» have been so happy and relieved.
» Its sad you resorted to such ungentleman like statements at this stage of
» Zayden’s repair journey.
» Maybe, you have your reasons for not giving your advise before. They do
» not appear genuine to me by your posts on this thread. To me, it seems like
» you have a grudge agauinst Dr. A and want to do anything to gratify it.

There are probably tens of thousands of guys out there who have been butchered like Zayden.

But despite how bad they look, IF the scars are high and concealable, like zayden, and IF they have excellent donor and body hair reserves, like zayden, then they have HOPE.

The mantra of this being an IMPOSSIBLE case is not true, and other guys in the same boat should realise this, and not live in the fear that they too have an impossible situation.

Zayden was butchered, BUT he has HOPE. This case is not easy. I never said that.

For the sake of the countless other buthchered victims, I tried to offer some perspective. Otherwise I wish Dr Arvind and Zayden the best of luck.

Dr Woods

» » I did not want to comment on this aspect of Dr. Woods reply earlier. Now,
» I
» » do. Its sad to see a great doctor like Dr. Woods stooping out of petty
» » motives to downplay this repair case.
» » I expected better from you, Dr. Woods. Its not the first time that
» » Zayden’s case was discussed. If it was, in your opinion, such an easy
» » repair, you should have commented so before. Zayden and all of us would
» » have been so happy and relieved.
» » Its sad you resorted to such ungentleman like statements at this stage
» of
» » Zayden’s repair journey.
» » Maybe, you have your reasons for not giving your advise before. They do
» » not appear genuine to me by your posts on this thread. To me, it seems
» like
» » you have a grudge agauinst Dr. A and want to do anything to gratify it.
» There are probably tens of thousands of guys out there who have been
» butchered like Zayden.
» But despite how bad they look, IF the scars are high and concealable, like
» zayden, and IF they have excellent donor and body hair reserves, like
» zayden, then they have HOPE.
» The mantra of this being an IMPOSSIBLE case is not true, and other guys in
» the same boat should realise this, and not live in the fear that they too
» have an impossible situation.
» Zayden was butchered, BUT he has HOPE. This case is not easy. I never said
» that.
» For the sake of the countless other buthchered victims, I tried to offer
» some perspective. Otherwise I wish Dr Arvind and Zayden the best of luck.
» Dr Woods

There are probably tens of thousands of guys out there who have been butchered like Zayden.

So may be you can help another of this thousands like Dr. Arvin is doing with this one for free .

Best wishes to Dr. Arvind and Zayden. :ok:

» » But what I
» » don’t like is the marketing. I think if any patient looking for repair
» » first contacts a doc in private has the work done and reports after
» with
» » detail. It’s a much better approach.
» Eveery doctor, clinic, consultant who posts a before after pic is a sales
» pitch in itself, there is no way you can avoid that, is that why you
» suggested that a behind-the-scene approach is better? Frankly I don’t see
» how that is going to improve anything.

Exactly like what I thought in the past :slight_smile: , but fact is totaly different than this.
Actualy, am the one who insist to send my pictures in a weekly basis, and as I said before neither Dr.A nor hairsite asked me to do so, but am totaly convinced that every1 here has the right to know the updated results.

Hairsite and the forum posters are the main reason for what am recieving right now, and they were all involved in my case.
Can’t we just say its a challenge and what happened these days is a big achievment, despite saying its a marketing thing or what-so-ever, cuz I swear its not.

» Zayden I will be praying that you get a good outcome, you are in great
» hands. The world would be a much better place if there were more caring
» people like Dr A about.

U know something, spending 9 hours/day for 5 days with Dr.A and his team is not an easy thing to neglect, and out of his professionality and his kind treatment, he’s a very good person with white spirit, and if I spend the whole day writing how great he is, I won’t be able to describe him well, and I also prefer to change the subject as :slight_smile: am afraid from the marketing thing that I heard several times in this thread.

Thank you very much for your kind feelings, and I wish the best in your life.

» » » But what I
» » » don’t like is the marketing. I think if any patient looking for
» repair
» » » first contacts a doc in private has the work done and reports after
» » with
» » » detail. It’s a much better approach.
» »
» » Eveery doctor, clinic, consultant who posts a before after pic is a
» sales
» » pitch in itself, there is no way you can avoid that, is that why you
» » suggested that a behind-the-scene approach is better? Frankly I don’t
» see
» » how that is going to improve anything.
» Exactly like what I thought in the past :slight_smile: , but fact is totaly different
» than this.
» Actualy, am the one who insist to send my pictures in a weekly basis, and
» as I said before neither Dr.A nor hairsite asked me to do so, but am totaly
» convinced that every1 here has the right to know the updated results.
» Hairsite and the forum posters are the main reason for what am recieving
» right now, and they were all involved in my case.
» Can’t we just say its a challenge and what happened these days is a big
» achievment, despite saying its a marketing thing or what-so-ever, cuz I
» swear its not.

What I like here is transparency and honesty on everyones part. I hope everyone realizes this and any and all talk about “marketing” or having ulterior motives stops. This is a huge repair, its being well documented,and we are all pulling for you. I think you are in very capable hands.

» » » I did not want to comment on this aspect of Dr. Woods reply earlier.
» Now,
» » I
» » » do. Its sad to see a great doctor like Dr. Woods stooping out of
» petty
» » » motives to downplay this repair case.
» » » I expected better from you, Dr. Woods. Its not the first time that
» » » Zayden’s case was discussed. If it was, in your opinion, such an easy
» » » repair, you should have commented so before. Zayden and all of us
» would
» » » have been so happy and relieved.
» » » Its sad you resorted to such ungentleman like statements at this
» stage
» » of
» » » Zayden’s repair journey.
» » » Maybe, you have your reasons for not giving your advise before. They
» do
» » » not appear genuine to me by your posts on this thread. To me, it
» seems
» » like
» » » you have a grudge agauinst Dr. A and want to do anything to gratify
» it.
» »
» » There are probably tens of thousands of guys out there who have been
» » butchered like Zayden.
» »
» » But despite how bad they look, IF the scars are high and concealable,
» like
» » zayden, and IF they have excellent donor and body hair reserves, like
» » zayden, then they have HOPE.
» »
» » The mantra of this being an IMPOSSIBLE case is not true, and other guys
» in
» » the same boat should realise this, and not live in the fear that they
» too
» » have an impossible situation.
» »
» » Zayden was butchered, BUT he has HOPE. This case is not easy. I never
» said
» » that.
» »
» » For the sake of the countless other buthchered victims, I tried to
» offer
» » some perspective. Otherwise I wish Dr Arvind and Zayden the best of
» luck.
» »
» » Dr Woods
» There are probably tens of thousands of guys out there who have been
» butchered like Zayden.
» So may be you can help another of this thousands like Dr. Arvin is doing
» with this one for free .

Maybe he already has. Maybe he has done it more than once. My own personal opinion is that Zayden is not only a challenge, but an opportunity to showcase your skills, as well as your decency as a person, and success in this will bring forth greater respect and standing, as well as business.

There is a risk, and there is a reward, I’m hoping for the reward, and he has already won for taking on the case and being the one to attempt it.

Man, those are some nasty scars, it’s going to take a lot of grafts to cover those scars and the pigmentation, that is assuming that the grafts will grow in the scars, I hope you have zero expectations.

» Man, those are some nasty scars, it’s going to take a lot of grafts to
» cover those scars and the pigmentation, that is assuming that the grafts
» will grow in the scars, I hope you have zero expectations.

Well, that’s a nasty comment. Maybe you can explain why you feel the need to be such an asshole, if you are such an expert.

» » Man, those are some nasty scars, it’s going to take a lot of grafts to
» » cover those scars and the pigmentation, that is assuming that the
» grafts
» » will grow in the scars, I hope you have zero expectations.
» Well, that’s a nasty comment. Maybe you can explain why you feel the need
» to be such an asshole, if you are such an expert.

That is an honest observation and seriously no offence to Zayden, tell me what part of my comments don’t you agree?

» » » Man, those are some nasty scars, it’s going to take a lot of grafts to
» » » cover those scars and the pigmentation, that is assuming that the
» » grafts
» » » will grow in the scars, I hope you have zero expectations.
» »
» » Well, that’s a nasty comment. Maybe you can explain why you feel the
» need
» » to be such an asshole, if you are such an expert.
» That is an honest observation and seriously no offence to Zayden, tell me
» what part of my comments don’t you agree?

Alright, then I apologize for calling you that, please dont take offense, I thought initially you were saying there was zero chance of success in this, my mistake.

And hair does grow in scar tissue, but not nearly as well in most instances. Thankfully there is optimism in the opinion of the docs. in this instance, shame you dont have more of it. I hope his expectations are realistic, but I think he haas a great chance for the front being fixed, thats most important here IMO

» » » » Man, those are some nasty scars, it’s going to take a lot of grafts
» to
» » » » cover those scars and the pigmentation, that is assuming that the
» » » grafts
» » » » will grow in the scars, I hope you have zero expectations.
» » »
» » » Well, that’s a nasty comment. Maybe you can explain why you feel the
» » need
» » » to be such an asshole, if you are such an expert.
» »
» » That is an honest observation and seriously no offence to Zayden, tell
» me
» » what part of my comments don’t you agree?
» Alright, then I apologize for calling you that, please dont take offense,
» I thought initially you were saying there was zero chance of success in
» this, my mistake.
» And hair does grow in scar tissue, but not nearly as well in most
» instances. Thankfully there is optimism in the opinion of the docs. in this
» instance, shame you dont have more of it. I hope his expectations are
» realistic, but I think he haas a great chance for the front being fixed,
» thats most important here IMO

This is an uphill battle for the zayden, I was simply cautioning him not to get overly optimistic that the worst is over or he will be setting himself up for a big disappointment.