Zayden repair

thank you dr a, your benevolence and generosity is only surpassed by your skill, to zayden i hope the best for you as i know how difficult your life must be, but you are with whom i consider one of the two best doctors on this planet, and you will encounter times when you will be overwhelmed and feel hopeless, as i have had because ive had many failures in my own plight to be repaired, but rest assured, repair and recovery are now within your grasp, and a normal life can be resumed, and i hope the peice of sh1t that did that to you will suffer that same fate that i hope to instill on the f-ck who destroyed my life so he could suck as much monetary gain from an unsuspecting, naive and desperate individual as myself,

Dear All, the following pictures are 5 months post operation. what do you think !?

» Dear All, the following pictures are 5 months post operation. what do you
» think !?

Personally I think you look amazing. The hairline looks real good, very impressive there. Its hard to evaluate with only closeups, but they do show the hairline well, does it look as good when your hair is dry as well? So far I’d say you are making incredible progress, congrats!

Hi Zayden,

Thanks for the update. Really glad to see that you are improving.

This thread is getting too long and difficult to navigate. I started a new thread with your BEFORE video and 5 month pictures.

You can see that at the top of this forum.

Please continue to update us from time to time.

This thread will be locked. Anyone who wish to comment on Zayden’s results, please look for the new thread at the top of the forum.
