The best herbs for hair loss

As I stated before, one should find herbs that can perform more than one function, efficiently; and refrain from putting together a regimen consisting of herbs designed solely for one purpose (e.g. blocking DHT).

Many other factors are involved. Few, if any, regulars on this board or anywhere else are using just DHT blockers to combat their hair loss condition.

» As I stated before, one should find herbs that can perform more than one
» function, efficiently; and refrain from putting together a regimen
» consisting of herbs designed solely for one purpose (e.g. blocking
» Many other factors are involved. Few, if any, regulars on this board or
» anywhere else are using just DHT blockers to combat their hair loss
» condition.

doesnt mean dht blockers dont work
I see you are using green tea
why? because it is a 5 AR inhibitor ie dht blocker…:lol2:

yet you bash DHT blockers

I do not occasionally use green tea extract for its weak DHT blocking properties, as I have stated many times. Apparently, that is why you dropped it from your regimen (because it wasn’t strong enough).

By the way, as you and your incessant nitpicking is beginning to bore me, I am gathering some of your greatest hits together…

Find another thread to promote your regimen.

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyne. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

» I do not occasionally use green tea extract for its weak DHT
» blocking properties, as I have stated many times.

you have it prominently listed in your regimen, Now you downplay it

» Apparently, that is why
» you dropped it from your regimen (because it wasn’t strong enough).

I never had it in my regimen, although it probably would not hurt to add it
» By the way, as you and your incessant nitpicking is beginning to bore me,
» I am gathering some of your greatest hits together…

You spend about 12 hours scanning every post for the last few years, and found some people who , like you, are jealous of my regimen, so they said HEY HANGIN Please do not show us how smart you are jealous of your regimin hangin, HEY HANGIN stop hurting us…


you are a genius arent you
but alas you cant find any more of those posts can you? so you keep posting the same post over and over and over and over , what does that make you look like? a total moron

» Find another thread to promote your regimen.

I dont need to promote my regimen, guys try it without me begging them, and they report back the results to the board. Show me guys who have tried your NEW regimen. ( we wont mention the old one that you had to dump_) and reported back their results to the board

You certainly are trying desperately to get some respect on the board
unfortunately nobody responds to your posts so you respond to your own posts, well Jtel takes pity on you and responds, but he is clueless and desperate too

that is pretty pathetic

» » I do not occasionally use green tea extract for its weak DHT
» » blocking properties, as I have stated many times.
» you have it prominently listed in your regimen, Now you downplay it

As I have stated numerous times before, I don’t take green tea extract every day, because I drink the tea. I must watch my caffeine intake. This notwithstanding, green tea extract is an excellent herb, not because of its weak DHT properties, but for those things that I mentioned above in the Green Tea Extract heading, which you may peruse at your leisure.

» I never had [green tea] in my regimen, although it probably would not hurt to add
» it

Oh really? That’s funny…take a look at this, and tell me what you think:

"I find the moderators constant attempts to discredit Saw Palmetto perplexing.

Obvoiusly from the posts on the board more than a few board members are getting moderate to significant success with it…including me…

However, as far as internal 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, saw Palmetto is one of the weakest DHT inhibitors.

Nettles, Pygeum, and especially Beta Sitosterol are far more potent
the combination of those makes Saw Palmetto pale in comparison, as far as results, i can vouch for that, as a person who has used only Saw Palmetto for 4 yrs(worked very well)…and then the combination of all the others…Nettles, Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Green Tea extract…for 2 months now…that combo works so well it will open your eyes

Hangin Daily Regimen
1)Ultra Hair by Natures Plus, 2
2)Kal… Amino Max 2
3)Saw Palmetto 320mg
4)Beta Sitosterol 375mg
5)Pygeum 500mg
6)Nettles 500mg
7)Green Tea 500mg"

Take a good look, you brownie hound. It sure smells like you, HanginInThere. The posters at hair loss talk laughed your silly ass right out of that forum, so you came here to Hairsite, and tried to push your mess of a regimen on unsuspecting newbies: You are a liar and a joke, and this WHOLE board knows it.

The commercial break has ended, now back to your favorite hits…

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyne. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

hair loss talk? oh you mean that board who does not believe in natural regimens and wont allow anyone there to post about them?

that board has about as much credibility as the Lawrence Cutslinger board
figures you would hang out there

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyne. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

Even the best herbs can be rendered ineffective when taken together with other herbs and/or foods:

  1. Milk cancels out the polyphenols of cacao (chocolate) and green tea, as “milk proteins prevent the absorption of the polyphenols.”

  2. Some posters, at another forum, discussed the negatives of taking green tea and curcumin at the same time. Apparently a (cell culture) study was done that showed the two will negate each other when taken at the same time. So a poster emailed his concerns to the clinical director at LEF (Life Extension), and his reply was simply, “…This appears to be a cell culture study, and how cells respond in culture can be different than how they respond in the complex environment of the human body. We will keep this study in mind, but remember that the Chinese have been safely blending these herbs together for thousands of years.”

Just to be safe, it would probably be best to take these two herbs at different times during the day.

  1. “Ingesting plant sterols [e.g. beta sitosterol] interferes with beta-carotene and vitamin E absorption, resulting in lower blood levels of these nutrients.”

  2. “Horsetail contains an ingredient that destroys thiamine (vitamin B1), which could lead to deficiency with long-term use. People who have thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency or poor nutrition should avoid horsetail, as it may affect levels of thiamine even more.”

I once read that “knowing when to take supplements is just as important as knowing which ones to take.”

  1. Check the product label for directions. This is always the best place to start.

  2. Some supplements are fat soluble, which means “you need to take [them] when there is [food]in the tummy.” Others are water soluble: alas! take them with a liquid in order for the supplement to be properly absorbed in the body.

  3. Curcumin is being taken, by some people, with warm milk to increase its bioavailability, as both heat and fat are needed for this herb to be fully absorbed in the body.

  4. A poster named lund states that “all free form aminos are supposed to be taken on empty stomach (1 hour before meals, 2 hours after meals).”

  5. A poster named ImmortalHair believes, “Antioxidants taken before the meal will buffer the negative effects from high glucose and help keep insulin levels lower.”

  6. “Sustained or time-released formulas should be taken with food as to make sure they travel through the body at the correct speed and for efficient release at the appropriate place.”

And others? Please add to this list.

» I once read that “knowing when to take supplements is just as
» important as knowing which ones to take.”
» It is important to note, and understand what might seem to some posters as
» a non-issue.
» 1. Check the product label for directions. This is always the best place
» to start.
» 2. Some supplements are fat soluble, which means “you need to take [them]
» when there is [food]in the tummy.” Others are water soluble: alas! take
» them with a liquid in order for the supplement to be properly absorbed in
» the body.
» 3. Curcumin is being taken, by some people, with warm milk to increase
» its bioavailability, as both heat and fat are needed for this herb to be
» fully absorbed in the body.
» 3. A poster named lund states that “all free form aminos are supposed to
» be taken on empty stomach (1 hour before meals, 2 hours after meals).”
» 4. A poster named ImmortalHair believes, “Antioxidants taken before the
» meal will buffer the negative effects from high glucose and help keep
» insulin levels lower.”
» 5. “Sustained or time-released formulas should be taken with food as to
» make sure they travel through the body at the correct speed and for
» efficient release at the appropriate place.”
» And others? Please add to this list.

nice cut and paste, as usual
the unnatural never forms his own opinion, but he proudly pastes other guys words…takes a real genius to do that

what you just posted is first grader supplement knowledge

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyne. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

TheGayme writes: I would like to present the “Hairsite Lifetime Achievement Award” to HanginInThere, based on the following:

  1. He has truly devoted his life to this site, proven by the sheer volume of posts he has made.

  2. He posts on all the new cutting edge hairloss products like: saw palmetto and multi vitamins.

  3. He has a great rapport with all the board members.

  4. He was announced as the King of Hairsite. See link:

Congrats Hangin.

Good Day.

Jacob: :lol:

Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

the naturals regimen
Apple cider vinegar, known for antibiotic properties, but hair loss? dont think so

Green tea extract? Um ya weak very weak DHT blocker, but ops he doesnt use or believe in DHT blockers

Resveratrol. blood thinning properties, found in red wine, thought to have life extension properties, never been proven to have ANY effect on hair loss

and then we have VITAMIN E, all i can say is WOW, thats one we never heard of
no proven hair loss prevention , or regrowth ability has ever been shown

perhaps you would like to show us the studies showing the miracle regrowth and hair loss abilities of your regimen? ahh i thought not

perhaps thats why The unnatural contiunes to bald rapidly

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyno [male boobs]. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

TheGayme : I would like to present the “Hairsite Lifetime Achievement Award” to HanginInThere, based on the following:

  1. He has truly devoted his life to this site, proven by the sheer volume of posts he has made.

  2. He posts on all the new cutting edge hairloss products like: saw palmetto and multi vitamins.

  3. He has a great rapport with all the board members.

  4. He was announced as the King of Hairsite. See link:

Congrats Hangin.

Good Day.

Jacob: :lol:

Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

I notice you made no attempt to either defend your lame regimen, or post studies that show any of your regimens ingredients or supplements have ever been proven to help with hair loss or regrowth, one iota

much better to just repost your tribute to hangin post, like the moron that you have shown us you are

Every time HanginInThere, a brownie hound (i.e. someone who likes to follow other people around, sniffing their ass), makes a stupid comment, I am going to remind him of himself:

Widowspeak: “If you don’t pretend [HanginInThere] is relevent to this site or tell him you achieved regrowth with his so-called “advice” you will be attacked just like he attacks my posts and accuses me of being someone else.”

“The Natural is right. Hangin is ALWAYS the common denominator where there’s trouble. Now Hangin will proceed to “put me in my place” and then call me Kramer.”

mj2003: "Natural, I ignored the prick when [HanginInThere] directly insulted me out of the blue. You can do the same.

The internet is a funny place. It’s kind of like the US Army… “Be All You Can Be”. Everyone sits behind a computer with multiple phd’s and such vast experience these days, but the one thing they seem to lack is Human-Correspondence 101.

Best of luck."

orrible: "I followed hangins regime after spending time on this forum in early 2005 and reading how naturals didnt give you side effects etc. I took beta sisterol, saw palmetoo & green tea extract in combination. After only 2 weeks i had developed gyno [male boobs]. I stopped the hairloss tabs and took anti estrogens but it didnt resolve. In the end i had surgery. I just thought i would post as i havent visited this forum in awhile and i would have appreciated learning about this before my disaster with naturals.

My link is below. If anybody takes the time to read through it you may see me refered to as stonecold. That was my old username on that forum, but i modified it to orrible to correspond with my hairloss forum username.,3770.0.html"

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)“…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL”

Hairoine: “Just wondering if your hair looks so good then why do you bother coming on this board?”

HanginInThere: “I come…because I am bored.”

Hairoine: "Oh right. You do realise though that now no one will listen to anything you say. Am not having a go but if your bored that surely the only reason you come on this part of the forum is to wind people up?

If you have more knowledge than the guys on here and they are not willing to listen then why bother posting anything? I would just let people get on with whatever they want to do and if anyone comes directly to you for help then go for it."

yellbird: “Mental Wards are full of Bored people like him. As the Doctor entered the room he asked how you doing. The reply was I am HANGINTHERE Doc.”

thegreek: [HanginInThere] all your threads end up offtopic or deleted… You are so freaked out that everybody understood what an idiot you are that you try to fill the place with stupid threads.

It will end up offtopic as well… you are the forum clown and you know you cannot change it, pretty soon you are going to freak out completely and fill the forum with BS threads…"

Every village has an idiot…you are officially our idiot."

Hogan: "All of my supporters have regrown their hair and have moved on with their lives. Not hangin(there) around some bulletin board. Unlike some who seek any attention that they can get from any stranger that is willing to flatter them. Get a life.

I haven’t posted on this board for the last year and a half because I have been busy working on my MBA, something you will never have. While you have been busy pitching your horrible regimen on un-suspecting noobs, I have gotten an MBA.

You live a sad, sad life. The only existence you have is on this board."

The Natural: “Most men are sensitive about their hair or lack thereof.”

HanginInThere: “most of us are fine with it then you have crybabies like the natural …”

Willy: “Hangin, You’re so fine with it that you post more than anyone on Hairsite EVERYDAY!!! P L E A S E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”

Jtelecom: “Hangin, You need some serious help, man! I think that you should talk to somebody about your feelings on these (and other) issues. These rants of yours are not doing you or anybody any good. Get some help - NOW!”

TheGayme : I would like to present the “Hairsite Lifetime Achievement Award” to HanginInThere, based on the following:

  1. He has truly devoted his life to this site, proven by the sheer volume of posts he has made.

  2. He posts on all the new cutting edge hairloss products like: saw palmetto and multi vitamins.

  3. He has a great rapport with all the board members.

  4. He was announced as the King of Hairsite. See link:

Congrats Hangin.

Good Day.


Hairsite: “Hangin’ please leave forum members alone.”

And the hits keep rolling and rolling :rotfl:

Another point of view:

Hall of Shame - according to Roger Mason, “a nationally known research chemist who promotes holistic health, natural products and life extension. He writes unique and cutting edge books on his findings. He appears daily on national radio and television shows advocating natural health. His weekly Internet column in Longevity News is read by 100,000 people around the world.”

He says, "The natural supplement industry is no better than the porno industry when it comes to character. Like used car dealers, this business is full of liars, cheats, thieves, psychopaths, hucksters and snake oil salesmen. Let’s review some of the most prominent scams, frauds, and useless promotions we see so heavily advertised and promoted. Please read my ninth book The Supplements You Need for free at


LYCOPENE- proven to have no value by blood serum tests on over 30,000 men. This is now accepted as gospel among everyone. No one else has exposed this. Lycopene is useless! The science behind it is fraudulent. Plasma studies are worthless because it is fat soluble and can only be measured in the blood serum.

RESVERATROL- won’t strengthen your immunity. The studies are just paid ads in medical journals with cell cultures or extremely overdosed rats.

CANOLA OIL- there are no canola plants, this is a genetic disaster full of toxic erucic acid. This is from the rapeseed plant and should be banned for human or animal use.

SAW PALMETTO- useless and has 1 part in 3,000 plant sterols.

PYGEUM AFRICANUM- just as useless as saw palmetto.

CHORELLA AND SPIRULINA- always have and always will be useless.

MACA ROOT- fibrous, inedible turnip fed to livestock in South America.

RED RICE YEAST- is toxic and has almost no science behind it.

COCONUT OIL- will not help you lose weight or do anything else beneficial. This is only to be used occasionally in small amounts like palm oil.

CINNAMON EXTRACTS- there are no studies to support value for diabetes. MSM- will not help your arthritis and there is no science at all behind it.

EVENING PRIMROSE OIL- just take inexpensive flax oil to get your omega-3s.

WHEY PROTEIN- a waste product of cheese making is full of allergenic, indigestible lactose. Leave it to the dairy industry to promote waste products as health supplements.

GINGER ROOT- great for seasickness, but won’t do anything for arthritis.

LOW DOSE CoQ10- you need at least 100 mg a day and no less. CoQ10 now costs $4,000 a kilogram, so companies are selling 30 mg doses with ??special delivery systems.

BILBERRY- won’t help your eyesight or anything else

he obviously does not believe in the natural regimen or supplement industry, and thinks it is all hogwash, yet you, with 90 percent of your regimen falling into this category, Like some dumb howdy doody dufus, you proudly post his claims bashing naturals.


One comment, Cayenne pepper DOES NOT CAUSE ulcers. It actually helps people with ulcers in a large number of cases.