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» The problem is that in many people their follicles have fibrosed and
» reached the point of no return. Also, fixing old follicles appears to be an
» even more herculean task than this.

what was the point of this then:

Bald Men Still Have All of Their Hair Follicles

» This = cure for all NW levels of all decades.
» Treatments that fix follicles = cure for mild NWs (NW1-NW2.5) with recent
» loss.

“THIS” is far away AND it won’t be applicable for all women and most men. I’m thinking those people are aware of it so they won’t pursue it

» Virtually anything that puts hair back onto bald guys’ heads will sell to
» the small community of diehard MPB fighters like us.

» But if they’re gonna sell it to millions of people then they need a more
» perfect product. They need to restore something very much like what was
» lost.

bingo! Gho and whatever other follicle splitting manual implantation crp that a few people on this forum are desperate to get WON’T FLY ON THE OPEN MARKET. VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE WON’T BE INTERESTED IN SUCH TREATMENTS.

» Meh, at this point in time Ballmer’s probably accepted his hair loss. He’s
» just been bald for so long that it’s probably not his concern anymore. Plus
» as he gets older and older, it will matter less and less to him.

You don’t have to have cancer yourself in order to be interested in finding a cure for it. You do it for other people.

» bingo! Gho and whatever other follicle splitting manual implantation crp
» that a few people on this forum are desperate to get WON’T FLY ON THE OPEN

Gho patients think otherwise: