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» In this case i am not negative because it seems that they reallydid their
» homework, they didnt wasted time with " Hey lets see if we can do it" nope
» they skipped this part to get to the crucial point, the hair cycling. And
» this seems to work. I am more negative about Replicel in which i dont have
» any hopes at all

I wasn’t talking to you I was talking to hairman. Your post is correct.
I just wish somebody with money (Bill Gates) gave them a grant and got this thing right. We should write his foundation, he is one trying to do something for the world because he probably doesn’t want to pass as a greedy tycoon like others (Steve Jobs). Rockefeller did something similar with his fortune.
Bill Gates wants to make a difference in the human condition, I think he’s trying to get rid of malaria or something similar in Africa.
Why not baldness too?

Maybe a better shot might be to go ask Ballmer, he’s bald as a penis, he might understand the issue better and get involved with his “boss”.
Who here lives in Seattle?

» I just wish somebody with money (Bill Gates) gave them a grant and got this
» thing right.

Bill Gates Doesn’t Care if You’re Balding

» » I just wish somebody with money (Bill Gates) gave them a grant and got
» this
» » thing right.
» Bill Gates Doesn’t Care if You’re Balding

So didn’t I when I was young and wanted to win the nobel prize in physics, lol ! That’s all I thought about . Now it’s all about hair.

Nobody who has hair or has enjoyed hair through their youth and adulthood cares about baldness.

At least I’ll get hair from Gho or the tokyo guys :wink:


“sebaceous gland stem cell”

What I still find highly interesting is that they mentioned in their original paper …

…that they found out that stem cells derived from the sebaceous gland region are not necessary/responsible for hair growth/hair follicle reproduction/follicle creation from scratch.

» » I just wish somebody with money (Bill Gates) gave them a grant and got
» this
» » thing right.
» Bill Gates Doesn’t Care if You’re Balding

How did you find that page? Thanks gmonasco great find.

It’s incredible that I mentioned Bill Gates out of all the people and the fuc43r himself has already answered my question.

I’m certain baldness is just a minor problem in anybody’s life, there are many other things to take care of.
So what? Does that mean that I will pi$$ on the floor under my desk because work is more important? Or will I manage to do both?
That’s the MISER LOSER approach to anything “I have better things to do”. WTF, unless one thing is clearly AGAINST the other, doing both doesn’t harm anybody. What a miser Bill Gates!

A problem of the rich is also be curing cancer, people don’t ever reach that age when they live in poverty and despair. Should we cut the funds for that too? I won’t even start with diabetes…

This guy has some serious conscience problems, he must have screwed so many people over amassing his greedy loot that he now thinks he can get a clear bill just by giving it away.

BOO Bill Gates, you lost my support! I hope your sons grow bald (so you’ll finally get a hint on the fact that Ballmer screwed your ugly wife).

» »
» »
» “sebaceous gland stem cell”
» What I still find highly interesting is that they mentioned in their
» original paper …
» …that they found out that stem cells derived from the sebaceous gland
» region are not necessary/responsible for hair growth/hair follicle
» reproduction/follicle creation from scratch.

Kinda makes sense, after all the sebaceous glands survive the onslaught of MPB as well body hair growth making you look like a monkey with a shiny chrome dome.

If some bigwig could research more into this and speed up their research then we could cure even the most advanced stages of hairloss that Gho is unable to cure in 10 YEARS!

I know Gho plans and always talks about producing 100 hairs from one hair and he is still researching this. I wonder how he plans on doing that

» How did you find that page? Thanks gmonasco great find.

Bill Gates’ comments about more money being spent on finding a cure for baldness than for developing drugs to combat malaria were widely reported when he made them a couple of years ago:

I think he’s off base on the comparison, though. Yeah, maybe it’s an example of misplaced priorities, but tackling baldness is not exactly something that has historically had a ton of money thrown at it, especially when you consider how many people MPB affects. There are many more apt examples of research frivolity out there.

In any case, there’s plenty of money out there for researching both malaria drugs and a baldness cure – pursuing one need not take away from the other.

Baldness would be a frivolous problem if our society didn’t rate physical appearance above competence in so many situations.


» this looks by far THE WORST BALDNESS TREATMENT EVER PROPOSED!!! why mess
» around with all this crp to create BRAND NEW FOLLICLES? WHY CAN’T YOU FIX

The problem is that in many people their follicles have fibrosed and reached the point of no return. Also, fixing old follicles appears to be an even more herculean task than this.

This = cure for all NW levels of all decades.

Treatments that fix follicles = cure for mild NWs (NW1-NW2.5) with recent loss.

First company to come up with the cure for MPB will be worth more than anyone can imagine. My best guess is that the cure will come from the broader community researching stem cell regenerative therapy rather than these researchers working on hair regeneration.

That being said, researchers have been trying to regrow spinal chords for ages to cure paraplegics and quadraplegics and none of the sh@t has worked. Guys like christopher reed aka superman have died waiting on the cure.

» First company to come up with the cure for MPB will be worth more than
» anyone can imagine. My best guess is that the cure will come from the
» broader community researching stem cell regenerative therapy rather than
» these researchers working on hair regeneration.
» That being said, researchers have been trying to regrow spinal chords for
» ages to cure paraplegics and quadraplegics and none of the sh@t has
» worked. Guys like christopher reed aka superman have died waiting on the
» cure.

I’m quite sure that a dormant follicle is billion times easier to cure than a broken spinal chord.

Also, nobody here even cares about functionality, we donìt want a “cure” we all care about a cosmetically acceptable result (which is quite different than “being able to walk again” ).
If somebody could give us hair that are good looking but, for instance, never grow or don’t really cycle they are supposed to, with no side effects, nobody would care that “it’s not really curing baldness”, it would work for our needs and it would be worth billions.

» Also, nobody here even cares about functionality, we donìt want a “cure” we
» all care about a cosmetically acceptable result (which is quite different
» than “being able to walk again” ).
» If somebody could give us hair that are good looking but, for instance,
» never grow or don’t really cycle they are supposed to, with no side
» effects, nobody would care that “it’s not really curing baldness”, it would
» work for our needs and it would be worth billions.


Virtually anything that puts hair back onto bald guys’ heads will sell to the small community of diehard MPB fighters like us.

But if they’re gonna sell it to millions of people then they need a more perfect product. They need to restore something very much like what was lost.

» But if they’re gonna sell it to millions of people then they need a more
» perfect product. They need to restore something very much like what was
» lost.

That’s not the way it works for most products.

Most products from cars to ipods that are launched are not perfections. They evolve over time from being reasonable to being good to being excellent. (with a few exceptions going in the opposite direction).

Early cars didn’t sell all that well. The product had to be largely perfected before it sold big. Cars have developed a lot since the early 1900s but they are still basically doing the same jobs at the same speeds today.

Minox and Fin are imperfect MPB products. They work, but not very well. And likewise they sell, but not very well.

An MPB product that restores some lost hair but not severely long-lost hair would probably sell pretty well. But I think it’s important that the hair regrowing be the real thing. It has to be roughly the same color/texture/length as the original stuff was.

Diehards like us will buy anything that gives us 5 more strands of hair than before. But the mass market won’t. The fact is a HM product will lose A WHOLE LOT of market share from any additional side effect or headache that people’s original lost hair didn’t have. Different color, shorter growth, need for religious daily treatment, etc.

» Early cars didn’t sell all that well. The product had to be largely
» perfected before it sold big. Cars have developed a lot since the early
» 1900s but they are still basically doing the same jobs at the same speeds
» today.
» Minox and Fin are imperfect MPB products. They work, but not very well.
» And likewise they sell, but not very well.
» An MPB product that restores some lost hair but not severely long-lost hair
» would probably sell pretty well. But I think it’s important that the hair
» regrowing be the real thing. It has to be roughly the same
» color/texture/length as the original stuff was.
» Diehards like us will buy anything that gives us 5 more strands of hair
» than before. But the mass market won’t. The fact is a HM product will
» lose A WHOLE LOT of market share from any additional side effect or
» headache that people’s original lost hair didn’t have. Different color,
» shorter growth, need for religious daily treatment, etc.

Cal, you’re too pessimistic and unrealistic.
Don’t think the “regular bald” doesn’t want a solution that is far from perfect. Millions buy minox and propecia for that reason and they don’t do squat.

If a cure let’s say takes 5 repeated treatment over 2 years to give you a nw2 head, and costs 5 grand a pop, BUT AFTER 2 YEARS YOU DO HAVE A NW2 HEAD WITH NO REAL SIDE EFFECTS, people will form lines for it.
Even if it’s not the magic potion that grows all your hair right away.

Meh, at this point in time Ballmer’s probably accepted his hair loss. He’s just been bald for so long that it’s probably not his concern anymore. Plus as he gets older and older, it will matter less and less to him.

There are some seniors on this board and even they want to look good.

When you look good whatever your age, you feel good. Its a feeling no fancy attire or car or whatever can buy.

This is why I say that the first company to come up with a permanent CURE for mpb will be rich beyond their wildest imagination. There isn’t anything bald guys won’t give to get their hair back.

Cal, you’re too pessimistic and unrealistic.
Don’t think the “regular bald” doesn’t want a solution that is far from perfect. Millions buy minox and propecia for that reason and they don’t do squat.

If a cure let’s say takes 5 repeated treatment over 2 years to give you a nw2 head, and costs 5 grand a pop, BUT AFTER 2 YEARS YOU DO HAVE A NW2 HEAD WITH NO REAL SIDE EFFECTS, people will form lines for it.
Even if it’s not the magic potion that grows all your hair right away.

I’m not saying an MPB treatment won’t sell just because it has to be redone every other year and only works on the more recent loss.

I’m talking about if you had smooth brown hair before MPB but the new stuff comes out rough and white. Or if the new stuff can only grow 2 centimeters in length. Or if you have to religiously apply gunk on your head 2-3 times a day and never get it sun-bleached in order to keep it. Etc.

I’m saying it will reduce sales dramatically if the product causes any additional PITAs or side effects that the original lost hair didn’t have. People want their own hair back, not just any kind of covering over their scalps. A product with “issues” may only sell to a few million people worldwide instead of selling to 100 million people if it works beautifully.

» Meh, at this point in time Ballmer’s probably accepted his hair loss. He’s
» just been bald for so long that it’s probably not his concern anymore. Plus
» as he gets older and older, it will matter less and less to him.

Somebody contact ballmer, he needs to get the ball rolling.