Plucked hairs with Acell

» Iron Man is I think talking about an impending lawsuit by Gho for patent
» infringement. Interesting, we will see.

Please explain to me how the Gho procedure involving transecting the donor longitudinally and transplanting the transected follicle to the recipient is the same as plucking a hair out for its stem cell and then dipping it in Acell(which has its own patent, totally unrelated to Gho) and then transplanting the plucked hair. I don’t see where Gho has a leg to stand on in this suit…what am I missing here?

» » Iron Man is I think talking about an impending lawsuit by Gho for patent
» » infringement. Interesting, we will see.
» Please explain to me how the Gho procedure involving transecting the donor
» longitudinally and transplanting the transected follicle to the recipient
» is the same as plucking a hair out for its stem cell and then dipping it in
» Acell(which has its own patent, totally unrelated to Gho) and then
» transplanting the plucked hair. I don’t see where Gho has a leg to stand on
» in this suit…what am I missing here?

the patent doesnt have anything to do with the procudure you mention. it specifically relates to plucking the hair follice with attached cells, bringing into contact with ECM components and then trasnplanting. the patent pretty much describes the autocloning technique very well as we know it by Hitzig/Cooley.

im no expert in these type of matters but my theory is that the only issue that could be the patents undoing is that the definition given for ECM is described too broadly. All ECM are not alike and the words of those that no the art (or something like that) is too subjective. who knows how it would play out if it ever went to court, which i highly doubt.

» » Iron Man is I think talking about an impending lawsuit by Gho for patent
» » infringement. Interesting, we will see.
» Please explain to me how the Gho procedure involving transecting the donor
» longitudinally and transplanting the transected follicle to the recipient
» is the same as plucking a hair out for its stem cell and then dipping it in
» Acell(which has its own patent, totally unrelated to Gho) and then
» transplanting the plucked hair. I don’t see where Gho has a leg to stand on
» in this suit…what am I missing here?

Just as you, I have neither the full patent documents nor the legal expertise. Note however how general are the expressions used in the patent, for example:

“To this end a plucked hair can for example be immersed for a short time, e.g. 2 seconds, in the medium which contains extracellular matrix components or substitutes therefor[sic – should be ‘thereof’].”

It is a very general statement and makes no difference as to whether the ECM is by Gho or not, or whether it is actually not an ECM but only a ‘substitute’. Is this particular part of the procedure exclusive to Gho due to this patent? Only a lawyer can say. Obviously I cannot tell whether the lawsuit will stand. All I say is that it is possible given what I know.

» And here we have the proof of what Dr Gho is in reality
» 1) He does nothing for the balding community
» 2) Will Sue People who in the best they can pioneered at something
» Well Gho Failed till today to come up with useful pictures or cases like
» Hitzig and Cooley (we all know this Hitzig/Cooley picture about this guy
» with the 500 plcuked hairs and the really good result)

Can I get a link to that picture?

» » And here we have the proof of what Dr Gho is in reality
» »
» » 1) He does nothing for the balding community
» » 2) Will Sue People who in the best they can pioneered at something
» »
» » Well Gho Failed till today to come up with useful pictures or cases like
» » Hitzig and Cooley (we all know this Hitzig/Cooley picture about this guy
» » with the 500 plcuked hairs and the really good result)
» Can I get a link to that picture?

Here you can see the whole experiments

How much more time would it take for us to know if ACELL/ PRP and autocloning can mak a NW5 to a NW2?

» Only a lawyer can say.

So let’s ask the experts:


File Source

Quote what you don’t understand!

According to experts, the same as I already mentioned:

It doesn’t matter in which way the inventor removes hairs, as long as the BASIC effect/MAIN goal/effect 2 or more hairs from 1), respectively HOW and in which way (just with fingers or tweezers or needles or with his ass) the inventor is able to isolate the necessary hairs + cells to create the MAIN goal/effect (that’s the MAIN reason why it is patentable at all).
Also, according to the experts, it doesn’t matter which product of any manufacturer/company (Merck, Sigma, ACell etc) the inventor chooses, who manufactures an extracellular matrix (ECM), as long as IT IS an extracellular matrix product OR any substitute therefor (e.g. if the inventor can’t get a suitable ECM or even found something more suitable as substitute etc) what helps to create the desired effect (tissue engineering for hair duplication/multiplication). In simple words, EVERYTHING what works best. Also according to the experts, the BASIC idea simply IS patented, even all the made claims in the patent are very brief (simple written) and without each and every detail of the invention.

So simply compare the made claims by experts (pdf/link) with the discussed patent claims:

@AntiNorwood – You’re right concerning "patent system in general and the needed protection of someones intellectural property“.

So then Lets see what everybodys darling Gho will do. I betcha Iron.Man has send him some emails to start his lawsuit avalache.

Ok here is my patent

“I claim if you take hairs and put them in stuff with regenerating abilities (dry, wet or gasform) it can be transplanted”

So i made it briefly and general and gonna sue Gho tomorrow cause he violates my patent.

But thank god that judges will more likely rule in the favor of the common good, especially when it comes to stuff like that.

But at least Iron.Man showed us his dirty face and his agenda, that he is in fact a Gho shill who works for Hasci.

And another question here is “Gho has the patent but WHERE are the Results from this guy” nowhere to be seen

This describes Gho best for yesterday, for today and for tomorrow. As IronMan always say nothing has CHANGED. And so does Gho, nothing has changed.

» This describes Gho best for yesterday, for today and for tomorrow.

No, THIS (2003) for instance CONFIRMS Dr. Gho’s best from yesterday …
Full text:

and THAT (2009) CONFIRMS one of Dr. Gho’s best findings from yesterday:

Full text:

And that for instance confirms the ongoing usage of Dr. Ghos research - lol


So there is no need for any bla bla bla comments by neither any “Revelators” nor any “Steve.Dee’s”, who just try to conjure bullsh’t-rabbits out of a hat:

So whom can someone trust more?

Full time jerks (sorry, “magicians”) like “Stevie.Dee” or LOTS OF reputable researchers in this field?

For myself, I trust the scientists & researchers …

Well even with the benefit of the doubt, Gho has a background which can be described best as shady. Especialy when it comes to his bancrupcy in the past where he tried to hide everything. Like here

You dont seem to get my point, i never said Gho is not a pioneer or something i give him that. But the rest is just pure sc_am so to speak.

Do you really believe in Gho and his technique? Well i highly doubt his persona and his technique cause in the past he wasnt really talking straight, and as a result he failed so hard and bad. And now the same thing seems to repeat itself.

You like links from the past so you can also stand this link above which describes exactly what Gho is : A failed existence :expressionless: if you like it or not

I cant change it actually, believe me i really would like it, that Gho is absolutely right and his technique will be the cure and solution for everyone, but i still can´t. There are too many red flags, even you have to admit that.

His bancrupcy was around 2004/2005 and its not that long ago. Also he stated he does his HST since 2009 or so and therefore we dont get full restorations, seems exactly like the kind of thing you would call sc_am.

Also there was one paper at treeless which was from around 2010 and described that Ghos technique was right now only performed on a small group of people.

Also another red flag " It is stated that the transplanted hair seems often only to grow after one year"

Quote : " Some of the disadvantages are also listed:

  1. Implanted hair can take up to a year to start growing
  2. A small study group was used, “a large group is needed to study the real clinical relevance”
  3. Very labor intensive, with sufficient grafts taking a full day"

It cant be coincidential that there are always the same points of scepticism towards Gho. Face it Iron.Man even you have been sca_mmed by Ghos claims.

You know this guy went bancrupt in 2004/2005 and then got a solution as a one man show only a few years later? Do you really believe that?

Also even if his treatment would work, it wouldnt be a solution, no it really wouldnt be, because hairloss is progressive and his thing is a make one out of one solution at best and thats it. With a top of 1600 Grafts or around this case it is not suitable to cases like you or the majority of people with hairloss.

You can make fun of me and tell me iam a loser or joker, but after all iam only concearned. To me Gho is a walking red flag.

Is he an expert? maybe but not a clever expert. If he would be smart he would get in touch with Jahode (where he got his patents from), Cotsarelis, Cole, Cooley, Hitzig and god knows who else.

Gho is flat broke and maybe he has a patent but he is unable to use it properly or advance it.

Here Iron.Man here are some Links about Gho and this neverending story, it is a neverending story with no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

  1. 2001 :

  2. Ghos sca_m clinic built 1994 :

  3. Aruba Clinic??? :

  4. 1999 a really really sad forum : Hair Loss Research: Some promising results to restore a full head of hair

  5. Here another Firstr enthusiastic then shattered forum in 2006 : is for sale | HugeDomains

  6. 2002 again another Gho Shattering : hair loss sucks Newsletter

Seriously IronMan wake up and face reality, maybe Gho is a Pioneer or he fueld the Hm idea but he wont bring us a solution

» Well even with the benefit of the doubt, Gho has a background which can be
» described best as shady.

hmm, I trust Dr. Gho’s curriculum vita …

… because MANY universities & university hospitals fully trust Dr. Gho’s curriculum vita (“shady background”) too, like Prof. Martino Neumann:


So who gives a sh’t whom or what a full time jerk like “Steve.Dee” trust.

Oh, and by the way - concerning Frof. Dr. Martino Neumann:


You, Steve.Dee aka Jenkins or “RichardDawkins” or whatever, YOU wrote on “The Bald Truth” that even YOU are able to write such scientific papers like Dr. Gho & Prof. Dr. Martino Neumann. Maybe, but such a full time jerk like “Stevie.Dee”, you do not have to lose your professional career. Because they know very well, that other research groups (like the ones from Italy or wherever on this planet) in this field ARE able to reproduce all the findings, described method and results (that’s actually the reason why researcher publish such studies). And according to the health organizations & authorities in the Netherlands, Dr. Gho & team have in the meanwhile a little bit more than just 5 successfully HST-treated & documented patients: In the meanwhile, there are more than 1500 successfully treated & documented HST-patients, because the “just 5 patients study” is just 1) a follow-up-study from the study in 2004 and 2) just a so called “proof-of-concept-study” (“is it really working as scientifically assumed”) from 2005. Oh, and he had damn GOOD reasons to delay the publications for these studies … lol

Oh, and that is just 1 REAL reason:

“Therefore, a larger group of patients is necessary to study the real
clinical relevance of this technique.”

So, in the meanwhile (since 2005), it seems “the real clinical relevance” is definitely there – oh yeah:

Anyway, thanks for asking stupid questions, because that makes “hyping” Dr. Gho much more easier. :smiley:

(Sorry, but from other researchers in this field, unfortunately I do not have that much “convincing” in my hands for “hyping” them …)

Man, am I wasting my time reading these posts.

» » Well even with the benefit of the doubt, Gho has a background which can
» be
» » described best as shady.
» hmm, I trust Dr. Gho’s curriculum vita …
» … because MANY universities & university hospitals fully trust Dr. Gho’s
» curriculum vita (“shady background”) too, like Prof. Martino Neumann:
» Resp.
» So who gives a sh’t whom or what a full time jerk like “Steve.Dee”
» trust.
» Oh, and by the way - concerning Frof. Dr. Martino Neumann:
» or
» Improved hair restoration method for burns - PubMed
» You, Steve.Dee aka Jenkins or “RichardDawkins” or whatever, YOU wrote on
» “The Bald Truth” that even YOU are able to write such scientific papers
» like Dr. Gho & Prof. Dr. Martino Neumann. Maybe, but such a full time jerk
» like “Stevie.Dee”, you do not have to lose your professional career.
» Because they know very well, that other research groups (like the ones from
» Italy or wherever on this planet) in this field ARE able to reproduce all
» the findings, described method and results (that’s actually the reason why
» researcher publish such studies). And according to the health organizations
» & authorities in the Netherlands, Dr. Gho & team have in the meanwhile a
» little bit more than just 5 successfully HST-treated & documented patients:
» In the meanwhile, there are more than 1500 successfully treated &
» documented HST-patients, because the “just 5 patients study” is just 1) a
» follow-up-study from the study in 2004 and 2) just a so called
» “proof-of-concept-study” (“is it really working as scientifically assumed”)
» from 2005. Oh, and he had damn GOOD reasons to delay the publications for
» these studies … lol
» Oh, and that is just 1 REAL reason:
» “Therefore, a larger group of patients is necessary to study the real
» clinical relevance of this technique.”

» So, in the meanwhile (since 2005), it seems “the real clinical relevance”
» is definitely there – oh yeah:
» Anyway, thanks for asking stupid questions, because that makes “hyping” Dr.
» Gho much more easier. :smiley:
» (Sorry, but from other researchers in this field, unfortunately I do not
» have that much “convincing” in my hands for “hyping” them …)

» Man, am I wasting my time reading these posts.

hmmm, then why don’t you try it with the hair transplantation forum, “Bukowski”?

because you do not present something real it dr. gho? GHO already was argued per years in this place, but they had never presented nothing true on its patients. it stops with this fight dull, we want new features, not fight here.

» because you do not present something real it dr. gho? GHO already was
» argued per years in this place, but they had never presented nothing true
» on its patients. it stops with this fight dull, we want new features, not
» fight here.

GHO is a Joke.

» GHO is a Joke.

… and Woods is still sick.

The problem is IronMan sticks to Gho because only a working Gho thing could actually repair him and thats why he is so agressive.

He belives in a mirage. My question to IronMan is a simple one

“Do you really believe people here who want their hair back are criticising Gho for hair multiplication? Are you that stupid? They criticise Gho because of his past and the claims to cure people since 199X and he hasnt come up with anything”

You dont get it those backup links you present are nothing more then theoretical constructs NOTHING more.

You yourself faile to deliver proofs instead of all the same links all over again.

You couldnt even answer the simplest things here, and this shows only that you are a Shill who hopes to get cherry picked by some of Ghos minion to get free grafts or so.

Face reality its theoretical construct, even Histogen or Ari could come up with some pictures, even Hitzig and Cooley are answering some questions.

And you with your botched hairtransplants are telling all the people out there, that they are wrong and you are the only one who is right here? No dont get it and this clearly shows that you dont have a clue about anything.

People are critizing Gho for the whole picture and wrong claims all over and you always bring up the same links, will you do this in 10 years when you are still lurking forums without hair?

You can all everyone here Loser, i dont care because i dont think all here are in fact Losers, but you. You Fail like Gho to present conclusive evidence.

The whole Gho story repeat itself “rumors about celebrities” and thats it.

Oh and before you come up with the " Gho is booked till the end of time" sure he is because his hair transplants took longer because of his lack of skills.

If some surgeon on a regular basis needs two days or so, Gho would need 2 weeks. Now you know why he is booked, or not.

You are still here and are not getting your head repaired by Gho, all this just brings everyone to the point that you are grasping a straw.

Even if plucking with Acell are only single hairs and it will took some time for density, we have something to chew on.

But whats with Ghos pictures? THEY LOOK like Shi*t, they dont show improovement.

And i bet he says " It will take at least 9 month to harvest agains" because he knows that when people get older, they dont care about their hair as much as they used to.

So double win for Gho he can still claim his nonsense and nobody will ever get this

You really used this link here

Have you seen everything on this side?

dads and girl incest pics, dog incest with girl.

sex free lolitta

These are subjects on this side and you use this as backup link? Well at least we now know you “other” orientations.

And since 200X Gho couldnt come up with using plucked hairs as standard procedure? O Really

He writes about it but never conduct real life studies? IronMan, you should really leave hairloss boards and seek professional help, you are obvious living in a dream world