Open letter to helpme007 (and all young fencesitters)

TheFittest which doctor did you go to, how many grafts and can you post some pics?

» TheFittest which doctor did you go to, how many grafts and can you post
» some pics?

Hi Fred,

I’d like to keep this thread on topic. As I wrote above, people are wasting time and thought on “pics” of well-known posters’ HT’s. “Celebrity” HT’s.

One of the most important things I’ve talked about is the fact that my results have nothing whatsoever to do with your possible results. This is a crucial point to understand.

See finished HT’s from people who share your starting-hair-characteristics – and see them in-person. Pics are useless without extensive in-the-flesh exposure to HT.


PS: if you have further personal questions for me (and this goes for everyone else as well) please email me at dirtyslaundry(REMOVE THIS) Please allow me a few days to respond as I’ve been getting a lot of email lately. Thanks.–

» Good of you to share your experience…though your case has nothing to
» do with others ,HeheeeHee.

How interesting. And duly noted. :wink:
