Okay Let\'s cut the crap, no fakers and trolls in this section anymore

» Contacting Newspapers, yahoo editors, spamming forums, making websites,
» etc.

Sounds like a great idea however before we go on with this mass promoting we need to coordinate with Gho and ask him to open more clinics as he simply wont be able to cope with all these clients, now its about 8 months waiting time.It could easyly jump to 2 years then we are all screwed, we did society a favour but we are not fixed ourselvs

WE could also use fb n twtr, create diff accounts, befriending random people,spreading the word,etc…as of now HSI is not ready for that. They need 5 clinics more, maybe 10

This doctor is going down and look what he has to say:

“this pictures are confusing and does not tell the whole story”

  • Rassman scientific explanation on HST, same doctor who got a BIG FAT SCAR on the back of his head with FUT.

I’ve seen some real smart questions about propecia, dht, hair multiplication and baldness genes and this doctor can’t answer them or give a nice theory/opinion on them. He quotes and gives answers that your average joe knows. This has to be one of the most dumbest doctors in the industry, of course he is a skilled head butcher, but that’s about it.

I would do a better job at answering people’s question in balding blog to be honest, let alone ironman.

As you can see there are dumb and evil people in this world and a lot of them are in the HT industry.

» Would gc83uk go to Gho if he wasnt statisfied with recipient growth and
» appearance?

gc83uk’s satisfaction is simply not sufficient “proof” for me. Thousands of people undergo multiple FUT procedures each year… does that mean FUT must offer satisfying results too?

What if gu83uk’s recipient growth is merely 40% and the regrowth is around 80% (as assessed by Iron Man and claimed by Gho). Then the missing 20% would appear to be normal FUE extractions and merely 20% would be regenerated, how unimpressive would that be?

In so far i agree with Rassman when he says it does not document the full story yet.

Then agree with Rassman, the guy who seells hair tattoos, i dont care. Gho has at least proven that his technique is even less invasive thn FUE but whatever.

hey hairman if you are not convinced then why are you still commenting. You shouldnt be convinced about FUT/FUE where they extract more Grafts and tell people they used lesser Grafts etc.

But whatever, i saw Wesley Sneijder, i say gcs recipient (nice comparison between old 700 Grafts and new ones) and it looks normal so who cares what hairman and Rassman think, your

“I agree with Rassman” shows thatyou didnt learn anything and still remain the little naive and dumb child.

Strangely you never aks about FUE donor pics in a shaven state. You never ask about FUT donor shaven, ah right why am i talking to you, ironman said it all already

Okay MikadoMan, maybe tone down the attacks…? Critical debate is good!

Hairman2, have you carefully inspected gaz’s recipient photos? What are your impressions of grafts growing relative to ostensible number transplanted/hair diameter relative to that of the native hair?

» Okay MikadoMan, maybe tone down the attacks…? Critical debate is good!
» Hairman2, have you carefully inspected gaz’s recipient photos? What are
» your impressions of grafts growing relative to ostensible number
» transplanted/hair diameter relative to that of the native hair?

OH PLEASE its the same stupid thing which is done, we have something at hand, one is not convinced and then someone steps up to play the god doer here with his sugar voice saying

“Lets discuss things here like we did in middle school”


Whats next? What are your impressions?

What are your feelings?

You wanna dance our name?

Its really sickening with what people come up on Ghos as* but not on FUT/FUE ridicolous, i begin to understand ironmans agressions more and more

Who the fuk do you think documented the story? Discovery Channel ? ABC News?

It’s just us bald guys trying to help all hair loss sufferers worldwide end this BS once and for all. Nobody else.

People like you slow things down and are hurting hair loss sufferers chances of being happy worldwide.

If you are not going to contribute to this cause, which in the END may reveal GHO does not multiply hair but USES A MAGIC WAND to get hair on the donor …that’s one of our purposes…but it is clear as crystal he does what he claims.

You ask for recipient area when you have the top star in NETHERLANDs, the country of football. Their freaking best player admired by every DUTCH guy as evidence playing EVERYDAY in HD TV, also gaz recipient area!!!

Rasshole and other doctors can’t even ADMIT there is something here that is WORTH going to netherlands talk to Gho and check this out for HIS PATIENTS !!! This is what pisses me off the most. Guess what? do you think they really wanna find out? HELL TO THE NO !

It’s good to be skeptic, I was at some point. But not doing anything but dissing Gho and agreeing with his haters after receiving this tremendous amount of evidence from courtcases to super stars to close up photos taken by a PATIENT that is talking to us first hand here, you gotta be out of your fukin mind to start hating on Gho and not to JOIN the cause and ADMIT that there IS SOMETHING BETTER THAN FUE here.

If you don’t want to, then GET OUT THE WAY don’t talk to us anymore. LEAD FOLLOW OR GET OUT THE WAY !

@ Mikado man.

Hey, I have heard you mention the date of march 2013, is something specific going to happen then?
Also what was the content of the emails between yourself and GC in regards o a HT doctor you spoke to about Gho?


W schnieders hairline looks the same quaility as the rest of hair,

its funny how you insisting on scientific proof that growth is on par with fue/fut, do you have any scientific proof on FUE yield, some leading doctors still argue about FUE yield, woods and cole claim its over 99% while feller thinks its much less and Gho thinks that FUE yield is only 50-60%

it would be good if we could actually count hairs of GCs 1st procedure just to make it more scientific, 700 transplanted so there should be about 600 grafts growing at any time.


is transplanted hair the same quality/caliber as the rest of your hair

» » Okay MikadoMan, maybe tone down the attacks…? Critical debate is good!
» »
» » Hairman2, have you carefully inspected gaz’s recipient photos? What are
» » your impressions of grafts growing relative to ostensible number
» » transplanted/hair diameter relative to that of the native hair?
» OH PLEASE its the same stupid thing which is done, we have something at
» hand, one is not convinced and then someone steps up to play the god doer
» here with his sugar voice saying
» “Lets discuss things here like we did in middle school”
» Whats next? What are your impressions?
» What are your feelings?
» You wanna dance our name?
» Its really sickening with what people come up on Ghos as* but not on
» FUT/FUE ridicolous, i begin to understand ironmans agressions more and more

What process?! Do you truly think believe that a prospective HST patient would be dissuaded from the procedure after viewing hairman2’s doubts?

not him but ALL the dumb people as a whole.

I wanna kill myself… HT doctors are that evil and stupid. Even the world’s most skilled HT doctor sued Gho…are you fukin serious?

Gosh I can’t believe people buy this PRP/ACELL bullsh1t and now they are even developing ARTHAS bullcr4p when they have Gho evidence right in their faces.

Robot for FUE? are you @*#ing kidding me?

poor idiots will throw their robot bs and “new instruments” for FUE right down the toilet. Yes, you need to stop working on it, you who are reading. Get off your ass and check for HST if you don’t wanna look like an ass in 2013. It’s coming and IT’S BIG.

What is coming in March 2013, something to do with HST?
Give us some info, that is 10 months away:-(

Interesting about Rassman,

I have just added a comment on to that post saying the following:

If you can tell me which photos you want I’m sure I can do it. I am the patient involved here and to be frank I would love for other doctors to see that this works and to take up Dr Gho’s offer. I have no incentive at all, but when you know something to be true and others are doubting it (which is fair enough let me add), then it gives you determination to make others see the truth.

Perhaps it isn’t as black and white as that, but let’s just imagine for 1 minute that what Gho is saying is true (which I know for sure). Surely you would want to get involved in this if donor regeneration is min 80% with no donor splitting and the recipient is growing lets say 90-99%, if that is the case surely you’d be interested, am I right?

If I am, let’s go, tell me what you want to see and I’m fairly sure I can show you.

If you see what you want to see, will that make any difference? From what I understand Gho is charging $50USD, seems cheap if you ask me. If you were the first doctor in USA to take this up, then you wouldn’t be able to cope with demand and probably charge what you want.

rassman link

Just wanted to add, the thickness of the recipient hairs are the same as the surrounding hair, absolutely no difference at all, let me make that clear.

When the first start growing I will admit they are on the thin side, but after that they are normal.

BtW that question to Rassman was from me, as i said before now its time to push the envelope

» BtW that question to Rassman was from me, as i said before now its time to
» push the envelope

Yea I thought it might have been. Try and push him to respond to what I’ve said, same goes for any other doctors, I’m not totally sure what else they want to see.

» BtW that question to Rassman was from me, as i said before now its time to
» push the envelope

Thought the speech patterns were reminiscent of you! This is exciting, hopefully rassman sees the light!

I didnt care about the language pattern, i was so pissed at this moment because of the constant Rassman ignorance that i opted for just calling him Dr R or something along the lines.

There were two outcomes

  1. Ignores this post

  2. talks some stupid old man Alzheimer Bullcrap

Well Rassman clearly went for option 2

» Interesting about Rassman,
» I have just added a comment on to that post saying the following:
» If you can tell me which photos you want I’m sure I can do it. I am the
» patient involved here and to be frank I would love for other doctors to see
» that this works and to take up Dr Gho’s offer. I have no incentive at all,
» but when you know something to be true and others are doubting it (which is
» fair enough let me add), then it gives you determination to make others see
» the truth.
» Perhaps it isn’t as black and white as that, but let’s just imagine for 1
» minute that what Gho is saying is true (which I know for sure). Surely you
» would want to get involved in this if donor regeneration is min 80% with no
» donor splitting and the recipient is growing lets say 90-99%, if that is
» the case surely you’d be interested, am I right?
» If I am, let’s go, tell me what you want to see and I’m fairly sure I can
» show you.
» If you see what you want to see, will that make any difference? From what I
» understand Gho is charging $50USD, seems cheap if you ask me. If you were
» the first doctor in USA to take this up, then you wouldn’t be able to cope
» with demand and probably charge what you want.

» rassman
» link

I don’t see your post on Rassman’s site.

» Just wanted to add, the thickness of the recipient hairs are the same as
» the surrounding hair, absolutely no difference at all, let me make that
» clear.
» When the first start growing I will admit they are on the thin side, but
» after that they are normal.

Let me look …
The post above doesn’t sound like Russia. It doesn’t sound like Chinese either. I’m not 100% sure, but to me it looks like that this post is written in plain Oxford English.

Hey gc,
could you please use Google’s translator (or something) and translate your post from Oxford English to American English so that American readers are able to understand your post correct. And just to be on the safe side, could you also please translate your post from Oxford English to Australia English so that guys from over there (Down Under) like Dr. Woods are also able to understand your post correct?
Thanks in advance.