Okay Let\'s cut the crap, no fakers and trolls in this section anymore

Who has converted to Ghoism and believes what Gho claims?

Reply here.

I believe in science and the facts i have (gc83uk) thats it

» I believe in science and the facts i have (gc83uk) thats it

haha 46 views and only 2 of us believe in Gho.

I believe in HST:-P

Not believing would essentially mean that I think he is somehow cheating, conning so many people, If he can do that for so long in EU without getting busted then he is a real genious and my hat is off

I was sceptical for the longest time, but gc83uk’s photos swayed me over to gho. Curiously enough, that was when I lost faith in cell-based therapies :stuck_out_tongue:

» I was sceptical for the longest time, but gc83uk’s photos swayed me over to
» gho. Curiously enough, that was when I lost faith in cell-based therapies
» :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry guys but you dont need to put smiley after your postings. What we saw with gc83uk is just the reality and nothing to be funny about. Instead of put smileys everywhere, just think for one second what the arrogance and ignorance of the other clinics has cost you in LIFETIME.

If clinics would at least have talked to Gho back in 2010, we wouldnt have any problems now, but we have them. My estimation is, if you see someone with a NW6 donor, assume you could harvest the whole donor at least 5 times completely.

Now put those 5 donor areas on the bald area…you see something? Yes you see a NW1 person again. And now guys think about what all those ignorant clinics have caused in terms of misery.

Two years wasted (minimum)

isn’t gho to blame a bit too? Maybe…

But You know i think even if Gho were to convince these doctors aka rassman bernstein cole and others, they will still not implement it, they would stay with their PRP , ARTHAS , ACELL bullsh1t.

they would have to throw that sh1t out in the toilet or shove it up their !#*es, damn im so piss3d we’ve been fooled for so long.

Yes these doctors DO NOT GIVE A FUK ABOUT their patients.

» isn’t gho to blame a bit?

For what? For trying to give us better options? For helping worst case patients? For showing how its done right from the start?

For pushing the envelope even further?
For not harassing u with cheap advertising in hair loss forums?

For first make a good technique and then work on good hair lines?

For not giving people scars?

For giving even NW7 people hope again?

For giving burn victims hope?

So tell me for what he is to blame? For what. The only thing i can blame Gho for is that thanks to him we have to deal with IronMan, but thats it.

» » isn’t gho to blame a bit?
» For what? For trying to give us better options? For helping worst case
» patients? For showing how its done right from the start?
» For pushing the envelope even further?
» For not harassing u with cheap advertising in hair loss forums?
» For first make a good technique and then work on good hair lines?
» For not giving people scars?
» For giving even NW7 people hope again?
» For giving burn victims hope?
» So tell me for what he is to blame? For what. The only thing i can blame
» Gho for is that thanks to him we have to deal with IronMan, but thats it.

I thin donor regeneration has been proven quite well… the question that remains is the recipient growth… I would like to see if the quality of the hairs regrown in the recipient site can compete with regular FUE, FUT follicles.

Would gc83uk go to Gho if he wasnt statisfied with recipient growth and appearance? And i am sorry according to


the whole donor regrowth thing hasnt been proven yet

did i call those ignorant fools experts? i am sorry i meant ignorant fools.

I only wonder why no one of the former gho bashers is laughing right now.Seems reality did catch up to them very drastically and fast, cause there is no laughing matter anymore if something you made fun of before turned out to be the real thing.

I wonder how many of those former gho bashers will get a HST done this year, i think quiet some of them.

Just one thing to think about here for the people keep whining etc.

Assume jotronics case, now assume he would have had HST and still his whole donor reserves for another 9000 Grafts. Ahhhh let me guess a few of you were thinking “how this would look on them right”?

if you wanna be fixed then do something for it make ignorance and arrogance pay a high price

Whole industry is disgrace from the begining,

doctors are only interested in $$$ and in 2012 they still offer FUT as a golden standard, same techinque that was offered 20 years ago.

matter of fact is that HSI is booked out for the rest of the 2012, which tells me they are doing something right with virtually no marketing, no other clinic is that popular.

Dr Woods seems too stubborn to accept that he has been outplayed, Dr Umar accused gho of splitting hairs,
Whats with Dr A, I thought he could be the one to go to Gho and be the first to offer HST outside Europe

» Would gc83uk go to Gho if he wasnt statisfied with recipient growth and
» appearance? And i am sorry according to
» the whole donor regrowth thing hasnt been proven yet
» did i call those ignorant fools experts? i am sorry i meant ignorant
» fools.

That’s why I think the whole initiative with Spencer Kobren is very, very important.

At the moment, many of these hair transplantation surgeons can plead ignorance and claim that there is not enough evidence for Gho’s claims. Also, many people contemplating getting a hair transplant have never heard of HST or Dr. Gho and are unaware of the options they have and could put themselves at risk with a traditional FUT procedure.

If someone like Spencer can observe a procedure, broadcast parts of it online, and then afterwards get a 3rd party to scientifically and photographically investigate the claims of donor regeneration and the results in the recipient area, then the debate would be over. Many people contemplating hair transplant surgery would be introduced to HST and everybody would know whether and how well the technique works.

For someone like Spencer, I think the interest in something like this would be huge among the hair loss world online. There’s been a ton of debate about HST on the forums and whether you’re Gho supporter or not, nobody can claim they wouldn’t be interested in this.

» Dr Woods seems too stubborn to accept that he has been outplayed, Dr Umar
» accused gho of splitting hairs,
» Whats with Dr A, I thought he could be the one to go to Gho and be the
» first to offer HST outside Europe

Well thats what i said before and now it seems that all those funny gho hater guys who went for a nice FUT stopped laughing and making jokes about gho, while touching their scar.

As a european citizen i can tell you one thing, if gho ould lie, he wouldnt even survive half a decade, they would drag him to court and destroy him pretty badly.

Didnt anyone wonder wy other clinics filed a law suit against gho and saying that HM is impossible? I give you the answer

If they would do it, this case would become public and then the truth would spread out faster and they would lose even more customers (i am not saying patients anymore because they are customers) dead on the spot observation here.

Btw where is SpanishDude? I guess he called Gho for an appointment, wanna bet? And so did other people here who were the loudest haters before.

Dr A is an idiot, didnt you read my statement? He is art of FUE Europe even knwoing that he still offers FUT (so much about credencials to become a FUE “elite” member)

Fut is not a golden standard, its a disgrace to humanity and everyone who still get this done in 2012 is just an idiot and deserves it.

Are you seriously guessing why Gho is suddenly booked out this year? Well take a look to your right and say hello to gc83uk he is the reason. And you can bet a lot of those patients are former hair site haters and i think some of them are shills for other clinics here, you wanna bet.

But thats the case, they made a fortune by luring other people to their clinics and now they use this money on Gho, its as simple as that. What is it dear readers? Why are your faces so sad and long with this strange expression on it?


Btw gc83uk i think its awesome that you are addicted to Ghos HST, thats in all our favor because finally we have at least one guy who is taking the plunge, i really hope you really become more and more addicted because this addiction correlates with the downfall of the industry. Good job

And back to you readers here. Istnt it strange that out of the blue those clinics come up with free sessions, help, repair jobs etc? They offer repair jobs for stuff they had to do in the first place

Just take a look at topcat, he is the prime example of someone trapped in a mill. I reviewed his case and i can tell you, with Gho he would at least been 2/5 done with his head. And instead he opt for making his head even worser, which is an tremendous achievement in itself, congratulations.

I mean come on, we have gaz here a scarring alopecia guy who wears a hair piece with agressive glue and he is whistling a song and shortens his hair piece and takes a flight to the netherlands.

Compare this to topcats case. Yes he is posting bulks of texts with the same old crap, shows the same old pictures with no progress overall. I mean come on nobody cares about his beard, we care about what is on the head. And then he thanks the clinic for the pro bono work. I ask the uestion " Which work because i dont see no jack sh*t"

On the other hand gaz is showing recipient pictures and you can clearly see that the bald spot is becoming like his donor area without concealer or fance comb over stuff, its just his hair.

Here are more facts

Gho increase Graft count / clinics offer free work
Gho gets high profile patients /clinics show old cases everyone has seen multiple times before

People asking questions about Gho / Clinics ignore this
Gho raises sessions and density / clinics lower prices

WTF how can a bald guy opt for FUT or dinosaur clinics in the year 2012

This is just SAD indeed. Spencer K needs to stop listening to HT doctors opinions and find out for himself. I don’t think you would get anything by listening to people whose business will be ruined by HST or people who is excited about getting their nice SCARS in the back of their heads with FUE/FUT.

Imagine if ALL people knew about HST, FUE/FUT will stop dead on its tracks right now. All HT doctors will go out of business until they implement HST, this is a BIG BIG problem for them !!

Nobody in their right mind would RUIN his chance to get back a nice nw1 by getting FUE/FUT.

People would even wait 2 or 3 years for HST !!! People would cancel their appointments, everything would go to sh1t in the HT industry !!!

However, there is still people getting FUT and nice scars in the back of their heads as we speak. This is just sad, sad, sad. Even after reading this post.

I hope you are not making fun of me. Cause i am dead serious here. I can at least tell from one guy who recentl got FUT done and is now absolutely depressive when he found out about gc.

When i say depressed, i mean it in the worst kind of way, he regrets getting FUT done and he blames himself for this in a way which is just before becoming borderline. And i can guarantee you we ill see those patients coming in rapidly pretty damn soon.

Just for you to see the whole picture here " Everyone and i mean everyone who went for FUE or FUT and got it done before doing HST WONT GET THE HAIR HE WANTS EVER"

Because you have anothere trouble zone, which is the donor scars. Those will limit your HSt approach big time. Lets asume you are vorgin NW6 with an average of 2000 Grafts to transplant each HST session. Make it five sessions and you have overall coverage.

Put a few more and you got it all. And now asume you are NW5 but with scars from FUT or FUE. You see the difference? In the second case you are fuced cause Buzz cut wont work and HST has to be done very carefully because scar tissue can be unpredictable. Thats btw the reason why i dont wanna make fun of ironmans scars anymore, because even i dont have them i think its enough to have to deal with something a surgeon ashole messed up.

And yes Spencer K is depending on the money from his surgeons. One little click of HST and this goes all to hell in a blink. Just look at it now, you can see the rapid dieing here, come on its obvious.

The worse thing is, clinics knew about Gho for a much longer time then we did and they tried to play the ignoring game and this is biting their as*es now. People like me were always saying, no begging on their knees like this

“Please clinic/surgeon XYZ talk to Gho and we will definitely come for you because we know your work”

Instead of listening to us, they decided to mock us and rip us off, and now they are crying and expect pity. But its too late, no pity from me and i send gc case to some newspapers already :slight_smile: everyone should do this. Cause i lost my respect for every clinic out there and when they fall i will laugh my as* off.

No more Armani 6000 Grafts on a NW2 patient without before pictures, but after picture is taken with hair cut, gel and concealer. No more Dr A mediocre FUt results, no nothing buddy. They had their chance and they decided to screw us over, so its game over for them.

Just take a look at their "We offer free consulting here and there " threads. Nobody is asking questions, because patients begin to realise whats going on.

Spencer K is stupid bt he culd make more money of HST then with FUT and FUE combined, if he would start to promote HST, he wouldnt get his head cut off when the bubble bursts because everyone will say “Hey this Spencer guy he was pro progress unlike others”

Spencer should really think about what he is gonna do next or the back lash will be painful

In germany FUT is becoming more and more obsolete and a lot of people are not posting anymore and i know two of them (yes i know its just two and not 100) who went for gho and told me they wont be posting in forums unless gho turned out to be a liar. that was over a year ago and guess what, they only came back once for a PM to tell me “Best decision they ever made second session booked regrwth happenend”

And they aid that the whole splitting talk is bullsh*t because they went to different “expert” for donor measuring and there was no loss after the HST. When the clinics were confronted with this, strangely the emails got lost, that was the response.

I was wondering why this happenend to two different people while people who asked for a FUT/FUE transplant got an email answer within minutes

Thats reality and i bet ironman could tell similar stories or at least nod for my statement.

And before anyone asked, one of the two is a NW4 and one a NW5 to NW6 with average donor hair, straight black. Both with average hair characteristics at best. One got 1400 the other one 1200 done. Multiple sessions planed of course

PS : oh and i changed my user data because i dont wanna play this childish I live in XYZ nightmares game anymore, this only works in the hands of dinosaur clinics, because people wont take you seriously if you act like an idiot and i dont wann help clinics to butcher people

why the fuk would i make fun of you? I am a victim too, i want to spread awareness so that people can stop getting BIG FAT SCARS everyDAY for no reason.

You guys really need to post sh1t like this in the HRN, you will see how they will go crazy and be in denial to the fact that they DECAPITATED themselves with FUT.

We need to spread word and end this fuked up industry once and for all. We gotta speed things up, somebody should open a new forum or a page idk come up with some sh1t because Spencer K and his followers apparently will NOT do it and unfortunately they are our representatives.

HRN is the worst website about hair loss thats for sure

» why the fuk would i make fun of you? I am a victim too, i want to spread
» awareness so that people can stop getting BIG FAT SCARS everyDAY for no
» reason.
» You guys really need to post sh1t like this in the HRN, you will see how
» they will go crazy and be in denial to the fact that they DECAPITATED
» themselves with FUT.
» We need to spread word and end this fuked up industry once and for all. We
» gotta speed things up, somebody should open a new forum or a page idk come
» up with some sh1t because Spencer K and his followers apparently will NOT
» do it and unfortunately they are our representatives.

moawk, as soon as the attention for the Replicel results calms down, I will for sure try to get this initiative started.

In all likelihood they will ignore it but I’m going to try my very best to get their attention. I think a lot of posters on the hairloss forums will get behind it. Whether you believe in HST or not, most people still want to have definitive proof whether it works or not.

You guys count me in for anything in this matter. PM for whatever plans you have to spread awareness.
Contacting Newspapers, yahoo editors, spamming forums, making websites, etc. of course right after the replicel hype is over.

Should be around mid-may.

HRN is run by ultra conservative bunch of guys, they heavily promote FUT especially clinics like H&W. Some top FUE are banned, they just started accepting FUE docs which i understand coz they dont want to ruin business for the people pay their bills(dont bite hand that feeds you kinda).
There is guy called cdog94544 on HRN who just had 1500 FUE with ferudini and he wonders if white dots will go away,currently got that swiss chesse look, I advized him that he shd ve gone to HSI

Spencer K is in a similar predicament, he knows he would lose a lot of $$ if he start promoting HST

HST is patented so now they cant come up with some fancy names like they did for FUE,

We have to spread awareness,docs dont like answering questions abt HST cause once they know that you know abt HST they they lost customer.

Plus Gho has done more celebrities and went public with them then any other clinic.
Who in the right mind would do that

Gho needs more clinics as waiting periods are insane these days, soon it will be a year to wait.

Anyone from Austria in here, we need Austrian clinic to start running, i dont know why on their website says that one of their branches is in Wiena but later on they advised that clinic is not operational. MAstricht cant cope with demand.