» Damon, Damon, Damon, you sorry sap. I unfortunately used Head & Shoulders
» for years and guess what? I have a fricken crop circle on the top of my
» head as a result. This crop circle was “ground zero” of my application
» area of Head & Shoulders for over a decade. I am the only guy you can
» trust at this point Damon. The rest of your so called buddies are probably
» working for the shampoo companies.
Kramer,Kramer,Kramer.Let me get this right.So not only will not shampooing my hair result in a regrowth of hair but hair will miraculously regrow out of my extensive scaring? Hair that no longer exists will suddenly exist & grow ? Wow ! Somebody email intercytex & the various other companies using science to try & find a cure,tell them to stop wasting their time as we have already found a cure.Maybe they can work towards fighting tooth decay instead.Wait,maybe toothpaste causes tooth decay.
Kramer,keep reading.
When I was balding but not butchered,I met a stunning woman in a gym called Ava.This girl was stunning! Naturally beautiful.We started talking & flirting.This woman was following me around the gym,whichever machine I went to she followed.We talked & laughed the entire time.There I was young & dumb thinking I had met the woman I was going to marry.I asked her out & she responding with an emphatic YES.A few seconds later I took of my hat to wipe of the sweet that had accumulated under my hat.The look on her face said it all,she looked at my balding head with such disappointment.The look on her face haunts me even after all these years.She immediately said she’d had enough training for the day & was leaving.I was foolish enough to think that it was just a coincidence.I rang her a few times,left messages but she never retuned my calls.
I said to myself,when my HTP is complete & I have a full head of hair this woman is going to wont to go out with me & I wont pay any attention to her. I never got my chance.
Another time,I was in my teens & I went for an interview for a part time job to help support me whilst I was studying.I was nervous as hell because I never had a job interview before.I went to the interview & the jackass conducting the interview kept mentioning how much hair I had lost at such a young age.Like I really needed to be reminded.It got to the point where the fat fcuk would laugh & say,”WOW! You have REALLY lost allot of hair for a guy your age ! Is your father bald? Doesn’t it bother you? What do the girls say?”
I really wanted to cave his friggin head in with the telephone he had on his desk.
A coupe of months ago.I was coming home in the early hours of the morning. No,I didn’t go out.After sitting in my prison cell of an apartment for most of the day I walk the streets late at night to break the monotony.My area has allot of thugs & drug dealers.Some of them are real hardened criminals that would take a life at the drop of a hat.Anyway,I was really depressed at that time so as I walked past the younger members of a gang that were giving me dirty looks,I let of with some racial slurs.These kids were shocked that I had the balls to do that.So they started mouthing of as well & I made even more racial slurs & told them what number I lived in & that their gang was full of faggots & so on.I really provoked them.I went home & after 20 minutes someone came banging on my door.He almost broke the door down.I opened the door without my hat & there was this guy called Dario,handgun in hand with a look of sheer anger in his face.I would never be seen without my hat but I am so sick of wearing it that when death comes knocking,I wont to go out without my hat.However,when Dario saw me without my hat he froze.He couldn’t speak or move,his eyes where fixed on the damaged head.Unbeknown to him,I planned the whole thing.I am not a racist,I knew they would bite the bait & one of them would put me out of my misery.I had written a note in my apartment asking the police not to waste their time investigating my murder & that that if they did catch someone for killing me,it was what I wanted & begged the judge to show leniency for the killer.
So going back to Dario standing there with his gun.I looked him in the eye,told him I had been expecting him,made a few more racial slurs,turned my back,walked to a chair I had placed near by,sat down & pointed to my forehead & told him to pull the trigger if he had any balls.This guy was frozen,shocked at what he was seeing.A hardened criminal who had been in & out of prisons his whole life,killed before & got away with it,been arrested for selling drugs & arrested for carrying a firearm whilst on parole was mortified at what he was seeing.I let more racial slurs fly all the while pointing to my forehead,mocking him for not having the balls to shoot.He turned & walked away.I told him I would leave my front door unlocked in case he grew some balls & wanted to come back.That door has been unlocked for months yet nobody has come to avenge the fact that I disrespected their gang & race.Til this very day when the members of this gang see me wondering the streets late at night they tap each other & point to my direction.Some of them even nod hello to me now.A group of criminals,thugs,murders & drug dealers show me compassion yet no HTP Doc that I have consulted with has showed me an ounce of compassion.Now you know what kind of people we are up against.
I wish I was man enough to just shave my head from the get go.
Now it’s fashionable & “cool” to walk around with a shaved head.HM will be released,people will pay tens of thousands of dollars to get a full head of hair,go to the hairdressers for the first time in who knows how many years only to find that the hairdresser will give them a fashionable buzz cut. That’s hilarious.
I am surprised you made it this far down.Boring & pointless wasn’t it ? Now you know how others feel after reading your meaningless drivel.