That’s right. Nizoral is an EXTREMELY toxic chemical. (call it shampoo if it makes you feel better)
Nizoral shampoo contains formaldehyde releasing agents used in embalming fluid. It is listed in the ingredients as quaternium-15 so you won’t know what you are truly putting on your scalp.
All you shampooers have to do is look for yourself to verify that quaterium-15 is there and then Google “quaterium-15” for yourself.
NIZORAL Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Potential problems: Three ingredients, butylated hydroxytoluene, hydrochloric acid and polyacrylic acid, are possible human carcinogens, and one ingredient, ketoconazole, is a pregnancy concern that is a known, suspected or possible reproductive toxin. Four ingredients, cocamide MEA, polyquaternium-7, quaternium-15 and sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, may be linked to cancer or other health problems, and three ingredients, sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, sodium laureth sulfate and tetrasodium EDTA, are penetration enhancers. Seven ingredients have not been safety tested, the fragrance may be an allergen and cocamide MEA may pose additional health concerns.
Us “no shampoo” guys know what we’re talking about…
» That’s right. Nizoral is an EXTREMELY toxic chemical. (call it shampoo if
» it makes you feel better)
» Nizoral shampoo contains formaldehyde releasing agents used in embalming
» fluid. It is listed in the ingredients as quaternium-15 so you won’t know
» what you are truly putting on your scalp.
» All you shampooers have to do is look for yourself to verify that
» quaterium-15 is there and then Google “quaterium-15” for yourself.
» NIZORAL Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
» Potential problems: Three ingredients, butylated hydroxytoluene,
» hydrochloric acid and polyacrylic acid, are possible human carcinogens,
» and one ingredient, ketoconazole, is a pregnancy concern that is a known,
» suspected or possible reproductive toxin. Four ingredients, cocamide MEA,
» polyquaternium-7, quaternium-15 and sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, may
» be linked to cancer or other health problems, and three ingredients,
» sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, sodium laureth sulfate and tetrasodium EDTA,
» are penetration enhancers. Seven ingredients have not been safety tested,
» the fragrance may be an allergen and cocamide MEA may pose additional
» health concerns.
» The Most Toxic Soaps and Shampoos Well Worth Avoiding
» Us “no shampoo” guys know what we’re talking about…
» The Dave
Wow The Dave, you have no idea how good it is to see you and read something like this. I have been trying to tell these people what I learned from my leader, Dr. Lawrence Cutsinger on the dangers of SLS and now you show proof of an even more dangerous chemical, embalming fluid. Talk about scary.
Well this explains why Hangin’ is acting like a living zombie shampooing away daily with no thoughts or cares in the world to what it’s doing to his hairline. Excellent post The Dave. I am so glad I quit shampooing almost three years ago after reading this disturbing new information. I believe you might of saved many heads of hair tonight. Nice work!! I just know Lawrence is reading this somewhere and beaming with pride.
» “I just know Lawrence is reading this somewhere and beaming with pride.”
» Yeah, Larry probably has his little pencil dick in one hand, and a
» steaming cup of Quaternium-15 in the other (yum!). Or, is it The Dave’s
» pencil dick in one hand and…well, you get the picture. Hale to pencil
» dick Larry Cuntweiner!
» Jtelecom
Jtelethon, do you want a real hard stiffy? Keep shampooing away with your bottle of embalming fluid and you’ll be hard in no time.
» » That’s right. Nizoral is an EXTREMELY toxic chemical. (call it shampoo
» if
» » it makes you feel better)
» »
» » Nizoral shampoo contains formaldehyde releasing agents used in
» embalming
» » fluid. It is listed in the ingredients as quaternium-15 so you won’t
» know
» » what you are truly putting on your scalp.
» »
» » All you shampooers have to do is look for yourself to verify that
» » quaterium-15 is there and then Google “quaterium-15” for yourself.
» »
» »
» » NIZORAL Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
» » Potential problems: Three ingredients, butylated hydroxytoluene,
» » hydrochloric acid and polyacrylic acid, are possible human carcinogens,
» » and one ingredient, ketoconazole, is a pregnancy concern that is a
» known,
» » suspected or possible reproductive toxin. Four ingredients, cocamide
» MEA,
» » polyquaternium-7, quaternium-15 and sodium cocoyl sarcosinate,
» may
» » be linked to cancer or other health problems, and three ingredients,
» » sodium cocoyl sarcosinate, sodium laureth sulfate and tetrasodium EDTA,
» » are penetration enhancers. Seven ingredients have not been safety
» tested,
» » the fragrance may be an allergen and cocamide MEA may pose additional
» » health concerns.
» »
» »
» The Most Toxic Soaps and Shampoos Well Worth Avoiding
» »
» »
» » Us “no shampoo” guys know what we’re talking about…
» »
» » The Dave
» Wow The Dave, you have no idea how good it is to see you and read
» something like this. I have been trying to tell these people what I
» learned from my leader, Dr. Lawrence Cutsinger on the dangers of SLS and
» now you show proof of an even more dangerous chemical, embalming fluid.
» Talk about scary.
» Well this explains why Hangin’ is acting like a living zombie shampooing
» away daily with no thoughts or cares in the world to what it’s doing to
» his hairline. Excellent post The Dave. I am so glad I quit shampooing
» almost three years ago after reading this disturbing new information. I
» believe you might of saved many heads of hair tonight. Nice work!! I just
» know Lawrence is reading this somewhere and beaming with pride.
Jtelethon, why did you take away your perverted post.
Nizoral is about as effective as 1% minoxidil. Here is one study.
Pierard-Franchimont C. De Doncker P. Cauwenbergh G. Pierard GE.
Department of Dermatopathology, University of Liege, Belgium.
Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.
Dermatology. 196(4):474-7, 1998.
BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. METHOD: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. RESULTS: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. CONCLUSION: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects
Background: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. Objective: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. Method: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. Results: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. Conclusion: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects.
I agree with the general view on harsh shampoos, in fact I apply Ketoconazole as a topical (just like Minoxidil); you can buy the generic chemical and make a 2% solution or cream very easily.
As to why it works, there are two theories (with differing levels of scientific support).
1. Intracrinology
Keto is well known to block the production of Testosterone at the hair follicle; >50% of T is actually produced locally and is independent of the HPTA (i.e. the gonads are not involved).
Keto acts in two ways; it blocks the Cholesterol pathway to Testosterone (I’d have to go and look at which step it blocks) and it also is amazingly effective in suppressing Adrenal DHEA production (but only when it is used system-wide, i.e. taken orally or in higher concentrations topically.
Net, it is simply another topical to lower Testosterone at the follicle.
2. Anti-fungal
I have seen less scientific research on the various fungi and their direct impact on pattern baldness; though obviously ringworm has a very specific effect.
One area that I have been trying to look at is why Piroctone Olamine appears to be beneficial; I can find no research papers on this - though people state it suppresses a negative immune system response.
» I agree with the general view on harsh shampoos, in fact I apply
» Ketoconazole as a topical (just like Minoxidil); you can buy the generic
» chemical and make a 2% solution or cream very easily.
» As to why it works, there are two theories (with differing levels of
» scientific support).
» 1. Intracrinology
» Keto is well known to block the production of Testosterone at the hair
» follicle; >50% of T is actually produced locally and is independent of the
» HPTA (i.e. the gonads are not involved).
» Keto acts in two ways; it blocks the Cholesterol pathway to Testosterone
» (I’d have to go and look at which step it blocks) and it also is amazingly
» effective in suppressing Adrenal DHEA production (but only when it is used
» system-wide, i.e. taken orally or in higher concentrations topically.
» Net, it is simply another topical to lower Testosterone at the follicle.
» 2. Anti-fungal
» I have seen less scientific research on the various fungi and their direct
» impact on pattern baldness; though obviously ringworm has a very specific
» effect.
» One area that I have been trying to look at is why Piroctone Olamine
» appears to be beneficial; I can find no research papers on this - though
» people state it suppresses a negative immune system response.
Ok hello guys I have to jump into this as a devil’s advocate… These are just questions and not trying to knock anyone’s science.
.1 Why would a company want to market a tissue fixative such as formaldehyde as an ingredient in a shampoo?
.2 Ketoconazole is an anti-fungal… is active only to micro-flora of the fungus genus and species. There are hundreds if not thousands of micro-flora resident to the scalp… a couple are staphlococcus epidermidis and streptococcus pyogenes… normal flora that is not affected by Ketoconazole.
What is the term “Keto”. I have never heard of this. Is it a chemical? I have heard of keto groups or ketones… But not Keto by itself and especially being active against testosterone.
» That’s right. Nizoral is an EXTREMELY toxic chemical. (call it shampoo if
» it makes you feel better)
» Nizoral shampoo contains formaldehyde releasing agents used in embalming
» fluid. It is listed in the ingredients as quaternium-15 so you won’t know
» what you are truly putting on your scalp.
» All you shampooers have to do is look for yourself to verify that
» quaterium-15 is there and then Google “quaterium-15” for yourself.
» The Dave
Excellent post The Dave.
This is what we, the “no-shampoo guys”, have known all along but you can bet most of the balding members here will not listen to you and will continue to apply embalming fluid to their heads every day and think they are doing a good think.
It’s amazing how advertising can brain wash people.
I wonder why no one has challenged your post Dave.
They must have checked for themselves and realize you are telling the truth.
Keep shampooing all you future Telly Savalas stunt doubles.
Ok hello guys I have to jump into this as a devil’s advocate… These are just questions and not trying to knock anyone’s science.
.1 Why would a company want to market a tissue fixative such as formaldehyde as an ingredient in a shampoo?
.2 Ketoconazole is an anti-fungal… is active only to micro-flora of the fungus genus and species. There are hundreds if not thousands of micro-flora resident to the scalp… a couple are staphlococcus epidermidis and streptococcus pyogenes… normal flora that is not affected by Ketoconazole.
What is the term “Keto”. I have never heard of this. Is it a chemical? I have heard of keto groups or ketones… But not Keto by itself and especially being active against testosterone.
» Ok hello guys I have to jump into this as a devil’s advocate… These are
» just questions and not trying to knock anyone’s science.
» .1 Why would a company want to market a tissue fixative such as
» formaldehyde as an ingredient in a shampoo?
This is EXACTLY Diamond Dave’s point hairtech.
Nizoral is masking the embalming fluid by calling it Quaterium-15 in an attempt to fool all the shampooing robots out there.
I would like to know why embalming fluid is in Nizoral.
You, the shampooing public, would never know about deceptive practices like this without people like Diamond, Kramer and me. We’re not sheeple.
Holy F__ing moly. Your not only correct but add this to your list.
The list below consists of common consumer products that contain carcinogenic materials. This is just a start – please add to it and share information about other products that you know of so we can all live more healthy lives.
Bath and beauty products
* Dove Beauty Bar: It's 99% water, but watch out for that other 1%. It includes quaternium 15 and formaldehyde, known carcinogens, as well as irritants to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
* Johnson's Baby Shampoo: Contains carcinogens quaterium 15, FD&C RED 40, which can cause dermatitis.
* Crest Tarter Control Toothpaste: This best selling toothpaste contains saccharin and phenol fluoride.
* Talcum powder: Talc, the main ingredient, is a carcinogen that increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Use corn starch instead.
* Cover Girl Replenishing Natural Finish Make Up (foundation): This makeup includes BHA, talc, titanium dioxide, triethanolamine. These interact with nitrites to form nitrosamines and lanolin, which is often contaminated with DDT and other carcinogenic pesticides.
“Nizoral is masking the embalming fluid by calling it Quaterium-15 in an attempt to fool all the shampooing robots out there.”
You are a complete f*cking moron. Quaternium-15 is probably one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics over the past three decades. You have your head up your ass if you think they are doing any “masking”, as you call it. Pull head out of ass - I am sure that it already smells like ass since you never wash it.
Quaternium-15 IS NOT formaldehyde or “embalming fluid” as you call it. It is, however, a formaldehyde-releasing agent that is also a very good antimicrobial.
Do you believe EVERYTHING you read, Widows? What a sucker.
» Quaternium-15 IS NOT formaldehyde or “embalming fluid” as you call
» it. It is, however, a formaldehyde-releasing agent that is also a very
» good antimicrobial.
» Do you believe EVERYTHING you read, Widows? What a sucker.
» Jtelecom
If it is a formaldehyde releasing agent… formaldehyde… in it self, when released by Quaternium-15 is a tissue fixative. Thus the reference to embalming fluid.
“If it is a formaldehyde releasing agent… formaldehyde… in it self, when released by Quaternium-15 is a tissue fixative. Thus the reference to embalming fluid.”
Yes, but it is a claim without merit. It is like saying that water is the same as gasoline. I understand the reference to embalming fluid. It is meant to scare people while not being factual. Whether or not formaldehyde is a “tissue fixative” is quite irrelevant. I defy anybody to find a commercially available cosmetic without a formaldehyde-releasing agent - there are a myriad of them on the market. There have been numerous studies that show that cosmetics and similar products without these agents are actually riskier to a person’s health because of bacterial contamination. The quote that Nizoral contains “embalming fluid” was meant SOLELY to scare those unknowing people (Widows, et al) who believe that the World is one, big conspiracy and that people knowingly poison others for financial gain. It is a “little guy” syndrome in which people like Widows, Diamond Dave and Kramer have to blame all of their problems on everyone else because they have insufficient coping mechanisms.
“Holy F__ing moly. Your not only correct but add this to your list.”
Wow. Coming from a scientific (or pseudo-scientific) background, I would think that you would be less likely to fall for this conspiracy/everything causes cancer bullsh*t that has been posted by all sorts of quacks on the internet.
“Your” is a possessive adjective, while “You’re” means “You are” as in “You are not only correct but…”
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