New site for Follica

» » lets say i have a huge bald area
» » rogaine or prop regrow all the hair that was there before
» »
» » do you think i care if its NEW hair? or old hairs revived?
» Idiot, why are you discussing fantasy? Rogaine and propecia can’t restore
» a huge bald area. But creating new follicles could do just that. Not to
» mention the practical reasons: who wants to chemically castrate themselves
» for the next 60 years, or rub grease on their scalp until they hit the
» morgue?
» Man, you really want us to take your nutritional BS seriously, when you
» don’t even understand the topics we discuss here?

if creating new follicles CAN DO JUST THAT…why has no HM method been proven to work and why are they NOT AVAILABLE?

here is a clue dumbshiit. …THEY DONT WORK :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

» It has a good chance to grow hair as well.
» For me its either a scam and no finger will ever grow, or it is not and
» then it will grow even the hair though possibly, the hair will be dht
» sensitive forcing you to use strong antiandrogens + acell (possibly during
» the regrowth even something as strong as oral spiro).

i sliced off way more of the end of my finger than that pic and it regrew all by itself, that in no way was the tip of a finger

» » It has a good chance to grow hair as well.
» »
» » For me its either a scam and no finger will ever grow, or it is not and
» » then it will grow even the hair though possibly, the hair will be dht
» » sensitive forcing you to use strong antiandrogens + acell (possibly
» during
» » the regrowth even something as strong as oral spiro).
» i sliced off way more of the end of my finger than that pic and it regrew
» all by itself, that in no way was the tip of a finger

I smell bs.

I can tell from your posts that you have no idea what follica or acell are or what they set out to do!

You say they are unproved, well they are working on that and you know it! Are you really that much of a moron? Follica are in human trials and they grew hair on human scalp skin grafted onto a mouse that had all the follicles previously removed. I bet minoxidil, finasteride or your crappy regimen couldn’t do that.

I have a lot more hope in follica than your crappy regimen, no one here gives a sh!t about it.

Anyway what are you going to do with yourself if any of these come out? you will have nothing to do with your life, it will be more pointless than it is now. This board will not be here for you to post useless crap, ridiculing people for looking to the future.
You will have to find another forum to waste your life trolling.
What are you going to do, go to a cancer sufferers website and ridicule them for hoping for a cure?

By the way when are you going to realize that no body here gives a crap about your small minded, idiotic, hollier than thou bull sh!t posts.
So what you don’t think anything will work, so what that you think nothing will ever come out, so what if you think everyone here is delusional.
No body gives a flying f*ck.

Why don’t you just move a long and GET A LIFE. surely you have better things to do than post this bullsh!t here? its pathetic.
You are not above anyone here, you don’t have some supreme knowledge above anyone here, your not the one that sees things clearly and we are all delusional. People are grown ups here, if it all fails they sohould be man enough to take it.
Your a narrow minded fool who is a waste of space on this board.

Do you think anyone vallues the opinions of someone who comes here to soley ridicule people hor their belifes?

Your regimen is unproven BS!

I am sorry to say to David but this indiot would have been banned in other sites after a week.He has completely detroyed every forum except the hair transplant one, where he cannot perform his usual monkey routine because simply there its all business, and if he disrupts that forum he will certainly be banned.

I left this site for this idiot destroying every thread…But David should protect the HM forum and the other forums and not only the tranplant section where traditionally in all hair sites money comes from.

this is very sad.He comes in and insults every member and provokes everyone.