Lost hope

» » Mr. Z/Hairman posts = drones, straight-ahead plodders, no imagination,
» » inside-the-box thinking, dullards.
» i hate to break it to you jarjarbinx… but your idea really isn’t so
» amazing that it requires a great thinker like yourself - let alone any form
» of thinking outside-of-the-box. In fact it is a first thought that occurs
» to anyone of average intelligence… I don’t think that it is an option that
» Histogen has failed to evaluate due to their drone-sheepishness, as you
» have so eloquently formulated.

what a drone.

If you thought of contacting Histogen then why didn’t you act on those thoughts of yours by calling Histogen and talking to them about it? Some people did and it may have made a difference. Histogen may have tried to release it early because of the people who DID call them and ask them to do so. So since you admit that you thought of contacting them and asking them to release it early, but you didn’t do so, doesn’t that prove my point that you’re a drone who lacked either the schutzpah or the brains to act on your own thoughts. You thought of contacting Histogen and asking them to release HSC early,but you didn’t put your thoughts to action by actually contacting them and asking them to release it early, so what does that say about you?

It says that the things I’m saying about you, and the people like you, is true. You’re a drone who follows the sheep without the gumption so stray from the routine path. You’re a dullard. You plod along like a mindless drone sheep even when you do get an idea to take your own path. You follow the herd even if your own thoughts tell you that there might be a better way…you just keep plodding along, following the herd, like the drone you are. You dismiss the ideas you have that might be good ideas because you lack the will to step outside path the herd ahead of you has laid down.

You assume that Histogen thought of releasing early but you do not know that for sure and besides it takes effort and schutzpah to step off of the path laid down for you by the herd ahead of you so instead of asking Histogen if they have indeed thought of early release and if they have why they reject the idea, you just plod along behind the herd, taking your place in the herd line, going to wherever the herd leads you.

What a drone.

Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want to know.

» Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want to
» know.

Sounds like you want to contact the Akai clinic but don’t have the gumption to do it yourself. I am not contacting the akai clinic so if you want them contacted do it yourself.

» » Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want to
» » know.
» Sounds like you want to contact the Akai clinic but don’t have the gumption
» to do it yourself. I am not contacting the akai clinic so if you want them
» contacted do it yourself.

I have no opinion, I don’t believe HSC works in the first place, if it works, great. You are sitting on here talking about protesting or what not. Go and call them up. Shy?

» » » Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want
» to
» » » know.
» »
» » Sounds like you want to contact the Akai clinic but don’t have the
» gumption
» » to do it yourself. I am not contacting the akai clinic so if you want
» them
» » contacted do it yourself.
» I have no opinion, I don’t believe HSC works in the first place, if it
» works, great. You are sitting on here talking about protesting or what not.
» Go and call them up. Shy?

i don’t care if you have an opinion about it or not because that is not the point. The point is that you want me to call them because you want to know what they have to say. since you want to know call them yourself and share what they tell you with the rest of us the same as i told you, and everyone else, what Histogen has told me so far. It sounds to me like you want information but you’re kind of weak so you want someone else to get the info for you. You need to get involved and contribute to the effort to get information if you want information.

The reason I won’t make the call for you is that I’m turned off by your weakness - you want them called but you are too weak to make the call so you want someone else to do it for you. Take your dress off, reach down and grab your cajones, remind yourself that you are a man, and make the call. When you complete the call share information or else I won’t share info when I get it. And you know I do make calls so I might get some information from one group or another so if you want info from me you need to contribute to the effort.

And as far as you having no opinion on whether or not it works goes, that is irrelevant. None of us know for 100% certain if a medicine works or not. So what? That doesns’t excuse you from contributing some effort towards getting information that you yourself want.

» » Mr. Z/Hairman posts = drones, straight-ahead plodders, no imagination,
» » inside-the-box thinking, dullards.
» i hate to break it to you jarjarbinx… but your idea really isn’t so
» amazing that it requires a great thinker like yourself - let alone any form
» of thinking outside-of-the-box. In fact it is a first thought that occurs
» to anyone of average intelligence… I don’t think that it is an option that
» Histogen has failed to evaluate due to their drone-sheepishness, as you
» have so eloquently formulated.

So you admit that you also came up with the idea to simply talk to the company about releasing HSC early but you dismissed your own idea because you assumed that the company would say no but you aren’t 100% sure the company would say no. And now it appears that they may have released HSC early so your conclusion that the company would most likely reject the idea of an early relese was a wrong and stupid conclusion, and you yourself know right from the beginning when you chose not to call them and ask them for early release that there was a chance that they might agree but you did not want to pursue that issue because you are ploddingn along in the herd, and you have your place in the herd, and you are following the sheep ahead of you in the herd, and you don’t know if the sheep ahead of you are taking the best possible path, but you lack the cajones to step away from the path, you just want to follow the sheep ahead of you because you’re a drone who is scared to step off of the path that the sheep ahead of you are leading you on.

You belong in a field, grazing, with a bell around your neck.

» » » Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want
» to
» » » know.
» »
» » Sounds like you want to contact the Akai clinic but don’t have the
» gumption
» » to do it yourself. I am not contacting the akai clinic so if you want
» them
» » contacted do it yourself.
» I have no opinion, I don’t believe HSC works in the first place, if it
» works, great. You are sitting on here talking about protesting or what not.
» Go and call them up. Shy?

You don’t believe it works, but you are not 100% sure it doesn’t work or else you would have said “if it works, great” and also the wording you chose “don’t BELIVE it works” leaves some wiggle room for the possibility that it might work so that shows that you even know that there is a chance, however small, that it does work. You also want info from Akai but you lack the cajones to call them so you ask someone else to do it for you.

You call them and share information with me and I will share info with you. It’ll be teamwork between you and I. But we do NOT share info with anyone else here since they refused to contribute to the effort.

Let’s share email addresses and you and I work together to get information for you and I and to try to get HSC early for us. You and me, but you need to contribute to the effort since it would benefit you. You and i in private email contact trying to get info and get Histogen to release early to us.

My email address is russell-claudia2011@hotmail.com

In short you need to work with me and be part of the effort that helps you or else you’re not getting any info or anything from me. Obviously, you want my idea pursued but you don’t want to put your own effort into it. You need to man-up.

You are so bizarre.

I have no interest in contacting Akai or Histogen or any other clinic, and I will not do so.

look dumbass… i was referring to the fact that they can release early outside the jurisdiction of the FDA. That thought is so trivial it does not require your terrorizing phone calls…

» » » Mr. Z/Hairman posts = drones, straight-ahead plodders, no imagination,
» » » inside-the-box thinking, dullards.
» »
» » i hate to break it to you jarjarbinx… but your idea really isn’t so
» » amazing that it requires a great thinker like yourself - let alone any
» form
» » of thinking outside-of-the-box. In fact it is a first thought that
» occurs
» » to anyone of average intelligence… I don’t think that it is an option
» that
» » Histogen has failed to evaluate due to their drone-sheepishness, as you
» » have so eloquently formulated.
» what a drone.
» If you thought of contacting Histogen then why didn’t you act on those
» thoughts of yours by calling Histogen and talking to them about it? Some
» people did and it may have made a difference. Histogen may have tried to
» release it early because of the people who DID call them and ask them to do
» so. So since you admit that you thought of contacting them and asking them
» to release it early, but you didn’t do so, doesn’t that prove my point that
» you’re a drone who lacked either the schutzpah or the brains to act on your
» own thoughts. You thought of contacting Histogen and asking them to release
» HSC early,but you didn’t put your thoughts to action by actually contacting
» them and asking them to release it early, so what does that say about you?
» It says that the things I’m saying about you, and the people like you, is
» true. You’re a drone who follows the sheep without the gumption so stray
» from the routine path. You’re a dullard. You plod along like a mindless
» drone sheep even when you do get an idea to take your own path. You follow
» the herd even if your own thoughts tell you that there might be a better
» way…you just keep plodding along, following the herd, like the drone you
» are. You dismiss the ideas you have that might be good ideas because you
» lack the will to step outside path the herd ahead of you has laid down.
» You assume that Histogen thought of releasing early but you do not know
» that for sure and besides it takes effort and schutzpah to step off of the
» path laid down for you by the herd ahead of you so instead of asking
» Histogen if they have indeed thought of early release and if they have why
» they reject the idea, you just plod along behind the herd, taking your
» place in the herd line, going to wherever the herd leads you.
» What a drone.

» You are so bizarre.
» I have no interest in contacting Akai or Histogen or any other clinic, and
» I will not do so.

Then don’t. I don’t care. You’re a fool if you think you can get other people to do your work for you. If you want info get your own info.

look sheep/monkey…you said that the idea of releasing early is the first thing a person would think of, and in the context you made that statement were refering to ME (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea rather than what the company (Histogen) would think of. You were talking about me thinking of the idea not the company thinking of the idea. Your point was that my thinking is not creative, intelligent, or imaginative so you were talking about my thinking not the company’s thinking. You may not realize that is what you were saying but that is not your fault because you lack the language skills to realize what you aren saying.

Let me try explaining to you. Please try to fire up that last remaining synapse in the wasteland you call your brain. Try to get this: In the context that you made your statement you were point was to say that my thinking is not especially intelligent or imaginative. You were talking about me and my thinking. You were talking about the thinking of the person in MY shoes. You were NOT talking about the company’s thinking. It’s not your fault that you are having difficulty understanding your own posts because you haven’t come down from the trees yet and you lack proper language skills. This is to be expected from someone who belongs up in a tree eating bananas.

Your statement clearly centered around the person in my shoes because your entire point was that there was nothing particularly imaginative or creative about my (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea of asking the company to release the drug early. You were talking about me and my thinking whether you know it or not.

Do you understand yet?

» look dumbass… i was referring to the fact that they can release early
» outside the jurisdiction of the FDA. That thought is so trivial it does not
» require your terrorizing phone calls…
» » » » Mr. Z/Hairman posts = drones, straight-ahead plodders, no
» imagination,
» » » » inside-the-box thinking, dullards.
» » »
» » » i hate to break it to you jarjarbinx… but your idea really isn’t so
» » » amazing that it requires a great thinker like yourself - let alone any
» » form
» » » of thinking outside-of-the-box. In fact it is a first thought that
» » occurs
» » » to anyone of average intelligence… I don’t think that it is an option
» » that
» » » Histogen has failed to evaluate due to their drone-sheepishness, as
» you
» » » have so eloquently formulated.
» »
» » what a drone.
» »
» »
» » If you thought of contacting Histogen then why didn’t you act on those
» » thoughts of yours by calling Histogen and talking to them about it?
» Some
» » people did and it may have made a difference. Histogen may have tried
» to
» » release it early because of the people who DID call them and ask them to
» do
» » so. So since you admit that you thought of contacting them and asking
» them
» » to release it early, but you didn’t do so, doesn’t that prove my point
» that
» » you’re a drone who lacked either the schutzpah or the brains to act on
» your
» » own thoughts. You thought of contacting Histogen and asking them to
» release
» » HSC early,but you didn’t put your thoughts to action by actually
» contacting
» » them and asking them to release it early, so what does that say about
» you?
» »
» » It says that the things I’m saying about you, and the people like you,
» is
» » true. You’re a drone who follows the sheep without the gumption so
» stray
» » from the routine path. You’re a dullard. You plod along like a
» mindless
» » drone sheep even when you do get an idea to take your own path. You
» follow
» » the herd even if your own thoughts tell you that there might be a better
» » way…you just keep plodding along, following the herd, like the drone
» you
» » are. You dismiss the ideas you have that might be good ideas because
» you
» » lack the will to step outside path the herd ahead of you has laid down.
» »
» » You assume that Histogen thought of releasing early but you do not know
» » that for sure and besides it takes effort and schutzpah to step off of
» the
» » path laid down for you by the herd ahead of you so instead of asking
» » Histogen if they have indeed thought of early release and if they have
» why
» » they reject the idea, you just plod along behind the herd, taking your
» » place in the herd line, going to wherever the herd leads you.
» »
» » What a drone.

» look sheep/monkey…you said that the idea of releasing early is the first
» thing a person would think of, and in the context you made that statement
» were refering to ME (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea rather than
» what the company (Histogen) would think of. You were talking about me
» thinking of the idea not the company thinking of the idea. Your point was
» that my thinking is not creative, intelligent, or imaginative so you were
» talking about my thinking not the company’s thinking. You may not realize
» that is what you were saying but that is not your fault because you lack
» the language skills to realize what you aren saying.
» Let me try explaining to you. Please try to fire up that last remaining
» synapse in the wasteland you call your brain. Try to get this: In the
» context that you made your statement you were point was to say that my
» thinking is not especially intelligent or imaginative. You were talking
» about me and my thinking. You were talking about the thinking of the
» person in MY shoes. You were NOT talking about the company’s
» thinking. It’s not your fault that you are having difficulty understanding
» your own posts because you haven’t come down from the trees yet and you
» lack proper language skills. This is to be expected from someone who
» belongs up in a tree eating bananas.
» Your statement clearly centered around the person in my shoes because your
» entire point was that there was nothing particularly imaginative or
» creative about my (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea of asking the
» company to release the drug early. You were talking about me and my
» thinking whether you know it or not.
» Do you understand yet?

I explained several times that it does not require out-of-the-box thinking to come up with the idea which you are presenting as something brilliant that “simply does not sink into their brains”.

I’m quite convinced that you are stevie.dee. The some insane rhetoric and propaganda tactics and still lacking proper english grammar.

end of discussion. talking to you is absolutely pointless

» In short you need to work with me and be part of the effort that helps you
» or else you’re not getting any info or anything from me.

We can only hope and pray that this comes true.

» » » Stop arguing and contact the Akai Clinic in Japan if you really want
» to
» » » know.
» »
» » Sounds like you want to contact the Akai clinic but don’t have the
» gumption
» » to do it yourself. I am not contacting the akai clinic so if you want
» them
» » contacted do it yourself.
» I have no opinion, I don’t believe HSC works in the first place, if it
» works, great. You are sitting on here talking about protesting or what not.
» Go and call them up. Shy?

Me sitting here saying something, saying anything, is not an open invitation for you to try to get me to do your work for you. If you want info go get your own information.

» I explained several times that it does not require out-of-the-box thinking
» to come up with the idea which you are presenting as something brilliant
» that “simply does not sink into their brains”.

Look who’s talking about bad grammar. Your original statement was built on the context of what a patient would think of rather than what a company would think of. Now you are trying to change the context of your already-posted statement, which would change the larger point of your statement, which was to devalue my thinking. So it really isn’t even gramatiaaly possible for you to change the context of your original post to reference the company instead of referencing the patient/customer because your larger point of devaluing my thinking ability would be lost in the process since I’m not the company. So you have to stick with the original context in which you made your statement but when you do that it proves that you yourself do not even truly comprehend the statements you make inside your own posts.

» I’m quite convinced that you are stevie.dee. The some insane rhetoric and
» propaganda tactics and still lacking proper english grammar.
» end of discussion. talking to you is absolutely pointless

yea talking to me is pointless because you can’t communicate properly but that is not your fault. You do not belong in a situation where you are communicating with people. You belong up in a tree eating bananas or out in a field, grazing, and wearing a bell.

» » In short you need to work with me and be part of the effort that helps
» you
» » or else you’re not getting any info or anything from me.
» We can only hope and pray that this comes true.

You have my word on it. I already know significant information that I’m not sharing.

» » » I spoke to the daughter of the company
» » » owner in phone calls and emails. It is looking more and more like
» they
» » » released HSC early - probably in part because of people like me asking
» » them
» » » to.
» »
» » What did she say?
» This really sounds like a legit operation to you? Releasing it early? A
» real biotech firm would never disclose anything about their treatment.
» Too many red flags, plus none of these Histogen people have a background in
» HF biology from anything I can see. Who are the principal scientists in the
» company? Naughton was the dean of a b-school before, so it’s not her.

You ask dumb questions. What difference does it make who the scientists in the company are? Management has all the information that the scientists have. Scientists report to management. Duh!

» Look who’s talking about bad grammar. Your original statement was built on
» the context of what a patient would think of rather than what a company
» would think of. Now you are trying to change the context of your
» already-posted statement, which would change the larger point of your
» statement, which was to devalue my thinking. So it really isn’t even
» gramatiaaly possible for you to change the context of your original post to
» reference the company instead of referencing the patient/customer because
» your larger point of devaluing my thinking ability would be lost in the
» process since I’m not the company. So you have to stick with the original
» context in which you made your statement but when you do that it proves
» that you yourself do not even truly comprehend the statements you make
» inside your own posts.
» yea talking to me is pointless because you can’t communicate properly but
» that is not your fault. You do not belong in a situation where you are
» communicating with people. You belong up in a tree eating bananas or out
» in a field, grazing, and wearing a bell.

I have my doubts that even you know what you are blathering about. My posts were contextually perfect… If you failed to grasp the jist of it, thats not my fault.

P.s. Stevie.Dee also resorted to the same insults over and over with the exact same wording each time… At least TRY to show some diversity you dimwit.

jarjar, there is already a way around the FDA. there are boards where people are synthesizing drugs that are in phase2/3 themselves. for instance Cosmo pharma’s CB-03-01 has been synthesized and tested by dozens of people on a message board I know about. So what you speak of is indeed happening.

» look sheep/monkey…you said that the idea of releasing early is the first
» thing a person would think of, and in the context you made that statement
» were refering to ME (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea rather than
» what the company (Histogen) would think of. You were talking about me
» thinking of the idea not the company thinking of the idea. Your point was
» that my thinking is not creative, intelligent, or imaginative so you were
» talking about my thinking not the company’s thinking. You may not realize
» that is what you were saying but that is not your fault because you lack
» the language skills to realize what you aren saying.
» Let me try explaining to you. Please try to fire up that last remaining
» synapse in the wasteland you call your brain. Try to get this: In the
» context that you made your statement you were point was to say that my
» thinking is not especially intelligent or imaginative. You were talking
» about me and my thinking. You were talking about the thinking of the
» person in MY shoes. You were NOT talking about the company’s
» thinking. It’s not your fault that you are having difficulty understanding
» your own posts because you haven’t come down from the trees yet and you
» lack proper language skills. This is to be expected from someone who
» belongs up in a tree eating bananas.
» Your statement clearly centered around the person in my shoes because your
» entire point was that there was nothing particularly imaginative or
» creative about my (the patient/customer) thinking of the idea of asking the
» company to release the drug early. You were talking about me and my
» thinking whether you know it or not.
» Do you understand yet?
» » look dumbass… i was referring to the fact that they can release early
» » outside the jurisdiction of the FDA. That thought is so trivial it does
» not
» » require your terrorizing phone calls…
» »
» »
» » » » » Mr. Z/Hairman posts = drones, straight-ahead plodders, no
» » imagination,
» » » » » inside-the-box thinking, dullards.
» » » »
» » » » i hate to break it to you jarjarbinx… but your idea really isn’t so
» » » » amazing that it requires a great thinker like yourself - let alone
» any
» » » form
» » » » of thinking outside-of-the-box. In fact it is a first thought that
» » » occurs
» » » » to anyone of average intelligence… I don’t think that it is an
» option
» » » that
» » » » Histogen has failed to evaluate due to their drone-sheepishness, as
» » you
» » » » have so eloquently formulated.
» » »
» » » what a drone.
» » »
» » »
» » » If you thought of contacting Histogen then why didn’t you act on those
» » » thoughts of yours by calling Histogen and talking to them about it?
» » Some
» » » people did and it may have made a difference. Histogen may have tried
» » to
» » » release it early because of the people who DID call them and ask them
» to
» » do
» » » so. So since you admit that you thought of contacting them and asking
» » them
» » » to release it early, but you didn’t do so, doesn’t that prove my point
» » that
» » » you’re a drone who lacked either the schutzpah or the brains to act on
» » your
» » » own thoughts. You thought of contacting Histogen and asking them to
» » release
» » » HSC early,but you didn’t put your thoughts to action by actually
» » contacting
» » » them and asking them to release it early, so what does that say about
» » you?
» » »
» » » It says that the things I’m saying about you, and the people like you,
» » is
» » » true. You’re a drone who follows the sheep without the gumption so
» » stray
» » » from the routine path. You’re a dullard. You plod along like a
» » mindless
» » » drone sheep even when you do get an idea to take your own path. You
» » follow
» » » the herd even if your own thoughts tell you that there might be a
» better
» » » way…you just keep plodding along, following the herd, like the drone
» » you
» » » are. You dismiss the ideas you have that might be good ideas because
» » you
» » » lack the will to step outside path the herd ahead of you has laid down.
» »
» » »
» » » You assume that Histogen thought of releasing early but you do not
» know
» » » that for sure and besides it takes effort and schutzpah to step off of
» » the
» » » path laid down for you by the herd ahead of you so instead of asking
» » » Histogen if they have indeed thought of early release and if they have
» » why
» » » they reject the idea, you just plod along behind the herd, taking your
» » » place in the herd line, going to wherever the herd leads you.
» » »
» » » What a drone.

What forum? where?

CB0301 would probably work really well incombination with fin.