Lost hope

Been comimg on this site for more than 12 years and all that has really happened is fue thats all , no cure in site or donour regeneration in site what a pile of horse pooh.

» Been comimg on this site for more than 12 years and all that has really
» happened is fue thats all , no cure in site or donour regeneration in
» site what a pile of horse pooh.

I understand how you feel. That is why i want to pressure doctors to improve their treatments. I think if we organized a group (a bunch of us) we would have a chanceof effectively pressuring the docs to get the lead out.

Pressuring researchers is not going to do anything other than annoy them.

» Pressuring researchers is not going to do anything other than annoy them.

How do you know? You are talking out your arse. Each company is different. You have no idea how a specific individual company will react to pressure. And sometimes the pressure you bring to bear can be plenty if you do it right.

» » Pressuring researchers is not going to do anything other than annoy
» them.
» How do you know? You are talking out your arse. Each company is
» different. You have no idea how a specific individual company will react
» to pressure. And sometimes the pressure you bring to bear can be plenty if
» you do it right.

i think YOU are talking out of your ass… what kind of pressure are you even thinking of? what exactly do you intend on doing… smash their windows and place a burning cross in front of their houses? you are full of crap

We figure out the timelines of the new technologies (follica, stem cells, and whatever other revolutionary technologies are coming to market) coming and we find out which of these revolutionary treatments are coming to market sooner than Histogen and we tell Histogen that if they don’t release their technology to us somewhere in the world fast then when all these new treatments come to market we will use one of the other new technologies intead of Histogen.

We also tell them that Acell doctors are trying to improve Acell and there is also Latisse coming so Histogen really should cooperate with us if they want our loyalty or else we will use other products.

In other words we try to pressure them. Remember Histogen chose to serve the bald community so they really should consider our interests. They could make their treatment avail in some location outside of the jurisdiction of the US FDA. They could make it avail some place where there is less restrictive regulations. If they won’t cooperate then their HSC product will come out at about the same time as other new hair growth technologies (follica etc) and we should punish Histogen by intentionally buying other new hair growth technologies instead of Histogen’s.

But we would have to send Histogen an email as a group. If I do it alone they will laugh. They don’t care what one guy thinks or says.

In other words, a bunch of us get them concerned that when all the new treatments come to market we will selectively reject Histogen’s treatment and use one of the other new treatments coming, and that means Histogen would lose some business - us. It would take a lot of us saying this to make the company feel some pressure. Basically we would be telling them that we would boycott them in the future if they won’t start taking OUR interests into consideration too. I understand that they have to protect their interests but they chose to serve the bald community and they should also take our interests into consideration. There are ways they could protect both our interests and their interests.

» » » Pressuring researchers is not going to do anything other than annoy
» » them.
» »
» »
» » How do you know? You are talking out your arse. Each company is
» » different. You have no idea how a specific individual company will
» react
» » to pressure. And sometimes the pressure you bring to bear can be plenty
» if
» » you do it right.
» i think YOU are talking out of your ass… what kind of pressure are you
» even thinking of? what exactly do you intend on doing… smash their windows
» and place a burning cross in front of their houses? you are full of crap

I dont think pressure will work as the insentive is allready there, i mean the huge profits that can be made , so we keep waiting .

» I dont think pressure will work as the insentive is allready there, i mean
» the huge profits that can be made , so we keep waiting .

Like you yourself said you “THINK” pressure won’t work, but when you “think” something that means you are not 100% sure. The only way to find out FOR (100%) SURE is to do it and see FOR SURE if it does or doesn’t work. And why wouldn’t you try it? What have you got to lose? They certainly aren’t going to delay longer if we try to pressure them. They want to get it to market as soon as they can so they won’t delay. The thing here is that they do have the option of releasing it someplace outside the jurisdiction of the FDA but these companies don’t think like that. They are conformist drones that just sort of follow the conformist path. There is nothing to stop them from releasing early outside the jurisdiction of the FDA but they simply won’t think of it. That is why we should be pressuring them. We should be pressuring them to make them realize that they can do both - they can follow their FDA regulation path while at the same time also releasing it early someplace in the world where the regulation is less stringent. They can, and should, do both simultaneously, but they are not going to think of this on their own. Now if we were to let them know that we were going to boycott (in the future when all of these new technologies are finally released) and badmouth their company (starting right now) then they might feel some pressure if they think we can get enough potential customers to boycott their treatment in the future.

The point here is that they chose to service the bald community so they should consider our interests. They should consider what we think and how we feel about things.

» I dont think pressure will work as the insentive is allready there, i mean
» the huge profits that can be made , so we keep waiting .

Then why don’t they do it? Why don’t they release this echnology early? They could start making profits now, and lots of profits too, if they released it early. So why don’t they do it? I will tell you why. They don’t do it because they’re kind of sheep/drones. It’s just not something that they would think of. They could release this stuff somewhere in the world after phase 2 when they have dosing and all pretty much worked out but they will not think of this on their own. Businesses are drones. They would need to be pushed (boycott threat) to be gotten to do something like this.

» Then why don’t they do it?

They don’t do it because they are professionals who follow a rigourous validation pathway to scientifically prove that the product (HM) is safe and effective.

If they were able to release it now they sure would do it, because it’s a GOLDMINE, anyone focused on the hair loss condition knows that. That’s super easy to understand …

OTOH, why would they even consider random posters on a random hair loss site ? What do you think “pressure” will add to anything ? lol.

There was no hope from the start ! So now we wait, as we always did. HM is a pipe dream until now, that’s the only thing that I see as certain and that came up from this last decade. Let’s hope that the next one will come up with “something”, I mean, anything.

» » Then why don’t they do it?
» They don’t do it because they are professionals who follow a rigourous
» validation pathway to scientifically prove that the product (HM) is safe
» and effective.
» If they were able to release it now they sure would do it, because it’s a
» GOLDMINE, anyone focused on the hair loss condition knows that. That’s
» super easy to understand …
» OTOH, why would they even consider random posters on a random hair loss
» site ? What do you think “pressure” will add to anything ? lol.
» There was no hope from the start ! So now we wait, as we always did. HM is
» a pipe dream until now, that’s the only thing that I see as certain and
» that came up from this last decade. Let’s hope that the next one will come
» up with “something”, I mean, anything.

Hahaha! If everyone thought like you there would have never been a strike or a sit-in or a boycott or any other kind of protest even though these types of protests have worked many times. I look at your post and i see a person who thinks like a drone/sheep like the leaders of these research teams.

I can assure you that if I wanted you to change some behavior of yours, and I had some way to make you lose money if you did not change that behavior, then you would take my demand seriously OR YOU WOULD LOSE MONEY AND YOU WOULD GET TIRED OF THAT AND THEN YOU WOULD TAKE MY DEMAND SERIOUSLY. The point is whether or not you can get enough people to join in on a boycott. It would require more than just hairsite of course, but at least its’ worth a try. These companies do not want their intended customers badmouthing them

you’re really good at thinking inside the box but like most drones you can’t think outside the box.

I don’t recall any boycott to make a company do something that is in their best interest. What are you going to say “I won’t buy you product when it comes out”. They know you will without a second though so your idea certainly won’t work. I have no doubt they are working as hard as possible to be first. It’s not only going to make them more money but also a bigger market share.
Why do you feel you must insult people who don’t agree with you, that will get you nowhere.

» Been comimg on this site for more than 12 years and all that has really
» happened is fue thats all , no cure in site or donour regeneration in
» site what a pile of horse pooh.

» They don’t do it because they are professionals who follow a rigourous
» validation pathway to scientifically prove that the product (HM) is safe
» and effective.
» If they were able to release it now they sure would do it, because it’s a
» GOLDMINE, anyone focused on the hair loss condition knows that. That’s
» super easy to understand …
» OTOH, why would they even consider random posters on a random hair loss
» site ? What do you think “pressure” will add to anything ? lol.
» There was no hope from the start ! So now we wait, as we always did. HM is
» a pipe dream until now, that’s the only thing that I see as certain and
» that came up from this last decade. Let’s hope that the next one will come
» up with “something”, I mean, anything.

stop being so rational FatalEvolution! jarjarbinx’s sheep-drone theory sounds much more viable… i had no idea the entire hm industry consisted of sheep-drones… brilliant theory.

» stop being so rational FatalEvolution!


» stop being so rational FatalEvolution! jarjarbinx’s sheep-drone theory
» sounds much more viable… i had no idea the entire hm industry consisted
» of sheep-drones… brilliant theory.

Fear JarJarBinx big pharma companies !! The end is near !!! We’re all inside a box and a clumsy poster with protruding eyes is outside the box. He claims that the Armageddon boycott has happened, Ok …


» Then why don’t they do it? Why don’t they release this echnology early?
» They could start making profits now, and lots of profits too, if they
» released it early. So why don’t they do it? I will tell you why. They
» don’t do it because they’re kind of sheep/drones. It’s just not something
» that they would think of. They could release this stuff somewhere in the
» world after phase 2 when they have dosing and all pretty much worked out
» but they will not think of this on their own.
Businesses are drones. They
» would need to be pushed (boycott threat) to be gotten to do something like
» this.

Actually didn’t Histogen attempt just that?

» I don’t recall any boycott to make a company do something that is in their
» best interest. What are you going to say “I won’t buy you product when it
» comes out”. They know you will without a second though so your idea
» certainly won’t work. I have no doubt they are working as hard as possible
» to be first. It’s not only going to make them more money but also a bigger
» market share.
» Why do you feel you must insult people who don’t agree with you, that will
» get you nowhere.

Lots of protests/boycots have been effective. And I am not insulting people. I am simply telling people the truth about themselves. The posters who want to come here to sit and whine are really nothing but a bunch of ninny momma’s boys. They have no spunk or fight in them. They’re weak.

Did you ever see the movie “one flew over the cuckoos nest” with Jack Nicholson? Do you remember the part where he tried to move the big old console? Other inpatients were razzing him for even trying. He tried and tried and tried but he could not move it and then he says to the other inpatients, “But I tried.” That line in that movie has gone down in history as one of the all-time great symbols if a man with cajones. It has gone down in history as a symbol of a man who is a MAN, instead of a fightless cowering wimp.

Hey, at least I’m trying. Many posters here do nothing but complain. They do not even try to be pro-active. They are lazy and have no cajones. There is no shame in trying and failing, but there is shame in not even trying.

» » They don’t do it because they are professionals who follow a rigourous
» » validation pathway to scientifically prove that the product (HM) is safe
» » and effective.
» »
» » If they were able to release it now they sure would do it, because it’s
» a
» » GOLDMINE, anyone focused on the hair loss condition knows that. That’s
» » super easy to understand …
» »
» » OTOH, why would they even consider random posters on a random hair loss
» » site ? What do you think “pressure” will add to anything ? lol.
» »
» » There was no hope from the start ! So now we wait, as we always did. HM
» is
» » a pipe dream until now, that’s the only thing that I see as certain and
» » that came up from this last decade. Let’s hope that the next one will
» come
» » up with “something”, I mean, anything.
» stop being so rational FatalEvolution! jarjarbinx’s sheep-drone theory
» sounds much more viable… i had no idea the entire hm industry consisted
» of sheep-drones… brilliant theory.

no cajones.

90% of the population are a bunch of drones, including 90% of HM staff. 10% of any population, at most, thinks outside the box. People are lazy. They take the path of least resistance. Thinking independently outside-the-box requires effort. 90% of the population is too lazy and doesn’t have enough character for creative thinking.

I talked to Histogen on the phone a few months ago. I talked to them about releasing early in some country outside the US so the FDA could not stand in the way. My initial statement included the point about releasing it early outside the US to avoid FDA restrictions but she still said “The FDA won’t allow us to release the treatment until it completes all clinical studies.” I said, “Let me repeat myself, release it early outside the US where the FDA has no control.” She said, “We don’t know the correct dose and stuff like that” and I said, “Wait till after phasse 2 studies are complete so you will have that stuff down pat pretty well.” She went back to the FDA issue and said, “The FDA regulations do not permit early release.” I said, “The FDA does not decide what happens outside the US.” She said, “Our business plan is built on FDA approval.” I said, "You can still do your FDA-based studies to fruition. You could release somewhere in the world (after phase 2 when you have the facts you need to make the treatment work) while at the same time pursuing FDA-based clinical trials through phase 1, 2, and 3. She said, something else about FDA and I said “The FDA has nothing to do with what you do outside the jurisdiction of the FDA.” She kept talking FDA sh!t. It isn’t sinking into her brain. She doesn’t get it that the FDA does not control what happens outside the US - that there are places where it can be released early outside the US.

Americans have FDA approval so imbeded in their consiousness that they can’t imagine the possibility of releasing a product early somewhere outside the reach of the FDA. The things I was saying just weren’t sinking into her brain. She did not come up with one good reason for refusing to release early (after phase 2) in some location outside the jurisdiction of the FDA. She simply kept sayinn “The FDA won’t allow it” over and over again. She is so brainwashed into thinking that the FDA controls when she can release her technology that she simply can’t consider the possibility that she might be wrong.

She could have two things going on simultaneously. She could have the early market release going on (after phase 2 is complete) somewhere where she can release it early, while at the same time still doing clinical studies for the FDA but when the idea of doing this comes up she goes into some kind of “FDA malfunction default mode” where all she can say is “FDA, FDA, FDA” without even allowing her brain to consider the possibility that she could release it outside the jurisdiction of the FDA.

She is definitely a drone and only another drone wouldn’t realize that. Drones can be reached if you pressure them enough. it’s hard, but it can be done.

» Lots of protests/boycots have been effective. And I am not insulting
» people. I am simply telling people the truth about themselves. The
» posters who want to come here to sit and whine are really nothing but a
» bunch of ninny momma’s boys. They have no spunk or fight in them. They’re
» weak.
» Did you ever see the movie “one flew over the cuckoos nest” with Jack
» Nicholson? Do you remember the part where he tried to move the big old
» console? Other inpatients were razzing him for even trying. He tried and
» tried and tried but he could not move it and then he says to the other
» inpatients, “But I tried.” That line in that movie has gone down in history
» as one of the all-time great symbols if a man with cajones. It has gone
» down in history as a symbol of a man who is a MAN, instead of a fightless
» cowering wimp.
» Hey, at least I’m trying. Many posters here do nothing but complain. They
» do not even try to be pro-active. They are lazy and have no cajones.
» There is no shame in trying and failing, but there is shame in not even
» trying.

The only way any form of protests or boycotts will work is when everybody refuses to pay for a hair transplant, boycott all the FUE and strip doctors, when they bank accounts dry up, then there will be incentive to find a truly effective cure for hair loss.