LIMITLESS DONOR SUPPLY-JTR, JB, Others- Check this out

» Far be it for me to compliment anything shown on FOX News, but that video
» is amazing. Especially if that guy really regrew his finger. The entire
» tip of the finger, including the nail, was gone.

It’s real. Little kids up to 2 have been known to regrow fingers naturally. It is quite literally the same thing as HM and due to cell signaling. The truth is that we could live forever if the whacked out society around us actually wanted to. It won’t happen for us though, but I am convinced it will happen to a future more enlightened generation.

IMO, it boils down to religious evolution. A few thousand years ago, mankind needed the religions that were invented in those times. When you think about it, there was no science that could show man how to live forever, so he had to invent a mechanism to calm his fears of dying, thus the myth was invented that God first torchers us to death in the most brutal of manners, only to resurrect us in spirit and provide us with immortality and the fullfillment of the desires that went unfullfilled in the mortal life. This phenomenon of course fed those who were anxious to use the common man’s fear against him in order to gain power, wealth, control, and authority over the masses. Hitler certainly coined it best when he noted, “What good fortune for governments that people do not think,” as it was an offshoot of this phenomenon that allowed him to gain absolute power over Germany.

So you can see that futurists’ dreams and those of old-world religions are actually extremely similar. I foresee a time will eventually come where people finally understand that they have no need for gambling on the definitive existance of an unprovable after life in order to achieve immortality. This future generation will realize that the dream of immortality can come true with a 100% guarantee. That guarantee is that human beings are complex machines, but man is intelligent enough to figure out how to direct nature how to do what it has done naturally since the beginning of man–to grow human tissues in a predictable manner with great consistency.

HM is the tip of the ice-berg, but it is a necessary step in man’s march toward immortality. It is all about providing cells the right signals that tells the cells to simply do what they did in the birth canal. Hearts, brains, livers, hair–there really isn’t a whole lot of difference when it comes to the basic mechanics. It is not really scientific evolution that withholds us from achieving this dream in the course of our lifetimes; it is the slow course of spiritual and political evolution that will force us to needlessly suffer and die an agonizing and horrific death.

» » Far be it for me to compliment anything shown on FOX News, but that
» video
» » is amazing. Especially if that guy really regrew his finger. The
» entire
» » tip of the finger, including the nail, was gone.
» It’s real. Little kids up to 2 have been known to regrow fingers
» naturally. It is quite literally the same thing as HM and due to cell
» signaling. The truth is that we could live forever if the whacked out
» society around us actually wanted to. It won’t happen for us though, but I
» am convinced it will happen to a future more enlightened generation.
» IMO, it boils down to religious evolution. A few thousand years ago,
» mankind needed the religions that were invented in those times. When you
» think about it, there was no science that could show man how to live
» forever, so he had to invent a mechanism to calm his fears of dying, thus
» the myth was invented that God first torchers us to death in the most
» brutal of manners, only to resurrect us in spirit and provide us with
» immortality and the fullfillment of the desires that went unfullfilled in
» the mortal life. This phenomenon of course fed those who were anxious to
» use the common man’s fear against him in order to gain power, wealth,
» control, and authority over the masses. Hitler certainly coined it best
» when he noted, “What good fortune for governments that people do not
» think,” as it was an offshoot of this phenomenon that allowed him to gain
» absolute power over Germany.
» So you can see that futurists’ dreams and those of old-world religions are
» actually extremely similar. I foresee a time will eventually come where
» people finally understand that they have no need for gambling on the
» definitive existance of an unprovable after life in order to achieve
» immortality. This future generation will realize that the dream of
» immortality can come true with a 100% guarantee. That guarantee is that
» human beings are complex machines, but man is intelligent enough to figure
» out how to direct nature how to do what it has done naturally since the
» beginning of man–to grow human tissues in a predictable manner with great
» consistency.
» HM is the tip of the ice-berg, but it is a necessary step in man’s march
» toward immortality. It is all about providing cells the right signals that
» tells the cells to simply do what they did in the birth canal. Hearts,
» brains, livers, hair–there really isn’t a whole lot of difference when it
» comes to the basic mechanics. It is not really scientific evolution that
» withholds us from achieving this dream in the course of our lifetimes; it
» is the slow course of spiritual and political evolution that will force us
» to needlessly suffer and die an agonizing and horrific death.

If, as you say, it is true JB- the cat is then out of the bag so to speak. I don’t think we can blame this on religion can we? I mean the media has anything but a religious agenda, no?

Transplant surgeons should be all over this.

With an endless supply of donor hair comes an endless supply of transplants to charge the patient for ! ! ! !

The HT docs make money and we get excellent transplants.

Holy Cow!

Everybody’s happy.

I had open donor scarring (the old plug harvesting back in the late 1970s).

If they had this powder back then, they could have sprinkled it on my open donor wounds, and they would have grown back new skin new hair.

Instead the back of my head looks buckshot!







Limitless money? I’ve got a somewhat limitED number of emails fired off to Acell and plan on making some calls this week. Rarely do the, what appear to me anyway, regular “announcements” cause me to take a second look. On this, I took about five looks. Here is what nailed me.

» If, as you say, it is true JB- the cat is then out of the bag so to speak.
» I don’t think we can blame this on religion can we? I mean the media has
» anything but a religious agenda, no?

My intention is not necessarily to blame religion for anything but more to point out that religious beliefs and politics continue to evolve over time and that these two forces exert supreme control over scientific progression. IMO, a time will come when we have little need for outdated ideals and will move forward with a more certain method of achieving a goal that is common to most people–immortality and relief from the agony of death and disease.

There are many examples of religious and political progression that demonstrate my point. For instance, the Mormon Church did not allow black males to hold the priesthood until 1978. By the same token the United States used to enforce segregation laws that did not allow blacks many of the everyday privileges enjoyed by whites. These days, such rules and regulations appear to most enlightened people to have been archaic and unethical. In much the same manner, many of the current persecutions enforced by our churches and politicians will eventually go by the wayside in favor of a more enlightened manner of living.

As far as “the word being out” on this, I don’t believe that “good” science can possibly exist in a vacuum. Thus, it will take a lot more than a few news stories to bring about immortality. The problems that need to be solved to bring forth such an invention are so complex that they will require intense focus, organization, and cash. Without this, you and I will suffer and die a horrible death. Of course, I probably have a little more experience than most do when it comes to the agony experienced in death because I spent about 10 years dying of a horrible neurological disease. For whatever reason, I didn’t go out easy and instead invented my way back into good health. But I’m unlikely to forget the memory of the agony I once experienced as it was far beyond what I previously believed was possible. In fact, I laid there for many years wondering, “why didn’t anyone tell me this could happen?” The answer is, of course, it is not rewarding to know about. Thus, when you get there, don’t say I didn’t tell you what few people will ever tell you. It can be a living hell beyond what you can currently imagine. In those days, just pray that Dr. Kevorkian comes out of retirement to save you.

If I had a choice, I would choose not to go through that particular experience again. But since most people don’t realize what a nightmare dying can be, they feel comfortable gambling on being “paid back” after they are torchered to death. Having experienced the torcher first hand, I don’t believe any restitution made after the fact is worth it. But I’m in the extreme minority, and of course, the disease you die from might be more forgiving of the one I almost died from.

Interestingly, most people are content to allow the church to guide scientific progression. In light of the fact that it took until 1992 till the Church admitted its condemnation of Galileo was in error, I feel that the Church historically knows very little about science and should completely abstain from matters concerning scientific policy. The fact that it took the Church until 1992 to finally realize that the earth does in fact revolve around the sun is scientifically unforgivable, and I for one do not recognize the Church as an authority in any matter of science. Others appear to love the slow progression of the Church and science and feel comfortable evolving at this pace. I guess perhaps I have a quicker mind than these particular individuals, thus my discomfort? I don’t know for certain.

But there is one thing I do know for certain, for those that are at all bitter or down because they were genetically programmed to lose their hair–they ain’t seen nothing yet! Dying is a supreme lesson in losses that makes hairloss seem like a Disneyland vacation. You have a choice between getting down on your knees and praying that you will be paid back for having allowed some unseeable dictator to torcher you to death or standing up on your two hind legs and doing something about it in this life and in this world. I’m a firm advocate of the latter methodology. The fact that I am an advocate of HM science is no secret. But I am less vocal of something I believe is much more important, and that concerns a much greater game of take-away that you will experience. In those days, I can guarantee you that hairloss will have seemed like a walk in the park in comparison. I have to question why people don’t want to do something about it now, because when it comes for you, it will be too late. I believe the answer is because most people don’t have the privilege of having experienced it first hand at an earlier age.


These pictures here of wounds on dogs, rehealing replete with hair re-growing Urinary Bladder Matrix (UBM) Technology, is what interested me (along with that picture of a bullet hole all the way through a guys foot rehealing, bone-and-all).

Raptor was not in my opinion trying to give any HT practioners a “bum steer”, he simply noticed that if a portion of flesh could be removed from the donor area, ACELL applied, and the donor area regrew with DHT-resistant hair again, this would at least double the donor area one time anyway.

I dont think testing this on a postage stamp-area (or smaller) from some willing subjects donor area would be an unreal test to perform. It may not work, then again it may be a tool that allows traditional HT’s to deliver astonishing results never thought possible by anyone. I hope someone can take a look…

I wasnt the one who originally found & posted this story, it was Wesb(hope that is right, if not its close)…it got overlooked when he posted it and I felt it was such a good find by him that I posted it again…

As far as how it works, I believe that the ECM activates the underlying stem cells to repair the injured tissue…so the ECM doesnt grow back the tissue, it tells the stem cells to do so…this is what I took from the story

This technology was not developed originally for hair replacement, but might be also used for that purpose…it has been involved in a patent dispute (which has slowed down its progress, but that has been resolved)…after speaking with the individual at Acell, they agreed that this application for hair was very interesting (it seems that they hadnt considered this application yet…realize that this technology has many applications and the researchers have not thought of every sector it might be used in yet)…I also believe that HT doctors may not know of or believe in this product (I believe that most doctors will use the best existing technology available to them, but are not really out there researching new technology on their own…especially something such as this that is not intended for hairloss (Yet?))…thats why I believe that it is possible for us to bring the two sides together…and least try it in a small experiment (as Benji said, maybe a postage sized spot) to see how it responds…

I have been waiting for HM also and would prefer it over this method, but would also be estatic if this method would work…I understand that for somebody who has never had a HT this procedure would be a big step (its surgery) , but for those of us who have already had a HT it would basically give us unlimited donor hair and if this method worked…make HT’s an complete solution to hairloss

Hey all,

What’s exciting about the work by Acell is that it corroborates the findings by George Cotsarelis in the Nature article last month as well as the recent work by Elaine Fuchs. Al of them demonstrate that wounding the skin leads to stem cell-like conditions. However, as Acell has shown, these stem cell-like conditions can be taken advatantage of by an extracellular matrix rather than some protein promoter.

I’ve emailed a couple people in the industry hoping they’d pay attention to this… I don’t see why this couldn’t offer a cure within 5 years…

All the best,

» I wasnt the one who originally found & posted this story, it was
» Wesb
(hope that is right, if not its close)…it got overlooked when he
» posted it and I felt it was such a good find by him that I posted it
» again…
» As far as how it works, I believe that the ECM activates the underlying
» stem cells to repair the injured tissue…so the ECM doesnt grow back the
» tissue, it tells the stem cells to do so…this is what I took from the
» story
» This technology was not developed originally for hair replacement, but
» might be also used for that purpose…it has been involved in a patent
» dispute (which has slowed down its progress, but that has been
» resolved)…after speaking with the individual at Acell, they agreed that
» this application for hair was very interesting (it seems that they hadnt
» considered this application yet…realize that this technology has many
» applications and the researchers have not thought of every sector it might
» be used in yet)…I also believe that HT doctors may not know of or believe
» in this product (I believe that most doctors will use the best existing
» technology available to them, but are not really out there researching new
» technology on their own…especially something such as this that is not
» intended for hairloss (Yet?))…thats why I believe that it is possible
» for us to bring the two sides together…and least try it in a small
» experiment (as Benji said, maybe a postage sized spot) to see how it
» responds…
» I have been waiting for HM also and would prefer it over this method, but
» would also be estatic if this method would work…I understand that for
» somebody who has never had a HT this procedure would be a big step (its
» surgery) , but for those of us who have already had a HT it would
» basically give us unlimited donor hair and if this method worked…make
» HT’s an complete solution to hairloss

As soon as the FDA approves it for trauma and burn skin regeneration, it should be OK to use to help HT patients.

Because HT patients have scar tissue, which like a burn or trauma victim, can be removed to regrow original scalp and hair again.

So you wouldn’ need approval or to test whether the hair created by this methond is OK to transplant.

Instead, you could use every hair in the donor area as transplant hair, then regrow the entire donor area back again using this discovery.

And you’ve a full head of hair and good as new.

So there should be no need for HT trials and approval once it’s approved for growing skin and hair on trauma victims.

» But there is one thing I do know for certain, for those that are at all
» bitter or down because they were genetically programmed to lose their
» hair–they ain’t seen nothing yet! Dying is a supreme lesson in losses
» that makes hairloss seem like a Disneyland vacation.

When the day comes that I know for sure I cannot have hair, I would welcome death so long as it’s quick.

As it is, I am making plans to go off into the wilderness to live like a hermit.

I will not return until and if I can have hair again.

As for the hidden truth as to how horrible life can be from any number of illnesses and maiming, physical as well as psychological–I know.

Some of it I have experience, some I have read about, and the rest I can imagine enough of to be horrified by the possibilities.

I cannot imagine that life could ever supply enough reward to make living worth the risks, at least not in our industrial society (which does nothing to prepare us, but instead does the opposite).

And I shake my head whenever I learn someone is having a baby.

It’s like how can you create life when it ultimately is so horrible?

Fact is, our bodies manufacture our own built in drugs, which make most people oblivious to their daily vulnerabilty to the worst kinds of horror, and so drugged up they reproduce and believe there is a reward to life.

But that is how evolution keeps things going.

I remember reading years ago that Zarathustra asked the lord to let him know the lord completely.

After the lord fully revealed himself, Zarathustra hid under his bed in terror, and begged the lord to make him ignorant again.

Substitue life for the lord in the preceeding two sentences.


I spent last weekend hanging out with a relative I haven’t seen in a long time. He is extremely wealthy and has the thickest hair I’ve ever seen on a 50-year-old. He is handome, intelligent, and seems to have everything that everybody wants. Another relative I was around is about 60, has a full head of hair and retired early after living life as an airline captain. He’s not hurting financially either. At the end of this family gathering, I came to the conclusion that I am more content than some of the most well-off people, even though they have so much more than me. I’m not really certain why that is. I have some ideas that might or might not be correct, but at the end of the day, I feel pretty fortunate to have come back from extreme illness and have landed in the middle of a whole lot of opportunity. Maybe I once fell so far down to the bottom that I compare my life now to my life then. These days, I am looking forward to a very long life. I can say back when I was in ill health, I used to go to sleep every night hoping I would die in my sleep. I couldn’t stand the thought of living for another 10-years or so. But my viewpoint on longetivity changed when I regained my health, and now I want to live to a nice long old age. I choose not to waste even a single day in the time between now and then. But I know the day will probably come (barring a quick death by accident etc.) that I have to go back down for the count and suffer excruciatingly until I breath my last breath. I am not at all looking forward to that time, and perhaps that is why I try to spend my current time doing the things I most enjoy (I can’t always do that but I try).

I suspect when a lot of guys finally get their hair back, they will have kind of a similar sense of satisfaction. There is something about having things taken away that destroys people psychologically, but by the same token, getting those things back sometimes instills a sense of gratitude in those individuals that even the most well-off of people often lack.

BTW, I once lived in the mountains miles away from the nearest road. It was a very rugged wilderness area, and life was very good then. When I finally came out of the mountains, I found it quite difficult to adjust to the society around me. Most people’s agendas seemed to be extraordinarily superficial and they were focused on everything except for what is important in living. I’m not certain I will ever go back to that lifestyle, but what of it I did live has been very beneficial to my psychological well-being.

I’ve actually already been living increasingly as a hermit because of my hair for the past 25 years, and as a total hermit for the past 8 years–but I am doing it in a populated area.

I will be moving to a blue collar area out in the country, where men drive tactors and wear hats more often than not.

That will make it easier for me to come to town to buy supplies.

As for getting back something important what was lost: I am positive it would be a life changing experience.

Like those people who go through a war and return alive and unwounded. They expected to die, and they got their lives back. They are changed forever.

When the day comes that baldness can be effectively cured, then our society will freely admit what a serious and terrible problem it was.

What makes baldness so terrible is how much it is misunderstood.

If I could wear a wig or wear a hat with the same acceptance that someone missing an eye can wear a glass eye or a patch, I’d have worn a hat and lived a normal life.

After all, no one remarks, “Who does he think he’s fooling,” when they see someone with a glass eye.

(Which reminds me: that very comment: “Who does he think he’s fooling,” I believe is being made because in the give and take of human relations, the hat or wig wearing bald man is seen as trying to “gain the system”–in essence, to cheat at the game of life by attempting to passing himself off as something better than he is.

This inspires contempt by those people who believe you are trying to cheat them into treating you with more respect than you merit.

So that very comment, “who is he trying to fool,” actally belies the social significance of having hair or not.

So will this work for keloids? I have one in the middle of my chest for about a decade now, which means that there is also no hair on that part of my chest but tonnes around it. It would be nice to shift that bugger.

» As soon as the FDA approves it for trauma and burn skin regeneration, it
» should be OK to use to help HT patients.
» Because HT patients have scar tissue, which like a burn or trauma victim,
» can be removed to regrow original scalp and hair again.
» So you wouldn’ need approval or to test whether the hair created by this
» methond is OK to transplant.
» Instead, you could use every hair in the donor area as transplant hair,
» then regrow the entire donor area back again using this discovery.
» And you’ve a full head of hair and good as new.
» So there should be no need for HT trials and approval once it’s approved
» for growing skin and hair on trauma victims.

12 seconds ago I got off of the phone with Acell. I won’t give out the name of the individual that I spoke to as I don’t want others calling him as there isn’t much to share beyond what you already know and I don’t want him to get irritated with a deluge of more calls.

Here’s the dealio. They’ve started making human grade product three years ago but were stopped in their tracks due to litigation from two separate plaintiffs. They just won all rounds regarding patent disputes across the board so they are free to ramp up again. I spoke to this individual about the potential for the cosmetic surgery industry and hair transplantation specifically and he agreed that the possibilities were exciting. But…and this is a big “but”. They probably will not start production for another year at the least. This is just idle chat between two people on the phone, one inquiring and the other admitting to not REALLY knowing what may happen or when but we DO know that they are free to start production and they are going to evaluate various markets. While EMC was originally developed for more serious and life threatening injuries the cosmetics field is where they could really make their revenue. So, there it is. I’m going to keep in touch with my contact on a regular basis and he promised to keep me updated on new or changing information.

» 12 seconds ago I got off of the phone with Acell. I won’t give out the name
» of the individual that I spoke to as I don’t want others calling him as
» there isn’t much to share beyond what you already know and I don’t want
» him to get irritated with a deluge of more calls.
» Here’s the dealio. They’ve started making human grade product three years
» ago but were stopped in their tracks due to litigation from two separate
» plaintiffs. They just won all rounds regarding patent disputes across the
» board so they are free to ramp up again. I spoke to this individual about
» the potential for the cosmetic surgery industry and hair transplantation
» specifically and he agreed that the possibilities were exciting.
» But…and this is a big “but”. They probably will not start production
» for another year at the least. This is just idle chat between two people
» on the phone, one inquiring and the other admitting to not REALLY knowing
» what may happen or when but we DO know that they are free to start
» production and they are going to evaluate various markets. While EMC was
» originally developed for more serious and life threatening injuries the
» cosmetics field is where they could really make their revenue. So, there
» it is. I’m going to keep in touch with my contact on a regular basis and
» he promised to keep me updated on new or changing information.

Hi Joe,

I e-mailed you today about this subject. I hope you had time to read it. It sounds like you possibly spoke with the same person at Acell that I have. The information I was given over the phone was very similar to what you are stating here. I am glad that you are getting involved with this matter. Someone with a relationship with a HT doctor will have more clout with this company. Please read my e-mail when you have the time. I am in the Pittsburgh area. If I can be of any help…please let me know. Please keep us posted.

Thank You,

If you go to the link below and paste the search below you will get the complete patent family. I remain sceptical.


Thanks for this. You probably spoke to Mike M., I posted some of our correspondence in other Acell thread. You answered the questions I had for him in a second email I sent him a day or two ago.

It is a shame that Purdue University’s greed has slowed this down so much. I guess there is no hope in getting a sample to try out for my transplant, maybe next time around.

» 12 seconds ago I got off of the phone with Acell. I won’t give out the name
» of the individual that I spoke to as I don’t want others calling him as
» there isn’t much to share beyond what you already know and I don’t want
» him to get irritated with a deluge of more calls.
» Here’s the dealio. They’ve started making human grade product three years
» ago but were stopped in their tracks due to litigation from two separate
» plaintiffs. They just won all rounds regarding patent disputes across the
» board so they are free to ramp up again. I spoke to this individual about
» the potential for the cosmetic surgery industry and hair transplantation
» specifically and he agreed that the possibilities were exciting.
» But…and this is a big “but”. They probably will not start production
» for another year at the least. This is just idle chat between two people
» on the phone, one inquiring and the other admitting to not REALLY knowing
» what may happen or when but we DO know that they are free to start
» production and they are going to evaluate various markets. While EMC was
» originally developed for more serious and life threatening injuries the
» cosmetics field is where they could really make their revenue. So, there
» it is. I’m going to keep in touch with my contact on a regular basis and
» he promised to keep me updated on new or changing information.

I totally feel what you are saying.Your post really hit me.

Hi Joe,

Thanks for doing that for all of us. Keep us posted…