» Far be it for me to compliment anything shown on FOX News, but that video
» is amazing. Especially if that guy really regrew his finger. The entire
» tip of the finger, including the nail, was gone.
It’s real. Little kids up to 2 have been known to regrow fingers naturally. It is quite literally the same thing as HM and due to cell signaling. The truth is that we could live forever if the whacked out society around us actually wanted to. It won’t happen for us though, but I am convinced it will happen to a future more enlightened generation.
IMO, it boils down to religious evolution. A few thousand years ago, mankind needed the religions that were invented in those times. When you think about it, there was no science that could show man how to live forever, so he had to invent a mechanism to calm his fears of dying, thus the myth was invented that God first torchers us to death in the most brutal of manners, only to resurrect us in spirit and provide us with immortality and the fullfillment of the desires that went unfullfilled in the mortal life. This phenomenon of course fed those who were anxious to use the common man’s fear against him in order to gain power, wealth, control, and authority over the masses. Hitler certainly coined it best when he noted, “What good fortune for governments that people do not think,” as it was an offshoot of this phenomenon that allowed him to gain absolute power over Germany.
So you can see that futurists’ dreams and those of old-world religions are actually extremely similar. I foresee a time will eventually come where people finally understand that they have no need for gambling on the definitive existance of an unprovable after life in order to achieve immortality. This future generation will realize that the dream of immortality can come true with a 100% guarantee. That guarantee is that human beings are complex machines, but man is intelligent enough to figure out how to direct nature how to do what it has done naturally since the beginning of man–to grow human tissues in a predictable manner with great consistency.
HM is the tip of the ice-berg, but it is a necessary step in man’s march toward immortality. It is all about providing cells the right signals that tells the cells to simply do what they did in the birth canal. Hearts, brains, livers, hair–there really isn’t a whole lot of difference when it comes to the basic mechanics. It is not really scientific evolution that withholds us from achieving this dream in the course of our lifetimes; it is the slow course of spiritual and political evolution that will force us to needlessly suffer and die an agonizing and horrific death.