L Carnitine with DMSO

I wonder if anyone has tried this particular suggestion. It comes from Robert Jay Rowen, MD news letter of 26 Mar 08. The DMSO idea is particularly apposite. I had some correspondence about 4 years ago with Dr Jacobs who was the world leader on the use of DMSO. It has to be handled carefully because it will take anything through the skin. I have noticed that some of you have tried L Carnitine as part of a general protocol, but has this particular proposal been tried by any one here?

Could this be the cure for hair loss?

Big Pharma accidentally discovered that a patented drug used for blood pressure, minoxidil, helped regrow hair. Boy, did they make billions! But you don’t need the drug. I am excited to tell you about a possible treatment for hair loss. If I could keep it a secret and market it, I probably would make a bazillion dollars in no time, just like Big Pharma. But I’d rather tell you about it and get your feedback. This is a dandy.

Researchers recently cultured human hair follicle cells. These are the skin cells responsible for making your hair. They incubated the cells with very low levels of L-carnitine tartrate for nine days. At the end of that time, the follicles treated with l-carnitine showed significant growth of hair.

But that’s not all. The treatment also slowed apoptosis, or preprogrammed cell death. It improved division of cells essential to making hair. It improved local cell growth proteins in the outer root sheath.

The authors concluded their fascinating study urging more research of this safe nutraceutical approach to male pattern baldness and other forms of hair loss. I agree. But there’s no reason to wait. It’s harmless. And this isn’t the only research I’ve seen on carnitine and hair loss. Other studies found that topical carnitine provides more ATP to the hair follicle cells. That makes sense since carnitine is intimately related to mitochondrial energy production from fatty acids.

Carnitine is readily available in your local health food store. Once you buy it, here’s all you have to do: Take a capsule, dissolve it in a small amount of carrier solution, and apply it to your scalp. Since DMSO is an outstanding solvent and means to carry substances into the skin, a weak 20% solution of DMSO could be the ticket. DMSO 20% is unlikely to irritate your skin. And there is no drug risk from the carnitine. You can find DMSO on the Internet.

If you try this solution, please let me know how it works. I’d love to beat Big Pharma at their own game.

Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Robert Jay Rowen, MD
To contact us:
Second Opinion
P.O. Box 467939
Atlanta, GA 31146


Ref: “L-Carnitine-L-tartrate promotes human hair growth in vitro,” Foitzik K, Paus R, et al, Exp Dermatol, 2007; 16(11): 936-45. i]

» I wonder if anyone has tried this particular suggestion. It comes from
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD news letter of 26 Mar 08. The DMSO idea is
» particularly apposite. I had some correspondence about 4 years ago with Dr
» Jacobs who was the world leader on the use of DMSO. It has to be handled
» carefully because it will take anything through the skin. I have noticed
» that some of you have tried L Carnitine as part of a general protocol, but
» has this particular proposal been tried by any one here?
» Could this be the cure for hair loss?
» Big Pharma accidentally discovered that a patented drug used for blood
» pressure, minoxidil, helped regrow hair. Boy, did they make billions! But
» you don’t need the drug. I am excited to tell you about a possible
» treatment for hair loss. If I could keep it a secret and market it, I
» probably would make a bazillion dollars in no time, just like Big Pharma.
» But I’d rather tell you about it and get your feedback. This is a dandy.
» Researchers recently cultured human hair follicle cells. These are the
» skin cells responsible for making your hair. They incubated the cells with
» very low levels of L-carnitine tartrate for nine days. At the end of that
» time, the follicles treated with l-carnitine showed significant growth of
» hair.
» But that’s not all. The treatment also slowed apoptosis, or preprogrammed
» cell death. It improved division of cells essential to making hair. It
» improved local cell growth proteins in the outer root sheath.
» The authors concluded their fascinating study urging more research of this
» safe nutraceutical approach to male pattern baldness and other forms of
» hair loss. I agree. But there’s no reason to wait. It’s harmless. And this
» isn’t the only research I’ve seen on carnitine and hair loss. Other studies
» found that topical carnitine provides more ATP to the hair follicle cells.
» That makes sense since carnitine is intimately related to mitochondrial
» energy production from fatty acids.
» Carnitine is readily available in your local health food store. Once you
» buy it, here’s all you have to do: Take a capsule, dissolve it in a small
» amount of carrier solution, and apply it to your scalp. Since DMSO is an
» outstanding solvent and means to carry substances into the skin, a weak
» 20% solution of DMSO could be the ticket. DMSO 20% is unlikely to irritate
» your skin. And there is no drug risk from the carnitine. You can find DMSO
» on the Internet.
» If you try this solution, please let me know how it works. I’d love to
» beat Big Pharma at their own game.
» Yours for better health and medical freedom,
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD
» To contact us:
» Second Opinion
» P.O. Box 467939
» Atlanta, GA 31146
» 800-791-3213
» 770-399-5617
» feedback@secondopinionnewsletter.com
» Ref: “L-Carnitine-L-tartrate promotes human hair growth in vitro,” Foitzik
» K, Paus R, et al, Exp Dermatol, 2007; 16(11): 936-45. i]

It’s a bit unnerving that this was posted on April Fool’s Day. Nonetheless, I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll let you know how the process goes.

ONE QUESTION, though: when you say a 20% DMSO solution, is the rest just water (apart from the Carnitine)?

» It’s a bit unnerving that this was posted on April Fool’s Day.
» Nonetheless, I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll let you know how the process
» goes.
» ONE QUESTION, though: when you say a 20% DMSO solution, is the rest just
» water (apart from the Carnitine)?

The formatting went a bit wrong. The first part of my posting was my comment the second was the quoted article. I did not write the article however I assume tha DMSO is obtainable in various strengths. I have just found this site:

They sell a gel at 25%DMSO, probably there are others selling it at 20%.

They are selling DMSO according to Dr Jacobs formula. I suggest you give them a ring and enquire:

Are there any precautions that should be taken when applying DMSO topically. For example is it necessary for gloves to be worn that are sterile.

Is it sufficient to add water to bring down the concentration to 20%.

» » It’s a bit unnerving that this was posted on April Fool’s Day.
» » Nonetheless, I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll let you know how the process
» » goes.
» »
» » ONE QUESTION, though: when you say a 20% DMSO solution, is the rest
» just
» » water (apart from the Carnitine)?
» The formatting went a bit wrong. The first part of my posting was my
» comment the second was the quoted article. I did not write the article
» however I assume tha DMSO is obtainable in various strengths. I have just
» found this site:
» https://jacoblab.com/OrderDMSO25Gel.html
» They sell a gel at 25%DMSO, probably there are others selling it at 20%.
» They are selling DMSO according to Dr Jacobs formula. I suggest you give
» them a ring and enquire:
» Are there any precautions that should be taken when applying DMSO
» topically. For example is it necessary for gloves to be worn that are
» sterile.
» Is it sufficient to add water to bring down the concentration to 20%.

DSMO is an industrial solvent. It will pull most ingredients it is mixed with in to the blood stream very fast. You will taste it almost immediately. There are people with severe athritis that take it orally in fairly large quantities.

» It’s a bit unnerving that this was posted on April Fool’s Day.
» Nonetheless, I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll let you know how the process
» goes.
» ONE QUESTION, though: when you say a 20% DMSO solution, is the rest just
» water (apart from the Carnitine)?

Has nothing to do with april fools day, same info can be found in other sites.


» »
» »
» » It’s a bit unnerving that this was posted on April Fool’s Day.
» » Nonetheless, I’ll give it a whirl. I’ll let you know how the process
» » goes.
» »
» » ONE QUESTION, though: when you say a 20% DMSO solution, is the rest
» just
» » water (apart from the Carnitine)?
» Has nothing to do with april fools day, same info can be found in other
» sites.
» http://www.immunesupport.com/library/showarticle.cfm/ID/8494/t/CFIDS_FM

Thanks, Apesmith. Yeah, I had checked out the study references and was actually joking about being unnerved by the April Fool’s Reference.

On another note, if you ever taken DMSO: I’ve heard it stinks. Is that true?


» I wonder if anyone has tried this particular suggestion. It comes from
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD news letter of 26 Mar 08. The DMSO idea is
» particularly apposite. I had some correspondence about 4 years ago with Dr
» Jacobs who was the world leader on the use of DMSO. It has to be handled
» carefully because it will take anything through the skin. I have noticed
» that some of you have tried L Carnitine as part of a general protocol, but
» has this particular proposal been tried by any one here?
» Could this be the cure for hair loss?
» Big Pharma accidentally discovered that a patented drug used for blood
» pressure, minoxidil, helped regrow hair. Boy, did they make billions! But
» you don’t need the drug. I am excited to tell you about a possible
» treatment for hair loss. If I could keep it a secret and market it, I
» probably would make a bazillion dollars in no time, just like Big Pharma.
» But I’d rather tell you about it and get your feedback. This is a dandy.
» Researchers recently cultured human hair follicle cells. These are the
» skin cells responsible for making your hair. They incubated the cells with
» very low levels of L-carnitine tartrate for nine days. At the end of that
» time, the follicles treated with l-carnitine showed significant growth of
» hair.
» But that’s not all. The treatment also slowed apoptosis, or preprogrammed
» cell death. It improved division of cells essential to making hair. It
» improved local cell growth proteins in the outer root sheath.
» The authors concluded their fascinating study urging more research of this
» safe nutraceutical approach to male pattern baldness and other forms of
» hair loss. I agree. But there’s no reason to wait. It’s harmless. And this
» isn’t the only research I’ve seen on carnitine and hair loss. Other studies
» found that topical carnitine provides more ATP to the hair follicle cells.
» That makes sense since carnitine is intimately related to mitochondrial
» energy production from fatty acids.
» Carnitine is readily available in your local health food store. Once you
» buy it, here’s all you have to do: Take a capsule, dissolve it in a small
» amount of carrier solution, and apply it to your scalp. Since DMSO is an
» outstanding solvent and means to carry substances into the skin, a weak
» 20% solution of DMSO could be the ticket. DMSO 20% is unlikely to irritate
» your skin. And there is no drug risk from the carnitine. You can find DMSO
» on the Internet.
» If you try this solution, please let me know how it works. I’d love to
» beat Big Pharma at their own game.
» Yours for better health and medical freedom,
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD
» To contact us:
» Second Opinion
» P.O. Box 467939
» Atlanta, GA 31146
» 800-791-3213
» 770-399-5617
» feedback@secondopinionnewsletter.com
» Ref: “L-Carnitine-L-tartrate promotes human hair growth in vitro,” Foitzik
» K, Paus R, et al, Exp Dermatol, 2007; 16(11): 936-45. i]

Does anyone know if DMSO smells like rotten garlic as some complain?

» I wonder if anyone has tried this particular suggestion. It comes from
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD news letter of 26 Mar 08. The DMSO idea is
» particularly apposite. I had some correspondence about 4 years ago with Dr
» Jacobs who was the world leader on the use of DMSO. It has to be handled
» carefully because it will take anything through the skin. I have noticed
» that some of you have tried L Carnitine as part of a general protocol, but
» has this particular proposal been tried by any one here?
» Could this be the cure for hair loss?
» Big Pharma accidentally discovered that a patented drug used for blood
» pressure, minoxidil, helped regrow hair. Boy, did they make billions! But
» you don’t need the drug. I am excited to tell you about a possible
» treatment for hair loss. If I could keep it a secret and market it, I
» probably would make a bazillion dollars in no time, just like Big Pharma.
» But I’d rather tell you about it and get your feedback. This is a dandy.
» Researchers recently cultured human hair follicle cells. These are the
» skin cells responsible for making your hair. They incubated the cells with
» very low levels of L-carnitine tartrate for nine days. At the end of that
» time, the follicles treated with l-carnitine showed significant growth of
» hair.
» But that’s not all. The treatment also slowed apoptosis, or preprogrammed
» cell death. It improved division of cells essential to making hair. It
» improved local cell growth proteins in the outer root sheath.
» The authors concluded their fascinating study urging more research of this
» safe nutraceutical approach to male pattern baldness and other forms of
» hair loss. I agree. But there’s no reason to wait. It’s harmless. And this
» isn’t the only research I’ve seen on carnitine and hair loss. Other studies
» found that topical carnitine provides more ATP to the hair follicle cells.
» That makes sense since carnitine is intimately related to mitochondrial
» energy production from fatty acids.
» Carnitine is readily available in your local health food store. Once you
» buy it, here’s all you have to do: Take a capsule, dissolve it in a small
» amount of carrier solution, and apply it to your scalp. Since DMSO is an
» outstanding solvent and means to carry substances into the skin, a weak
» 20% solution of DMSO could be the ticket. DMSO 20% is unlikely to irritate
» your skin. And there is no drug risk from the carnitine. You can find DMSO
» on the Internet.
» If you try this solution, please let me know how it works. I’d love to
» beat Big Pharma at their own game.
» Yours for better health and medical freedom,
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD
» To contact us:
» Second Opinion
» P.O. Box 467939
» Atlanta, GA 31146
» 800-791-3213
» 770-399-5617
» feedback@secondopinionnewsletter.com
» Ref: “L-Carnitine-L-tartrate promotes human hair growth in vitro,” Foitzik
» K, Paus R, et al, Exp Dermatol, 2007; 16(11): 936-45. i]

sadly it appears to have that horrid garlic smell, i am wondering if maybe emu oil can be utilized as a transdermal vehicle. I will try that

» sadly it appears to have that horrid garlic smell, i am wondering if maybe
» emu oil can be utilized as a transdermal vehicle. I will try that

What about mixing it with minoxidil?

» I wonder if anyone has tried this particular suggestion. It comes from
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD news letter of 26 Mar 08. The DMSO idea is
» particularly apposite. I had some correspondence about 4 years ago with Dr
» Jacobs who was the world leader on the use of DMSO. It has to be handled
» carefully because it will take anything through the skin. I have noticed
» that some of you have tried L Carnitine as part of a general protocol, but
» has this particular proposal been tried by any one here?
» Could this be the cure for hair loss?
» Big Pharma accidentally discovered that a patented drug used for blood
» pressure, minoxidil, helped regrow hair. Boy, did they make billions! But
» you don’t need the drug. I am excited to tell you about a possible
» treatment for hair loss. If I could keep it a secret and market it, I
» probably would make a bazillion dollars in no time, just like Big Pharma.
» But I’d rather tell you about it and get your feedback. This is a dandy.
» Researchers recently cultured human hair follicle cells. These are the
» skin cells responsible for making your hair. They incubated the cells with
» very low levels of L-carnitine tartrate for nine days. At the end of that
» time, the follicles treated with l-carnitine showed significant growth of
» hair.
» But that’s not all. The treatment also slowed apoptosis, or preprogrammed
» cell death. It improved division of cells essential to making hair. It
» improved local cell growth proteins in the outer root sheath.
» The authors concluded their fascinating study urging more research of this
» safe nutraceutical approach to male pattern baldness and other forms of
» hair loss. I agree. But there’s no reason to wait. It’s harmless. And this
» isn’t the only research I’ve seen on carnitine and hair loss. Other studies
» found that topical carnitine provides more ATP to the hair follicle cells.
» That makes sense since carnitine is intimately related to mitochondrial
» energy production from fatty acids.
» Carnitine is readily available in your local health food store. Once you
» buy it, here’s all you have to do: Take a capsule, dissolve it in a small
» amount of carrier solution, and apply it to your scalp. Since DMSO is an
» outstanding solvent and means to carry substances into the skin, a weak
» 20% solution of DMSO could be the ticket. DMSO 20% is unlikely to irritate
» your skin. And there is no drug risk from the carnitine. You can find DMSO
» on the Internet.
» If you try this solution, please let me know how it works. I’d love to
» beat Big Pharma at their own game.
» Yours for better health and medical freedom,
» Robert Jay Rowen, MD
» To contact us:
» Second Opinion
» P.O. Box 467939
» Atlanta, GA 31146
» 800-791-3213
» 770-399-5617
» feedback@secondopinionnewsletter.com
» Ref: “L-Carnitine-L-tartrate promotes human hair growth in vitro,” Foitzik
» K, Paus R, et al, Exp Dermatol, 2007; 16(11): 936-45. i]

I am well aware that DMSO penetrates skin very readily and also apparently very much dissolves things (often). However, I am hesitant to use it because of its reputed smell (garlic, rotten garlic, oysters are what I’ve heard its smell likened to). So I bought some L-Carnitine Tartrate (?) from GNC, mixed it in with 5% minoxidil and applied it tonight. The L-Carnitine seemed to dissolve reasonably well. I am going to try this for awhile and maybe alternate it periodically with DMSO usage. Unless someone has good reasons why they think this won’t work…

mmh… Robbyx has posted only twice… First time to tell us he’d found an interesting article… Second time to ad for a selling site…
Just wonder if he’s not the owner of that one.

» mmh… Robbyx has posted only twice… First time to tell us he’d found an
» interesting article… Second time to ad for a selling site…
» Just wonder if he’s not the owner of that one.

I actually had noticed that too, but I actually thought it might actually be the poster of the article, noting the similar names. It’s actually equally if not more likely that it is actually just someone trying to “push” DMSO.

The thing is DMSO is available from several suppliers, so if the price isn’t right, move elsewhere.

No you have it wrong. I am not selling anything. I do not even have a web site. I have problems like the others here and have posted two interesting articles which I thought might be of interest. I had hoped to read constructive comments but the first article was ignored.


» » mmh… Robbyx has posted only twice… First time to tell us he’d found
» an
» » interesting article… Second time to ad for a selling site…
» » Just wonder if he’s not the owner of that one.
» I actually had noticed that too, but I actually thought it might actually
» be the poster of the article, noting the similar names. It’s actually
» equally if not more likely that it is actually just someone trying to
» “push” DMSO.
» The thing is DMSO is available from several suppliers, so if the price
» isn’t right, move elsewhere.

My suggestion is that you do not mix protocols. DMSO is very effective at transmitting chemicals through the skin. As for the garlic smell the dosage is only 25% and the body does clear out the sulfur, which is what causes the smell in garlic and DMSO. A friend takes garlic at night so as to avoid the smell lingering during the day. I take it in the morning but add lemon and parsley.


» » sadly it appears to have that horrid garlic smell, i am wondering if
» maybe
» » emu oil can be utilized as a transdermal vehicle. I will try that
» What about mixing it with minoxidil?

I found liquid L-Carnitine easily available online. Google the name and you’ll get lots of hits. 16 0z bottle also contains Pantothenic acid -10 mg and 500 mg L-carnitine. No need to dissolve with DMSO. Have been using for a week now and my wife said my hair is less gray. Anyone notice this?

» No you have it wrong. I am not selling anything. I do not even have a web
» site. I have problems like the others here and have posted two interesting
» articles which I thought might be of interest. I had hoped to read
» constructive comments but the first article was ignored.
» Robin
» » » mmh… Robbyx has posted only twice… First time to tell us he’d
» found
» » an
» » » interesting article… Second time to ad for a selling site…
» » » Just wonder if he’s not the owner of that one.
» »
» » I actually had noticed that too, but I actually thought it might
» actually
» » be the poster of the article, noting the similar names. It’s actually
» » equally if not more likely that it is actually just someone trying to
» » “push” DMSO.
» »
» » The thing is DMSO is available from several suppliers, so if the price
» » isn’t right, move elsewhere.

Thanks for replying. And by the way, I DID follow the advice suggested by the post, so I very much appreciated it.

It’s just there are a lot of snake oil salesman that lurk around these fora. That’s why some of us are suspicious.

» I found liquid L-Carnitine easily available online. Google the name and
» you’ll get lots of hits. 16 0z bottle also contains Pantothenic acid -10 mg
» and 500 mg L-carnitine. No need to dissolve with DMSO. Have been using for
» a week now and my wife said my hair is less gray. Anyone notice this?

Is your hair at all long? If so, one week wouldn’t have changed it – unless you have peach fuzz, the change would take a long time.

I looked for the L-Carnitine in question. The price is low. The only question I have is the contents are not listed as including L-Carnitine Tartrate which is the kind of Carnitine used in the study cited.

Thanks for the post, by the way. If I can confirm this liquid Carnitine is the right form, I’m going to order that.

»I could not find the exact L-Carnitine tartrate used in the study so am hoping the L-Carnitine would work. My hair is very short and I am applying 3 times a day. Will share after a few months use. GLA.

I read somewhere that DMSO smells like rotten cabbage:-(