Hairsite, when will Histogen\'s answers will be published?

Guys lets relax we are lucky that the guy spoke at least on the radio so that we know what is all about so we dont assume only.

As for the hair starting to thin out at 5 months well, its obviously that it wont be a cure where you dont have to deal with repeating treatments but so what.what do we have that is better now? Lets pray that it wont have any weird sideeffects and that it works better than propecia or rogaine. That will be a big step forward.

The weird thing, is all these about the donor and how it can be more thick so we can get more FUE out of it.I am sure it will make transplant clinics very happy but i would prefer it to work very good on the recipient.

I dont know what you think but the weird thing is that they want to release it in other countries while the seek approval from the FDA so that they can get the product to market faster.I dont know what to think of this…either they are very confident that sideeffects wont be a problem so they want to skip all the delays…or they will start selling it and it will be something like PRP where we dont if it is actually worth it.

Never the less going at it and saying scam might make companies like this never want to deal with these forums again, so we wont know anything ever. We are here supposedly to learn something more than what we learn from tv and newspapers if you cant control your mouth its your problem and noone is here to tell you how to react but just think there is a possiblility that you might ruin it for the rest of us.they are not selling anything yet lets wait :wink:

Do we know what other countries? UK, Europe, Canada? I am willing to fly to Canada and UK but that’s about as far as I would go for my hair especially when this is not a sure thing.

» I have never been more confused.We have more information but it did not
» add any clarity to the story, only confusion.
It wouldn’t be confusing if people here didn’t make stuff up.