I could probably find 100 websites saying the same thing about what foods to avoid for preventing hair loss, Almost every one of them says ANIMAL PROTEIN
but then Jtelcom says Im nuts, I guess all the other websites just made it up then. No wait, they just magically all came to the same conclusion that excess animal protein, ie milk meat eggs dairy etc is bad for your hair. I know its a conspiracy against the animal protein industry, a right wing conspiracy
…quote from this source
I posted that EXCESS animal protein, is bad for the hair,ie drinking tons of milk, lots of red meat, well any animal protein, in excess, cannot be excreted by the body, and is creates uric acid in the blood, a toxin that, in excess amounts, causes the hair to rain like a waterfall
This is diametrically opposed to the moron who posted that eating red meat is good for your hair, thats total hogwash,its exactly the opposite
For those of you who say, Diet has no effect on hair loss. Excuse me? Are you serious? There was once a study done on rats to determnine the effect of Biotin on hair growth. All the Biotin was taken out of the rats diet. What happened? The rats went Bald. Now, if Rats, who never lose their hair, can GO BALD from the severe deficiency of ONE nutrient in their diet, how can any sane person sit there and say that diet has no effect on hair loss.
Your hair skin and nails are the LAST in line for nutrients in the body, The body really does not consider them a priority, and will nourish the brain, and internal organs before anything else. and then and only then. if there is any nutrients left over, it will give them to your hair. Thus, if you are at all deficient in any nutrient, your hair will almost certainly get none of that nutrient.
If you are that ignorant that you believe nutrition has no effect on hair loss, you deserve to go bald, truthfully.
I have always stated if you are losing tons of hair, check your diet\
avoid sugary foods
excess SODIUM
Now I disagree with Hogan , who says completely avoid sugar, and high fructose corn syrup fruit etc,
all of these are mostly about EXCESS. In my experience its the same with anything, moderation is the key, its ok to have dessert, just dont eat the whole cake, Ok to eat ANIMAL PROTEIN, just the amount should not exceed about 30gms per day, and less than that is better.
Want to see your hair rain like a waterfall in the sink? Try consuming about 100gm of animal protein per day, like a gallon of milk or somethimg, you would be shocked at the amount of hairloss you will see
whoever says excess animal protein doesnt cause hair loss, is misinformed IT CERTAINLY DOES
Sodium will KILL YOUR HAIR in excess amounts, it accumulates in the tissues, around the follicles…and makes your hair rain like a waterfall,
You also need to supplement your diet, with, in my experience a super hair vitamin and a chelated multi mineral. You need 2000mcg of Timed Release Biotin, Biotin is critical for protein synthesis and is the most important of all B vitamins for healthy hair.
Excess Sugar or white flour products, robs the body of B vitamins during digestion , depriving the hair of critical nutrients needed in the digestive process in order to give the hair proper nutrition. B vitamins are perhaps the most important of all , for hair health
However, a good super hair vitamin, such as Maxi Hair or Ultra Hair, can mitigate this sugar danger, …and give the body some of the extra Bs that the sugar took away…however if you saturate the blood with sugar, the Vitamins are pretty much useless
anyone who disagrees feel free to post your sources that say excess animal protein sugar and sodium dont make your hair looks like crap…
The key to this whole deal, is find something that you can live with. Few board members can stomach NO SUGAR in their diet, its so difficult to patrol your foods like that. Or no fruit is so hard too, or no meat, its almost impossible to eat like that. Jusr remember to try to eat healthy.