Dr. Cole on ACell - “That’s not science.”

Hey Chris Angel i mean Iron.Man, has it ever come to your mind that he uses Acell to differ it from Ghos HST? And well if Ace does in fact gives the follicles a slightly higher chance to regenerate themselves after extraction, i say go for it.

Everything beneficial should be used and not be bashed by your biased opinion. Also it seems that you are a little bit pis*ed about other docs go for donor regrowth becauseit shows that Gho is not as unique as you made him to be.

The only true statement from you is " You dont need ECM to get Follicle Regrowth". Thats correct because for follicle regrowth you only need one thing


And what we shouldnt forget here, Gho doesnt give you a satisfieing density, only to milk you for a long time over and over again, and therefore i am really glad when other docs (who can achieve a way higher density) with donor regrowth create something for patients.

You know not everyone is happy with a first time density of 30 Grafts per square centimeter, because this just looks UNNATURAL (contrairy to what Gho always made us belive)

Also this Gho guy is a little bit to teasy because on the one hand he says on his homepage " We can achieve a higher density then everything else before"

But then he says " We do blive in natural hair density"

Well to me this is contradiction at its finest and also it is one thing

IGNORANT and against all laws of humanity, because Gho does his own thing but not what his patients wanted (higher density and an affordable full coverage hair transplant for about 5000 Grafts for the first time)

And in your case, you wont ever be done with yours.

You have around 3000 Grafts left, 4 bis strip scars.

Round 1 : 1300 Grafts frontal hair line (i think you will do this like this)
ROund 2 : Fill the front again (XXX to XXXX Grafts)
Round 3 : You are working towards the back of the head ( due to scaring in recipient area and other factors you go for a 700 Grafts session)
Round 4 : Now Vertex are number 1 (XXX to XXXX Grafts)
Round 5 : Here it gets problmatical because some hairs have fallen out as well and your donor is not that usable anymore. But you give it a vertex shot again
Round 6 : Last few vertex bits and the first scar
Round 7 : Second scar
Round 8 : Third scar
ROund 9 : Fourth scar
ROund 10 : If thats even possible strenghten the frontal zone and your resignation because hair doesnt matter anymore

Wow woth this plan you are around 55 or so. Sorry this is just plain milking the patient here, and nothing more. With someone who can get regrowth as well with an ordinairy FUE, this whole affair would be gone much quicker and less money grabbing.

Lets say someone lik Cole “COULD” do this as well with his FUE, then you have

Round 1 : Get 3500 Grafts in your frontal zone (DONE)
Round 2 : Get your middle part strenghten with 2500 Grafts (DONE)
Round 3 : Vertex with 4000 Grafts (Done)
ROund 4 : Rest of hatever peases you most

You see Ghos “Only 500 Grafts sessions” are just like Moser did this in the past with their " Ohhh we can give you your head back with only 800 Grafts"

Please, Stevie.Meow, do NOT always block SERIOUS threads with long, useless and incompetent BS texts (especially if the author is a well known psychotic stalker) with a lot of blah blah blah blah, which just block & influence the readability of a serious thread!

Wrong, i know from good sources that you my special friend are in fact someone who cant controll himself.

After you have been banned at alopezie.de you called the admin " A perverted stalker pig" which showed me that he has gotten to you big time with banning you, because it was the only forum where you could post in your native language and people were not that educated so they would believe everything you said to them. But this mission of yours failed so hard.

My posting was not a bulk of useless text, it clearly said WHATS THE BIG MONEY GRABBING RUN OF THE MILL PROBLEM WITH GHO IS, which you avoid to adress all the time as a Gho Cheerleader.

Also i think you are jealous of all docs who try to get a similar thing done, because it would make your whole existence on message boards obsolete.

Yes thats what i am saying, Gho is trying to milk the cow as long as he can before others jump on this train (and they will) you are also defending one person all the time who is not offering the full potential for money maker reasons :slight_smile: Classy

I just checked it: I mentioned not once “Dr. Gho” in this thread!

Should I count how often Stevie.Psycho.Meow mentioned Dr. Gho in this thread?

» I just checked it: I mentioned not once “Dr. Gho” in this thread!
» Should I count how often Stevie.Psycho.Meow mentioned Dr. Gho in this
» thread?

Yes you can but guess what. I am only imitating you, like a mirror to show you how ridiculous your behaviour is in fact. So as you see me, you are seen by the rest of the world.

And concearning Gho, who gives i just wanted to show my opinion on your beloved Show pig, also you come up with anything else not related to threads so shut up, i can come up with Gho whenever i like

» i can come up with Gho whenever i like

Sure - in Gho-related threads.

Btw - can YOU discribe what EXACTLY “CIT” actually is?

“Cole’s Influence Technique”?

Nope its what i believe said some weeks ago in layman terms.

To me CIT is like a redefined FUE. Cole uses a small extraction tool but instead of going a multiplication way he goes the Iron.Man route and keeps arguing with people over nothing.

Anyways, to my understanding Cole has big pile of Wood before his eyes, because he holds a key and essential tool for hair multiplication (in vivo) in his hands

“Fine and small tools” but instead of investigating this, he is amazed when he sees regrowth (FACEPALM) a total blind person should have told him years ago, to check the donor side of all his patients carefully after some years.

They would have seen, that regrowth is not that uncommon.

To me CIT is well i dont know " Cell Isolation Technique" i didnt browse his website so i cant say for sure what the term CIt stands for, but in my understanding " Cell Isolation" would be appropriate.

His use of Acell maybe “useless” in terms of complicating things, but if it helps even 3% more i say go for it. Yes i do.

CIT = Small extraction of FUE grafts, maybe something like Ghos early attempts who knows

» To me CIT is like a redefined FUE. Cole uses a small extraction tool but
» instead of going a multiplication way he goes the Iron.Man route and keeps
» arguing with people over nothing.

And THAT exactly is the problem when Stevie.Psycho.Meow is saying something …

Dr. Cole: “Furthermore, in FUE only a single follicular group is removed unlike the extraction of multiple follicular groups demonstrated by Dr. Cooley. When you ask Acell to do a little, it can. When you ask it to do more than it is capable of, Acell will not. You can regrow the tip of your thumb, but you are not going to regrow an arm amputated at the elbow with Acell. Similarly with Acell, you might regrow a single follicular group extracted with a 1 mm minimally invasive FUE punch technique such as I practice, but you are not likely to regrow multiple follicular groups extracted via a full thickness skin biopsy using a 4 mm punch that harvests up to 15 follicular groups collectively at one time.”

Source: http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/forum_entry-id-75532-page-0-category-1-order-last_answer.html

Sorry, I didn’t know that a 1 mm (inner diameter) PUNCH, as Cole is using them, is considered as “small extraction tool” - even when Dr. Rassman claimed and described in 2002, that FUE is “a minimally invasive surgery for HT” with a 1 mm punch:

Here is a REALITY picture, what you can expect from that “minimally invasive surgery for HT”:

And even “risky” smaller punches, doesn’t change anything …

(video by Dr. Bisanga)

And now go back to your bedroom Stevie.Dee, and play with your dolls (or other things) - that would be healthier for you.

so you say even smaller ones leave scars. well then , it seems gho is a liar when he says “no scars”

actually i dont know what size he is in fact using so what, but as always its your average bla bla bla with links from 2003 as always. Where are your newer sources.

Also its funny that especially you give Gho the " He redefined his technique" thing but others are not allowed to develop new standards.

I dont play with dolls (but i have to admit its a new insult from you)

Btw how is it? Why are you so afraid that you are so cowardish to tell us when you got your transplant done by Gho? You see, you especially YOU are using the internet because of the anonymosity in a worse way, insulting people but to cowardish to tell people when you get your Gho transplant done this year.

Also you didnt tell us HOW many grafts you are aiming for and what density. I bet you are just a liar to promote Gho and you cant tell us the exact date because you need someone you know to get to Gho and then use his pictures instead or so :wink:

So all in all you are a sc_am

» so you say even smaller ones leave scars. well then , it seems gho is a
» liar when he says “no scars”

Not really …

Even Dr. Gho –with EXTREMELY small extraction tools (0.5 – 0.6 mm inner diameter)- reports “sometimes a few little white spots were visible, but almost all hair follicles in the donor site re-produce hairs after 2 years”.

» so you say even smaller ones leave scars.

I say nothing. At least it seems that I’m the only one who backs up his claims with proofs (=references). Didn’t your (useless) professors at your psycho-university teached you that, that you should ALWAYS do so?

» » so you say even smaller ones leave scars. well then , it seems gho is a
» » liar when he says “no scars”
» Not really …
» Improved hair restoration method for burns - PubMed
» Even Dr. Gho –with EXTREMELY small extraction tools (0.5 – 0.6 mm inner
» diameter)- reports “sometimes a few little white spots were visible,
» but almost all hair follicles in the donor site re-produce hairs after 2
» years

Almost all hairs, almost all hairs, almost all hairs. Wow thats so scientific i begin to cry for enjoyment.

Who can guanrantee that those are the actual hairs? Maybe those were dormant ones who now grow instead of the extracted ones.

If his technique would be so “consistent” why are there white spots, because with his technique as he claims, it is impossible to extract more then neccesaire? Strange right? How come, that then there are white spots like normal FUE, which he in his first statement did deny?

And what is ALMOST ALL HAIR. This is not scientific and shows that even he has no idea.

Then WHY after 2 years? He claims that with his technqiue the hair would grew back directly, but two years, well this is so vague.

And you see, you only copy the exact same words from his homepage and nothing more, its like someone who repeats commercial lines.

And all this wont change the thing that he is just milking the patient with extreme ridiculous low graft sessions. Also i think he is aiming for people to STOP their run for hair in the midtime so that they WONT DEMAND A FULL HEAD OF HAIR

So in the end nobody can say for sure if his technique would transform a NW7 to a NW1. Very classy and nice Dr Gho, how is that called again? Ah right LYING.

» And what is ALMOST ALL HAIR. This is not scientific and shows that even he
» has no idea.

Someone, who exactly that tried to find out (donor regrowth etc) in a prior study …

… doesn’t need to back up his own claims with lots of exact hair counts, tables and comparisons over and over again anymore in his related similar studies. Didn’t your useless German professors at your psycho-university teached you that?

» » And what is ALMOST ALL HAIR. This is not scientific and shows that even
» he
» » has no idea.
» Someone, who exactly that tried to find out (donor regrowth etc) in a
» prior study …
» http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20388024
» … doesn’t need to back up his own claims with lots of exact hair counts,
» tables and comparisons over and over again anymore in his related similar
» studies
. Didn’t your useless German professors at your psycho-university
» teached you that?

Good then, then he can change from theories to PRACTICAL USAGE :slight_smile: you know, hardcore results etc

But next time dont aks for scientific proof again on other studies :slight_smile:

Yeah yeah and thats the reason with Gho comes up with 500 Graft sessions :wink: right because HE totally believes in his technique

» And all this wont change the thing that he is just milking the patient with
» extreme ridiculous low graft sessions. Also i think he is aiming for people
» to STOP their run for hair in the midtime so that they WONT DEMAND A FULL

Besides you psycho-loser (who is fully aware about the fact below since month), WHO is saying “extreme ridiculous low grafts sessions”?

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZowWbTsiws

And WHO is saying, that you can’t have the same amount on the 2nd day, 3rd day etc too, if 1) your psycho-loser donor allows the latter and 2) your moneybag is not depleted like yours?

Btw - where is your “Gho transcription” you promised all hair site readers?? :expressionless:

Or didn’t your cell phone pre-paid card allow a further phone call? :smiley:

» » And all this wont change the thing that he is just milking the patient
» with
» » extreme ridiculous low graft sessions. Also i
» think he is aiming for people
» » to STOP their run for hair in the midtime so that they WONT DEMAND A
» Besides you psycho-loser, WHO is saying “extreme ridiculous low grafts
» sessions”?
» Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZowWbTsiws
» And WHO is saying, that you can’t have the same amount on the 2nd day, 3rd
» day etc too, if 1) your psycho-loser donor allows the latter and 2) your
» moneybag is not depleted like yours?
» Btw - where is your “Gho transcription” you promised all hair site
» readers?? :expressionless:
» Or didn’t your cell phone pre-paid card allow a further phone call? :smiley:

First : Even offering 500 Graft sessions is ridiculous when you got infinite donor (according to Gho) at hand

Second : I knew you would come up with this blatant boring screencap. Even if he can harvest 2000 and more grafts, he sets a ridiculous low density nobody can consider desirable or cosmetically good

Third : Yeah my psycho loser donor is still complete (not devastated with scars like yours)

Fourth : Its funny how you always come up with money problems and finger pointing at others, while IF you would have enough money, you would have already undergone a lot of Gho sessions :slight_smile: at least your rest of 3000 Grafts :slight_smile: but you are still here defending mini graft sessions so this clearly shows you dont have money

Fifth : The argument “if your donor allows it” is ridiculous because with infinite donor it doesnt matter RIGHT. Very weak arguments from an Austrian guy here.

Sixth : Right getting 500 rafts on monday, 500 on tuesday and 500 on wednesday. Are you stupid or just plain dumb, this is just not working because its much more ressources and time consuming then do a full 3000 Graft session on 2 consecutive days (i mean according to you and Gho 2000 Grafts are not a problem) which brings me to

Seventh : According to Gho his technique is very tidious and time consuming, but how come he can get 2000 per day where other FUE specialists sometimes are only getting around 1500 at best manual :slight_smile: right another example for MILKING patients

Eight : Dont come with the money argument this is plain stupid especially when YOU yourself are broke like the poorest one, or otherwise you wouldnt let a “female” do your work (learner rate is not that expensive for butchered Iron.Man right)

Nine : Where is your scientific paper? Where are your hundres of thousand different Gho patient pictures you claim to have. Where are your promised solutions? You see, you are ridiculous and you live in your own world where according to you everything seems fine.

But belive me, you cant play Mister Tough Guy because you had to suffer through your best days (from 20 to late 30) with scars and no recipient growth, there is no doubt that this left a mark in your psychological life. Even all the Smiley here cant put paint on it. So just leave this unbelievable charade and act as a normal human being instead of a total jackas*

PS : I use an Android Smartphone, and there is no Prepaid card you know

PPS: Its fun to deconstruct your whole stupid repetitive agenda here, i really like it for what it does, it showas how ridiculous your acting is

» I knew you would come up with this blatant boring screencap. Even
» if he can harvest 2000 and more grafts, he sets a ridiculous low density
» nobody can consider desirable or cosmetically good

When you KNEW that, why do you make such claims?

» » » And all this wont change the thing that he is just milking the patient
» » with
» » » extreme ridiculous low graft sessions. Also
» i
» » think he is aiming for people
» » » to STOP their run for hair in the midtime so that they WONT DEMAND A
» » FULL

And why are you so obsessed about GHO’s technique?

Why don’t you choose e.g. Dr. Armani or Dr. Cole or one of the other non-milking ~800 HT docs out there??

Why didn’t e.g. Wesley Sneijder or many of other “Gho-celebreties” chose one of them??

I find the latter highly interesting …

» » I knew you would come up with this blatant
» boring screencap. Even
» » if he can harvest 2000 and more grafts, he sets a ridiculous low density
» » nobody can consider desirable or cosmetically good
» When you KNEW that, why do you make such claims?
» » » » And all this wont change the thing that he is just milking the
» patient
» » » with
» » » » extreme ridiculous low graft sessions.
» Also
» » i
» » » think he is aiming for people
» » » » to STOP their run for hair in the midtime so that they WONT DEMAND A
» » » FULL
» » » » HEAD OF HAIR
» And why are you so obsessed about GHO’s technique?
» Why don’t you choose e.g. Dr. Armani or Dr. Cole or one of the other
» non-milking ~800 HT docs out there??
» Why didn’t e.g. Wesley Sneijder or many of other “Gho-celebreties” chose
» one of them??
» I find the latter highly interesting …

Nope the latter is not highly interesting. Its because Gho advertises like this

" No Scars due to small extractions"

Thats the whole secret, on his website, the factor “Donor Regrowth” is not the primary objective there, its always about “no scars” and “no pain”

So why is he not putting the most important thing to anyone (Infinite Donor) at first? Questions over Questions right? If i would have this technique, i would totally put it on my homepage WHAT IT DOES and WHY Infinite Donor is so important.

But not Gho :wink: its because Gho plays with scar-fear o celebrities, thats all. No one of them wants a scar anymore so he advertises with

“No scars due to extremly small extractions”

You see its so easy to pull your stuff apart and when you look at it, Gho is just another quack who claims stuff he cant deliver. Also he is clever with advertising because he said “No scars etc” which is correct, NO VISIBLE scars, but the donor regrowth thing is just a keynote nothing more.

This makes me wonder why. All the stuff they write about their HST is just “very vague at best” but why not directly Say “Infinite DOnor” instead they use terms like “almost total regrowth” etc.

And as i said before, the pricetag is exactly used to keep the majority of sufferers away and not ever get to see if this is all a hoax or not.

What is it Iron.Man? Did you right now hit the realms of reality very hard? Seems so because you dont have the energy anymore to debunk my arguments because you simply asked yourself those exact questions.

Why is he saying “Natural results with higher density” while he otherwise says “No higher density then 30 grafts at first, which can only be transplanted up to maximum of 50 Grafts” WOW this is so satisfieing NOT.

All points aim towards the fact, that Gho wants to milk as many patients as possible before the whole world will collide in a few years, thats why he said 9 months between treatments.

Hey even a NW7 has around 3000 usable grafts in his donor area, 3000 Grafts are most often used as a basic value. So the question is so simple.

“Why not use a NW7 and harvest the whole donor” and make it a NW1 just to show people what really can be achieved today.

You know what, if i would be Gho with this technique at hand, i would do this, yes i would totally do this to settle speculations once and for all.

So here are the Gho Red flags

  1. No patient zero
  2. Advertising only by “celebrities”
  3. Contradiction at the homepage
  4. Advertisement Commission is not a jury per se
  5. Minor sessions repeatable after 9 months
  6. No higher density then 50 Grafts per square centimeter while claiming higher density
  7. Donor regrowth (the obvious important thing) is nor noted as the first advantage of HST
  8. Price tag is used that high to keep people away from investigating
  9. Gho claims he had more then 2000 patients, but unfortunately almost zero of them showed up at message boards (in times of internet and Interest Message boards)
  10. Gho says its time consuming but he can transplant more then 2000 Grafts a day? But why then offering low Graft sessions?
  11. How come that he on the one hand says “Almost total regrowth” and with this tool its nearly impossible to extract more tissue then needed, but on the other hand we have whit scar spots?

There are more red flags but thats to anyone here

And Iron.Man you wont have any plausible arguments to debunk thos questions :slight_smile: so feel Defeated

And the best Red Flag of em all

"If you extract 500 Grafts from the Back of your head over an wide Area, its impossible to actually see if there was regrowth. Also he could say at every whit spot : “Yeah thats an exception”

Until we dont see your case here, i doubt that you have any arguments to use as to debunk mine.

Yeah thats my full understanding, until you dont show us your case you have to live with Gho problems PERIOD

You claimed that you’re surely not a psycho - right?

I ask again: Is there someone else who can confirm that?