Dr. Cole on ACell - “That’s not science.”

Dr. Cole, December 9, 2010, 03:46 PM …

Dr. Cole, April 28, 2011, 02:36 PM …

Dear Dr. Cole,
Based on your own words, YOU can’t simply throw out a number and say “I’ve seen up to 54% regrowth in my FUE extraction sites … and I’m getting regrowth”


Are you doing this due to your observations and “online experiences” that “some people simply become delusional when they hear the words, ‘hair multiplication or cloning’”?

Where is your science?

In your own words (posted on HairSite and TBT) - you wrote:

What is missing from all these presentations is reputable science. I’ll discuss this as it relates to “autocloning”.

  1. A study must include

- an introduction,

  • methods,
  • results, and
  • a discussion.

The conclusions in the discussion should be based on the results and they should answer the questions you create when you design the study. When you start the study, you must determine what you want to prove. Then you must design a method that will allow you to gather results that will support or disprove your hypothesis. Both Dr. Cooley and Dr. Hitzig skipped the methods, presented unconvincing results, and came to conclusions that were not supported by their results. Their entire effort was flawed from the beginning due to poor scientific method.

Again, WHERE is your “reputable science”, which you sell patients out there?
Instead of, it seems you simply throw out a number in hair loss boards, in full awareness that “some people simply become delusional when they hear the words, ‘hair multiplication or cloning’”? Is the latter actually just THE reason, why YOU suddenly deal with something, with what YOU bash and blame others?

» Dr. Cole, December 9, 2010, 03:46 PM …
» Dr. Cole, April 28, 2011, 02:36 PM …
» Dear Dr. Cole,
» Based on your own words, YOU can’t simply throw out a number and say
» “I’ve seen up to 54% regrowth in my FUE extraction sites … and I’m
» getting regrowth”

» Are you doing this due to your observations and “online experiences” that
» “some people simply become delusional when they hear the words, ‘hair
» multiplication or cloning’”?
» Where is your science?
» In your own words (posted on HairSite and TBT) - you wrote:
» -------------------------
» What is missing from all these presentations is reputable
» science. I’ll discuss this as it relates to “autocloning”.
» 1. A study must include
» - an introduction,
» - methods,
» - results, and
» - a discussion.

» The conclusions in the discussion should be based on the results and they
» should answer the questions you create when you design the study. When you
» start the study, you must determine what you want to prove. Then you must
» design a method that will allow you to gather results that will support or
» disprove your hypothesis. Both Dr. Cooley and Dr. Hitzig skipped the
» methods, presented unconvincing results, and came to conclusions that were
» not supported by their results. Their entire effort was flawed from the
» beginning due to poor scientific method.
» -------------------------
» Again, WHERE is your “reputable science”, which you sell patients out
» there?
» Instead of, it seems you simply throw out a number in hair loss boards, in
» full awareness that “some people simply become delusional when they hear
» the words, ‘hair multiplication or cloning’”? Is the latter actually just
» THE reason, why YOU suddenly deal with something, with what YOU bash and
» blame others?

You make a good point.

All i need to see is a few pictures of NW6 guys turning into NW2.

The rest is just noise frankly speaking.

I think that Dr Cole is trying to backpeddle from his former “Bash” statements in a calm and silent way. Because he said openly " Regrowth is impossible" but now it seems his results from his personal “experimentation” came in and maybe he read Ghos paper.

And the science is pretty simple…there is no science behind it, because all the facts WHY this works are in fact OLD CRAPPY NEWS we had years ago, neeee decades ago. I dont know why people right now are so Exited about regrowing hair? Its just a normal regeneration thing the only pis* poor thing is, that surgeons didnt pursue this instead of FUT.

If everyone would have pursued this the moment it was announced or seen, then today we would have an normal standard like this in our society and no one would ever consider to cut the back of his head open. Also the price tag would be reasonable, but hey at first nobody from the old FUT “elite” didnt even consider FUE serious.

Today Gho can transplant more then 2000 Grafts in a single session, now imagine where we would be if all docs would have done this since 1998 :slight_smile:

I mean does anyone here seriously believe that in 4 years, people will opt for a FUT anymore? Really. I think the future in surgical restoration will be determined by who will get more donor regrowth after extraction and thats the “Quality Seal” for the future

Why doctors won’t use ACell …

Think about it, Dr. Cole!

i doubt that he (doc Cole) is reading here and if, i think he doesnt give a flying fuc*

I actually embrace the “inflated ego” if it brings us closer to a solution. And at least he is performing FUE with good results :slight_smile:

» i doubt that he (doc Cole) is reading here …

… but I had no doubt that the 1st fücking reacting loser will be “Stevie.Dee”!

» » i doubt that he (doc Cole) is reading here …
» … but I had no doubt that the 1st fücking reacting loser will be
» “Stevie.Dee”!

So what? It only shows one thing for sure, You are not able to interact on a normal level with people anymore or without insulting them. Cause every single one of your reactions here is just filled with swear words etc. I think that your hairloss has really come to you in a bad and frightening way.

» » i doubt that he (doc Cole) is reading here …
» … but I had no doubt that the 1st fücking reacting loser will be
» “Stevie.Dee”!

During the whole Leeroy.Jenkins vs Iron_Man debate, I did come to Iron_Man’s defense as he was contributing a lot of good information. However, Iron_Man’s sniping comments are just ridiculous and it’s precisely this type of sniping that makes readers like myself want to go elsewhere.

Interesting post by Richard.Dawkins … I mean … Mr. “splitting_hairs“.

But I really don’t get it. I really, really don’t get it …

On one hand, Dr. Cole “can’t just assume” that plucked hairs have the “unusual ability” to grow back. On the other hand, Dr. Cole simply throws out a number and says “I’ve seen up to 54% regrowth in my FUE extraction sites”.

No, not just with simple hair plucking – Dr. Cole gets regrowth in the donor area even with his “CIT”-FUE procedure (1 mm diameter punches)!!

His work “with donor regrowth and FUE is impressive”?

Again, WHERE is the impressive SCIENCE and evidence for this “impressive science”?

Dear Dr. Cole,

Funny man the science is easy

Copy Ghos article and put Coles name under it, thats the science

» Funny man the science is easy

Guess WHO studied and wrote this “pathetic science” since MANY years …

… and guess WHO had never ever any clue, what this man is doing:


Justhair you made my day. Thos guys are the laughing stock of the industry

And not only Just Hair doesnt know anything, there are plenty of other clinics like ProHair etc. Also who was this guy Who LOST HIS VOICE during Ghos presentation?

What Cole is doing is try to safe his face again because while others keep ridiculousing Gho or plaster him with Law Suits he was openly demanding for science (Mistake number one because the studies where already for open public) and he keeps repeating it.

I think the “Black nubs” he saw after Acell made some things clear to him and now he is running to do a little bit of damage control which is understandable because his whole business is about FUE

The only thing i would accuse Cole of is “Crying with the wolves and gets backlashed by science in the end”

But this backlash comes pretty hard i would assume. Btw i have news for you FUE Europe is not going to reproduce Gho because to quote here someone “No doc did actually back up those claims” i think they realized "Fück this is patented and we couldnt just use it like toilet paper

I agree with Iron_Man that Dr Cole is doing some major backtracking here but at least he is getting on with it.

I don’t, however, agree with Dr Cole that FUE is better than plucking if the yield is not broadly comparable - the difference in yield would have to be absolutely huge to make FUE worthwhile.
I wouldn’t want white dotted scarring in 46% of my FUE extractions (assuming I get an average regrowth) and plucking can be done so much more easily with minimal trauma to the head.

I can understand that Dr Cole would be frustrated that he has perfected a procedure he is happy with which might now be superseded but that is definitely not a reason to keep doing it if it is not necessary !

» I can understand that Dr Cole would be frustrated that he has perfected a
» procedure he is happy with which might now be superseded but that is
» definitely not a reason to keep doing it if it is not necessary !

Right - it is NOT necessary to apply ACell into the (FUE) extraction holes, if someone extracts something in the CORRECT way …

A HSI patient (kees55) posted the following donor photos 10 month ago on a Dutch hair loss board:

Donor area 6 days after extraction …

Donor area 13 days after extraction …

Click on the photos to enlarge them – and you can CLEARLY see what happened (extraction) and what’s going on in a donor area during the first 2 weeks after a HST procedure.

Maybe in your world its not neccesairy but i say, even if Acell increases the chance for 5% i would use it.

You are only relying on Gho that he can do it but even he cant guarantee 100% regrowth.

Also you say not everyone can do the Gho, so if Acell helps, who gives. At least it is not contraproductive.

» Maybe in your world its not neccesairy but i say, even if Acell increases
» the chance for 5% i would use it.
» You are only relying on Gho that he can do it but even he cant guarantee
» 100% regrowth.
» Also you say not everyone can do the Gho, so if Acell helps, who gives. At
» least it is not contraproductive.

No pussy. I’m just talking about that penetrating even small wounds (FUE extration holes) immediately thereafter several times - can’t be “productive”. Besides the increased and unnecessary consumption of TIME for that extra BS part.

And no, pussy, Gho can’t guarantee you 100% regrowth - all he can do is promise you almost TOTAL REGROWTH in your donor area.

And please, I don’t like it if stupid psycho pussies like you stalk each and every of my posts.

So Iron.Man you scientific Jumpy Horse. You always come up with " Scientific Evidence and bla bla bla"


Gho : " I can promise ALMOST TOTAL REGROWTH"

Wow Iron.Man this is sooooooooooooooo scientific we should stop the presses here :slight_smile: What is it Iron.Man has the ship around you just exploded, btw i waited for you to bring exactly this statement up to nail you on this with your scientific Evidence you always wanted to have :wink:

So can someone please chime in and explain to all of us here, whats so scientific and straight about the expression

“I promise almost total regrowth”

Does this statement differ from

“There is a chance that we can give you a full head of hair”

Iron.Man Iron.Man you have to learn a lot, PROMISES are USELESS, i can promises you that the world will go down in 2012 because there will be ALMOST TOTAL Destruction and panic

» Dr. Cole, December 9, 2010, 03:46 PM …
» Dr. Cole, April 28, 2011, 02:36 PM …
» Dear Dr. Cole,
» Based on your own words, YOU can’t simply throw out a number and say
» “I’ve seen up to 54% regrowth in my FUE extraction sites … and I’m
» getting regrowth”

» Are you doing this due to your observations and “online experiences” that
» “some people simply become delusional when they hear the words, ‘hair
» multiplication or cloning’”?
» Where is your science?
» In your own words (posted on HairSite and TBT) - you wrote:
» -------------------------
» What is missing from all these presentations is reputable
» science. I’ll discuss this as it relates to “autocloning”.
» 1. A study must include
» - an introduction,
» - methods,
» - results, and
» - a discussion.

» The conclusions in the discussion should be based on the results and they
» should answer the questions you create when you design the study. When you
» start the study, you must determine what you want to prove. Then you must
» design a method that will allow you to gather results that will support or
» disprove your hypothesis. Both Dr. Cooley and Dr. Hitzig skipped the
» methods, presented unconvincing results, and came to conclusions that were
» not supported by their results. Their entire effort was flawed from the
» beginning due to poor scientific method.
» -------------------------
» Again, WHERE is your “reputable science”, which you sell patients out
» there?
» Instead of, it seems you simply throw out a number in hair loss boards, in
» full awareness that “some people simply become delusional when they hear
» the words, ‘hair multiplication or cloning’”? Is the latter actually just
» THE reason, why YOU suddenly deal with something, with what YOU bash and
» blame others?

“Follicle Regeneration is induced” ?

Come on Dr. Cole, there is no need to penetrate several times (and time consuming) freshly made FUE wounds with an ECM after extraction to get “follicle regeneration”. And where is your peer-reviewed science behind your “Follicle Regeneration is induced”?

btw – I can see lots of such nicely “looks good FUE-donor demonstration photos & videos” every day on the internet – besides the fact “that’s not science”.

» http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A0Op5Hq7Gk&feature=youtu.be
» “Follicle Regeneration is induced” ?
» Come on Dr. Cole, there is no need to penetrate several times (and time
» consuming) freshly made FUE wounds with an ECM after extraction to get
» “follicle regeneration”. And where is your peer-reviewed science behind
» your “Follicle Regeneration is induced”?
» btw – I can see lots of such nicely “looks good FUE-donor demonstration
» photos & videos” every day on the internet – besides the fact “that’s not
» science”.

Compare Dr. Cole’s video …

… just with the following video (besides many other similar videos):