Don\'t think you need hair?

this explains a lot.

Everyone, just trust the guy who dropped out of social work bachelors degree at community college. Trust him. He’s just a 40 year old Sigmund frued in hiding.

It’s like saying:

“You can trust me with this heart surgery. I went to dentistry school, but dropped out”

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by roger_that[/postedby]
Right, but those studies just talk about “male attractiveness” without explaining what defines it and why. If you actually unpack it and break it down, its about symmetry. Visual symmetry is a key marker of the health of the organism, because during evolution animals and our human ancestors equated a lack of symmetry with disease (especially parasitic disease). There have been some fascinating studies on this and I’ll try to find one for you.

[postedby]Originally Posted by needhairasap[/postedby]

jjb has trouble with the subtleties of critical thinking and logic.

[postedby]Originally Posted by jarjarbinx[/postedby]

By way of critical thinking and logic almost every poster at every hair website has figured out that Pilox is snake oil. But needhairasap is still pining for it. Here is a recent post by needhairasap in which he states his intention to buy the obvious snake-oil product called Pilox for $900. This is needhairasap’s critical-thnking and logic on display for all to see.

March 9 2015 - “changed my mind. I’m buying it. I’ll give any israelite $900 upon save arrival of my pilox set in the usa”

LOL! I love it.

[postedby]Originally Posted by needhairasap[/postedby]

The funny part is you will eventually be saying

“needhairasap, you were right about pilox. I was unaware of x, y, and z. Otherwise I would have concluded it is legit. I was just unaware. I am not a moron. I was just unaware. It was because I was unaware” — in normal jarjarbinx fashion[/quote]

See the needhairasap behaving naturally by traipsing about cyberspace while posting mindlessly. Today’s post by the needhairasap proves that it actually still believes that Pilox works despite a recently completed public efficacy test that failed miserably and a phony trichoscan. This is the same needhairasap that is sniffing the cyberspace of Israel seeking any resident in Israel who will agree to send it a snake-oil Pilox device for $900. Scientists have proved that the needhairasap species has less brain synapses and brain cells than humans and this partly explains the stupidity of the needhairasap species. They are also all born with a brain 1/4 the size of a human brain and they have empty space in their cranium since their head is the same size as a human’s head. As a result of the vast empty space inside of their heads they are derogatorily referred to as “Empty Head”.

The reason a woman marries (or even “goes” with) a man isn’t always because she likes to have sex with him.

There’s a lot of different reasons a woman marries a man. Sometime she even marries a man she secretly despises while the man deludes himself into believing she “loves” him despite his shortcomings.

The majority of women evolved to be attracted to alpha males. But there are not enough alpha males to go around in a monogamous culture like ours.

So if a woman cannot get an alpha male to marry her, she will marry a chump and then cheat on him by finding an alpha male to impregnate her.

Being impregnated by the alpha male ensures that her baby will have the best possible genes.

None of the above requires conscious planning on the part of the woman.

Rather, evolution has given the woman certain behavioral proclivities to guide her in the above directions.

Being alpha does not necessarily mean looking good.

But being the alpha male of alpha males does mean looking good.

Because looking good is the outward indicator of genetic fitness, just like the looks of a jet plane is an indicator of its speed.

The sexual marketplace is just that: a marketplace, but the currency isn’t money. The currency of the sexual market place is what your genes are worth to a woman’s genes.

The above is at odds with our artificial ideal of monogamy (one recent study shows that something like only 17% of men in any human generation, create most of the babies in the next generation. Survival of the alpha-est).

But that is a dirty secret that exposes the lie behind monogamy. Monogamy is the only legal form of marriage not because it benefits women, but because it benefits men by forcing the majority of women to marry beta males. But try as it might, the law cannot force women not to cheat on those beta husbands by having the babies of alpha males.

Although often a woman “cheats” on her future husband in advance, by first having the babies of an alpha male or two or three (in or out of wedlock, which makes no difference in what follows), and then with babies in tow, finds a beta male to marry her.

He gets sex (and maybe has a baby or two by her also) in return for helping her raise the alpha male(s) children. He doesn’t look at it that way and she doesn’t (usually) look at it that way–but that is what’s going on.

What our monogamous democratic culture tells us is the way things work, is a lie.

They might as well tell us that gravity doesn’t exist so something will not fall if you let go of it.

The reason so much of what we witness in life seems not to make sense, is not because the world doesn’t make sense, rather our mental schema–the map formed in our minds of how the world works–does not make sense.

Ahab, I acknowledge that some things can enhance a man’s attractiveness to women even if he is bald. But there are a lot of poor attractive schmoes out there with little or no status or power who have a lot of women chasing after them. There are tipping points involved I think. I think the best thing to have is attractiveness and then power/money is 2nd.

Also, Anna Nicole Smith as a poor example in this matter. She was crazy and her behavior was hardly in sync with the average female. When scientists study the behavioral patterns of women I doubt that they would use an outlier female as one of their study models.

Also, when scientists concluded that male attractiveness makes women emote, and male attractiveness can determine the social status of the woman a man is with, scientists were talking about women in general. They were not talking about sole specific women. The scientific conclusion does not dictate what 100% of women will do; the scientific conclusion merely reports what women are typically doing.

Also, I kind of think that evolution installed that faculty (male attractiveness makes women emote) inside of women. I think that attractive men are stronger and more capable in general than their non-attractive counterparts, so evolution installed in women a capacity to emote in response to men’s attractiveness so as to coral her towards attractive men for mating purposes. In doing so evolution increases the likelihood that she will end up with a stronger and more capable man.