Chances of seeing a cure in your lifetime if you\'re over 40yrs old = 0%

Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it. Its picked me up from an usually deep depression I’ve been going through for whatever reason. Maybe it was the change in weather/sunlight that triggered it or the fact that I felt worthless.

Some changes I’ve made : I cut my hair very short to keep this hair issue off my mind. I’ve started exercising over the last couple of days to cash in on what I have as you’ve all suggested. I pulled out a handful of new clothes I bought but never bothered to wear because I felt it was pointless.

I’ll set a goal of at least introducing myself to the girl informally if I can get myself in shape before the year is up. Wish me luck please.

Why luck, everything is on your site.

The probability to get the girl is around 80 to 90%.

Get over it, hair is not that much of a problem, but if you are a small guy, i mean really small, you are SCREWED.

I know one girl, she is engaged to a guy NW5 to NW6 i asked her once, " Hey whats the most “disgusting” part at a guy" she said " Easy, if he is just small"

And there is a guy who is one and a half head smaller then me (myself 182 cm) he has a full head of hair but never had a girl friend…this is sad, because you can get your hair looks back, very easy, especially in the next two to three years.

But try to grow in height is impossible:-|

And i can tell you, if i had to choose between baldness with an upcoming cure or to be small, i prefere baldness.

And another problem if your small, if you are into sports and get yourself a nice body, it will always looks very strange and somehow deformed :frowning:

And to be honest, even if it is hard to get, hairs doesnt matter. The only thing which matters is self confident and success in life.

Take Jason STatham for example, this guy to be honest looks like your averagy bald british or irish Pub Drinker. But he succeded :slight_smile:

Bruce Willis, he looked like a somewhat douche with hair and now, look at him, from Die Hard Typecast to one of the succesfull Hollywood actors.

Or John Travolta, he looks better with short hair then his Grease hair (uggghhhhh i hated this greasy look)

Oh and another important thing " Good Teeth" you should absolute have good teeth:-|

Good luck Freddie!

Where will you be at 50 and will it matter. The best years of your life have passed you by already.

You will care Freddie555, you may not be ‘absolutely devastated’ but I highly doubt you will stop caring at all - and I also highly doubt you will think your life is over at 50 when you get there - I have never met a 50 year old who thinks that.

BTW, sadly Leeroy is right, women REALLY value height, if a man is very short the deck is heavily stacked against him. Life isn’t fair, simple as that.

Personally I’d much rather be short and look like Michael J. Fox than bald.

Anyway thanks for the “good lucks”.