Called Acell today

I called Acell b/c a friend had told me that he heard on the news that the company was fake. I dialed 0 for the operator and asked if they had products for humans. She transferred me to a guy with a last name starting with M (Miller or Markson or Matthews, I forget) and he was more than happy to share everything about the company and what their status is.

Basically, he confirmed everything Willy has reported. They have shipped out the stuff to HT docs. Some have gotten it about a month ago and some only a week ago. He hopes that results will come back in November. He’s not sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but he’s confident it will prevent scarring.

I encourage anyone who has questions to call. He actually told me to keep calling for updates b/c they don’t really update their site frequently enough.

» I called Acell b/c a friend had told me that he heard on the news that the
» company was fake. I dialed 0 for the operator and asked if they had
» products for humans. She transferred me to a guy with a last name starting
» with M (Miller or Markson or Matthews, I forget) and he was more than happy
» to share everything about the company and what their status is.
» Basically, he confirmed everything Willy has reported. They have shipped
» out the stuff to HT docs. Some have gotten it about a month ago and some
» only a week ago. He hopes that results will come back in November. He’s
» not sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but he’s confident it
» will prevent scarring.
» I encourage anyone who has questions to call. He actually told me to keep
» calling for updates b/c they don’t really update their site frequently
» enough.

Thanks GWULaw. It’s nice that someone has confirmed my statements about Acell. I think that some people here think that I just made that stuff up. Anyways, did they say anything about Dr. Umar? I thought he was supposed to get pics from his patient last week? I plan on calling them again next week. I’ll post any updates.

Take Care,

i am waiting and hoping that acell will be able to eliminate scarring, i think it will revolutionize strip surgery, and this is the reason i am waiting to revise any more of my scarring, but i need a competent clinic to do it, i am hoping for h&w

» i am waiting and hoping that acell will be able to eliminate scarring, i
» think it will revolutionize strip surgery, and this is the reason i am
» waiting to revise any more of my scarring, but i need a competent clinic to
» do it, i am hoping for h&w
» Breakthrough Powder Regrows Lost Fingers -

And HAIR:hungry:

If you want to shave your head completely with a razor do you got to worry about just the scarring, hair or both? I wonder if acel would eliminate the scarring and support enough blood to the donor area so FUE hairs planted would have a much higher % survival rate.

» I called Acell b/c a friend had told me that he heard on the news that the
» company was fake. I dialed 0 for the operator and asked if they had
» products for humans. She transferred me to a guy with a last name starting
» with M (Miller or Markson or Matthews, I forget) and he was more than happy
» to share everything about the company and what their status is.
» Basically, he confirmed everything Willy has reported. They have shipped
» out the stuff to HT docs. Some have gotten it about a month ago and some
» only a week ago. He hopes that results will come back in November. He’s
» not sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but he’s confident it
» will prevent scarring.
» I encourage anyone who has questions to call. He actually told me to keep
» calling for updates b/c they don’t really update their site frequently
» enough.

The more I think about it, I hope that is not a bad sign. I hope Dr. Umar hasn’t reported negative results with reguards to hair regrowth. I’m saying this because they originally said that they thought it could (were confident) regrow removed donor hair and now they are saying they are not sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but confident it will prevent scarring. I’m afraid that MAYBE Dr. Umar reported negative results but they are waiting for results from Dr. Jones and the few other doctors before they confirm that it won’t regrow hair. THIS IS PURELY CONJECTURE ON MY PART…and maybe a little paranoia (sp??). Even if it only prevents scarring, it would be a HUGE step forward in the HT industry, but that is not enough for me personally. I REALLY HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE. I would be extremely happy for the patients who have been badly scarred, but I’m REALLY hoping for limitless donor supply. I’m going to call them early next week.

Take Care,

» » I called Acell b/c a friend had told me that he heard on the news that
» the
» » company was fake. I dialed 0 for the operator and asked if they had
» » products for humans. She transferred me to a guy with a last name
» starting
» » with M (Miller or Markson or Matthews, I forget) and he was more than
» happy
» » to share everything about the company and what their status is.
» »
» » Basically, he confirmed everything Willy has reported. They have
» shipped
» » out the stuff to HT docs. Some have gotten it about a month ago and
» some
» » only a week ago. He hopes that results will come back in November.
» He’s
» » not sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but he’s confident it
» » will prevent scarring.
» »
» » I encourage anyone who has questions to call. He actually told me to
» keep
» » calling for updates b/c they don’t really update their site frequently
» » enough.
» The more I think about it, I hope that is not a bad sign. I hope Dr. Umar
» hasn’t reported negative results with reguards to hair regrowth. I’m
» saying this because they originally said that they thought it could (were
» confident) regrow removed donor hair and now they are saying they are not
» sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but confident it will prevent
» scarring. I’m afraid that MAYBE Dr. Umar reported negative results but
» they are waiting for results from Dr. Jones and the few other doctors
» before they confirm that it won’t regrow hair. THIS IS PURELY CONJECTURE
» ON MY PART…and maybe a little paranoia (sp??). Even if it only
» prevents scarring, it would be a HUGE step forward in the HT industry, but
» that is not enough for me personally. I REALLY HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
» I would be extremely happy for the patients who have been badly scarred,
» but I’m REALLY hoping for limitless donor supply. I’m going to call them
» early next week.
» Take Care,
» Bill

I feel like your guess is right Willy, I thnk it did not regrow hair or the donor hair but prevented scarring…Let’s wait and see .

I think that more likely the doctors are not yet using it the way you want them too so the results of hair growth are not in yet. Drs are not going to jump in all the way and leave a patient’s donor area open and let ACELL regrow all the tissue, including hair, the first time the doctors use the product. Initially, the doctors more likely sutured up the donor area and then used ACELL on that area to see if it would reduce scaring. It will be awhile before some doctor gets the courage to try leaving a donor area open and applying ACELL as the means to close the donor area. So they probably already have the results to ascertain if they could reduce or eliminate scarring but they probably don’t have the results to determine if they can use ACELL as the means to close the donor area, including hair growth.

» The more I think about it, I hope that is not a bad sign. I hope Dr. Umar
» hasn’t reported negative results with reguards to hair regrowth. I’m
» saying this because they originally said that they thought it could (were
» confident) regrow removed donor hair and now they are saying they are not
» sure that it can grow hair in the donor area, but confident it will prevent
» scarring. I’m afraid that MAYBE Dr. Umar reported negative results but
» they are waiting for results from Dr. Jones and the few other doctors
» before they confirm that it won’t regrow hair. THIS IS PURELY CONJECTURE
» ON MY PART…and maybe a little paranoia (sp??). Even if it only
» prevents scarring, it would be a HUGE step forward in the HT industry, but
» that is not enough for me personally. I REALLY HOPE THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
» I would be extremely happy for the patients who have been badly scarred,
» but I’m REALLY hoping for limitless donor supply. I’m going to call them
» early next week.
» Take Care,
» Bill

i heard from willy that probably dr. humar used the ECM with the FUE tecnique and acell is waiting for some positive result

it’s right willy???. In this case they have to know if ecm regrowt hair or not!

i don’t know if the fue technique was used with acell. i doubt if any doctor would have removed hair-bearing skin tissue from a person’s donor area and then left that are open applying only acell as the means to close the area. it sounds very dangerous, especially keep in mind that we are talking about the head and the heard houses the brain. i think it will be a few months before someone figures out a way to try this without risk. they may want to have the first human subjects in the hospital when they first try using it to close a donor area after depleting it. i think right now, for at least a few months, they are just going to be getting to know this product and we may have to pressure the doctors to try using acell to close a donor area after depletion.

» i heard from willy that probably dr. humar used the ECM with the FUE
» tecnique and acell is waiting for some positive result
» it’s right willy???. In this case they have to know if ecm regrowt hair
» or not!

» i heard from willy that probably dr. humar used the ECM with the FUE
» tecnique and acell is waiting for some positive result
» it’s right willy???. In this case they have to know if ecm regrowt hair
» or not!

As far as I know, Dr. Umar used the Acell material with a FUE procedure. I spoke with Acell on Monday (10/20) and asked about results. They said that the military is getting great results on regrowth of tissue with missing fingers. They also said that it was used in scar repair with a 92 year old melanoma patient and the patient is virtually scar free. It was also used for scar revision with a person who had a scar repair on their forehead with great success.

As far as hair regrowth goes, they still haven’t gotten results from Dr. Umar. They also stated that we will probably see skin tissue regeneration long before we see any hair follicle regeneration within that tissue. They stated that this may take several months…so, we may not know anything for a few months. I’m going to call them in about a month to see if there is anything new to report.

Good news, thanks willy.

» They also stated that we will probably see skin tissue regeneration
» long before we see any hair follicle regeneration within that tissue. They
» stated that this may take several months…

this time I want to belive you willy, seriously, but I can’t believe that these aren’t only apologies, if they said that regeneration of hair follicles after skin’s regeneration may will need several months, that’s why acell don’t work in this way

» » They also stated that we will probably see skin tissue regeneration
» » long before we see any hair follicle regeneration within that tissue.
» They
» » stated that this may take several months…
» this time I want to belive you willy, seriously, but I can’t believe that
» these aren’t only apologies, if they said that regeneration of hair
» follicles after skin’s regeneration may will need several months …

Look at the bright side of it, they didn’t say several years ( i.e 5 years ).

In terms of follicle regeneration, I think a month or two is basically only enough time to rule a positive.

If it doesn’t produce anything, it may just need more time. (Or even just some tweaking or medications added to the procedure, for all we know.)

it would be nice to see at least some documented tangible evidence of the positive effects in the cases willy mentioned in the form of pics to substansiate claims, as its still hearsay, but i am still hopefull and im glad to hear at least anecdotely that it was successful eliminating scarring, it would be a huge breakthrough, that many could take advantage of right now

» it would be nice to see at least some documented tangible evidence of the
» positive effects in the cases willy mentioned in the form of pics to
» substansiate claims, as its still hearsay, but i am still hopefull and im
» glad to hear at least anecdotely that it was successful eliminating
» scarring, it would be a huge breakthrough, that many could take advantage
» of right now

There is also that woman on the skin forum or whatever that used acell to get rid of her stretch marks.

» » They also stated that we will probably see skin tissue regeneration
» » long before we see any hair follicle regeneration within that tissue.
» They
» » stated that this may take several months…
» this time I want to belive you willy, seriously, but I can’t believe that
» these aren’t only apologies, if they said that regeneration of hair
» follicles after skin’s regeneration may will need several months, that’s
» why acell don’t work in this way

I don’t know what you mean by, “I can’t believe that these aren’t only apologies”. Literally, I don’t know what you mean. I’m assuming that you mean that you don’t fully believe me…and I can’t say that I blame you. I’m just some obscure poster on hairsite (that none of you know personally) so why should any of you trust me…if I were you, I would feel the same way.

All I can say is that is what they are telling me over the phone. I’m not personally involved with Acell or any of the doctors using it. I promise you that what I post here is what they have told me. I really don’t belive that they are lying to me either. I have no way to know this for sure, but I really don’t think that they would have any reason to lie to me.

I must admit that I thought that I would have heard something by now too, but I haven’t lost hope for hair regrowth. All we can do is wait. I’m going to call them again in about a month to see if there is anything new.

For anyone who doesn’t believe me, I urge you to call Acell. I know that a few others did and were given the same information that I was. For those who are out of the country and can’t call Acell, you’ll either have to take my word for it or not believe me. Look at it this way, if you don’t beleive me and Acell fails, you won’t be disappointed but if Acell succeeds, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Take Care,

» I’m assuming that you mean that you don’t fully believe me…

No, I don’t believe in Acell this time :stuck_out_tongue:

» » I’m assuming that you mean that you don’t fully believe me…
» No, I don’t believe in Acell this time :stuck_out_tongue: