Bimatoprost trial gonewiththehair

» » almost three weeks using bimatoprost on my one temple (2 drops morning
» and
» » night). Im a bit reluctant to say but i think there may be a very slight
» » increase in some vellus hair, it just looks a tiny bit more dense but
» its
» » still too early to say but as of this far nothing of cosmetic
» significance.
» » If by three months there isnt a noticable good result i probably wont
» » continue but if there is i will continue to use it indefinately.
» I would recommend using it every day for 16 - 20 weeks and if you are happy
» with the results then, you can drop down to every second day or three times
» a week.

Do your patients use it while they are also using Rogaine? If so, how–using one medication in the morning and the other in the evening, or do they apply both medications at the same time?

DR. TOM we read that a side effect of bimatoprost is changing the colour
of the eyes, have you seen something like that to your patients???

» » » almost three weeks using bimatoprost on my one temple (2 drops morning
» » and
» » » night). Im a bit reluctant to say but i think there may be a very
» slight
» » » increase in some vellus hair, it just looks a tiny bit more dense but
» » its
» » » still too early to say but as of this far nothing of cosmetic
» » significance.
» » » If by three months there isnt a noticable good result i probably wont
» » » continue but if there is i will continue to use it indefinately.
» »
» » I would recommend using it every day for 16 - 20 weeks and if you are
» happy
» » with the results then, you can drop down to every second day or three
» times
» » a week.
» Do your patients use it while they are also using Rogaine? If so,
» how–using one medication in the morning and the other in the evening, or
» do they apply both medications at the same time?

Minoxidil in the morning, bimatoprost + minoxidil in the evening

» DR. TOM we read that a side effect of bimatoprost is changing the colour
» of the eyes, have you seen something like that to your patients???

I tell all of my patients about it, and I havent seen a single one have a problem. I have also never seen a before and after picture of this side effect…

» » DR. TOM we read that a side effect of bimatoprost is changing the colour
» »
» » of the eyes, have you seen something like that to your patients???
» I tell all of my patients about it, and I havent seen a single one have a
» problem. I have also never seen a before and after picture of this side
» effect…

I think that side effect was noticed when it was used on eyelashes, so there’s a good chance you might actually have to get some in your eyes before there’s any chance of its changing eye color.

» » » DR. TOM we read that a side effect of bimatoprost is changing the
» colour
» »
» » »
» » » of the eyes, have you seen something like that to your patients???
» »
» » I tell all of my patients about it, and I havent seen a single one have
» a
» » problem. I have also never seen a before and after picture of this side
» » effect…
» I think that side effect was noticed when it was used on eyelashes, so
» there’s a good chance you might actually have to get some in your eyes
» before there’s any chance of its changing eye color.

Thanks, doc.

I think I’m going to try it, and if I do will let everybody know what it does for me.

Since I’ve been on DHT blockers, I can see many vellus hairs have become pigmented and grown up to a half inch long, but still are not easily noticeable to the naked eye because though pigmented, they are still small in diameter.

I’ve been hoping there might be something to kick those follicles into all out growth, and maybe bimatoprost will do that for me.

Here is an article from science daily, although no pictures. Love to know the dosage. They did say it regrew hair on a bald mice… I wonder if it can be purchased from china. If so, it would be much cheaper.

Almost at the 4 week mark.

Noticing some slight itching after application on some nights but seems to be mild and goes away after a while. Also notice some hairs are on my finger when i rub the area with the lumigan.

I also get this on other areas on my head too at times so it could be my diffuse thinning. No major changes yet, still may seem to appear slightly more dense but very fine light hair and no major change.

definately getting some shedding guys, on my one finger tip where i rubbed the temple it had like 7 hairs on it. i guess ill take this as a good sign prays

» definately getting some shedding guys, on my one finger tip where i rubbed
» the temple it had like 7 hairs on it. i guess ill take this as a good sign
» prays

Keep going. It sounds like things are starting to move in the right direction.

On an aside, I wrote a review of the recent paper published that supported the use of bimatoprost for hair loss:

thanks dr tom i will continue applying as when i looked in the mirror this morning something tells me there might be some slight changes for the better (or my mind playing tricks)… looking forward to seeing what happens over the next few months. Good article review too nice to see an unbiased fact based summary.

» » » » almost three weeks using bimatoprost on my one temple (2 drops
» morning
» » » and
» » » » night). Im a bit reluctant to say but i think there may be a very
» » slight
» » » » increase in some vellus hair, it just looks a tiny bit more dense
» but
» » » its
» » » » still too early to say but as of this far nothing of cosmetic
» » » significance.
» » » » If by three months there isnt a noticable good result i probably
» wont
» » » » continue but if there is i will continue to use it indefinately.
» » »
» » » I would recommend using it every day for 16 - 20 weeks and if you are
» » happy
» » » with the results then, you can drop down to every second day or three
» » times
» » » a week.
» »
» » Do your patients use it while they are also using Rogaine? If so,
» » how–using one medication in the morning and the other in the evening,
» or
» » do they apply both medications at the same time?
» Minoxidil in the morning, bimatoprost + minoxidil in the evening

OK, thank you.

will you be posting any pics? IS hair getting darker yet or staying light?

thanks dr tom i will continue applying as when i looked in the mirror this
» morning something tells me there might be some slight changes for the
» better (or my mind playing tricks)… looking forward to seeing what happens
» over the next few months. Good article review too nice to see an unbiased
» fact based summary.

I know people wont be pleased but i wont have any pics to share in this experiment. ever since i started losing hair i have avoided cameras like the plague and now i have a case of body dysmorphia too (no joke haha) so photos scare me a bit plus i doubt i could take any good photos with just a iphone. But rest assured i will give as best indications as i can and i will notice any changes thats for sure. So far theres no dark pigmented hairs the area has a lot of fine vellus hairs so i will notice if they change, all ive had so far is a bit of shedding and there possibly may be some new vellus hairs but i cant tell yet hopefully in the next few weeks and i can notice something more.

P.S does anyone know how long it would take to absorb into the skin from lumigan. Just wondering as in case it gets washed off in the shower or swimming should it absorb within mins/hours ? this is what confuses me.

» I know people wont be pleased but i wont have any pics to share in this
» experiment. ever since i started losing hair i have avoided cameras like
» the plague and now i have a case of body dysmorphia too (no joke haha) so
» photos scare me a bit plus i doubt i could take any good photos with just a
» iphone. But rest assured i will give as best indications as i can and i
» will notice any changes thats for sure. So far theres no dark pigmented
» hairs the area has a lot of fine vellus hairs so i will notice if they
» change, all ive had so far is a bit of shedding and there possibly may be
» some new vellus hairs but i cant tell yet hopefully in the next few weeks
» and i can notice something more.
» P.S does anyone know how long it would take to absorb into the skin from
» lumigan. Just wondering as in case it gets washed off in the shower or
» swimming should it absorb within mins/hours ? this is what confuses me.

From my experience, I always say to allow 20 minutes for complete absorption as I err on the side of caution.

» » I know people wont be pleased but i wont have any pics to share in this
» » experiment. ever since i started losing hair i have avoided cameras like
» » the plague and now i have a case of body dysmorphia too (no joke haha)
» so
» » photos scare me a bit plus i doubt i could take any good photos with just
» a
» » iphone. But rest assured i will give as best indications as i can and i
» » will notice any changes thats for sure. So far theres no dark pigmented
» » hairs the area has a lot of fine vellus hairs so i will notice if they
» » change, all ive had so far is a bit of shedding and there possibly may
» be
» » some new vellus hairs but i cant tell yet hopefully in the next few
» weeks
» » and i can notice something more.
» »
» » P.S does anyone know how long it would take to absorb into the skin from
» » lumigan. Just wondering as in case it gets washed off in the shower or
» » swimming should it absorb within mins/hours ? this is what confuses me.
» From my experience, I always say to allow 20 minutes for complete
» absorption as I err on the side of caution.

I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that the absorbtion time is several hours for Rogaine. If so, would bimatoprost be likely to be absorbed so much faster?

Almost 6 week mark. Theres definately something happening (more fine hairs and some hairs in the middle of the temple may be slightly darker)… still not cosmetically viable at this point. I’ll continue on and see what happens. Definately going to stick with this for at least 4 months. Price of this stuff isnt the best but if i have results im happy with i will use it indefinately over other areas.

hey guys i just had to get the scissors out and cut one lone hair that was growing way taller than the others on my temple where im applying the bimatoprost. the weird thing is the first maybe 15mm of the hair was light fine and unpigmented and the rest of the hair was black and thick is this the proof of a vellous hair going terminal because it sure looks like it to me??

» hey guys i just had to get the scissors out and cut one lone hair that was
» growing way taller than the others on my temple where im applying the
» bimatoprost. the weird thing is the first maybe 15mm of the hair was light
» fine and unpigmented and the rest of the hair was black and thick is this
» the proof of a vellous hair going terminal because it sure looks like it to
» me??

I earlier posted here about this.

All new hairs, including hairs that grow from follicles unaffected by mpb, start out very fine and thicken as they get longer.

If you measure the total length of the hair, then divide it by the rate that hair grows per month, you can get a good idea if this hair started growing before or after you started the medication.

» » hey guys i just had to get the scissors out and cut one lone hair that
» was
» » growing way taller than the others on my temple where im applying the
» » bimatoprost. the weird thing is the first maybe 15mm of the hair was
» light
» » fine and unpigmented and the rest of the hair was black and thick is
» this
» » the proof of a vellous hair going terminal because it sure looks like it
» to
» » me??
» I earlier posted here about this.
» All new hairs, including hairs that grow from follicles unaffected by mpb,
» start out very fine and thicken as they get longer.
» If you measure the total length of the hair, then divide it by the rate
» that hair grows per month, you can get a good idea if this hair started
» growing before or after you started the medication.

If he is using the regular latiss dose then I would NOT anticipate that it’s strong enough to produce a lot of good quality hair. If he is using the standard latisse dose then I think he should increase the dose dramatically.