After effects of strip (FUT) hair transplant method


In this case, the patient had a high degree of hair loss with below average donor density. The patient was told that the ideal donor area typically has 180 hairs per square centimeter and that the case was not ideal. This particular patient desired to have conservative coverage on the front with a thinner look on the crown and requested that we use body hair as another donor source.

Well i see you still ignore my questions i put to you so its obvious you aren`t going to answer them and make yourself look stupid.

Now as density goes the average good density is like 95 to 100 follicular units per sq cm.You can safely harvest 30% of this without the area looking thinned out.You say this patient had below average density therefor i still feel he would have been better off going trico strip and then cherry pick fue sorry cit to get more coverage/density.

I never imagined I’d hear a Joe Satriani song in a hair related video.

» I never imagined I’d hear a Joe Satriani song in a hair related video.
yeah baby!

» » I never imagined I’d hear a Joe Satriani song in a hair related video.
» yeah baby!

IMO, strip is applicable to some cases but FUE applies to more cases. You have to out weight the risks and benefits. I wish we could see more donor after srtip that are at least 1 yr. post-op.