Affordable thymosin beta 4


20 grams for usd 240

Any thoughts?

» 20 grams for usd 240
» This product is no longer available.
» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» Any thoughts?

Yes plenty, but for starters…China?

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» » 20 grams for usd 240
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» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
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» » Any thoughts?
» Yes plenty, but for starters…China?

I know it smells fishy. But Im not gonna pay 6000 dollars for 10 grams if i can pay just 240 for 20

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» » » 20 grams for usd 240
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» This product is no longer available.
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» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
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» » » Any thoughts?
» »
» » Yes plenty, but for starters…China?
» I know it smells fishy. But Im not gonna pay 6000 dollars for 10 grams if i
» can pay just 240 for 20

How many grams do you need? Also what are you gonna do with the powder exactly, mix it with something and apply as a topical?

The stuff is stable for 3 weeks only at room temperatures.

It seems that the only viable option is rly the PRP + thrombin + acell injections

So reorder some more of the stuff every month and keep it stored in the freezer. Problem solved.

I don’t see this being a permanent topical that you keep using for years like Minox. If the stuff works then I would expect the gains to be compoundable. If the gains are compoundable then I would expect the gains to be lasting long-term after the treatment is stopped. (Maybe not for life but at least a few years or more.) Going through some trouble & money to do the initial regrowing doesn’t seem like such a big deal in that situation.

» So reorder some more of the stuff every month and keep it stored in the
» freezer. Problem solved.
» I don’t see this being a permanent topical that you keep using for years
» like Minox. If the stuff works then I would expect the gains to be
» compoundable. If the gains are compoundable then I would expect the gains
» to be lasting long-term after the treatment is stopped. (Maybe not for
» life but at least a few years or more.) Going through some trouble & money
» to do the initial regrowing doesn’t seem like such a big deal in that
» situation.

I read one of the studies they published and it indicated that the results (hair growth) come on very quickly (2-3 weeks) compared to minoxidil (3-4 months). But, the hairs rapidly disappear upon termination of the thymusin. So, it most likely would need to be applied repeatedly.

Can’t remember which paper or journal it was in, but, do recall reading that.

» » So reorder some more of the stuff every month and keep it stored in the
» » freezer. Problem solved.
» »
» »
» » I don’t see this being a permanent topical that you keep using for years
» » like Minox. If the stuff works then I would expect the gains to be
» » compoundable. If the gains are compoundable then I would expect the
» gains
» » to be lasting long-term after the treatment is stopped. (Maybe not for
» » life but at least a few years or more.) Going through some trouble &
» money
» » to do the initial regrowing doesn’t seem like such a big deal in that
» » situation.
» I read one of the studies they published and it indicated that the results
» (hair growth) come on very quickly (2-3 weeks) compared to minoxidil (3-4
» months). But, the hairs rapidly disappear upon termination of the
» thymusin. So, it most likely would need to be applied repeatedly.
» Can’t remember which paper or journal it was in, but, do recall reading
» that.

the few ppl who were testing this before report the same, results in less than a month…

my problem is the shipping etc. to ship it to europe it would probably take 1-2 weeks at least … so id have just one week before it expires. that too low.

We need something that will make it stable for at least 3 months.

Why not buy a bio lab and produce this suff ourselves?

» Why not buy a bio lab and produce this suff ourselves?

i already investigated this option :smiley:

but frankly. its beyond my education :slight_smile: sorry. i dont think i can do this myself. not without phd in biotechnology

i think i can get that degree no problem. but unfortunately its 5 years away at least :smiley:

» » Why not buy a bio lab and produce this suff ourselves?
» i already investigated this option :smiley:
» but frankly. its beyond my education :slight_smile: sorry. i dont think i can do this
» myself. not without phd in biotechnology
» i think i can get that degree no problem. but unfortunately its 5 years
» away at least :smiley:

So then lets stick with reality again. Up up guys we have to demand a new surgical standard,

Even Rassman got hair growth with plucked hairs

» The stuff is stable for 3 weeks only at room temperatures.
» It seems that the only viable option is rly the PRP + thrombin + acell
» injections

Why would thrombin alone work? PRP + Acell didnt do anything for me I’m pretty sure, maybe just PRP and thrombin is what we need?

» 20 grams for usd 240
» This product is no longer available.
» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» Any thoughts?

I’m willing to give it a try but how would you apply it? What medium?

» »
» » 20 grams for usd 240
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» This product is no longer available.
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» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» »
» »
» »
» » Any thoughts?
» I’m willing to give it a try but how would you apply it? What medium?

Why not contact one of these companies and ask them

» » »
» » » 20 grams for usd 240
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» This product is no longer available.
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» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» » »
» » »
» » »
» » » Any thoughts?
» »
» » I’m willing to give it a try but how would you apply it? What medium?
» Why not contact one of these companies and ask them

I thought about contacting someone but I’m a bit nervous to ask about how to do this because considering it’s a do-it-yourself experiment with chemicals at home I bet they’d be hesitant to help me out with information, but I’m not sure. Is anyone here experienced with chemistry or able to give me some information?

» 20 grams for usd 240
» This product is no longer available.
» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» Any thoughts?

Debris, if you find out how to apply it I would buy it and trail it.

» » » »
» » » » 20 grams for usd 240
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» This product is no longer available.
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» »
» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» » » »
» » » »
» » » »
» » » » Any thoughts?
» » »
» » » I’m willing to give it a try but how would you apply it? What medium?
» »
» » Why not contact one of these companies and ask them
» »
» »
» »
» »
» »
» »
» I thought about contacting someone but I’m a bit nervous to ask about how
» to do this because considering it’s a do-it-yourself experiment with
» chemicals at home I bet they’d be hesitant to help me out with information,
» but I’m not sure. Is anyone here experienced with chemistry or able to
» give me some information?

If you go to and click on products tab it has "create your own "…

They have a contact us

Thank god you created this ite in 2011 :slight_smile:

hey come on give the guys from here a nice bargain because they are first buy customers

» »
» » 20 grams for usd 240
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» This product is no longer available.
» »
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» Thymosin Beta 4-Thymosin Beta 4 Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters on Alibaba.comOrganic Intermediate
» »
» »
» »
» » Any thoughts?
» Debris, if you find out how to apply it I would buy it and trail it.

its soluble in water. my guess would be to either create water based lotion, or to find an existing hydrogel based drug or cream and add the stuff into it

my big concern is the stability. you may well be applying something that has already expired by the time it get to your scalp.

Injecting it would be mor interesting to see