Affordable thymosin beta 4

I’m still thinking about the long term results.

The Acell/PRP/thrombin results would have been a one-time thing. I can’t remember what the time gap was, but assume the “after” pics were taken a few months later than the “before” pics . . . so why were the gains still visible then?

If the single injection round of thrombin was only actively working on the follicles for a week or two before fading, and yet the stuff regrew THAT much hair, then we REALLY should be looking into it.

Lets inject it

my guess would be that its actively working for only hours or 1-2 days max.

and yes its remarkable regrowth.

i sent a question to cole if he tried this on more patients, didnt get a reply yet.

» I’m still thinking about the long term results.
» The Acell/PRP/thrombin results would have been a one-time thing. I can’t
» remember what the time gap was, but assume the “after” pics were taken a
» few months later than the “before” pics . . . so why were the gains still
» visible then?
» If the single injection round of thrombin was only actively working on the
» follicles for a week or two before fading, and yet the stuff regrew THAT
» much hair, then we REALLY should be looking into it.

got a reply but its somehow useless.

it just states the price ( 1200 usd ), and that they have patients who see regrowth. hmm.

» my guess would be that its actively working for only hours or 1-2 days
» max.
» and yes its remarkable regrowth.
» i sent a question to cole if he tried this on more patients, didnt get a
» reply yet.
» » I’m still thinking about the long term results.
» »
» » The Acell/PRP/thrombin results would have been a one-time thing. I
» can’t
» » remember what the time gap was, but assume the “after” pics were taken a
» » few months later than the “before” pics . . . so why were the gains
» still
» » visible then?
» »
» » If the single injection round of thrombin was only actively working on
» the
» » follicles for a week or two before fading, and yet the stuff regrew THAT
» » much hair, then we REALLY should be looking into it.

» Thank god you created this ite in 2011 :slight_smile:
» hey come on give the guys from here a nice bargain because they are first
» buy customers

I’ll take a guess at your comment directed at me has something to do with me being involved with the site i mentioned

Not at all
I was responding to someone asking how to apply it as a topical
I thought of the the few peptide sites that are prob able to accomplish this
Ive used ar-r in the past for topical spiro and some other things
If you checked out the site you will see the have a link to DHT inhibitors
That how i came across it
My only agenda was to give out some info on making a topical out of this … sorry to disappoint you

» Lets inject it

I don’t know if you’re being serious, but I agree with what you’re saying. If someone is going to spend that type of money on this then you should definitely give it the best chance of working first time, and imo injecting it will do that. A topical would be hit and miss.

» » Lets inject it
» I don’t know if you’re being serious, but I agree with what you’re saying.
» If someone is going to spend that type of money on this then you should
» definitely give it the best chance of working first time, and imo injecting
» it will do that. A topical would be hit and miss.

I am dead serious, another topical temp solution YAAAAWWWWWWnnn nobody wants this. If the guys here are so vivid with DIY then INJECT it for MAXIMUM POWER

» » » Lets inject it
» »
» » I don’t know if you’re being serious, but I agree with what you’re
» saying.
» » If someone is going to spend that type of money on this then you should
» » definitely give it the best chance of working first time, and imo
» injecting
» » it will do that. A topical would be hit and miss.
» I am dead serious, another topical temp solution YAAAAWWWWWWnnn nobody
» wants this. If the guys here are so vivid with DIY then INJECT it for

sorry guys no matter how much u wish, im not stupid enough to inject myself with some cheap wall paint that some chinese lab will send me claiming its thymosin beta 4.

and no one will.

» » » Why not buy a bio lab and produce this suff ourselves?
» »
» » i already investigated this option :smiley:
» »
» » but frankly. its beyond my education :slight_smile: sorry. i dont think i can do
» this
» » myself. not without phd in biotechnology
» »
» » i think i can get that degree no problem. but unfortunately its 5 years
» » away at least :smiley:
» So then lets stick with reality again. Up up guys we have to demand a new
» surgical standard,
» Even Rassman got hair growth with plucked hairs

I got a better idea…why not get doctors to use acell + PRP + tb4 or thrombin on us once every few months. What is the big deal if we go in every 3 months - 4 times per year? Why can’t we just mix acell + PRP + this other thrombin/tb4 stuff and some other growth factors and just go into the docs office for repeat injections every 3 months. Why would this be a problem?

» » » » Why not buy a bio lab and produce this suff ourselves?
» » »
» » » i already investigated this option :smiley:
» » »
» » » but frankly. its beyond my education :slight_smile: sorry. i dont think i can do
» » this
» » » myself. not without phd in biotechnology
» » »
» » » i think i can get that degree no problem. but unfortunately its 5
» years
» » » away at least :smiley:
» »
» » So then lets stick with reality again. Up up guys we have to demand a
» new
» » surgical standard,
» »
» » Even Rassman got hair growth with plucked hairs
» I got a better idea…why not get doctors to use acell + PRP + tb4 or
» thrombin on us once every few months. What is the big deal if we go in
» every 3 months - 4 times per year? Why can’t we just mix acell + PRP +
» this other thrombin/tb4 stuff and some other growth factors and just go
» into the docs office for repeat injections every 3 months. Why would this
» be a problem?

step one: make friends with a doctor
step two: convince him to do a under-the-table experiment