A very sad case. This guy is only 25 years old. He had the “Expander” and “Flap” procedures done two years ago, and left with these results. Doctors and clinics out there, if you think you can help him, email me at hairsite@aol.com and I can put you in touch with this patient.
» My God…
» Surely this is sufficient for the “Doctor” who did this to lose his
» license?
» I really hope some of the Docs will offer some pro bono work for this guy.
Yes, this is almost like a crime. Someone should pay for this. I feel bad for that guy. Damon if you are reading this, is this kind of what you experienced? Is your scalp better or worse than this guys?
I can’t believe someone actually destroyed another man’s life this bad. I hope someone out there can help him.
These pictures brought tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine the utter shame and sadness this guy must feel on a constant basis. He is only 25? I am so angry I cannot see straight. I commend this guy for the courage it took to send you his photos. I certainly hope that some surgeon out there can provide this guy with some hope. I am speechless…
» These pictures brought tears to my eyes. I cannot imagine the utter shame
» and sadness this guy must feel on a constant basis. He is only 25? I am so
» angry I cannot see straight. I commend this guy for the courage it took to
» send you his photos. I certainly hope that some surgeon out there can
» provide this guy with some hope. I am speechless…
Now if you guys wanted to get fund together to help this guy, I would be more than happy to contribute… rather than some Gho experiment. This is totally sickening. The asshole that did this is no better than a Baghdad torturer.
It was only 2 yrs ago when he did Flap? I thought these techniques were so outdated that doctors had stopped performing long time ago, unless he did it in some developing countries.
MPB, I am in. Hairsite has my email address if you want to contribute together.
» It was only 2 yrs ago when he did Flap? I thought these techniques were so
» outdated that doctors had stopped performing long time ago, unless he did
» it in some developing countries.
» MPB, I am in. Hairsite has my email address if you want to contribute
» together.
Seriously- I’m not just blowing smoke. I want to do what I can to help this guy. I thought I was scarred up but this is beyond what I could ever imagine.
» » It was only 2 yrs ago when he did Flap? I thought these techniques were
» so
» » outdated that doctors had stopped performing long time ago, unless he
» did
» » it in some developing countries.
» »
» » MPB, I am in. Hairsite has my email address if you want to contribute
» » together.
» Seriously- I’m not just blowing smoke. I want to do what I can to help
» this guy. I thought I was scarred up but this is beyond what I could ever
» imagine.
I’d rather the fund go towards Damon if anything. This guy is one of our own and has expressed suicide numerous times. If anyone should get money it should be Damon. I’d be willing to bet he’s even worse than this guy.
» I’d rather the fund go towards Damon if anything. This guy is one of our
» own and has expressed suicide numerous times. If anyone should get money
» it should be Damon. I’d be willing to bet he’s even worse than this guy.
I’d take that bet. That is, I would wager that Damon is not in as bad a shape as this guy.
Could any of the repair surgeons out there care to comment on what actually could be done for this poor guy? I can only foresee maybe FUE grafting into the scars, but they appear to be so extensive I am wondering if it would provide any cosmetic relevance. I don’t know about other methods of scar revisions, but I hope there is some procedure out there that could help.
» » It was only 2 yrs ago when he did Flap? I thought these techniques were
» so
» » outdated that doctors had stopped performing long time ago, unless he
» did
» » it in some developing countries.
» »
» » MPB, I am in. Hairsite has my email address if you want to contribute
» » together.
» Seriously- I’m not just blowing smoke. I want to do what I can to help
» this guy. I thought I was scarred up but this is beyond what I could ever
» imagine.
The best way to help maybe to suport litigation. David could call on surgeons as expert witnesses.
» » » It was only 2 yrs ago when he did Flap? I thought these techniques
» were
» » so
» » » outdated that doctors had stopped performing long time ago, unless he
» » did
» » » it in some developing countries.
» » »
» » » MPB, I am in. Hairsite has my email address if you want to contribute
» » » together.
» »
» » Seriously- I’m not just blowing smoke. I want to do what I can to help
» » this guy. I thought I was scarred up but this is beyond what I could
» ever
» » imagine.
» The best way to help maybe to suport litigation. David could call on
» surgeons as expert witnesses.
This is absolutely disgusting. Whoever did this should be lynched.
Honestly, it would seem a good hair system or a huge, and I mean HUGE, session of body hair transplants like Heliboy had. However you’re talking about huge $$ for a huge body hair transplant. Hopefully someone can offer him help. If I was on a jury I’d give him $300 million.
Thanks everyone for volunteering your support, both financial and emotional.
Right now the most important question is to find him a good doctor. The problem I see is that there are not that many doctors out there who are both qualified and willing to take on this challenge.
Would definitely welcome any inputs or suggestions …
» » My God…
» »
» » Surely this is sufficient for the “Doctor” who did this to lose his
» » license?
» »
» » I really hope some of the Docs will offer some pro bono work for this
» guy.
» Yes, this is almost like a crime. Someone should pay for this. I feel bad
» for that guy. Damon if you are reading this, is this kind of what you
» experienced? Is your scalp better or worse than this guys?
» I can’t believe someone actually destroyed another man’s life this bad. I
» hope someone out there can help him.
Kramer stop hiding behind your new fake nick and shut up while you are at it
» Thanks everyone for volunteering your support, both financial and
» emotional.
» Right now the most important question is to find him a good doctor. The
» problem I see is that there are not that many doctors out there who are
» both qualified and willing to take on this challenge.
» Would definitely welcome any inputs or suggestions …
David, I appreciate your sincerity, but I truly believe that this guy is beyond repair. He is forced to wear a piece for life. Most guys complain about their situation, but this guy is the worst I have ever seen. I agree that we should pool our money for litigation. Actually, it wouldn’t be hard to find a lawyer to take this case on a % basis.
Again, this is another reason for NOT doing something surgically when you are very young!!!
Lets be honest…this man does not have enough head donor hair to cover all that area. We dont know about his body donor hair, but it looks as if he might have tissue necrosis on some of his scalp, meaning dying flesh that is not going to support hair growth.
Hair Multiplication or something like ACELL might be about all that can give this man some coverage unless he has a ton of body hair-----and even then the scalp condition might inhibit any would-be growth. Come to think of it, his scalp condition might inhibit any growth period if the skin dies on him.
A wig-could at least make him presentable so he can continue with his life “in the now” while he waits on new technology—or a doctor will take him as a charity case.
Gentlemen, FLAPS AND SCALP REDUCTIONS ARE STILL PERFORMED> A Sweedish doc named Nordstrom or some such still does them, and a plastic surgery clinic in Beverly Hills still does them (I emailed them and asked if their website was in arrears about taking the Meyer-Flap down, but they still “believe” in the procedure).
As Gillenator has pointed out before, it would suprise some of you to know that some people like a dentist that he knew performs transplants “on the side”, and some plastic surgery clinics still push flaps and galeotomies.
I feel for this poor young man, who was obviously lied to and mislead.
Hairsite, is there any way we can find out what clinic or doctor performed this procedure on this man? They should be made to pay for whatever corrective strategy that can be mapped out for him or face BILLBOARD-TYPE EXPOSURE in whatever local media exists in their city. Medical liscenses have been revoked for less quackery than this.
I swear the pics send chills up my spine. Poor guy. Benji is right, he needs a wig for the time being so that he can go out in public without feeling embarrassed. Does he have good body hair?
» I swear the pics send chills up my spine. Poor guy. Benji is right, he
» needs a wig for the time being so that he can go out in public without
» feeling embarrassed. Does he have good body hair?
Why are all of you feeling bad for this guy yet Damon has been screaming for help for God knows how long. The guy got so butchered that he has been talking about suicide nonstop and not a single person does a thing to help him. Yeah, I feel bad for that guy in the photos but why are you not feeling bad for Damon? I don’t get this.
We have never seen any photos of Damon so we cannot make a reasonable assessment of his case. He has posted many times that he is screwed up, but without pictures, it really does not strike a chord with anyone on this forum. We can feel badly for Damon, but what exactly are we feeling badly about?
» » I’d rather the fund go towards Damon if anything. This guy is one of our
» » own and has expressed suicide numerous times. If anyone should get
» money
» » it should be Damon. I’d be willing to bet he’s even worse than this
» guy.
» I’d take that bet. That is, I would wager that Damon is not in as bad a
» shape as this guy.
You are going to make a bet on who looks worse? What are we,a source of entertainment for you? A travelling freak show here for your amusement? Personal accounts & photos of butchered HTP operations aren’t posted here for your gaming pleasure.Try and act like a human being you jackass!
It’s amazing how some guys here can be so compassionate whilst others can be absolute insensitive azzholes.The worst part of it is,the good guys always get fcuked over while the azzholes live wonderful lives.
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