92% of men using propecia reported lower sexual arousal

» Saw Palmetto is worthless.

how many regimens have you tried? how many supps you added and utterly failed to stop your rapidly balding scalp

I dont blame you for being bitter. and now you cant get it up and you blame it on the supps? I bet?

could be just natural aging process, but hey you cant get a date anyway, besides your sister so why would you be concerned about sexual sides :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

As these posts show:

  1. Saw Palmetto causes men to get side effects.
  2. Saw Palmetto does not do a thing for your hair loss.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

» One guy gets sides from Saw Palmetto, and the other guy gets no results
» from this herb. Just shows how worthless this herb is, and why someone
» like you includes in his regimen.

how sad your bitterness has destroyed your life
Your self esteem is in the toilet

your hair clogs the drain each morning

then you have that problem with limpness :rotfl:


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:47 am

Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:31 pm
Posts: 183

I was taking the tribulus to help with sides i got from saw palmetto. Is S5 supposed to cause sides too? Ive been using it for 8 months…you think its been interrupting my recovery?


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:47 am

Joined: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:17 am

Hi guys,

I started using saw palmetto extract 320 mg from 2 weeks now one pill per day,
with max-hair vitamins twice daily.

But I Suspect that I have sexual side effects from SP.My erection is very well all the time but I notice less semen than before.

I’m just 25 years old.

Is this normal ?
And why ?

Note: I’m not currently sleep well less than 6 hours daily.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:19 pm

Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:02 pm

I was on GNC SP for a month and I had TERRIBLE sides. If I didn’t stop as soon as I did I would have ended up like that.

Thank fully I had a 100% recovery within weeks and have been fine.

Some are okay with it, while it’s poison to others like me.

Be VERY careful with this stuff !


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:52 pm

Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:17 pm

I am the guy on http://www.hair loss help.com … adid=88124
yes I am still suffering and living as a handicaped person. My career has ruined completely. I had dreams to move in my field ( was a Cisco Engineer) but due to braing fog, poor memory, artheritis etc and no energy I can not do any thing. Totally 180 degree changed. Anyway consider yourself lucky and throw the junk in the garbage. Whoever introduced this junk had no moral values, no regard to human health. thousand must have ruined their lives but there is no survey or awarness so they are just suffering in the dark.I have recieved donzens of emails from young boys who suffered very badly. I wish someone, just someone has cautioned me 18 months back. I am just trying to help people and I don’t want anything in return. if someone is saved because of me this will be a great reward. People talk about ciggerrette or alcohol effects but these effects are nothing. you stop them and you are on your way in you life but these effects are nasty (I would say if not permanent but last for years and years)

I guess you are jealous because guys ask me quesions about my regimen

jealousy is a terrible thing, it will eat u up inside

I suggest counseling :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a shame nobody on the board believes your lame regimen works

I guess the board members are smarter than you are, they know a bogus regimen when they see one :smiley: :smiley:

» I guess you are jealous because guys ask me quesions about my regimen
» jealousy is a terrible thing, it will eat u up inside
» I suggest counseling :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
» Its a shame nobody on the board believes your lame regimen works
» I guess the board members are smarter than you are, they know a bogus
» regimen when they see one :smiley: :smiley:

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)"…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL"

LOL! :yes:

Once again you hide under the other board members skirts, you are too gutless to fight your own fights…

As for hogan?

Take out the living in the philippines part and sounds to me like he was talking about you…:smiley: :smiley:

only thing is you cant afford a plane ticket:-P :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, the only problem with that “logic” is that, well, for one, Hogan was not “talking,” dummy. Hogan’s statement was directed at YOU, HanginInThere. :yes:

So mind your manners, Huckleberry, before I unleash all of your past hits in glorious fashion. Do you understand me.

Hogan: (reply to HanginInThere)"…why I would be jealous of a mentally retarded, balding, 40-something, with no degree, living in the the Philippines? LOL"


» Yeah, the only problem with that “logic” is that, well, for one, Hogan was
» not “talking,” dummy. Hogan’s statement was directed at YOU,
» HanginInThere. :yes:

Hogan, who is he? who cares about him? only a weak biatch like you who cannot stand on his own two feet and must constantly dig the archives to hide under other posters skirst
» So mind your manners, Huckleberry, before I unleash all of your past hits
» in glorious fashion. Do you understand me.

What you mean repost hangins hits, that series of fabricated posts you constantly post that not one person gives a damn about except you? you are a spineless douche, but you are good for one thing. Providing me free entertainment when I am bored. I get to easily humiliate you daily, it keeps me from being bored

Now, this is a first: A 56 year old man using the word, “biatch.” How classy you are. Remarkable.

Hogan called you out, and you could only resort to using foul language. Real mature, HanginInThere. Jacob has stated the exact same thing. Act your age!

The quotes are all true (and you know it). I don’t have to lie. Jacob stated as much, when referring to the fake pictures that you tried to sneak into this forum, but got caught. :yes:

You are bald thats a fact

you yourself admit your regimen is your last desperate attempt since nothing else has worked on you

Sad your life has turned out this way

You tried natural dht blockers they didnt work, so you pitifully follow anyone on the board around who uses DHT blockers saying OH THOSE DONT WORKKKKKKKKKK THEY DONT WORKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK WAAAAAA WAAAAAAAA. Some cheese with your whine sir? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Jacob? who cares what he says, he is a delusional soul. a proven liar

as are you a proven liar. :smiley: :smiley:

Recently posted by anxious1 at another forum:

"well i took saw palmetto religiously for about 5 yrs, and experienced no regrowth, no maintenance, only shedding. i even progressed to beta sitosterol for 2 yrs, again with no improvement or maintenance.

like all treatments results vary person to person, but i was warning him, based on my experience.

furthermore, i have never heard any good results or maintenance from anyone except people selling saw palmetto products.


finasteride DOES regrow hair for some persons, and it has been proven to do so. granted it comes at a cost but never theless…"

More proof that HanginInThere’s regimen is a joke, and that his claims of maintaining his hair over the years with just DHT blockers are a bald-faced lie.

» Jacob? who cares what he says, he is a delusional soul. a proven liar

I’d ask for proof…but as usual when I ask for it(on many things)…it never appears.

» »
» » Jacob? who cares what he says, he is a delusional soul. a proven liar
» »
» I’d ask for proof…but as usual when I ask for it(on many things)…it never
» appears.

oh Just like when I asked for your pictures, they magically failed to appear?:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

» Recently posted by anxious1 at another forum:
» “well i took saw palmetto religiously for about 5 yrs, and experienced
» no regrowth, no maintenance, only shedding. i even progressed to beta
» sitosterol for 2 yrs, again with no improvement or maintenance
» like all treatments results vary person to person, but i was warning him,
» based on my experience.
» furthermore, i have never heard any good results or maintenance from anyone
» except people selling saw palmetto products.
» and…
» finasteride DOES regrow hair for some persons, and it has been proven to do
» so. granted it comes at a cost but never theless…”
» More proof that HanginInThere’s regimen is a joke, and that his
» claims of maintaining his hair over the years with just DHT blockers are a
» bald-faced lie.

as I said the guy is obsessed with me, what a sad pathetic life the natural has

he is about a year from being NW7

Hey at least he was cheerful enough to get a new tattoo last week

Yeah, it’s hilarous as I produce post after post that smack your regimen in the mouth.

Just goes to show what a liar you are, stating that you maintained your crown and temples with just saw palmetto and beta sitosterol…yeah, right.

They should ban your lying ass. :yes:

» Yeah, it’s hilarous as I produce post after post that smack your regimen in
» the mouth.
» Just goes to show what a liar you are, stating that you maintained your
» crown and temples with just saw palmetto and beta sitosterol…yeah,
» right.
» They should ban your lying ass. :yes:

Lets talk about YOUR regimen, since it works so well

obviously , right?

Lets see some PHOTO testimonials of its effectiveness? including, …GOSH…no not that…YOUR OWN PHOTOS?

why wont you post photos?

  1. you are a liar
  2. your regimen doesnt work
  3. there are no results to take photos of
  4. You are a F.R.A.U.D.

when push comes to shove you pee your pants and go hide under jacobs and everyone elses skirts

1000 dollars says you are too gutless to address YOUR OWN REGIMEN, in your answer and your lack of ability (courage) to post photos

Why did you post pictures of two different people? LOL! You tried to trick members here into thinking that you have hair. Jacob saw the pictures, Huckleberry. Or did you forget this simple fact. He saw your fake pictures.

David should ban your lying ass.

Again, it’s just hilarious as I produce post after post that smack your regimen in the mouth.

Just goes to show what a liar you are, stating that you maintained your crown and temples with just saw palmetto and beta sitosterol…yeah, right.

David should ban your lying ass.

HanginInThere posted photos of two different people! LOL!