3500 FUT Dr. Harris "An intense day." Expose\' Hairtech

Ok the patient came back for his first wash and post operative graft care. During this time we “reset grafts” check everything. You will the difference it makes when we do this. I will let the pictures tell the story. Have a happy 4th of July.



The reason I posed the question of advertising is that those pictures (especially the post-transplant pictures) would make ANYONE think twice about having strip surgery. I don’t recall how many strip and/or FUE procedures that you have had - please refresh my memory. You seem to be speaking from vast experience…

“Again I reiterate that there are several physicians that do great work and I can personally vouch for doctors such as Drs. Rose(Florida), Cooley(S. Carolina), Bisanga(Spain), Devroye (Belgium), and Mwamba. I am NOT claiming to be the best.”

I don’t recall seeing any “wow” results from any of the doctors that you mention and I have never even heard of one of them. Exactly what are you claiming not to be the best at?

» Marco:
» The reason I posed the question of advertising is that those pictures
» (especially the post-transplant pictures) would make ANYONE think twice
» about having strip surgery. I don’t recall how many strip and/or FUE
» procedures that you have had - please refresh my memory. You seem to be
» speaking from vast experience…

I can’t see that this strip differs in a significant way from any other strip in terms of what would scare a patient. It is just the reality of strip surgery and better educated by these kind of posts before the experience.

While it is certainly true that pictures like these educate, I find it strange that a clinic would choose this patient and these pictures to display their work. I don’t think that many will be jumping up from their computers to dial up Dr. Harris’ clinic to schedule a procedure. Just my opinion, you are absolutely entitled to yours…


Hi Hairtech,

One thing not quite clear from your posts is the area covered. Looking at the pic above it seems that some of the bald area was not touched. I was hoping that 3500fus would cover the area.

» While it is certainly true that pictures like these educate, I find it
» strange that a clinic would choose this patient and these pictures to
» display their work. I don’t think that many will be jumping up from their
» computers to dial up Dr. Harris’ clinic to schedule a procedure. Just my
» opinion, you are absolutely entitled to yours…

O.K, I think I know where your coming from. You think that Hairtech has been a “loose gun” posting these details and that the clinic may not approve since it does not show the glossy “wow” side of HT. I think things are moving in a different direction recently with more clinics prepared to show the reality and realistic expectations that should be had rather than the surgeries of patients with cables for hair and unusual results.

The totals were 4014 grafts and it filled every part od his balding areas. You cannot quite see it because he was a vaey fast healer. But we hit everything. I agree with Marco in that this reality TV but more like reality clinic operations. A strip procedure means just as it says. A strip taken from the back of the head. It a a standard way of how to help hairloss. It isn’t a beautiful thing to see it in this way for some, but it is for others. Thanks for your comments.

I know exactly what a strip surgery is…I have had five (5) of them (and two FUE).

But there are many many ghost readers that may be interested in seeing this.

» But there are many many ghost readers that may be interested in seeing
» this.


I commend you (and Dr. H.) for revealing what strip surgery is really like.
It took guts to post this here.

I’ve had 16 strips going back to 1992 and BHT in 2006 and strongly believe people should know what they are getting into.



How has it been going? Are you going to the conference this year in Vegas to represent UMAR. You should. Your BHT is going well.

16 strips??? Wow man. What does your donor look like? You must have had several small procedures. Your top looks good!:slight_smile:

» “Again I reiterate that there are several physicians that do great work
» and I can personally vouch for doctors such as Drs. Rose(Florida),
» Cooley(S. Carolina), Bisanga(Spain), Devroye (Belgium), and Mwamba. I am
» NOT claiming to be the best.”

» I don’t recall seeing any “wow” results from any of the doctors that you
» mention and I have never even heard of one of them. Exactly what are you
» claiming not to be the best at?


This is simply not true. The doctors above are known by most veteran posters.

I am sorry that we don’t mesh well together in this thread and especially after I posted verification of your thread about formaldehyde in certain hair products.

Show me some “wow” results from any of these doctors and I will gladly retract my statement.

As far as the formaldehyde thing goes, you are just plain wrong, and you know it. For the LAST time, Quaternium-15 is NOT formaldehyde. I don’t know what your BS is in, but I’ll hazard to guess that it is not chemistry.

ok dude whatever you want to say you know more than me then so be it. I’m guessing that you are from the telecom industry and not the biology. Question me all you want. That’s cool. As far as the wow results… That will have to be something their representatives can handle. And the fact that you don’t know any of the aforementioned doctors work really makes me realize what you do know.

» Sofar,
» How has it been going? Are you going to the conference this year in Vegas
» to represent UMAR. You should. Your BHT is going well.
» 16 strips??? Wow man. What does your donor look like? You must have
» had several small procedures. Your top looks good!:slight_smile:

Hi Hairtech.
Going well, thanks.
I have a few weeks off.
Sunning, swimming and enjoying my new son mostly.

As for my donor, I wouldn’t want to buzz by hair. Lol.
However, I’ve worn my hair about one inch in back with no big problems at all.
Hoping someday (if i ever wear my hair short again) to put some beard hair in the scar(s) and see how that works. I think I have the right doc in mind. : )

These days, my hair is very long so my donor scars aren’t an isssue.

As for Vegas, good idea!
I haven’t been to Vegas since 1990(ish) and would be proud to “represent” his BHT work.
Is that sort of thing common at HT conventions?
Now you’ve got me thinking.

Are you going? Anyone else here going?



YYYYEEEESSS this is a common thing at conventions. Especially since Umar is gaining momentum with BHT, and also under the gun by ghost readers. It would be to his best interest, to show you off there. And yes I am going. I have a room at the Venetian. Here is the link to the conference. I plan on visiting local attractions like… Club Jenna, during off hours of the conference. Are you game? I will shoot Umar an email and you should too.


» ok dude whatever you want to say you know more than me then so be it. I’m
» guessing that you are from the telecom industry and not the biology.
» Question me all you want. That’s cool. As far as the wow results… That
» will have to be something their representatives can handle. And the fact
» that you don’t know any of the aforementioned doctors work really makes me
» realize what you do know.

BS Chemical Engineering, 1990, University of Kansas
MS Chemical Engineering, 1993, Colorado School of Mines

Yes, I believe that I might know a little bit more about chemistry than you…just a hunch.

Ok so tell me how Quaternium-15 relates to formaldehyde. Go ahead tell everyone this process buddy. I already know the correlation. What association does Quaternium 15 have to formaldehyde.


22.06.2007, 13:29
(edited by Jtelecom, 22.06.2007, 13:35)

@ WidowsPeak
Nizoral Shampoo contains formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid)

“Nizoral is masking the embalming fluid by calling it Quaterium-15 in an attempt to fool all the shampooing robots out there.”

You are a complete f*cking moron. Quaternium-15 is probably one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics over the past three decades. You have your head up your ass if you think they are doing any “masking”, as you call it. Pull head out of ass - I am sure that it already smells like ass since you never wash it.

Quaternium-15 IS NOT formaldehyde or “embalming fluid” as you call it. It is, however, a formaldehyde-releasing agent that is also a very good antimicrobial.

Do you believe EVERYTHING you read, Widows? What a sucker.




Denver, CO,
22.06.2007, 13:44

@ Jtelecom

Nizoral Shampoo contains formaldehyde (Embalming Fluid)

» Quaternium-15 IS NOT formaldehyde or “embalming fluid” as you call
» it. It is, however, a formaldehyde-releasing agent that is also a very
» good antimicrobial.
» Do you believe EVERYTHING you read, Widows? What a sucker.
» Jtelecom

If it is a formaldehyde releasing agent… formaldehyde… in it self, when released by Quaternium-15 is a tissue fixative. Thus the reference to embalming fluid.