3500 FUT Dr. Harris "An intense day." Expose\' Hairtech

When small private clinics perform 3500-4000 graft FUT, it is an all day event. To undertake this type of procedure there has to be a team effort, concerted approach. The experienced technicians are vital to the private doctor. It is now 8:15AM and this is what is going on.

50 year old white male in for 3500 HT by FUT with additional eyebrow
work. Pt is in perfect health and is currently NOT on oral meds for hairloss. Dr. Harris’s classification of him is a Norwood 5/6 with residual vellus hairs as well as some intermediate hairs. His classification doesn’t quite fit the Norwood but I believe you can get the picture.

First off… I want to try to walk you through our office and give some light to the players here.

When you walk into the office you meet friendly Veronica. She plays several roles here and has been apart of the office for 3 years.

Then the waiting room.

Now this is what I see when I walk into the employee break room. My point is that we are all organized around efficiency. The boards are specific in our duties.

The patients pre-photos. He is in the chair already. I am somewhat worried that his existing hairs will be cause for concern for slowing placing/planting. We will see.

This is Caroline. She is our star “cutter”. She can produce 1000 for this case. She has been with Dr. Harris for 10 years.

Patient is receiving Intraveneous Valium. Sedation is important and comfortable for the patient. Also we leave a hep lock in place just in case an issue arises. Janiece is helping Dr. Harris. She has been with Dr. Harris for 8 years. She also acts as the office manager.

There will be some lag before I get the next series out today… however I am taking pictures of everything.

Now the surgery is in full swing. The next few pictures are somewhat graphic so please be aware. This is typical of all strip excisions.

The techs in the back are beginning to cut the strip. Dr. Harris cuts his strip out in 4ths.

We use plasmalyte as a holding solution. It is similar to BSS. BSS was what I brought to an office down south.

Whew… Jim is done with the surgery. It is now 9:10AM

The strip dimensions are 1.1cm in width X 35cm in length.

It is now time to sliver. We have two sliverers. One of them is considered to be the best in the industry… Byamba can cut 300-350 perfect slivers in under 3 hours. Byamba is wearing the pink scrubs today. Our second sliverer is extremely important also.

Yes there is a couple of transections at the end of this sliver… This is a common occurance and especially near the end of a strip piece.

Bloody hell ! That made my skin crawl. If I had seen those photos before I had my strip I NEVER would have gone ahead with the surgery. No way Jose !

I have to hand it to you hairtech,you’ve given people unprecedented access.

» I have to hand it to you hairtech,you’ve given people unprecedented
» access.

I second that.

Now sites have been created. This is a magnified view. It is what I see through my glasses.

I have more to post. I have pictures and percentages. It is now 6:30pm. The final count was 4014 grafts. I will post in a couple of more hours.:smiley:

Sites are now done…

Dr Harris started out with 3200 sites.

First we are going to work on the eyebrows.

Both eyebrows are complete… Tina placed each graft and Dr. Harris created each site… a sort of “stick and place” if you will. Tina reports that about 75 grafts per eye was used.

left eye (OS)

Right eye (OD)

We started to place heavily after the eyebrow was in completed. It is about 12:30PM. I am kind of worried at this point because it is getting late and we have to move rapidly but safely and with great quality that is expected.

Around 2:00PM we have reached about 25% of the way.

Take note in the length of the hairs. Some clinics leave long hairs on the grafts and some clinics do not. Dr. Rose comes to mind when doing this. One reason physicians prefer this technique is so that a technician can tell the angle of the hair when transplanting. I did not learn this way, but it is an effective trick. It is also good for telling us through these pictures the progession of the transplant.

A different angle…

Please forgive my naivete, but is this supposed to be an advertisement for great strip work? You may want to rethink posting such things. Although the pictures of the timeline of the procedure are informative, I cannot see any justification for posting this. Did Dr. Harris give his consent for posting this??? I am completely baffled…

Now it is 4:00PM. I am happy to report that placing is moving along extremely well. The cutters have finished with all of the grafts. Caroline, our top cutter has cut 1200 grafts today. She wasn’t feeling too well today.

I have to side note here for a second to give props. Do you remember friendly Danaery?

She is the youngest of the crew here. Every so often a physician gets lucky and runs across technicians that have hair growing in their veins.

What? what I mean is that there are definitely talented hairtechs out there. I am good but I had to work at it. My brain is has a good memory, but I had to apply myself to get to where I am. It took time.

Friendly Danaery was not trained in cutting stips when she came here. We were worried that her FUE training only would hinder the need for cutting strips. But it only took twice in the saddle and it was clear that she had hair growing from her veins. Three other technicians come to my head when thinking about this phenomenae. 1. Larry “I’m God” Leonard. 2. Leith Leonard 3. Some beautiful blond headed tech at Dr. Roses clinic that is 20 freakon years old. \\These three techs can blast out 500-800 per hour in some cases. And now friendly Danaery is added to this list of all time high quality cutters. Today Danaery alone produced over 1400 high quality grafts. She graduated from Surgical Tech school at 22, got into hair 1.5 years ago and look at her now. She will have a long great career.

Now on to the case. We are now running low on sites. The patient was scheduled and paid for 3500 grafts. Our numbers at the end of cutting were 4014. What does this mean? That means we place 514 grafts at no extra charge.

I am happy for the patient and the patient is happy too. What is strange is that at one particular clinic I worked at, they would charge extra for these grafts. A large amount extra. I think that is scandalous. Watch out for clinics that have these tendencies. I think they word it in such a way that the physician “may” need to get more and if they do, then would you “like” to receive more… at a premium. Not here. And not at most un shady clinics.

Well we are finished… whew. I am satified with this result thus far, the time that we accomplished it in, the extra grafts that were provided, and the manner in which we all worked as a team. I am gathering more statistics around 11:00AM tomorrow concerning this case… going to cross-reference some averages and provide them after Tina and I check over the grafts and give this fellow his first wash. Goodnight.

» Please forgive my naivete, but is this supposed to be an advertisement for
» great strip work? You may want to rethink posting such things. Although
» the pictures of the timeline of the procedure are informative, I cannot
» see any justification for posting this. Did Dr. Harris give his consent
» for posting this??? I am completely baffled…

I have also posted the same “type” of thread for FUE. No one else has ever done this type of a posting. It provides to ghost readers/clinicians/doctors/patients a transparent view of our office, the manner in which we provide hair transplants, provides pictures of our tools, shows years upon years of experienced techs, and catalogs our days events.

Again I reiterate that there are several physicians that do great work and I can personally vouch for doctors such as Drs. Rose(Florida), Cooley(S. Carolina), Bisanga(Spain), Devroye (Belgium), and Mwamba. I am NOT claiming to be the best. I AM claiming to have no secrets, no large tools for FUE, an open friendly experience for a patient, and a tightly run ship in terms of procedures and organization.

And of course I had Dr. Harris’s consent. I have been putting the camera in his face for a week now… I would think one would have a reasonable conclusion that if I were Dr. Harris and a tech was blasting pictures of me for days that I would assume consents were under control.

Sorry if i sound sarcastic. I am not trying to be. Have a happy fourth of July… unless you are not from here. I forget that some posters are from all parts of the world.:slight_smile:

» Please forgive my naivete, but is this supposed to be an advertisement for
» great strip work? You may want to rethink posting such things. Although
» the pictures of the timeline of the procedure are informative, I cannot
» see any justification for posting this. Did Dr. Harris give his consent
» for posting this??? I am completely baffled…

Are you serious???

What on earth do you think that every clinic and sponsor is doing on this site. They are A-D-V-E-R-T-I-S-I-N-G.

What do you think every other sponsor who posts here is doing cos it sure aint charity work!

I can not see any justification for YOUR post.

Get Real.