Ziering Medical

I’m from LA and I tend to hear a lot about this guy’s work. The work on his site is decent, but as a long time lurker on these hair loss forums i haven’t heard much about his work. Is this another NHI/Bosley-esque type of hair transplant operation I’m better off avoiding? Or is he someone worth checking out?

The site has a lot of photos & videos.

Even though his website says he does FUE, almost all the pics in the gallery are strip patients, it tells me that FUE is probably not his specialty. It’s not worth getting a strip scar in my opinion.

I’m in Southern California and I have heard that all Ziering does are strip procedures. I’ve never heard that he is doing FUE.

» I’m in Southern California and I have heard that all Ziering does are strip
» procedures. I’ve never heard that he is doing FUE.

I guess many doctors have to tell people they do FUE in order to stay competitive even though deep down they are more comfortable doing strip transplants.