You know, you guys are hurting your own cause with your amateur foolishness!

Part 1

Instead of trying to help me figure out a way to petition the FDA to process Histogen in a fast-track manner you guys are instead taking your eye off the ball and coming up with moronic bone-headed ideas for why you should completely ignore Histogen and even completelt write it off. It’s ridiculous. Histogen is the 1st product for the treatment of MPB that can work on all regions of the scalp. It’s also demonstrated a real potential to improve results dramatically via repeat follow-up injections, which could mean that via repeat follow-up injections it could result in the complete reversal of hair loss. We should be doing whatever we can to get the FDA to speed up the processing of Histogen’s treatment and yet you clowns want to get yourself sidetracked on useless false poop.

We got one super-sleuth scientist wannabe (KO) claiming that Histogen has no science behind it even though it has been through 2 studies and both studies proved it grows hair. Further, the same foolish poster (KO) insists that Follica is so much more proven than Histogen as he sings the praises of Follica even though Histogen’s treatment incorporates the same growth factors as Follica plus Histogen uses even more growth factors, and Histogen creates its’ growth factors under superior conditions since Histogen creates its’ growth factors in an embryonic like state which might turn the clock back on these growth factors to a time when they were impervious to the androgens. So Basically Histogen is Follica on steroids…Histogen is a new and improved version of follica. And yet KO wants to waste time badmouthing Histogen and singing the praises of Follica when we should instead be putting out time into petitioning the FDA to fast track Histogen’s treatment. One last thing about the fool KO, he wants to waste time arguing that Follica is further along than Histogen even though Follica is kaput and Histogen is still in the race, just completed a study, and is compiling the data so it can move on to the next phase of studies. Why KO wants to waste time arguing that Follica is ahead of Histogen in the race when Follica has clearly taken itself out of the race is beyond me. Instead of frittering away his time on these foolish and brain-dead ideas he should be helping me figure out a way to petition the FDA to get Histogen’s treatment into the marketplace sooner, but KO has lost sight of the forest for the trees and he wants to spend his time attacking the one MPB treatment that can grow hair all over his scalp instead of using his time to accomplish something that might actually help him.

KO’s behavior = buffoonery.

Part 2:

Roger-that is probably the most knowlegable poster here who is not a true medical person. He knows a lot about medicine and biology due to his past treatment. with his knowlege, Roger-that could help us form the linchpin of an FDA petition that would be professional, cohesive, and powerful but instead he wants to sound needless and unreasonable alarms attacking Histogen for causing cancer even though Histogen has not caused one case of cancer, and even though all Histogen does is increase the level of hair growth factor activity in our bodies to the same level that it was before baldness was able to get a foothold in our skin. He also wants to attack Histogen for being medically toxic and to prove his point he alleges that Histogen will not use repeat follow-up injections so of course this must prove that Histogen itself knows that their treatment is medically toxic. Roger-that’s time would be better spent helping us form an FDA petition asking the FDA to release Histogen asap but instead Roger-that wants to fritter away his time trying to get us to write-off Histogen on the basis of baseless claims that Histogen causes cancer and is medically toxic. Roger-that also wants to support KO’s absolutely bone-headed posit that Histogen is further behind Follica even though Follica has dropped out of the race and Histogen is still in the race…even though Histogen is basically a BETTER version of Follica because Histogen incorporates everything that Follica WAS using (before it died an ugly death) plus Histogen uses more stuff. Histogen also creates the stuff it uses in a unique fashion which could actually turn back the clock on the stuff unlike the stuff that Follica was using.

Roger-that I need your help to write an effective peition to the FDA. You should be helping me petition the FDA instead of getting yourself side-tracked on nonesense and wrong-headed ideas. I can understand KO getting sidetracked with his inane boneheaded nonsense because that’s the way KO is, but you’re a lot smarter than he is and it’s really sad that you have allowed your eye to be taken off the ball by your own mistaken ideas and KO’s amateurish foolishness. I need your help putting a petition to the FDA together Roger-that. You’re wasting time on nonesense and foolish poop.

» Part 1
» Instead of trying to help me figure out a way to petition the FDA to
» process Histogen in a fast-track manner you guys are instead taking your
» eye off the ball and coming up with moronic bone-headed ideas for why you
» should completely ignore Histogen and even completelt write it off.

Honestly, you are the only bone-headed moron who thinks that he can “petition the FDA” into fast-tracking a potentially dangerous treatment for a purely cosmetic purpose. Even the most promising, potentially life-saving cancer medications have difficulty being fast tracked to market by the FDA. And you really think they will fast-track a drug for cosmetic purposes?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I truly believe that you are the dumbest member of this forum. Your ignorance is so evident in virtually each of your posts and you will not hesitate an instant to jump from one treatment to another parading it like its the silver bullet cure we’ve all been waiting for and accuse everyone who thinks differently of “wasting time”.

» to improve results dramatically via repeat follow-up injections, which
» could mean that via repeat follow-up injections it could result in the
» complete reversal of hair loss.

Even histogen themselves who have a commercial interest in pushing their product have not made such wild claims. You are pulling things out of your äss merely to prove a point. However the picture you are painting is entirely at odds with the truth.

» We should be doing whatever we can to get the FDA to speed up
» the processing of Histogen’s treatment and yet you
» clowns want to get yourself sidetracked on useless false poop.

The only clown I can see here is you, who seriously thinks that a hand full of hair-loss fanatics like us is going to persuade the FDA to speed up their protocol due to our impatience? You cannot SERIOUSLY believe that. It’s almost dumber than the time you thought you could persuade Histogen into releasing their product early in Asia by calling them, or sending them an email. What on earth has made you believe that you have such an influence in the hair loss industry? These companies will only do whatever is in their best financial interest. They are not here to cure your hairloss or bring you a cure as soon as possible. All they care about is securing their profits. Nothing you say or do will change that. Learn to deal with it.

» completed a study, and is compiling the data so it can move on to the next
» phase of studies.

I give them less than a 50% change that they will even proceed into Phase III. Phase III is ridiculously expensive and what we have seen so far is marginally visible improvement. I’m not sure investors will be blown away by anything Histogen has shown so far. Nevertheless you make such claims as if they were fact, without any basis for it whatsoever.

» Why KO wants to waste time arguing that Follica is ahead
» of Histogen in the race when Follica has clearly taken itself out of the
» race is beyond me.

This is your favorite accusation isn’t it? In your simple mind people who do not agree with you are merely “wasting time” by arguing what you believe is true. For what exactly are these people wasting time? How much time would we gain if we all agreed with you? Time for what? Time to write some pathetic crack-pot letter to the FDA? You can hardly even write a coherent setence on this forum, so how on earth do you believe you are going to manage to change anything in the FDAs protocol?

» Instead of frittering away his time on these foolish
» and brain-dead ideas he should be helping me figure out a way to petition
» the FDA to get Histogen’s treatment into the marketplace sooner, but KO has
» lost sight of the forest for the trees and he wants to spend his time
» attacking the one MPB treatment that can grow hair all over his scalp
» instead of using his time to accomplish something that might actually help
» him.

The issue here is not that we don’t have enough time. The truth is that we have all the time in the world, entirely regardless of whether everyone agrees with you or not. How about you come to terms with the fact that you are a nobody who is NOT GOING TO CHANGE the way the FDA conduct their clinical protocols.

» Honestly, you are the only bone-headed moron who thinks that he can
» “petition the FDA” into fast-tracking a potentially dangerous treatment for
» a purely cosmetic purpose. Even the most promising, potentially life-saving
» cancer medications have difficulty being fast tracked to market by the FDA.
» And you really think they will fast-track a drug for cosmetic purposes?

I don’t know. But if there is even a 1% chance that the FDA might fast track it then we should petition them to do so because that’s pro-active behavior. And it is not I, but rather it is you, who is the bone-headed moron. You are a total idiot. You assume the FDA won’t do something so you give up on trying to do it even though you don’t know for 100% certainty that the FDA won’t do it. Below is a link to a petition that people are doing online to ask the FDA to do more to speed up drug delivery. Note the quote by a commissioner of the FDA who talks about fast-tracking stuff to treat vision problems. Vision problems are hardly as serious as cancer.

This shows that FDA commissioners are open to the idea of speeding things up in cases where medical conditions are not even life-threatening.

Also, if we did present a petition to the FDA we could include the fact that there are a lot of people in counseling over baldness, bald people have a high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse, and there are suicides over baldness. This changes the situation from merely cosmetic to a psychologically serious medical condition. There is also the issue men are kicking up such a large fuss over baldness that other medical conditions are being denied research funding which is being funneled into hair loss research. People as famous as Bill Gates have complained about this. We could raise this issue as part of a petition arguing that the sooner a breakthrough treatment comes to market the sooner other medical conditions will receive more funding. Also, perhaps I used the words “fast-track” inappropriately. The thing is that HT doctors (like Cole) may be pressing the FDA to drag out the approval process for Histogen’s HSC for his own personal financial interests and what I really would aim to do is present to the FDA a reason to process Histogen’s HSC without delay of any kind. If we worded it correctly the FDA iself might take a look at the petition and move it to the fast track if we did a good job of incorporating the suicides, all of the counseling, and all of the substance abuse over baldness, as well as how baldness is consuming a lot of medical funding and if we could get an effective cure into the marketplace then that would stop. The thing is that we would find a way to use the proven psychological problems being caused by baldness to advance the posit that baldness is serious. You don’t know that it wouldn’t work. FDA makes decisions based on fact so if you produce facts that show that a medical condition is serious then the FDA will consider that possibility. It depends on what you prove pea-brain. I admit that the FDA might reject the suicides caused by baldness by blaming the patient for the suicide rather than blaming baldness, but you don’t know that until you submit a patient attempting to blame baldness for the suicides that result from baldness. The thing to do is to run it by the FDA and see what the FDA says. Until you do that you can’t know what the FDA would say and anything you say is merely ASSUMPTION rather than fact pea-brain.

I will respond to your other mouse-brained statements later. I can’t do it now because I’m at work. But for now suffice it to say that your positons are moronic, peanut-brained poop.

» I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I truly believe that you
» are the dumbest member of this forum. Your ignorance is so evident in
» virtually each of your posts and you will not hesitate an instant to jump
» from one treatment to another parading it like its the silver bullet cure
» we’ve all been waiting for and accuse everyone who thinks differently of
» “wasting time”.
» » to improve results dramatically via repeat follow-up injections, which
» » could mean that via repeat follow-up injections it could result in the
» » complete reversal of hair loss.
» Even histogen themselves who have a commercial interest in pushing their
» product have not made such wild claims. You are pulling things out of your
» äss merely to prove a point. However the picture you are painting is
» entirely at odds with the truth.

» The only clown I can see here is you, who seriously thinks that a hand full
» of hair-loss fanatics like us is going to persuade the FDA to speed up
» their protocol due to our impatience? You cannot SERIOUSLY believe that.
» It’s almost dumber than the time you thought you could persuade Histogen
» into releasing their product early in Asia by calling them, or sending them
» an email. What on earth has made you believe that you have such an
» influence in the hair loss industry? These companies will only do whatever
» is in their best financial interest. They are not here to cure your
» hairloss or bring you a cure as soon as possible. All they care about is
» securing their profits. Nothing you say or do will change that. Learn to
» deal with it.

» » completed a study, and is compiling the data so it can move on to the
» next
» » phase of studies.
» I give them less than a 50% change that they will even proceed into Phase
» III. Phase III is ridiculously expensive and what we have seen so far is
» marginally visible improvement. I’m not sure investors will be blown away
» by anything Histogen has shown so far. Nevertheless you make such claims as
» if they were fact, without any basis for it whatsoever.
» You love to accuse people of “wasting time” by arguing things you do not
» agree with. From what exactly are people wasting time? You believe that if
» we all agreed with you we would gain time? Time for what? to write a
» nutcrack letter to the FDA? You can hardly write a coherent post on this
» forum, how on earth do you believe you are going to change anything in the
» FDAs protocol?
» This is not an issue of having time or not having time… we have all the
» time in the world, regardless of whether we agree with you or not. How
» about you come to terms with the fact that you are a nobody who is NOT
» GOING TO CHANGE THE WAY THE FDA conducts their clinical protocols.

» Honestly, you are the only bone-headed moron who thinks that he can
» “petition the FDA” into fast-tracking a potentially dangerous treatment for
» a purely cosmetic purpose. Even the most promising, potentially life-saving
» cancer medications have difficulty being fast tracked to market by the FDA.
» And you really think they will fast-track a drug for cosmetic purposes?
» I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I truly believe that you
» are the dumbest member of this forum. Your ignorance is so evident in
» virtually each of your posts and you will not hesitate an instant to jump
» from one treatment to another parading it like its the silver bullet cure
» we’ve all been waiting for and accuse everyone who thinks differently of
» “wasting time”.

Honestly, your make-up must have seeped through your skin and killed your last remaining brain cells because you are a total idiot. Below is a link that you should open and read the content of. It shows that the FDA can apply fast track to treatments that are serious or life-threatening. I think that it is within the realm of possibility that we could prove that baldness is serious and is life-threatening (in some rare cases). In other words, a breakthrough treatment for baldness would have a chance of getting fast-tracked if the petition is worded properly…leaning heavily on the suicides, the substance abuse, all of the counseling and the way funding is reduced for other medical conditions and diverted to baldness instead, thereby delaying cures for those other medical conditons. The way it works is that a person petitions the FDA and then it is up to that person to prove his case that the medical condition is serious or life-threatening. I think that there is some evidence that could support the position that baldness is serious and/or life-threatening and it would be up to us to prove that. The worse that would happen is that the petition would fail, but since bald people really do have a high incidence of substance abuse, there really is a lot of couseling over baldness, and since there really have been suicides over baldness, there is at least a 1% chance that the petition might actually prevail if it’s worded perfectly. You are a total moron for not realizing that a smartly worded petition that correctly utilized the counseling, substance abuse, suicides, and reduced funding to other medical conditions would have at least a 1% chance of success. You’re an absolute idiot.

Now shut up and go clean your makeup off the pillow of the latest woman that you deceived into thinking that you have hair.

» I don’t know. But if there is even a 1% chance that the FDA might fast
» track it then we should petition them to do so because that’s pro-active
» behavior. And it is not I, but rather it is you, who is the bone-headed
» moron. You are a total idiot. You assume the FDA won’t do something so you
» give up on trying to do it even though you don’t know for 100% certainty
» that the FDA won’t do it.

You could also try to turn silver into gold by rubbing baboon feces on it. You don’t know with 100% certainty that it wont actually work because you haven’t tried it yourself. However, luckily even you are smart enough to know that its probably wiser to invest your time on this planet perusing more realistic matters.

» It shows that the FDA can apply fast track to treatments that are serious
» or life-threatening. I think that it is within the realm of possibility
» that we could prove that baldness is serious and is life-threatening (in
» some rare cases).

Please provide us with copies of these submissions when you do so. I’m sure the boys over at the FDA and the members on this forum will get a good laugh out of it. k thx!

» words, a breakthrough treatment for baldness would have a chance of getting
» fast-tracked if the petition is worded properly…leaning heavily on the
» suicides, the substance abuse, all of the counseling and the way funding is
» reduced for other medical conditions and diverted to baldness instead,
» thereby delaying cures for those other medical conditons.

If you argue that way then virtually ever cosmetically impairing disease would be life-threatening. People commit suicide for all sorts of reasons, skin disorders, freckles, obesity, you name it. You sir have obviously not understood the intended MEANING of life-threatening. I suggest you go back and think about it a bit more… if we’re lucky you’ll figure it out at some point.

» » It shows that the FDA can apply fast track to treatments that are
» serious
» » or life-threatening. I think that it is within the realm of possibility
» » that we could prove that baldness is serious and is life-threatening (in
» » some rare cases).
» Please provide us with copies of these submissions when you do so. I’m sure
» the boys over at the FDA and the members on this forum will get a good
» laugh out of it. k thx!
» » words, a breakthrough treatment for baldness would have a chance of
» getting
» » fast-tracked if the petition is worded properly…leaning heavily on the
» » suicides, the substance abuse, all of the counseling and the way funding
» is
» » reduced for other medical conditions and diverted to baldness instead,
» » thereby delaying cures for those other medical conditons.
» If you argue that way then virtually ever cosmetically impairing disease
» would be life-threatening. People commit suicide for all sorts of reasons,
» skin disorders, freckles, obesity, you name it. You sir have obviously
» not understood the intended MEANING of life-threatening. I suggest
» you go back and think about it a bit more… if we’re lucky you’ll figure
» it out at some point.

The FDA won’t laugh you idiot. I spoke with them on the telephone about labeling hair loss a serious medical condition for the purpose of speeding up medical treatment and I raised the issue of the counseling, substance abuse, suicides and funding being diverted from other medical contions to baldness instead. They did not laugh. They said they would like to see my evidence you moron. The point is the evidence you moron. That is the point Mr. Make-up.

Of course they would probably go against such a petition but you can’t be 100% sure of that until you submit a petition and see what they decide. There is DEFINITELY some evicence supporting the petition. The suicides are provable and so is all of the counseling and so is the substance abuse. It’s all provable. So is the fact that funding is being diverted from other medical condition to baldness instead so all across the board people with other medical conditions are suffering because baldness is sucking up a lot of medical funding you idiot. The FDA seems attentive and interested when I raised these issues and they said they would like to see the evidence.

» The FDA won’t laugh you idiot. I spoke with them on the telephone about
» labeling hair loss a serious medical condition

aaaaaaahahahahah :rotfl:

» They did not laugh.

looool… hahaa… I can only imagine how they must have cracked up once you put down the phone… absolutely hilarious :smiley: I should check if they uploaded a recording of it on youtube.

» They said they would like to see my evidence
» you moron. The point is the evidence you moron.

I’d like to see the evidence that anyone has died as a direct result of hair loss… suicide doesnt count because I dont think there is an illness on this planet which has not frustrated the patient to the extent of killing him/herself.

hey listen Mrs. Make-up, I think you’re eyelaner has seeped into your brain and killed your last remaining workable synapse girl. I work for the federal government. I work for a government hospital. Patients call because they have a cold. We don’t laugh. We seriously consider their issues even though it’s just a cold. We government workers take our jobs seriously. The man I spoke with said that if I can prove what I said I can prove then it’s “definitely worth the attempt” and on his own he added “Some people believe that baldness is serious.” He was definitely open to the idea that baldness might be serious. You are a total idiot for dismissing an idea that might actually get you your hair back sooner girl They said they wanted to see the evidence and that is exactly what they meant.

» » The FDA won’t laugh you idiot. I spoke with them on the telephone
» about
» » labeling hair loss a serious medical condition
» aaaaaaahahahahah :rotfl:
» » They did not laugh.
» looool… hahaa… I can only imagine how they must have cracked up once
» you put down the phone… absolutely hilarious :smiley: I should check if they
» uploaded a recording of it on youtube.
» » They said they would like to see my evidence
» » you moron. The point is the evidence you moron.
» I’d like to see the evidence that anyone has died as a direct result of
» hair loss… suicide doesnt count because I dont think there is an illness
» on this planet which has not frustrated the patient to the extent of
» killing him/herself.

Suicide does count girl. Suicide counts because it’s typically the direct result of major depression, which a patient has no control over. In other words, the major depression patient who ultimately kills himself/herself had little or no choice but to kill himself or herself. The evidence to prove that is available in the public domain. So you are wrong - suicide does count.

» » The FDA won’t laugh you idiot. I spoke with them on the telephone
» about
» » labeling hair loss a serious medical condition
» aaaaaaahahahahah :rotfl:
» » They did not laugh.
» looool… hahaa… I can only imagine how they must have cracked up once
» you put down the phone… absolutely hilarious :smiley: I should check if they
» uploaded a recording of it on youtube.
» » They said they would like to see my evidence
» » you moron. The point is the evidence you moron.
» I’d like to see the evidence that anyone has died as a direct result of
» hair loss… suicide doesnt count because I dont think there is an illness
» on this planet which has not frustrated the patient to the extent of
» killing him/herself.

Hey moronic girl, here below is a link to a site by the NIMH (national institute of mental health) which is a part of the NIH which is in turn a part of the federal government. Note that the NIMH (the federal government) labels major depression as a SERIOUS medical condition and keep in mind that I already proved that the FDA rules say that the FDA has to consider fast-tracking a medicine if the medicine will treat a SERIOUS or life-threatening medical condition. We could use the federal government’s (NIMH) own label stating that major depression is serious to prove that the FDA should at least consider a request to fast track medicines for the treatment of hair loss because the FDA rules say that the FDA has to consider for fast track medicines for all medical conditons that are labeled serious.

We can use the federal government’s (NIMH) own statement to prove that baldness rises to the level that treatments for it should be processed speedily. The FDA can’t say baldness related depression isn’t serious when the federal government itself is labeling that same depression serious.

And listen female, I’m not saying that the FDA would go along with such a petition; I’m merely saying that it’s worth a try. The only other thing to do is wait and do nothing while we wait. At least if we did a petition it would be us being pro-active…attempting to help ourselves.

Or maybe you should just go back to your stupid idea of getting yourself butchered by some HT specialist and by the time it is all done you would get your hair back from Histogen anyway so you will have spent a lot of money and wated a lot of time getting your scalp all butchered up. My idea won’t get you butchered; it will just give you about a 1% chance of speeding up the process of getting baldness treatments sooner. The FDA probably won’t go along with what I’m suggesting, but there IS a very small chance that they might go along with what I’m suggesting and there is certainly NO downside to what I’m suggesting.

» » I don’t know. But if there is even a 1% chance that the FDA might fast
» » track it then we should petition them to do so because that’s pro-active
» » behavior. And it is not I, but rather it is you, who is the bone-headed
» » moron. You are a total idiot. You assume the FDA won’t do something so
» you
» » give up on trying to do it even though you don’t know for 100% certainty
» » that the FDA won’t do it.
» You could also try to turn silver into gold by rubbing baboon feces on it.
» You don’t know with 100% certainty that it wont actually work because you
» haven’t tried it yourself. However, luckily even you are smart
» enough to know that its probably wiser to invest your time on this planet
» perusing more realistic matters.

What a laugh little Miss Make-up. Turning silver into gold is impossible whereas getting the FDA to label baldness a serious medical condition is merely improbable.

As I have already established the federal government (NIMH) already labels the major depression (which is associated with baldness sometimes) as a serious medical condition. If a condition is serious then the FDA rules say that the FDA has to consider medicines to treat that condition in a speedier manner, so since the federal government labels baldness releated depression serious that means that however unlikely there is still a slim chance that the FDA would label baldness serious and get baldness medicines to market faster. There is NO chance of turning silver in gold.

You are comparing apples to oranges woman.

» I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I truly believe that you
» are the dumbest member of this forum. Your ignorance is so evident in
» virtually each of your posts and you will not hesitate an instant to jump
» from one treatment to another parading it like its the silver bullet cure
» we’ve all been waiting for and accuse everyone who thinks differently of
» “wasting time”.

Listen chick, just because your hormones are acting up is not an excuse to be a bi!ch.

As far as me parading different treatments like they’re the silver bullet goes you sound like a typical female arguing illogical positions. Mayhap it’s your time of the month I think. In fact, you were looking into OC000459 and you were looking into the anti-allergy medicine Roger-that is using and you were also looking into aderans and you were also talking about Gho’s hair transplant procedure. You have pardaded one treatment after another like some female frog jumping from one Lilly pad to another.

In my case, I said that OC might work but I never said i was 100% sure. I always said I was not sure about it and I’m still not sure about it. I have only stated that one treatment - Histogen - is the certain cure and I stand by that. I am 100% sure that Histogen is the certain cure for hair loss.

Now go and change your make-up and your sanitary napkin and stop being such an emotional b!tch.

» » to improve results dramatically via repeat follow-up injections, which
» » could mean that via repeat follow-up injections it could result in the
» » complete reversal of hair loss.
» Even histogen themselves who have a commercial interest in pushing their
» product have not made such wild claims. You are pulling things out of your
» äss merely to prove a point. However the picture you are painting is
» entirely at odds with the truth.

Histogen can’t make these kinds of claims you stupid bi!tch. Patients have to common sense this type of stuff for themselves. The FDA severely limits what a drug company can say, but any MAN can clearly figure out that a 2nd injection date was more effective than a single injection date in the case of Histogen’s treatment and that makes it pretty likely that adding a 3rd injection date one could push the results even further. You bi!tches sure are dumb. Go put some more make-up on and make yourself look sweet chick.

» The only clown I can see here is you, who seriously thinks that a hand full
» of hair-loss fanatics like us is going to persuade the FDA to speed up
» their protocol due to our impatience? You cannot SERIOUSLY believe that.
» It’s almost dumber than the time you thought you could persuade Histogen
» into releasing their product early in Asia by calling them, or sending them
» an email. What on earth has made you believe that you have such an
» influence in the hair loss industry? These companies will only do whatever
» is in their best financial interest. They are not here to cure your
» hairloss or bring you a cure as soon as possible. All they care about is
» securing their profits. Nothing you say or do will change that. Learn to
» deal with it.


but they are here to consider requests for a sped up approval process in cases of SERIOUS medical conditions and it is possible to prove that baldness is serious.

As far as learning to deal with it goes that is just some blowarded b!tch talking on an internet. The FDA is not allowed to take a callouse attitude towards petitions. They have to process petitions in accordance with the guidelines of the FDA and the submitted evidence. Period.

And I am not saying that a “handfull of hairloss fanatics” should submit the petition. I would submit the petition myself. What I need is help securing the evidence. We all know that there are suicides over hair loss but I don’t know how to find the proof of that. We all know that there is counseling and substance abuse over hair loss but I dont know where to find the proof of that. I need proof. I know where to find the proof that baldness funding is taking money away from funding for other medical conditions so I don’t need help finding that proof but I need help finding the proof of baldness suicides, counseling, and substance abuse. If someone can provide that I will put the petition together. Roger_that could be useful at putting such a petition together but he is too hell bent on bashing Histogen without rhyme, reason or cause. I think it would be best if I put the petition together but I don’t have any idea how to secure proof that baldness is causing suicides, counseling, and substance abuse. I need help securing that evidence.

» I give them less than a 50% change that they will even proceed into Phase
» III. Phase III is ridiculously expensive and what we have seen so far is
» marginally visible improvement. I’m not sure investors will be blown away
» by anything Histogen has shown so far. Nevertheless you make such claims as
» if they were fact, without any basis for it whatsoever.

I give them a 99% chance of proceeding to phase 3, completing phase 3, and marketing their breakthrough treatment. I’m the man who is right while you are the woman who is wrong.

I base my claims on their treatment results in combination with the characteristics of their treatment. Their treatment is exactly what it would take to cure baldness and their results are revolutionary. Histogen has the solution to our problem but you’re a stupid girl who can’t think beyond which color lipstick to use so you don’t understand what Histogen is accomplishing. Maybe you should just go and get your feminine scalp butchered by Gho since that is all the brain underneath your dyed hair can think of to do.

Now I’m done responding to all your braineless sex kitten cr@p.

I´m sorry to tell this, but it´s time to you stop dreaming. Put in your head that we´re still many (and many) years away from any cure
» »
» » I give them less than a 50% change that they will even proceed into
» Phase
» » III. Phase III is ridiculously expensive and what we have seen so far is
» » marginally visible improvement. I’m not sure investors will be blown
» away
» » by anything Histogen has shown so far. Nevertheless you make such claims
» as
» » if they were fact, without any basis for it whatsoever.
» »
» I give them a 99% chance of proceeding to phase 3, completing phase 3, and
» marketing their breakthrough treatment. I’m the man who is right while you
» are the woman who is wrong.
» I base my claims on their treatment results in combination with the
» characteristics of their treatment. Their treatment is exactly what it
» would take to cure baldness and their results are revolutionary. Histogen
» has the solution to our problem but you’re a stupid girl who can’t think
» beyond which color lipstick to use so you don’t understand what Histogen is
» accomplishing. Maybe you should just go and get your feminine scalp
» butchered by Gho since that is all the brain underneath your dyed hair can
» think of to do.
» Now I’m done responding to all your braineless sex kitten cr@p.

Thanks for at least being polite. I do believe that Histogen is the cure. Could you please send me links to evidence that baldness has caused:

  1. Suicides

  2. counseling

  3. Substance abuse.

Please work with me and help me secure the information. If people will just give me links to this evidence I will put the petition together and I promise that the petition will be well-written. It will be as good as it can possibly be. I would like to get this put together asap so please direct me to the evidence that I seek. I will do the rest. If you guys will just find me the evidence I will put together a beautifully worded request to the FDA. I already have a contact person at the FDA so I’m ready to roll.

» Jarjarbinx
» I´m sorry to tell this, but it´s time to you stop dreaming. Put in your
» head that we´re still many (and many) years away from any cure
» » »
» » » I give them less than a 50% change that they will even proceed into
» » Phase
» » » III. Phase III is ridiculously expensive and what we have seen so far
» is
» » » marginally visible improvement. I’m not sure investors will be blown
» » away
» » » by anything Histogen has shown so far. Nevertheless you make such
» claims
» » as
» » » if they were fact, without any basis for it whatsoever.
» » »
» »
» » I give them a 99% chance of proceeding to phase 3, completing phase 3,
» and
» » marketing their breakthrough treatment. I’m the man who is right while
» you
» » are the woman who is wrong.
» »
» » I base my claims on their treatment results in combination with the
» » characteristics of their treatment. Their treatment is exactly what it
» » would take to cure baldness and their results are revolutionary.
» Histogen
» » has the solution to our problem but you’re a stupid girl who can’t think
» » beyond which color lipstick to use so you don’t understand what Histogen
» is
» » accomplishing. Maybe you should just go and get your feminine scalp
» » butchered by Gho since that is all the brain underneath your dyed hair
» can
» » think of to do.
» »
» » Now I’m done responding to all your braineless sex kitten cr@p.

» You could also try to turn silver into gold by rubbing baboon feces on it.
» You don’t know with 100% certainty that it wont actually work because you
» haven’t tried it yourself.

The baboon faeces idea doesn’t work ???
I am crushed :crying:

» The only clown I can see here is you, who seriously thinks that a hand full
» of hair-loss fanatics like us is going to persuade the FDA to speed up
» their protocol due to our impatience? You cannot SERIOUSLY believe that.
» It’s almost dumber than the time you thought you could persuade Histogen
» into releasing their product early in Asia by calling them, or sending them
» an email. What on earth has made you believe that you have such an
» influence in the hair loss industry? These companies will only do whatever
» is in their best financial interest. They are not here to cure your
» hairloss or bring you a cure as soon as possible. All they care about is
» securing their profits. Nothing you say or do will change that. Learn to
» deal with it.


What a laugh!!!

Coming from you that I should “learn to deal with it” after you cry “sob sob sob I’m going to go to Gho so he can butcher me cuz I can’t take thinning hair anymore. Sob, sob, sob.”

You’re a joke! I have learnt to deal with it. That doesn’t mean I want to deal with it or that I want to stay balding any longer than I have to.

On the other hand, even though I have learnt to deal with it, that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the idea of me asking the FDA to speed up the process and using as evidence the fact that there are other people out there in the world who can’t deal with it and so in their names, not in my name, but rather in the names of the people who can’t deal with it, the FDA should speed up the process. I never intended to tell the FDA I can’t deal with it. I intended to tell the FDA that there are other people who can’t deal with it and if they don’t get the lead out then some of those people will die, not me. I would also add that some people are suffering and the FDA should speed things up so that those people will stop suffering. I would probably site your case as one of the people who is suffering. I would send them a copy of your post crying about how you can’t take it anymore and you are going to go to a HT doc and get butured because you are sick of leaving your make-up stains on women’s pillows after you trick them into thinking that you have hair.

I will use your post as an example of a pathetic person dealing with baldness and ask them to help you by getting treatment to market asap. I will send them your post with the caption, “See how this chick has her panties in a bunch over baldness and she’s smearing her make-up all over other women’s pillows.”