Why Tea, flat green tea

We have understood that the best natural alternative for an invasive management of AGA, PB, HL would involve yellow tumeric curumin as a a substitute of the heavy Cyclosoporin.
The potent anti rejection is important here is important given that new-de-nuovo and/or awakened hair will be subject to rejection in the squares/circles of tissue where PB has already advanced.
But given the antagonism of curcumin wrt migration of the healthy behaviour and the hair conquering more tissue squares, e.g., the highly-Thymidine-correlated TGF alpha inhibition, inhibition of multiple transcription factors.

For this I may suggest TEA as the best natural substitute of CYCLOSPORIN

I read/understand in Beeves, Li, Liu and Huang 2006 that Tea is almost Rapamycin.

For wikipedia

Tea should allow the migration of behaviour, migration of cycling, etc…

Mécanisme d’action

Bien qu’il ait un nom similaire au tacrolimus, il n’agit pas de la même façon. Son mécanisme d’action est lié à l’inhibition de la protéine mTOR ( mammalian Target Of Rapamycin ou encore : « cible de la rapamycine chez les mammifères »).

In vitro , il bloque la prolifération calcium-dépendante sans altérer la transcription des cytokines (comme le font la ciclosporine et le tacrolimus). Il inhibe donc la synthèse d’anticorps promue par les interleukines dans les lymphocytes B4.

(en) Morelon E, Mamzer-Bruneel MF, Peraldi MN, Kreis H. « Sirolimus: a new promising immunosuppressive drug. Towards a rationale for its use in renal transplantation » Nephrol Dial Transplant . 2001;16:18-20.