“Why Hair Transplants Are a Bad Idea" blog

Anyone seen this before? Just would like to get some feedback:

» Anyone seen this before? Just would like to get some feedback:
» Why Hair Transplants Are a Bad Idea - Miami, FL

I agree with all he has to say except the part about propecia & minoxidil not working. There is solid proof both work especially the former (propecia).

Merck conducted its studies out to 5 years to prove this. So how does the author come to the conclusion that it does not work after 5 years?

The rest of the stuff on transplants is right on.

Well, like most things in life, things are not as black and white as set forth in this blog. There are, of course, many tens of thousands of people whose appearance has improved because of hair transplants. The results supporting this fact are posted on this site and many others, by the thousands. Speaking from personal experience, I have had three strip procedures, the first two going back about 20 years. These were done in a much technically inferior way compared to the state of the art today, and there was no internet to help with research. That said, my appearance was much improved and if I had it to do over again, I would. I don’t doubt that there are is a huge proportion of transplant patients that feel the same way. (And what the hell does this blogger means by “weeds??”)

» Anyone seen this before? Just would like to get some feedback:
» Why Hair Transplants Are a Bad Idea - Miami, FL

I think a HT in Miami is a bad idea. There are just some places that have really poor reputations, and I think the state of Florida is one of them. I would suggest anyone living in Florida to first plan on leaving the state, just like I would suggest someone living in England start their journey at the nearest airport.

I’m not surprised things did not turn out well for them after 45K

It is a fact that hair restoration cannot achieve high desirable densities even after repeatable procedures. We do not have the hairs to do so and we cannot ‘empty’ the donor area in order to fully cover the recipient because it is medically unacceptable.

But it has to be clarified to men with androgenetic alopecia that the purpose of the hair restoration is to improve their scalp hair condition at the present time by bringing them back to a lower grade of alopecia and at the same time by respecting their whole appearance and not to restore the scalp hair density as it was in their 20ies. This is what natural result is all about.

So when restoring androgenetic alopecia, doctors have to provide a hair appearance that matches the present age of the face of the person. In case of young people with possible alopecia development ahead, the hair restoration should take place under certain rules in order to smoothly and naturally follow the aging process of the person over the years to come.

The fact is that as age passes our scalp hairs do experience the aging effect exactly like the rest of our body tissues. Hairs are not an exception and the same stands for the transplanted hairs as well.

Do not forget that men who wear wigs look a kind of ridiculous when they appear to have full hair covering of their scalp yet with a very aged face full of wrinkles and so.

Also do not forget that bold skin either if it is due to alopecia or due to shaving, is continually exposed to the sun rays with all the possible local effects through time (actinic keratosis, skin cancer). This skin needs daily protection with moisturizing creams and sun blockers and you can never be sure about any local skin reactions. So hair restoration is in fact a way for health ensuring and not just cosmetics.

Another major point is that bold people lack the upper border of the face frame and this is the most important psychological point for them when they undergo a hair restoration. The human brain is used to see others with a face frame and it is quite peculiar when a person is bold on the top of his head.

As a last remark about preservative methods (finasteride, minoxidil etc), it is a fact that these methods do have some results but the truth is that these therapies are continuous and like every other systematic therapy, they are not without possible side effects over the time.

At the end of all the above, hair restoration done by professionals is the safer way to treat the alopecia problem for a person who wants a final solution.


Just to restate… Hair restoration cannot achieve high desirable densities in high NW (above NW IV.

really i have never heard like this about hair transplant. :expressionless:

Major points in hair implantation procedures concerning the density at the recipient area:

  1. Age and present state of alopecia
  2. Development of alopecia
  3. The donor area should have at least 70hairs/cm2 at the end of the procedures
  4. The whole scalp density should be homogeneous
  5. Scalp hairs are preferable. Body hairs are for adding density among scalp hairs

So, it is possible for someone to get high densities using body hairs or beard hairs as long as he preserves the minimum required density in the donor area and keeps the same average density all over his scalp.
In conclusion, cases with bald patterns above NW IV cannot achieve high desirable densities without using beard and/or body grafts.

Nevertheless , taking in consideration the fact that , a succesfull HT depends a lot on the doctors skill in handling the graft dispersion in the recipient area (implantation angle, distance etc), one can achieve excellent results even in patients with NW pattern above IV , by using scalp grafts only.

Top 5 reasons why people reject the idea of hair transplants:

They look almost as fake as a bad toupee.
They don’t fill in the bald spots evenly or completely.
The surgery is painful.
Recovery time is too long.
The surgery leaves unsightly scars.

[quote]Originally Posted by ryandavid

» Top 5 reasons why people reject the idea of hair transplants:
» They look almost as fake as a bad toupee.
» They don’t fill in the bald spots evenly or completely.
» The surgery is painful.
» Recovery time is too long.
» The surgery leaves unsightly scars.[/quote]

1.) A skilled hair restoration physician is capable of producing a result that is indistinguishable from a naturally growing head of hair. An unskilled and/or inexperienced doctor can product a result that looks far worse than a cheap toupee.

2.) The current state of the art hair transplant will create an illusion of coverage generally for men beyond the Norwood 4 range of hair loss.

3.) Pain is subjective. There is more pain and longer recovery times generally associated with strip surgery.

4.) Widened strip scars are the worst possible negative related to hair transplant surgery scarring. FUE can cause scarring as well appearing in the form of white dots.

-CITNews works at Dr. Cole’s office