While you guys are argue and bicker about nothing

The Allergan phase 2 trial is nearing completion. It started in August or September of last year so that means it’s almost done. If they move on to phase 3 then that means it certainly produced better results than minoxidil (rogaine).

There are two sides of the equation:

a) adding the postaglanding that grows hair.

b) negating the postaglandins that kill hair.

Bimatoprost could solve problem “a” because it adds the postaglanding that grows hair. A liquid topical romatrobin solution could solve problem “b” because it would negate the postaglandins that kill hair. I think that we should be talking about two things:

  1. Blocking the GPR44 receptor by way of liquid topical ramatrobin solution.

  2. making a liquid topical bimatoprost solution.

You guys want to argue about meaningless small issues, but it’s silly because there is a chance that we could throw liquid topical solutions of (1)ramatrobin and (2) bimatoprost together and possibly put baldness behind us. We should be focused on these two things. You guys are wasting time arguing meaningless small issues. We should be talking about how to put these solutions together and securing these compounds.


Why do they keep calling everything A CURE.
A cure would mean that you get ALL YOUR HAIR BACK.
This is not a cure.

What ironic to me, is that the stuff you’re talking about as a possible solution are exactly the topics that people are arguing and bickering about.

If they’re nothing, this thread is absurd.

» Why do they keep calling everything A CURE.
» A cure would mean that you get ALL YOUR HAIR BACK.
» This is not a cure.

Here you start another stupid peanut-gallery discussion.

I do not call anything a cure.

And I did not say that a GPR44 blocker and bimatoprost will cure hair loss.

My suggestion is that it MIGHT cure hair loss.

My point is pretty simple and this is my point: A GPR44 blocker in combo with a bimatoprost might cure hair loss. And I’m right…it MIGHT cure hair loss. There is reason for optimism.

And as usual instead of coming back at me with intelligent questions and ideas what we can do to possibly get our hands on a GPR44 blocker and bimatoprost you instead start talking meaningless peanut-gallery stupidity. You just don’t get it it. You don’t know how to grab the bull by the horns and try to solve the problem. All you know how to do is talk stupid meaningless peanut-gallery tripe.

» What ironic to me, is that the stuff you’re talking about as a possible
» solution are exactly the topics that people are arguing and bickering
» about.
» If they’re nothing, this thread is absurd.

“if” they’re nothing, this thread is absurd." Great line. So tell me has any of your silly @ss arguing and bickering proved for certain if it will work or not> NO! Let me say it again: NO! No debate is going to decide if this stuff will work or not. Only trying this stuff will produce the answer to that question.

Nobody knows for sure if it will work or not. You could discuss it and bicker about it for a year but all of that discussion is a meaningless waste of time because none of us know if it will work or not. No amount of “cox this” or “cox that” being discussed back and forth is going to change the fact that it will either work or it won’t work. It’s a stupid discussion and debate.

We should just work together to secure this stuff and try it. Open up your eyes. The debate is stupid. Did you ever hear the saying, “Paralysis by analysis?” You guys are over-analyzing this situation. Either it will work or it won’t and since there is some scientific evidence that it might work we should be talking about how to get it and formulate it rather than debating whether or not it will work. The debate is stupid. None of you know. And if Cotseralis proves in a year that it does work then you will all feel stupid for having wasted a year when you could have instead been working together to get these things and formulate them and try them.

» No debate is going to decide if
» this stuff will work or not. Only trying this stuff will produce the answer
» to that question.

Gotcha. That’s a fair point.

Hey jarjarbinx

I’d like to point out again that Gangsterboy on hair-loss-help claims to have had OC000459 synthesized by some offshore company. OC000459 at the moment seems to be the most promising drug.

again here’s the link:


(replace XXXX with help)

Here is another very interesting post by someone on the same forum concerning mast cell degranulation. This perhaps may explain why Cetirizin has not yet yielded any amazing results.


» » Why do they keep calling everything A CURE.
» » A cure would mean that you get ALL YOUR HAIR BACK.
» » This is not a cure.
» Here you start another stupid peanut-gallery discussion.
» I do not call anything a cure.
» And I did not say that a GPR44 blocker and bimatoprost will cure hair
» loss.
» My suggestion is that it MIGHT cure hair loss.
» My point is pretty simple and this is my point: A GPR44 blocker in combo
» with a bimatoprost might cure hair loss. And I’m right…it MIGHT cure
» hair loss. There is reason for optimism.
» And as usual instead of coming back at me with intelligent questions and
» ideas what we can do to possibly get our hands on a GPR44 blocker and
» bimatoprost you instead start talking meaningless peanut-gallery stupidity.
» You just don’t get it it. You don’t know how to grab the bull by the horns
» and try to solve the problem. All you know how to do is talk stupid
» meaningless peanut-gallery tripe.