Which doctor?

Hi all,

I am a newbie to the forum, and have spent many hours reading through the various discussions, and have decided to go for a ht. I am 36 and my hairline is melting away and I want to sort it out, I am okay on the crown and have been taking Avodart for 3 years now.

I have researched various doctors, and I have whittled it down to 2, cost is very important, I know it should not be a factor, but it is, if I won the lottery I would go to Armani but this is impossible in my current financial situation. The 2 doc’s I would like help in choosing are Dr. A Poswal in New Dehli and Dr. Jerzy Kolasinski in Poland.

I was wondering if if there was any guys out there who have been to see either doc, and could comment on there work. Dr. Kolansinski uses strip, I have researched FUE and Strip and it seems the difference is primarily the scar. There are differing opinions on which is better at retaining the growing potential of the follicle, but it seems strip allows more hair to be harvested in a session compared to FUE. In relation to the scar, Dr. Kolansinski uses the Trichophytic Closure procedure to minimise the scarring, I would like to know if anyone has had T.C and could comment on the results.

I have heard good things about Dr. Poswal on this site and nothing of Dr Kolansinski, his credentials seem impressive but I have not heard from his patients, I have emailed his clinic to see if I can get in contact with them. I am a very cautious skeptic, but a skeptic who is ready to take the plunge so I will appreciate any input from you guys.


More important then being disfigured for life like myself ? Losing ALL social existience ?
Save more money then give FUE a go with Dr Woods.
If i could do it all again I would shave my head & be done with it.Oh how I wish i could do it all again !!

I have had been to Dr. Arvind twice. I have had strip Fuse and BHT with him. Previous to Dr. Arvind I had two procedures and they were both failures. If you have any questions feel free to email me at semper45@hotmail.com
If you search the forum you can see before and after pics of my first procedure. I am now 3 1/2 months post-op on my second procedure

Cost can be a big factor for patients. This is understandable within reason. However, HT work is highly visible and lasts through a patient’s life. If you are going to take the plunge, I would advise you to take your time and do it right…even if that means having to save a bit more or delay the procedure.

» I have had been to Dr. Arvind twice. I have had strip Fuse and BHT with
» him. Previous to Dr. Arvind I had two procedures and they were both
» failures. If you have any questions feel free to email me at
» semper45@hotmail.com
» If you search the forum you can see before and after pics of my first
» procedure. I am now 3 1/2 months post-op on my second procedure

Hiya, how was the strip procedure? I would prefer to go FUE, but cost prohibits this for me, even at Dr A’ prices. Is your scar an issue? Any loss of sensation on the donor area?