When a patient disappears

When a patient disappears without updating this is a clue and this information is 100 times more important than any showcase patient result can ever deliver. You need to read the forums daily for a very long time. Be aware of who is having a procedure and monitor their results. Pay attention to who comes and goes, ask questions when something does not seem right.

» When a patient disappears without updating this is a clue and this
» information is 100 times more important than any showcase patient result
» can ever deliver. You need to read the forums daily for a very long time.
» Be aware of who is having a procedure and monitor their results. Pay
» attention to who comes and goes, ask questions when something does not seem
» right.

Here here. Well said. I think that definitely speaks louder than any result. I think a patient posted result is more valuable than anything and when that valuable person stops updating, it simply means things aren’t looking pleasant. Some say people are living happy lives and that’s why they stopped but until a patient comes back and gives the final update along with their final opinion, it will continue to remain unfinished business.

» » When a patient disappears without updating this is a clue and this
» » information is 100 times more important than any showcase patient result
» » can ever deliver. You need to read the forums daily for a very long
» time.
» » Be aware of who is having a procedure and monitor their results. Pay
» » attention to who comes and goes, ask questions when something does not
» seem
» » right.
» Here here. Well said. I think that definitely speaks louder than any
» result. I think a patient posted result is more valuable than anything and
» when that valuable person stops updating, it simply means things aren’t
» looking pleasant. Some say people are living happy lives and that’s why
» they stopped but until a patient comes back and gives the final update
» along with their final opinion, it will continue to remain unfinished
» business.

Very True. Do not rely on sales people or those who state all is so great that they do not post their “Great Results” anymore. I can tell you that in corrective surgery it is amazing how well I progressed. However If I had a picture in mind of My High School head of hair returning I would not be happy. One has to have a realistic outlook at the end result. I would have done it again in a heartbeat as it is no longer a 24 hour thought on my mind. Now with that said I think that many would like to have the original head of hair back including the full density that we once had. I would too- who wouldn’t? However until that miracle comes around I am grateful that the disfigurement I and many once had is improved to a degree of contentment. That is what I think people should keep in mind when it comes to any form of cosmetic surgery. :slight_smile:

» When a patient disappears without updating this is a clue and this
» information is 100 times more important than any showcase patient result
» can ever deliver. You need to read the forums daily for a very long time.
» Be aware of who is having a procedure and monitor their results. Pay
» attention to who comes and goes, ask questions when something does not seem
» right.

My pet hate is the clinic reps that present a repair case without disclosing the clinic that made the mess.

Even more annoying is hearing them go on about “patient education”.

Diamond I think that as more patients take the time to speak about the industry the more the veil is lifted.

Hairdar I agree 100% revealing names almost becomes taboo but it does give one insight into how much of this industry operates. The fact is many patients have been sued for revealing truthful information about their doctor and procedure and I’m sure many clinics know that they could easily be next on that list.

Sometimes it’s better to just drum up old threads and ask the rep where is this patient, what has happened and why has it not been disclosed to the forum members. These same reps feel okay puffing their chests out and posting a few showcase results but when you start asking questions about the disappearing acts all of a sudden you have an agenda and your post has a high probability of being deleted.

“The fact is many patients have been sued for revealing truthful information about their doctor and procedure and I’m sure many clinics know that they could easily be next on that list.”

Is this true? Name the doctors that have sued their patients.

Are you kidding me? I don’t care to be sued either. Anyone that does not know that this goes on is completely clueless about this industry. Start talking to patients on the phone and in person.

Speaking of patients disappearing after a result, does anyone know what happened to marco:

6K procedure . stip and FUE with Dr. Rahal class 6

I know he was an active poster before so I hope he eventually updates us on his case. Hopefully, the condition of his scalp improved…

» “The fact is many patients have been sued for revealing truthful
» information about their doctor and procedure and I’m sure many clinics know
» that they could easily be next on that list.”
» Is this true? Name the doctors that have sued their patients.

hmmmm ,

I think the first step of intimidation is cease and desist letters , this usually scares people , as in naming the drs were do you want me to start ?


“Are you kidding me? I don’t care to be sued either”.

Sued for what? If a lawsuit was filed by a doctor, that’s a public record and not a basis for a lawsuit.

» “Are you kidding me? I don’t care to be sued either”.
» Sued for what? If a lawsuit was filed by a doctor, that’s a public record
» and not a basis for a lawsuit.

HT’s are big business, some HT doctors will look to intimidate you any way they can, these people look to use their financial might like a club.

Fordham when the patient receives the cease and desist order from the doctor’s legal counsel they always move on. They will be sued and it’s just not worth further time, money and aggravation.

Sure I can bring up plenty of names here of doctors that have threatened to sue their patient’s from not only speaking to patients but also from what has been posted to the forums over the years, I don’t care to. That is something a prospective patient has to do on their own as part of their own research.

I had one doctor here dedicate a thread just to me stating I had an agenda simply because I asked questions that were uncomfortable for his clinic to answer. Those particular patients in question were disappeared.