What\'s the difference between the different types of OC000459?

Apparently there are 3 different types of OC000459. There’s a regular version, a salt version, and an ethanol version. What is the difference between these 3 versions? Aren’t they altering the molecule or changing the substance of the molecule when they salt it or ethanol it? And if they are altering the molecule
or change the substance of a molecule, couldn’t that damage the efficacy of the the medicine???

» Apparently there are 3 different types of OC000459. There’s a regular
» version, a salt version, and an ethanol version. What is the difference
» between these 3 versions? Aren’t they altering the molecule or changing the
» substance of the molecule when they salt it or ethanol it? And if they are
» altering the molecule
» or change the substance of a molecule, couldn’t that damage the efficacy of
» the the medicine???

ethonol = salted

» Apparently there are 3 different types of OC000459. There’s a regular
» version, a salt version, and an ethanol version. What is the difference
» between these 3 versions? Aren’t they altering the molecule or changing the
» substance of the molecule when they salt it or ethanol it? And if they are
» altering the molecule
» or change the substance of a molecule, couldn’t that damage the efficacy of
» the the medicine???

People on HLH forum (where you post as well) saying the salted (ethanol) version works similarly (stops their hairloss) probably makes whether the molecule has changed a moot question.

» » Apparently there are 3 different types of OC000459. There’s a regular
» » version, a salt version, and an ethanol version. What is the difference
» » between these 3 versions? Aren’t they altering the molecule or changing
» the
» » substance of the molecule when they salt it or ethanol it? And if they
» are
» » altering the molecule
» » or change the substance of a molecule, couldn’t that damage the efficacy
» of
» » the the medicine???
» People on HLH forum (where you post as well) saying the salted (ethanol)
» version works similarly (stops their hairloss) probably makes whether the
» molecule has changed a moot question.

Thanks for the response, but I am kind of curious why you say that I also post at HLH. Why is that relevant? Are you some kind of hall monitor or something. Really Frank, and I don’t mean this as an insult, but since we all may be about to get our hair back that means we all may be socializing a lot more soon so maybe you should think about things like whether or not it’s appropriate to tattle and hall-monitor and stuff like that. I really don’t care if you say that I also post at HLH but really Frank think about how immature and tattling it sounds.

Look at it like this, let’s say you and I both got our hair back and we were at a club sniffing for women. Then out of the clear blue you make the mistake of saying something that is immature, tattle, hall-monitor stuff. What do you think I’m going to do? I’ll tell you what I’m going to do - I’m going to use what you said to make you look weak, foolish, and immature to the women. I’m going to make some comment like, “So what are you, the hall monitor?” Or I might say, “Frank, weren’t you supposed to outgrow tattling when you outgrew the sandbox?” That’s what I’m going to do, Frank.

Remember, getting our hair back is half the battle, the other half is the things we say and do. You’re not going to get your hair back and then go out and say and do punky things and get to be popular. I’ve known guys who were good looking but did not have the slightest bit of “cool” about them and they are social duds. Yea, you’re right…you need your hair, but you also have to remind yourself how to act cool and smart.

» » » Apparently there are 3 different types of OC000459. There’s a regular
» » » version, a salt version, and an ethanol version. What is the
» difference
» » » between these 3 versions? Aren’t they altering the molecule or
» changing
» » the
» » » substance of the molecule when they salt it or ethanol it? And if
» they
» » are
» » » altering the molecule
» » » or change the substance of a molecule, couldn’t that damage the
» efficacy
» » of
» » » the the medicine???
» »
» »
» » People on HLH forum (where you post as well) saying the salted (ethanol)
» » version works similarly (stops their hairloss) probably makes whether
» the
» » molecule has changed a moot question.
» Thanks for the response, but I am kind of curious why you say that I also
» post at HLH. Why is that relevant? Are you some kind of hall monitor or
» something. Really Frank, and I don’t mean this as an insult, but since we
» all may be about to get our hair back that means we all may be socializing
» a lot more soon so maybe you should think about things like whether or not
» it’s appropriate to tattle and hall-monitor and stuff like that. I really
» don’t care if you say that I also post at HLH but really Frank think about
» how immature and tattling it sounds.
» Look at it like this, let’s say you and I both got our hair back and we
» were at a club sniffing for women. Then out of the clear blue you make the
» mistake of saying something that is immature, tattle, hall-monitor stuff.
» What do you think I’m going to do? I’ll tell you what I’m going to do -
» I’m going to use what you said to make you look weak, foolish, and immature
» to the women. I’m going to make some comment like, “So what are you,
» the hall monitor?”
Or I might say, “Frank, weren’t you supposed to
» outgrow tattling when you outgrew the sandbox?”
That’s what I’m going
» to do, Frank.
» Remember, getting our hair back is half the battle, the other half is the
» things we say and do. You’re not going to get your hair back and then go
» out and say and do punky things and get to be popular. I’ve known guys who
» were good looking but did not have the slightest bit of “cool” about them
» and they are social duds. Yea, you’re right…you need your hair, but you
» also have to remind yourself how to act cool and smart.

You are actually insane. What on earth was that inane rambling all about? He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking (which is the case in 100% of the threads you make) is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look. If you’re that sensitive maybe you shouldn’t make new threads regarding every single thing that pops into your head. Everyone is thinking it.

» You are actually insane.


» You are actually insane. What on earth was that inane rambling all about?
» He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» (which is the case in 100% of the threads you make) is readily available on
» another forum/google if you bothered to look. If you’re that sensitive
» maybe you shouldn’t make new threads regarding every single thing that pops
» into your head. Everyone is thinking it.

You’re incorrect.

It’s not obvious what he meant. If he meant what you say then he didn’t make that clear. And I’m not sure you’re right about how he meant it anyway. I don’t know how he meant it. And it doesn’t matter how he meant it because whenever someone says something there are always 2 issues:

  1. How you mean it

  2. How the other person perceives it.

To hear you tell it, any person could go to HLH OC forum and see that 4 or 5 people are posting about how they are using salt OC and giving their results. But that’s not happening at HLH so if that’s what he meant then he’s wrong, and you’re a fool for opening your mouth.

And since your interpretation of what he said doesn’t make sense that is why I didn’t interpret it the same way that you did. I interpret things in a way that makes sense based on the facts. It never occurred to me to perceive what he said the same way you did because the way you perceive it doesn’t make sense based on the facts. Period. In fact, there are not a handful of people at HLH posting that they are using the salt version and giving their results. It isn’t happening.

Since you are making an issue of this please prove your point. Please prove you’re right and please prove I’m wrong. Please post links to all the posts at HLH wherein the poster is saying that he’s using the salt version of OC and giving his results.

If you prove your point (and his point according to you) that there are a handful of posters at HLH posting that they are using salt OC and giving their results then I will eat crow. If you don’t produce the posts to prove your point then you’re full of sh!t.

You’ve done your attack post calling me names because you claim I should have understood the obvious truth. OK, prove what you say is the obvious truth really is true. Once again, please provide links to all of the posts at HLH OC forum wherein the poster states that he is using salt OC and giving his results.

Prove your point.

» » You are actually insane.
» +1

You are an arrogant buffoon.

» You are actually insane. What on earth was that inane rambling all about?
» He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» (which is the case in 100% of the threads you make) is readily available on
» another forum/google if you bothered to look. If you’re that sensitive
» maybe you shouldn’t make new threads regarding every single thing that pops
» into your head. Everyone is thinking it.

Another thing Tyler, you cut down my posts because the questions or the issues I raise seem silly to you. OK, you’re allowed to feel that way, but I think it’s a mistake.

For example, when I was a kid and when I was in college teachers told everyone in class, “The only stupid question is the question that’s not asked.” Teacher’s encouraged asking questions so that everyone would have all the facts before doing any project so students have the best chance of success. I’m a great believer in that.

I knew guys like you. Most guys are like you. They’re too embarrassed to ask questions or raise issues. And then they would turn in so/so work and I would turn in A-game work.

» »
» » You are actually insane. What on earth was that inane rambling all
» about?
» » He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» » (which is the case in 100% of the threads you make) is readily available
» on
» » another forum/google if you bothered to look. If you’re that sensitive
» » maybe you shouldn’t make new threads regarding every single thing that
» pops
» » into your head. Everyone is thinking it.
» Another thing Tyler, you cut down my posts because the questions or the
» issues I raise seem silly to you. OK, you’re allowed to feel that way, but
» I think it’s a mistake.
» For example, when I was a kid and when I was in college teachers told
» everyone in class, “The only stupid question is the question that’s not
» asked.” Teacher’s encouraged asking questions so that everyone would have
» all the facts before doing any project so students have the best chance of
» success. I’m a great believer in that.
» I knew guys like you. Most guys are like you. They’re too embarrassed to
» ask questions or raise issues. And then they would turn in so/so work and
» I would turn in A-game work.

Anything intellectually stimulating is something that I actively enjoy and encourage. Which is why you’ll never see me criticise the thoughts of Roger_That, hairman2, Cal or the many other people with interesting insight. The problem is your reluctance to do any research whatsoever means that the questions you pose are simply already answered, not relevant, or are just you repeating yourself. It clogs up the forum, so while you think you are stimulating discussion, you’re actually doing the opposite.

People aren’t embarrassed to raise the questions that you raise; you’re not some sort of pioneering thinker. It’s funny how you draw parallels between a forum and your so-called college years, yet you stated on another thread that you felt that there was no real point in reading the Cotsarelis paper and that anyone that read the papers and attempts to discuss it was just a wannabe scientist. Think about that, you make daily threads about the subject and refuse to read the very paper that documented the discovery, yet you repeatedly call everyone else stupid. Almost all of the threads you start are answered in that one paper if you would bother to read it. You’re all over the place, you don’t want scientific discussion, you just want to make daily threads asking irrelevant questions. You’re humiliating yourself and you don’t even have the self awareness to realise it.

» Anything intellectually stimulating is something that I actively enjoy and
» encourage. Which is why you’ll never see me criticise the thoughts of
» Roger_That, hairman2, Cal or the many other people with interesting
» insight. The problem is your reluctance to do any research whatsoever means
» that the questions you pose are simply already answered, not relevant, or
» are just you repeating yourself. It clogs up the forum, so while you think
» you are stimulating discussion, you’re actually doing the opposite.
» People aren’t embarrassed to raise the questions that you raise; you’re not
» some sort of pioneering thinker. It’s funny how you draw parallels between
» a forum and your so-called college years, yet you stated on another thread
» that you felt that there was no real point in reading the Cotsarelis paper
» and that anyone that read the papers and attempts to discuss it was just a
» wannabe scientist. Think about that, you make daily threads about the
» subject and refuse to read the very paper that documented the discovery,
» yet you repeatedly call everyone else stupid. Almost all of the threads
» you start are answered in that one paper if you would bother to read it.
» You’re all over the place, you don’t want scientific discussion, you just
» want to make daily threads asking irrelevant questions. You’re humiliating
» yourself and you don’t even have the self awareness to realise it.

First of all, I’m still waiting for you to post HLH links demonstrating that there are 4 or 5 people posting about how they are using salt OC and giving their results. Why aren’t you posting those links? Is it because you were wrong and you’re full of sh!t?

Hey oaf you put the idea out there that there are oh-so-many guys at HLH posting about how they are using salt OC and giving their results. Prove it! Provide the links to those posts by all those guys you full-of-sh!t oaf. Prove it!!!

Now for the rest of your post…

  1. You are throwing a thousand things out here and I’m not answering all of this sh!t. I will answer some of it:

  2. You and Hairman are a couple of blowhard peas-in-a-pod who want to believe that you’re something more than what you are. All you two are, are a couple of bald guys who want their hair back, but you two clown scientist-wannabes have yourselves convinced that you’re superior scientific types. What a laugh! I’m laughing at you.

  3. And who am I humiliating myself to? A handful of bald guys who are they themselves chasing after their hair? What a joke! 100% of the guys here…100% of us, would be snickered at like foolish dunces if people found out about us here being on an experimental medicine quest for hair, and the scientist wannabes, like you and Hairman, would be the people laughed at the most.

You act like you think your something to be proud of because you read every word in a scientific study and do some scientist wannabe ego-stroking, self-grandiose posting, and you don’t even have the sense to realize that’s what you’re doing.

If all of the things going on at these hair websites were to find its’ way onto national TV there is not even one of us who wouldn’t be snickered at. If you don’t believe me then when you go to work tomorrow tell all all your co-workers that you hang out at Hair websites seeking a cure for baldness, you read every word of hair research studies and play scientist wannabe at the hair websites, you’re trying to figure out how to cure hair loss, and you are going to organize an experimental medicine for use on your head to regrow hair. They will laugh in your face you fool. You will be the office joke! Humiliating myself to who? What a joke! You don’t get it! In the real world you would be thought of as a buffoon if people knew that you were playing hair loss scientist wannabe at hair websites after-hours. You’re the one who’s not self-aware you oaf. We posters here are ALL jokes in the eyes of the world of the people with hair. You are a total joke and you are the one who lacks the self-awareness to realize that.

  1. Whoop dee doo! I don’t read the entire studies myself. I just peruse them and then I ask questions and raise issues at the hair websites to fill in the blanks since I don’t read the entire studies. That’s the way I’ve decided to make this resource (hair website) work for me. I’m gathering the info I need to develop a plan and engage it. That’s why I ask the questions I ask and it’s why I raise the issues I raise.

  2. And I have to say it again, you made a claim and here is the claim you made:

“He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

So prove it you oaf. Prove what you said, blowhard. All you have done is allege something that is total bs. You’re full of sh!t scientist wannabe. Prove your point! Post the links to the posts at HLH wherein oh-so-many posters are posting that they are using salt OC and giving their results.

You made a claim so all I’m asking you to do is prove it. If your claim is true then you should provide those links and if you’re claim is not true then you’re full of sh!t and anyone with any sense would be able to figure that out. Prove your point oaf!!!

You came to a conclusion regards to what “Frank” meant in his post but your conclusion was based on senseless incorrect information. You were wrong. You didn’t process the facts correctly. You don’t process information intelligently. And the reason you’re not supplying the proof that you were right is because you were wrong so there is no proof that you were right. Do you get it yet?

Tyler you are full of sh!t!!!
You say incorrect stuff.
You came to an incorrect conclusion.

You neglect key details in situations, you aren’t smart enough to realize that, you don’t gather all the facts of a situation, and you don’t process facts well. This is what your problem is.

» »
» » Anything intellectually stimulating is something that I actively enjoy
» and
» » encourage. Which is why you’ll never see me criticise the thoughts of
» » Roger_That, hairman2, Cal or the many other people with interesting
» » insight. The problem is your reluctance to do any research whatsoever
» means
» » that the questions you pose are simply already answered, not relevant,
» or
» » are just you repeating yourself. It clogs up the forum, so while you
» think
» » you are stimulating discussion, you’re actually doing the opposite.
» »
» » People aren’t embarrassed to raise the questions that you raise; you’re
» not
» » some sort of pioneering thinker. It’s funny how you draw parallels
» between
» » a forum and your so-called college years, yet you stated on another
» thread
» » that you felt that there was no real point in reading the Cotsarelis
» paper
» » and that anyone that read the papers and attempts to discuss it was just
» a
» » wannabe scientist. Think about that, you make daily threads about the
» » subject and refuse to read the very paper that documented the discovery,
» » yet you repeatedly call everyone else stupid. Almost all of the threads
» » you start are answered in that one paper if you would bother to read it.
» » You’re all over the place, you don’t want scientific discussion, you
» just
» » want to make daily threads asking irrelevant questions. You’re
» humiliating
» » yourself and you don’t even have the self awareness to realise it.
» First of all, I’m still waiting for you to post HLH links demonstrating
» that there are 4 or 5 people posting about how they are using salt OC and
» giving their results. Why aren’t you posting those links? Is it because
» you were wrong and you’re full of sh!t? That’s what I think it is. I think
» you are full of sh!t and I think that you know you were wrong so you want
» to talk about everything but that issue.
» Hey oaf you put the idea out there that there oh so many guys at HLH
» posting about how they are using salt OC and giving their results. Prove
» it! Provide the links to those posts by all those guys you full of sh!t
» oaf. Prove it!!!
» Now for the rest of your post…
» 1. You are throwing a thousand things out here and I’m not answering all of
» this sh!t. I will answer some of it:
» 2. You and Hairman are a couple of blowhard peas in a pod who want to
» believe that you’re something more than what you are. All you two are, are
» a couple of bald guys who want their hair back, but you two clown scientist
» wannabes have yourselves convinced that you’re superior scientific types.
» What a laugh!
» 3. Who am I humiliating myself to? A handful of bald guys who are they
» themselves chasing after their hair? What a joke! 100% of the guys
» here…100% of us, would be snickered at like dunces if people found out
» about people here being on an experimental quest for hair and that among
» the people here some of the people here are scientist wannabes.
» You act like you think your something to be proud of because you read every
» word in a study and do some scientist wannabe posting. What a joke! If
» all of this were going on, on national TV there isn’t even one of us who
» wouldn’t be snickered at. If you don’t believe me when you go to work
» tomorrow tell all all your co-workers that you hang out at Hair websites
» seeking a cure for baldness, you read every word of hair research studies
» and play scientist wannabe at the hair websites, you’re trying to figure
» out how to cure hair loss, and you are going to organize an experimental
» medicine for use on your head to regrow hair.
They will laugh in your
» face you fool. You will be the office joke! Humiliating myself to who?
» What a joke! You don’t get it! In the real world you would be thought of as
» a buffoon if people knew that you were playing hair loss scientist wannabe
» at hair websites after-hours. You’re the one who’s not self-aware you oaf.
» 4. Whoop dee doo! I don’t read the entire studies myself. I just peruse
» them and then I ask questions and raise issues at the hair websites to fill
» in the blanks since I don’t read the entire studies. That’s the way I’ve
» decided to make this resource (hair website) work for me. I’m gathering the
» info I need to develop a plan and engage it. That’s why I ask the questions
» I ask and it’s why I raise the issues I raise.
» 5. And I have to say it again, you made a claim and here is the claim you
» made:
» “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

» So prove it you oaf. Prove what you said, blowhard. All you have done is
» allege something that is total bs. You’re full of sh!t scientist wannabe.
» Prove your point! Post the links to the posts at HLH wherein oh-so-many
» posters are posting that they are using salt OC and giving their results.
» You made a claim so all I’m asking you to do is prove it. If your claim is
» true then you should provide those links and if you’re claim is not true
» then you’re full of sh!t and anyone with any sense would be able to figure
» that out. Prove your point oaf!!!
» You came to a conclusion regards to what “Frank” meant in his post but your
» conclusion was based on senseless incorrect information. You were wrong.
» You didn’t process the facts correctly. You don’t process information
» intelligently. And the reason you’re not supplying the proof that you were
» right is because you were wrong so there is no proof that you were right.
» Do you get it yet?
» Tyler you are full of sh!t!!!
» You say incorrect stuff.
» You came to an incorrect conclusion.

» You neglect key details in situations, you aren’t smart enough to realize
» that, you don’t gather all the facts of a situation, and you don’t process
» facts well. This is what your problem is.

It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are compelling, but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over the place which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already. Frank made a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking to girls in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no claims, conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise. What on earth are you on about? My only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of what you ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the time to look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t going to magically make evidence appear.

What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a deluded madman, none of what say is even remotely close to reality. You don’t need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an 8 year old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA IDIOT’ mentality. In fact, I know people younger than 8 that can express themselves in a more mature and coherent manner than you. You end up in arguments with people and they stop replying, not because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing with you is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so far removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process pointless.

You seem to have this chip on your shoulder about science and scientific discussion. Whether you like it or not, pathophysiology and pharmacology is a subject of science. If you don’t want to discuss science, then you don’t want to discuss experimental hair loss treatments, period. You’re just one giant contradiction. By your logic anyone who expresses an interest, or a desire, or just has a superior knowledge to you is a ‘wannabe’. Maybe you’re just overcompensating, it’s becoming more clear that you don’t read the literature out of choice, it’s because you’re too simple to actually comprehend the study.

» It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are compelling,
» but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over the place
» which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already. Frank made
» a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking to girls
» in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no claims,
» conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise What on earth are you on about? My
» only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of what you
» ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the time to
» look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t going to
» magically make evidence appear.
» What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a
» deluded madman, none of say is even remotely close to reality. You don’t
» need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an 8 year
» old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA IDIOT’
» mentality. You end up in arguments with people and they stop replying, not
» because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing with you
» is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so far
» removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process pointless.

Blah, blah, blah. Yea, yea yea.
Please post links to the posts at HLH that prove your point. If your point is correct then why don’t you just post the links to prove it? You put out there the idea that there are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting about their use of salt OC and their results so just provide the links you oaf. If you don’t provide the links then you’re full of sh!t. If you don’t provide the links then you’re an oaf who has made a claim that is incorrect. And you’ve made this incorrect claim because you’re not very smart, you don’t gather all the fact in a situation, and you don’t process facts well.

All I am asking of you is that you provide the links to prove your point. If you’re correct and there really are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting that they are using salt OC and their results then just post their posts oaf.

What is your problem? Why don’t you just post the posts since you yourself said that those posts are “readily available.” Here is what you said oaf:

"He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look."

Do you see the words “readily available” in your statement? Those are your words oaf. Why aren’t you securing the links to those posts since those posts are so "readily available? Is it because there are not so many of those posts there after all? Is that what it is? And if that’s why you’re not posting those links doesn’t that mean you’re full of sh!t? And doesn’t it also mean that you talk without getting your ducks lined up first? And doesn’t it mean that you don’t gather facts well and you don’t process facts well?

Do you get it yet oaf?

According to you there are oh-so-many posters making “readily available” posts over at HLH posting about their use of salt OC and talking about their results. Please Post the links to those posts since those posts are so “readily available.” You ran your mouth so please prove what you said. You want to run your mouth so back up what you said with the links to prove it.

» »
» » It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are
» compelling,
» » but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over the
» place
» » which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already. Frank
» made
» » a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking to
» girls
» » in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no claims,
» » conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise What on earth are you on about?
» My
» » only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of what
» you
» » ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the time
» to
» » look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t going
» to
» » magically make evidence appear.
» »
» » What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a
» » deluded madman, none of say is even remotely close to reality. You
» don’t
» » need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an 8
» year
» » old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA IDIOT’
» » mentality. You end up in arguments with people and they stop replying,
» not
» » because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing with
» you
» » is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so far
» » removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process pointless.
» Blah, blah, blah. Yea, yea yea.
» Please post links to the posts at HLH that prove your point. If your point
» is correct then why don’t you just post the links to prove it? You put out
» there the idea that there are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting about their
» use of salt OC and their results so just provide the links you oaf. If you
» don’t provide the links then you’re full of sh!t. If you don’t provide the
» links then you’re an oaf who has made a claim that is incorrect. And
» you’ve made this incorrect claim because you’re not very smart, you don’t
» gather all the fact in a situation, and you don’t process facts well.
» All I am asking of you is that you provide the links to prove your point.
» If you’re correct and there really are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting
» that they are using salt OC and their results then just post their posts
» oaf.
» What is your problem? Why don’t you just post the posts since you yourself
» said that those posts are “readily available.” Here is what you said oaf:
» “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking is
» readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

» Do you see the words “readily available” in your statement? Those are your
» words oaf. Why aren’t you securing the links to those posts since those
» posts are so "readily available? Is it because there are not so many of
» those posts there after all? Is that what it is? And if that’s why you’re
» not posting those links doesn’t that mean you’re full of sh!t? And doesn’t
» it also mean that you talk without getting your ducks lined up first? And
» doesn’t it mean that you don’t gather facts well and you don’t process
» facts well?
» Do you get it yet oaf?


» » »
» » » It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are
» » compelling,
» » » but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over the
» » place
» » » which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already. Frank
» » made
» » » a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking to
» » girls
» » » in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no
» claims,
» » » conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise What on earth are you on about?
» » My
» » » only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of what
» » you
» » » ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the time
» » to
» » » look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t going
» » to
» » » magically make evidence appear.
» » »
» » » What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a
» » » deluded madman, none of say is even remotely close to reality. You
» » don’t
» » » need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an 8
» » year
» » » old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA IDIOT’
» » » mentality. You end up in arguments with people and they stop
» replying,
» » not
» » » because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing
» with
» » you
» » » is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so
» far
» » » removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process
» pointless.
» »
» » Blah, blah, blah. Yea, yea yea.
» » Please post links to the posts at HLH that prove your point. If your
» point
» » is correct then why don’t you just post the links to prove it? You put
» out
» » there the idea that there are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting about
» their
» » use of salt OC and their results so just provide the links you oaf. If
» you
» » don’t provide the links then you’re full of sh!t. If you don’t provide
» the
» » links then you’re an oaf who has made a claim that is incorrect. And
» » you’ve made this incorrect claim because you’re not very smart, you
» don’t
» » gather all the fact in a situation, and you don’t process facts well.
» »
» » All I am asking of you is that you provide the links to prove your point.
» » If you’re correct and there really are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting
» » that they are using salt OC and their results then just post their posts
» » oaf.
» »
» » What is your problem? Why don’t you just post the posts since you
» yourself
» » said that those posts are “readily available.” Here is what you said
» oaf:
» »
» »
» »
» » “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» is
» » readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

» »
» » Do you see the words “readily available” in your statement? Those are
» your
» » words oaf. Why aren’t you securing the links to those posts since those
» » posts are so "readily available? Is it because there are not so many of
» » those posts there after all? Is that what it is? And if that’s why
» you’re
» » not posting those links doesn’t that mean you’re full of sh!t? And
» doesn’t
» » it also mean that you talk without getting your ducks lined up first?
» And
» » doesn’t it mean that you don’t gather facts well and you don’t process
» » facts well?
» »
» » Do you get it yet oaf?
» http://tinyurl.com/as65kk4

Here is what you claimed Tyler:

“He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

These are your words Tyler. All I’m asking you to do is prove what you have claimed Tyler! Post links to all of those posts by all of those posters over at HLH who are posting about their use of salt OC and their results. If your claim is correct then it would be easy for you to prove by simply posting links to the oh-so-may and “readily available” posts at HLH wherein posters are talking about their use of salt OC and posting their results. Come on Tyler you’re the smart guy and you would never run your mouth and say things that weren’t factually correct. You’re too smart to overlook details and facts. You process facts and details correctly because you’re smart, right? So post your “readily avaiable” evidence Tyler.

I’m laughing at the superior intellect Tyler. You just can’t get facts correct and you just can’t process facts correctly. And it’s all because you’re not smart.

» » »
» » » It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are
» » compelling,
» » » but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over the
» » place
» » » which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already. Frank
» » made
» » » a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking to
» » girls
» » » in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no
» claims,
» » » conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise What on earth are you on about?
» » My
» » » only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of what
» » you
» » » ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the time
» » to
» » » look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t going
» » to
» » » magically make evidence appear.
» » »
» » » What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a
» » » deluded madman, none of say is even remotely close to reality. You
» » don’t
» » » need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an 8
» » year
» » » old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA IDIOT’
» » » mentality. You end up in arguments with people and they stop
» replying,
» » not
» » » because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing
» with
» » you
» » » is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so
» far
» » » removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process
» pointless.
» »
» » Blah, blah, blah. Yea, yea yea.
» » Please post links to the posts at HLH that prove your point. If your
» point
» » is correct then why don’t you just post the links to prove it? You put
» out
» » there the idea that there are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting about
» their
» » use of salt OC and their results so just provide the links you oaf. If
» you
» » don’t provide the links then you’re full of sh!t. If you don’t provide
» the
» » links then you’re an oaf who has made a claim that is incorrect. And
» » you’ve made this incorrect claim because you’re not very smart, you
» don’t
» » gather all the fact in a situation, and you don’t process facts well.
» »
» » All I am asking of you is that you provide the links to prove your point.
» » If you’re correct and there really are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting
» » that they are using salt OC and their results then just post their posts
» » oaf.
» »
» » What is your problem? Why don’t you just post the posts since you
» yourself
» » said that those posts are “readily available.” Here is what you said
» oaf:
» »
» »
» »
» » “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» is
» » readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

» »
» » Do you see the words “readily available” in your statement? Those are
» your
» » words oaf. Why aren’t you securing the links to those posts since those
» » posts are so "readily available? Is it because there are not so many of
» » those posts there after all? Is that what it is? And if that’s why
» you’re
» » not posting those links doesn’t that mean you’re full of sh!t? And
» doesn’t
» » it also mean that you talk without getting your ducks lined up first?
» And
» » doesn’t it mean that you don’t gather facts well and you don’t process
» » facts well?
» »
» » Do you get it yet oaf?
» http://tinyurl.com/as65kk4

Project much Tyler?

We’re all depressed here Tyler. Are you trying to deflect Tyler???

» » » »
» » » » It’s difficult to reply to you, not because your arguments are
» » » compelling,
» » » » but because they are so deranged and discordant. You’re all over
» the
» » » place
» » » » which is why you’ve edited that last post like 4 times already.
» Frank
» » » made
» » » » a post and you started rambling on about hall monitors and talking
» to
» » » girls
» » » » in a bar. Then to college work and getting A grades. I made no
» » claims,
» » » » conclusions, hypothesis or otherwise What on earth are you on about?
» » » My
» » » » only deduction, which is absolutely correct, is that majority of
» what
» » » you
» » » » ask on this forum is already answered elsewhere if you’d take the
» time
» » » to
» » » » look, or it’s completely unavailable and spamming about it isn’t
» going
» » » to
» » » » magically make evidence appear.
» » » »
» » » » What I’m unequivocal about is that your posts are the ramblings of a
» » » » deluded madman, none of say is even remotely close to reality. You
» » » don’t
» » » » need your hair back, you need your head checked. You debate like an
» 8
» » » year
» » » » old and immediately revert to this ‘I’m right you’re wrong HAHA
» » » » mentality. You end up in arguments with people and they stop
» » replying,
» » » not
» » » » because you proved anything, but because everyone realises arguing
» » with
» » » you
» » » » is futile as you will keep replying, forever, and your posts are so
» » far
» » » » removed from making any sense that it makes the whole process
» » pointless.
» » »
» » » Blah, blah, blah. Yea, yea yea.
» » » Please post links to the posts at HLH that prove your point. If your
» » point
» » » is correct then why don’t you just post the links to prove it? You
» put
» » out
» » » there the idea that there are oh-so-many posters at HLH posting about
» » their
» » » use of salt OC and their results so just provide the links you oaf.
» If
» » you
» » » don’t provide the links then you’re full of sh!t. If you don’t
» provide
» » the
» » » links then you’re an oaf who has made a claim that is incorrect. And
» » » you’ve made this incorrect claim because you’re not very smart, you
» » don’t
» » » gather all the fact in a situation, and you don’t process facts well.
» » »
» » » All I am asking of you is that you provide the links to prove your
» point.
» »
» » » If you’re correct and there really are oh-so-many posters at HLH
» posting
» » » that they are using salt OC and their results then just post their
» posts
» » » oaf.
» » »
» » » What is your problem? Why don’t you just post the posts since you
» » yourself
» » » said that those posts are “readily available.” Here is what you said
» » oaf:
» » »
» » »
» » »
» » » “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are
» seeking
» » is
» » » readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to
» look.”

» » »
» » » Do you see the words “readily available” in your statement? Those are
» » your
» » » words oaf. Why aren’t you securing the links to those posts since
» those
» » » posts are so "readily available? Is it because there are not so many
» of
» » » those posts there after all? Is that what it is? And if that’s why
» » you’re
» » » not posting those links doesn’t that mean you’re full of sh!t? And
» » doesn’t
» » » it also mean that you talk without getting your ducks lined up first?
» » And
» » » doesn’t it mean that you don’t gather facts well and you don’t process
» » » facts well?
» » »
» » » Do you get it yet oaf?
» »
» »
» » http://tinyurl.com/as65kk4
» Here is what you claimed Tyler:
» “He was obviously just pointing out that the information you are seeking
» is readily available on another forum/google if you bothered to look.”

» These are your words Tyler. Prove it Tyler! Post links to all of those
» posts by all of those posters over at HLH who are posting about their use
» of salt OC and their results. Come on Tyler you’re the smart guy and you
» would never run your mouth and say things that weren’t factually correct.
» You’re too smart to overlook details and facts. You process facts and
» details correctly because you’re smart, right? So post your “readily
» avaiable” evidence.
» I’m laughing at the superior intellect Tyler. You just can’t get facts
» correct and you just can’t process facts correctly. And it’s all because
» you’re not smart.

I can’t believe someone with such a clear mental deficiency has managed to turn a computer on, connect to the internet and post on a message forum without slipping, splitting their head open on the corner of a desk and then bleeding to death. Stop trolling JarJar, you’re ruining this forum.

» I can’t believe someone with such a clear mental deficiency has managed to
» turn a computer on, connect to the internet and post on a message forum
» without slipping, splitting their head open on the corner of a desk and
» then bleeding to death. Stop trolling JarJar, you’re ruining this forum.

Maybe it is time for me to leave for awhile. I’m letting dumb guys get under my skin. I need to unplug for awhile. But all I asked him to do is prove what he said and he didn’t because he couldn’t.

» »
» » I can’t believe someone with such a clear mental deficiency has managed
» to
» » turn a computer on, connect to the internet and post on a message forum
» » without slipping, splitting their head open on the corner of a desk and
» » then bleeding to death. Stop trolling JarJar, you’re ruining this
» forum.
» Maybe it is time for me to leave for awhile. I’m letting dumb guys get
» under my skin. I need to unplug for awhile.

Just to clarify, I meant you.

» » »
» » » I can’t believe someone with such a clear mental deficiency has
» managed
» » to
» » » turn a computer on, connect to the internet and post on a message
» forum
» » » without slipping, splitting their head open on the corner of a desk
» and
» » » then bleeding to death. Stop trolling JarJar, you’re ruining this
» » forum.
» »
» » Maybe it is time for me to leave for awhile. I’m letting dumb guys get
» » under my skin. I need to unplug for awhile.
» Just to clarify, I meant you.

Just to clarify, I know what you meant. I don’t care what you think, but your post is a sobering wake-up call that I’m getting myself too deeply involved in the situation and I’m letting it run away with me.

The fact remains that Tyler made an allegation against me, it was false, I asked him to prove it, and he didn’t prove it because he couldn’t prove it. That having been said, I’m allowing it to bother me too much, and I’m getting too involved in it. I need to take a break.