What is the sure fire method to get a full head of hair again

So we heared numerous different point of views and differnt advantages and disadvantages.

So then pants down, what is the sure fire deal to get back a full head of hair without having problems ever again?

» So we heared numerous different point of views and differnt advantages and
» disadvantages.
» So then pants down, what is the sure fire deal to get back a full head of
» hair without having problems ever again?

among the many available methods, I would choose reincarnation

No seriously, what is the sure fire method here? Especially IronMan could answer this pretty simple because right now he is pulling his “Smart Man” stunt so he could easily tell us what the sure fire method is

» among the many available methods, I would choose reincarnation

For instance, REV has chosen this option …

rev BEFORE his reincarnation …


rev AFTER getting an Alvi Armani hairline …

One question IronMan do you like to see other people suffering? Especially younger guys like needhairasap? If so, i think you should try to visit a shrink.

And if you come with the same old stuff " Go STevie.Dee go" i can contribute

“If you think that only psychos and losers are on hairsite, why dont you just leave” because at a certain point anyone who can follow your bizarre thinkings anymore will be insulted by you, so why dont you leave.

Answer is simple you need a show floor for yourself because you feel miserable otherwise, knowing that people today dont have to suffer the way you did.

I recall your acting, if people are exited about Gho you stop them with strange stories (because you know they will become happy with their multiplied hair)

If people se a Lauster story you come up with anything destructable only to downplay this, because you know people in their 20s will profit from this, whil you remain scar head.

Btw you are in no way better or msarter then rev or otherwise you would have your claimed HST session, which was a blatant lie, a fact you keep on putting on others, while you are the real psycho here.

You have to lie about getting HST done, only to not get banned for your insulting, because people wanna hear your story, which wont come because you are a liar

» One question IronMan do you like to see other people suffering?

Not really, but I especially like a f u c k i n g loser like you suffering.

For instance, rev is not completely psychiatric like you. Actually, I like him. He is at least clever and funny enough to entertain me AND he still has some sense for humor - contrary to psychiatric losers like you.

» » One question IronMan do you like to see other people suffering?
» Not really, but I especially like a f u c k i n g loser like you
» suffering.
» For instance, rev is not completely psychiatric like you. Actually, I like
» him. He is at least clever and funny enough to entertain me AND he still
» has some sense for humor - contrary to psychiatric losers like you.

Stevie.Dee acting like the white knight of balding people now.