What about Intercytex?

It’s September now and what happend with Intercztex’s research???

I don’t remember them saying they’d be releasing something on September 1st. Give it a few weeks.

Many of us around here have already lost most of our earlier faith in ICX-TRC anyway.

People disagree about the implications of one statistic or another, but the general tread in their data seems to be getting less confident & more secretive with each update.

Institutional placing raises £2.75 million

To read the press release, go to:
http://www.intercytex.com/icx/news/releases/ THAT IS… SO FAR NOTHING.

A new update come on the 18 September!

» A new update come on the 18 September!

yeah they imho will push forward ICX-PRO and TRC wont have a priority.

» It’s September now and what happend with Intercztex’s research???

I wouldn’t count on anything from Intercytex. That company is acting shady about TRC - like a girlfriend who’s about to end a relationship.

We should all hope for trc;-)

» Many of us around here have already lost most of our earlier faith in
» ICX-TRC anyway.

Even though I believe TRC is being shelved for a while. Still I think the ability to create permanent hairs or rejuvenate existing follicles is quite amazing. And even if the hairs-per-injections ratio is low, TRC sill is quite viable.

» » It’s September now and what happend with Intercztex’s research???
» I wouldn’t count on anything from Intercytex. That company is acting
» shady about TRC - like a girlfriend who’s about to end a relationship.

:smiley: nice compared. :smiley:

Was ist denn los mit dir?
Bist zur Zeit ziehmlich pesimistisch!
Hoffnung,Das ist was viele hier haben und du ganz bestimmt auch!Also…

Ja,ja…Warten,das scheint zur Therapie von einer HM zu gehören.

Aber ehrlich,so schlecht sieht es doch nicht aus!:slight_smile: