Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline P

» Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC

thanks for the share my good greek buddy :).

Ah, murine models. Of course. Nice find though. Actually, if anybody could give me a quick explanation of the significance of alkaline phosphatase in hair, I’d appreciate it; it was mentioned all over RepliCel’s patent.

Also, can’t help but point this out…

Soung-Hoon Lee, Juyong Yoon, Seung Ho Shin, Muhamad Zahoor, Hyoung Jun Kim, Phil June Park, Won-Seok Park, Do Sik Min, Hyun-Yi Kim, and Kang-Yell Choi

One of these things is not like the others lol

» Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC

This looks promising, theres a clinical trial underway now for the topical!!
Anyone know how we can get some to formulate our own. would buying the drug work and crushing it. This causes hair loss when taken internally, has to be topical.

Also theres a study that shows similar effects in humans.

» » Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC
» This looks promising, theres a clinical trial underway now for the
» topical!!
» Anyone know how we can get some to formulate our own. would buying the drug
» work and crushing it. This causes hair loss when taken internally, has to
» be topical.
» Also theres a study that shows similar effects in humans.

Crush the VPA tablets, dissolve it in “All reagents used for the hair re-growth test were dissolved in a vehicle composed of 50% (vol/vol) ethanol, 30% water, and 20% propylene glycol.”, filter it and you should be ready to go.

» » Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC
» This looks promising, theres a clinical trial underway now for the
» topical!!
» Anyone know how we can get some to formulate our own. would buying the drug
» work and crushing it. This causes hair loss when taken internally, has to
» be topical.
» Also theres a study that shows similar effects in humans.

Can you give us a link for information on the clinical trials ? Articles like these seems to be pretty much just academic and usually are nothing more than just interesting.

» » » Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC
» »
» » This looks promising, theres a clinical trial underway now for the
» » topical!!
» » Anyone know how we can get some to formulate our own. would buying the
» drug
» » work and crushing it. This causes hair loss when taken internally, has
» to
» » be topical.
» »
» » Also theres a study that shows similar effects in humans.
» Can you give us a link for information on the clinical trials ? Articles
» like these seems to be pretty much just academic and usually are nothing
» more than just interesting.

» » » » Valproic Acid Induces Hair Regeneration in Murine Model and Activates Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Dermal Papilla Cells - PMC
» » »
» » » This looks promising, theres a clinical trial underway now for the
» » » topical!!
» » » Anyone know how we can get some to formulate our own. would buying the
» » drug
» » » work and crushing it. This causes hair loss when taken internally, has
» » to
» » » be topical.
» » »
» » » Also theres a study that shows similar effects in humans.
» »
» »
» » Can you give us a link for information on the clinical trials ? Articles
» » like these seems to be pretty much just academic and usually are nothing
» » more than just interesting.
» CTG Labs - NCBI

How much longer till they complete the study and have results?

» How much longer till they complete the study and have results?

It’s a Phase II trial, and it says it started in September 2011, and the primary completion date is May 2012, then they will collect the data and expect to have finalised this Phase by October 2012.

That’s quite a quick trial by the looks of things, I guess they’ll know soon enough if it works.

is this suppose to grow new hair or increase density?

or just for those who still have hair?

» is this suppose to grow new hair or increase density?
» or just for those who still have hair?

I’m not sure, I think they’re testing primarily for prevention, secondary for growth. They’re testing on men with Norwood 3-4.

anyone gonna make some and try it. are we sure getting the tablets is the same stuff. also where do u find propylene glycol to buy

» anyone gonna make some and try it. are we sure getting the tablets is the
» same stuff. also where do u find propylene glycol to buy

Propylene glycol is easy to get in the US.

Don’t you think it’s kind of odd that two drugs for bipolar disorder/manic-depressive illness is potentially beneficial for hair growth? Both lithium and valproic acid are used to treat the disorder.

» Don’t you think it’s kind of odd that two drugs for bipolar
» disorder/manic-depressive illness is potentially beneficial for hair
» growth? Both lithium and valproic acid are used to treat the disorder.

Yes, and both these drugs taken internally cause hair loss which is ironic.

» » Don’t you think it’s kind of odd that two drugs for bipolar
» » disorder/manic-depressive illness is potentially beneficial for hair
» » growth? Both lithium and valproic acid are used to treat the disorder.
» Yes, and both these drugs taken internally cause hair loss which is ironic.

that “hair loss” could have easily been patients experiencing a “shed”…reporting it as hair loss.

despite its only few days of use here in greece some forum members starting to see some improvement
its very easy and cheap to make this topical
more info in the coming days-months

» despite its only few days of use here in greece some forum members starting
» to see some improvement
» its very easy and cheap to make this topical
» more info in the coming days-months

Sounds interesting, keep us updated if you can.

Yes george, please keep us informed.

All you monkeys out there better stay out of this thread.

» Yes george, please keep us informed.
of course my friends!!
im thinking of trying too

Nice find, my friend. Keep us updated. If you decide to try it out, remember to take good quality photos as has been described in this forum many times.