Using Smaller Needles in FUE?

hmmmm, Rassman found out that you indeed can make 2 hairs from 1 ? (;- )))))))))

But agreed – IT IS very difficult to extract follicular units with very small needles – at least BY HAND (manually)!
(It takes up to >2 min for the correct extraction of just 1 graft!)

The latter is the reason why Dr. Gho and his team use a special developed device that enables extractions even without the need for any magnification glasses!
(The device is doing the difficult part in this case) …

By the way - I still wonder who are the losers who ask other losers about what’s possible and what’s not.

Yea I read this yesterday, goes to show I’m spending way too much time online!

Iron Man, can I ask, have you been to see Gho? If yes what happened, if no, do you have plans to do so?

Dr Gho says that he uses a 0.6mm tool when he extracts part of the follicle and he inserts into the recipient area with a 0.5mm tool.

This is much smaller than the smallest punch generally used by FUE doctors (seems to vary between 0.75mm-1.0mm) - but it is certainly not 0.4mm.

It is physically impossible to harvest 3 and 4 hair grafts with a 0.6 or smaller punch, using a mechanical device or manually. This has nothing to do with experience, it is just mathematical truth.

But as long as the patient are informed about this fact than they can make up their own minds, no big deal.

» It is physically impossible to harvest 3 and 4 hair grafts with a 0.6 or
» smaller punch

Of course Bverotti, but surely you are aware that Dr Gho’s HST method does not harvest the whole graft - it is not FUE but is a form of hair multiplication.