Try to count the hairs!

… and try to find a solution!


You still face problems?

so, is it possible or not, to harvest 50 grafts in a 1cm x 1cm donor area?
Eh, Ironed_Man? tell me why you said that my proposed protocol won’t work.

DONOR AREA: 1cm x 1cm, 50 grafts.

» so, is it possible or not, to harvest 50 grafts in a 1cm x 1cm donor area?
» Eh, Ironed_Man? tell me why you said that my proposed protocol won’t work.

I suggest you should carefully listen again what Dr. Gho told Kobren concerning this issue. Oh, and try to find out HOW MUCH hairs, resp. FOLLICULAR UNITS an average (male) Caucasian really has per 1 cm² (1 x 1 cm) in his donor area.

Oh, and your topic title sucks!!

Sorry, I didn’t know that 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm = 1 cm² !!

Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article, Gho harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and all of them suppossedly regrew!!

Now tell me why its not possible that our candidate has 50 grafts removed in a 1cmx1cm donor area.

» » so, is it possible or not, to harvest 50 grafts in a 1cm x 1cm donor
» area?
» » Eh, Ironed_Man? tell me why you said that my proposed protocol won’t
» work.
» I suggest you should carefully listen again what Dr. Gho told Kobren
» concerning this issue. Oh, and try to find out HOW MUCH hairs, resp.
» FOLLICULAR UNITS an average (male) Caucasian really has per 1
» cm² (1 x 1 cm) in his donor area.

» Oh, and your topic title sucks!!
» Sorry, I didn’t know that 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm = 1 cm² !!

of course not.
1.5 cm x 1.5 cm = 2.25 cm²
Gho harvested 130 grafts on 2.25 cm²
this is 57 grafts/cm², imbecile!

» Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article, Gho
» harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and all of them suppossedly
» regrew!!


Can someone else enlighten Mr. Intelligent?

» » Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article, Gho
» » harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and all of
» them suppossedly
» » regrew!!
» Really?

YES! 57 grafts/ cm2

» Can someone else enlighten Mr. Intelligent?

Go ahead!

» » » Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article, Gho
» » » harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and all
» of
» » them suppossedly
» » » regrew!!
» »
» » Really?
» YES! 57 grafts/ cm2

Can you prove this?


both of you keep on destroying everything, priceless

» » » » Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article, Gho
» » » » harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and all
» » of
» » » them suppossedly
» » » » regrew!!
» » »
» » » Really?
» »
» » YES! 57 grafts/ cm2
» Can you prove this?

Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have difficulties in mathematics?
Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm x 1.5 cm.
Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.

» » » » » Don’t run away, coward, answer my question. In the JDT article,
» Gho
» » » » » harvested 57 grafts/cm2 on the donor area and
» all
» » » of
» » » » them suppossedly
» » » » » regrew!!
» » » »
» » » » Really?
» » »
» » » YES! 57 grafts/ cm2
» »
» » Can you prove this?
» Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have difficulties in
» mathematics?
» Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm x 1.5 cm.
» Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.

Iron_Man got pwnd.

» Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have difficulties in
» mathematics?
» Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm x 1.5 cm.
» Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.

» » Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have difficulties
» in
» » mathematics?
» » Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm x
» 1.5 cm
» » Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.

lol brilliant come back after proving to be unable to deal with basic math.

and now answer his question?

» » » Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have
» difficulties
» » in
» » » mathematics?
» » » Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm x
» » 1.5 cm
» » » Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.
» »
» lol brilliant come back after proving to be unable to deal with basic math.

WOW - math genius #2 is here for supporting Mr. Intelligent!! :smiley:

Is it so hard to just give a straight answer?

  1. Can Gho harvest 50 Grafts or more from an area of 1 square cm yes or no? If no, why not.

Thats all what matters in this thread, seriously Iron.Man do you enjoy this long bickering to get to one certain point? I think its overdone, especially right now when people finally getting proactive. Something i promote in just a few months where you never succeeded in getting people to do it.

Can we now act like grown ups and just answer questions STRAIGHT without toying around, its really getting annoying, this is meant to anyone of you here, anyone.

Just plain answers and grown up conversations.

LOL, its incredible, Ironed_Man and Stevie.Dee are both complete ignorants in mathematics. Maybe they are the same person after all, or intellectual twins.

Look, hairman2, in Haarweb I discussed with Stevie.Dee about the faulty Italian bisection study (2009, Toscani), and it was impossible that Stevie.Dee understood a very simple calculation (hair diameter reduction versus sectional area reduction):

» » » » Can’t you read your beloved JDT article? Or you simply have
» » difficulties
» » » in
» » » » mathematics?
» » » » Donor area: extracted GRAFTS: 130 (mean). Area 1.5cm
» x
» » » 1.5 cm
» » » » Do the math. Its 57.77 grafts/cm2.
» » »
» »
» » lol brilliant come back after proving to be unable to deal with basic
» math.
» WOW - math genius #2 is here for supporting Mr.
» Intelligent!! :smiley:

» LOL, its incredible, …


» » LOL, its incredible, …
» Indeed!!

Hey ,
you should try to contact Dr. Woods. Maybe HE is able to calculate how large an 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm area really is! Oh, forget about the Woods-math idea … :smiley: