Tried to make appointment at Hasci clinic - email not working

I tried to email Gho’s Hasci clinic to make a consultation appointment but the email address on the website – – didn’t work. The email bounced back to me and I got this message:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Dr. Gho asked his email-postmaster to install a psychos-detection&protection software – so guys like you should be so surprised about bounced back emails.

Even if it worked, it is difficult that they reply back to you.
Specially if you ask questions.
Look here from the BTT forum, specially canonball’s post:

c5000, Oct-19-2011, 08:28 AM

Hi All.

I emailed Dr Gho yesterday at 11am UK time, it’s now 4pm the following day and I’ve not received a reply yet, fingers crossed he’ll get back to me.

I wrote:

"Hi Dr. Gho.
I’m writing regarding the consultation I had with you in London on Wednesday.
I am really excited about the work that you do, and I am almost 100% sure that I want to go ahead with it.

I do have a couple of questions though.

You mentioned that you guarantee donor regrowth of 80-90%, could you tell me a little more about this guarantee? Is it verified with photos or some other method? Also, what happens if 80-90% donor regrowth doesn’t happen?

For me, the cost of £7,700 is a lot of money, but I will save to find that money as I really think that this is the procedure for me, what I’m wondering is: If I sign up for the procedure, and then have a change of heart, am I still liable to have to pay the £7,700 or is there a minumum amount of notice I can give if I want to cancel?

I really don’t think I would change my mind, but just want to know what would happen if I did. What would happen for example if I wanted to book the procedure for November/December 2012, but in August I had a change of heart and wanted to cancel?

Thank you so much for your time."

Should I be worried that he hasn’t replied?

jeffro5422, Oct-24-2011, 09:14 PM

So its been about 2 weeks since I filled out the consultation form on Gho’s site, but I haven’t heard anything back from them… makes me a little skeptical. For those of you that have made contact, did you have to call first

Kiwi, Oct-24-2011, 09:50 PM

What did you email him? I sent them a quick short email and didnt get a reply about a month ago - in hindsight I probably came across as somebody without money and probably not really likely to get a HT… so I don’t blame them for not emailing me back.

I’m going to follow up with something significant next week.

Cannonball, Oct-25-2011, 01:57 AM

I think its hard to get in touch with them, as they are currently booked out for the next 6 months and more. It doesnt seem to me that they are desperately looking for clients. Apart of that, they didnt come back to me neither when i filled out the contact form, so a while back I just called and signed up for their treatment. In the contract that i signed they dont mention the guarantee for donor regrowth.

» I tried to email Gho’s Hasci clinic to make a consultation appointment but
» the email address on the website – – didn’t work. The
» email bounced back to me and I got this message:
» This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
» Delivery to the following recipients failed.

» Even if it worked, it is difficult that they reply back to you.
» Specially if you ask questions.
» Look here from the BTT forum, specially canonball’s post:
» c5000, Oct-19-2011, 08:28 AM
» >>>>
» Hi All.
» I emailed Dr Gho yesterday at 11am UK time, it’s now 4pm the following
» day and I’ve not received a reply yet, fingers crossed he’ll get back to
» me.

» I wrote:
» “Hi Dr. Gho.
» I’m writing regarding the consultation I had with you in London on
» Wednesday.
» I am really excited about the work that you do, and I am almost 100% sure
» that I want to go ahead with it.
» I do have a couple of questions though.
» You mentioned that you guarantee donor regrowth of 80-90%, could you
» tell me a little more about this guarantee? Is it verified with photos or
» some other method? Also, what happens if 80-90% donor regrowth doesn’t
» happen?

» For me, the cost of £7,700 is a lot of money, but I will save to find that
» money as I really think that this is the procedure for me, what I’m
» wondering is: If I sign up for the procedure, and then have a change of
» heart, am I still liable to have to pay the £7,700 or is there a minumum
» amount of notice I can give if I want to cancel?
» I really don’t think I would change my mind, but just want to know what
» would happen if I did. What would happen for example if I wanted to book
» the procedure for November/December 2012, but in August I had a change of
» heart and wanted to cancel?
» Thank you so much for your time.”
» Should I be worried that he hasn’t replied?
» <<<<<
» jeffro5422, Oct-24-2011, 09:14 PM
» >>>>
» So its been about 2 weeks since I filled out the consultation form on
» Gho’s site, but I haven’t heard anything back from them
… makes me a
» little skeptical. For those of you that have made contact, did you have to
» call first
» <<<<
» Kiwi, Oct-24-2011, 09:50 PM
» >>>>>
» What did you email him? I sent them a quick short email and didnt get a
» reply about a month ago - in hindsight I probably came across as somebody
» without money
and probably not really likely to get a HT… so I don’t
» blame them for not emailing me back.
» I’m going to follow up with something significant next week.
» <<<<
» Cannonball, Oct-25-2011, 01:57 AM
» >>>>
» I think its hard to get in touch with them, as they are currently booked
» out for the next 6 months and more. It doesnt seem to me that they are
» desperately looking for clients. Apart of that, they didnt come back to
» me neither when i filled out the contact form, so a while back I just
» called and signed up for their treatment. In the contract that i signed
» they dont mention the guarantee for donor regrowth.

» <<<<<
» » I tried to email Gho’s Hasci clinic to make a consultation appointment
» but
» » the email address on the website – – didn’t work. The
» » email bounced back to me and I got this message:
» »
» »
» » This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
» »
» » Delivery to the following recipients failed.
» »
» »

I have found that when you speak to Maruleen vasqual it is hard to get to the bottom of the science. There was one forum user who was able to contact gho directly… he’s on here too… and he seemed to get most, if not all of his questions answered.

also, if you ask a lot of questions and come across like you can’t currently afford the procedure they may not be quick to reply… its like how if you walk onto a car lot looking at mercedes benzs and dont look like you can afford one… the sales associate may let you walk around a long time

SD, they did email me back. I think the form email gets sent both to a scheduler and to Dr. Gho. The email to Dr. Gho bounced back but the scheduler did email me back and she set my appointment.

» Even if it worked, it is difficult that they reply back to you.
» Specially if you ask questions.
» Look here from the BTT forum, specially canonball’s post:
» c5000, Oct-19-2011, 08:28 AM
» >>>>
» Hi All.
» I emailed Dr Gho yesterday at 11am UK time, it’s now 4pm the following
» day and I’ve not received a reply yet, fingers crossed he’ll get back to
» me.

» I wrote:
» “Hi Dr. Gho.
» I’m writing regarding the consultation I had with you in London on
» Wednesday.
» I am really excited about the work that you do, and I am almost 100% sure
» that I want to go ahead with it.
» I do have a couple of questions though.
» You mentioned that you guarantee donor regrowth of 80-90%, could you
» tell me a little more about this guarantee? Is it verified with photos or
» some other method? Also, what happens if 80-90% donor regrowth doesn’t
» happen?

» For me, the cost of £7,700 is a lot of money, but I will save to find that
» money as I really think that this is the procedure for me, what I’m
» wondering is: If I sign up for the procedure, and then have a change of
» heart, am I still liable to have to pay the £7,700 or is there a minumum
» amount of notice I can give if I want to cancel?
» I really don’t think I would change my mind, but just want to know what
» would happen if I did. What would happen for example if I wanted to book
» the procedure for November/December 2012, but in August I had a change of
» heart and wanted to cancel?
» Thank you so much for your time.”
» Should I be worried that he hasn’t replied?
» <<<<<
» jeffro5422, Oct-24-2011, 09:14 PM
» >>>>
» So its been about 2 weeks since I filled out the consultation form on
» Gho’s site, but I haven’t heard anything back from them
… makes me a
» little skeptical. For those of you that have made contact, did you have to
» call first
» <<<<
» Kiwi, Oct-24-2011, 09:50 PM
» >>>>>
» What did you email him? I sent them a quick short email and didnt get a
» reply about a month ago - in hindsight I probably came across as somebody
» without money
and probably not really likely to get a HT… so I don’t
» blame them for not emailing me back.
» I’m going to follow up with something significant next week.
» <<<<
» Cannonball, Oct-25-2011, 01:57 AM
» >>>>
» I think its hard to get in touch with them, as they are currently booked
» out for the next 6 months and more. It doesnt seem to me that they are
» desperately looking for clients. Apart of that, they didnt come back to
» me neither when i filled out the contact form, so a while back I just
» called and signed up for their treatment. In the contract that i signed
» they dont mention the guarantee for donor regrowth.

» <<<<<
» » I tried to email Gho’s Hasci clinic to make a consultation appointment
» but
» » the email address on the website – – didn’t work. The
» » email bounced back to me and I got this message:
» »
» »
» » This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
» »
» » Delivery to the following recipients failed.
» »
» »

» SD, they did email me back. I think the form email gets sent both to a
» scheduler and to Dr. Gho. The email to Dr. Gho bounced back but the
» scheduler did email me back and she set my appointment.


  1. don’t publish your appointment date. This way Gho will be more “open”.
  2. Ask him about the guarantee. Tell him that you want the guarantee on the contract, and with haircounts, before the extraction, and after x months.
  3. I hope you don’t use this as another opportunity to troll us.

» » SD, they did email me back. I think the form email gets sent both to a
» » scheduler and to Dr. Gho. The email to Dr. Gho bounced back but the
» » scheduler did email me back and she set my appointment.
» okay,
» 1. don’t publish your appointment date. This way Gho will be more “open”.
» 2. Ask him about the guarantee. Tell him that you want the guarantee on the
» contract, and with haircounts, before the extraction, and after x months.

Maybe will ask for something like this, but I can’t be too demanding. I just want to find out what is achievable.

hey roger_that,

can you give us a sense of how long of a wait it is to get the initial consultation, 3,4,5,6 months, and perhaps some sense of how long after the consult, should you decide it is right for you, one can schedule an appointment for the procedure? thanks. best of luck , i hope it works out for you.

kind regards,


jonesing – well, they’ve given me the appointment for the initial consult in London (I wanted Amsterdam but they couldn’t arrange it when I’ll be there). We’ll see how long after the consultation I can schedule the initial procedure. I’m not totally “sold” yet of course – I want to see what they can do in my specific case, and I’d like to see or talk to at least one successfully treated patient.

» jonesing – well, they’ve given me the appointment for the initial consult
» in London (I wanted Amsterdam but they couldn’t arrange it when I’ll be
» there). We’ll see how long after the consultation I can schedule the
» initial procedure. I’m not totally “sold” yet of course – I want to see
» what they can do in my specific case, and I’d like to see or talk to at
» least one successfully treated patient.

talk to jamesbond too

thanks roger_that. if you don’t mind i will bother you with those questions at a later time. i hope it works out for you.
