
I’ve been thinking about TRC lately, and essentially it is Abrasion (Stimulation) + Needling (injections). Considering that the abrasion significantly increased the response rate of TRC. It makes sense that it will work if you just do abrasion & needling yourself. Is anyone willing to give it a try?

» I’ve been thinking about TRC lately, and essentially it is Abrasion
» (Stimulation) + Needling (injections)
. Considering that the abrasion
» significantly increased the response rate of TRC. It makes sense that it
» will work if you just do abrasion & needling yourself. Is anyone willing to
» give it a try?

There was a guy who did needling a year ago. He did grow some hair, on the pictures it was even noticeable that he did regrow some hair. But of course it was far from full head of hair. I’d say he regrew almost as much hair as propecia regrows. He was doing it for months. And at the last picture of him I saw he was better, but still bald.

Yes, but it’s not just needling is it, it’s injecting cultured and multiplied derma papila cells.

» Yes, but it’s not just needling is it, it’s injecting cultured and
» multiplied derma papila cells.

injecting cultured dermal papilla cells and other inductive cells from other parts of the follicle plus abrasion----and the abrasion method uses getefitinib (egf-receptor blocker), minoxidil, an anti-androgen, an anti-histamine…there is no telling what all ICX copped from the online follica patent


Just needling your scalp, creating uncesseccary scar tissue is very foolish. I cannot believe how many lazy people out there are not willing to read the patent, but just want the gist of it given to them, so they can try it at home. If you are going to bother with wounding your scalp, which will be painful, you might as well try and follow the instructs as closely as possible.

I cannot believe how many lazy people out there are not willing to
» read the patent, but just want the gist of it given to them, so they can
» try it at home. If you are going to bother with wounding your scalp, which
» will be painful, you might as well try and follow the instructs as closely
» as possible.

Lazy? Or maybe just not as educated with the biological symantics as you are. I read the patent… or as much as I could without the thing putting me to sleep. Why don’t you enlighten us on some of the protocol, in layman’s terms please, on how you would do a home brew Follica procedure. Thanx.

» I cannot believe how many lazy people out there are not willing to
» » read the patent, but just want the gist of it given to them, so they
» can
» » try it at home. If you are going to bother with wounding your scalp,
» which
» » will be painful, you might as well try and follow the instructs as
» closely
» » as possible.
» Lazy? Or maybe just not as educated with the biological symantics as you
» are. I read the patent… or as much as I could without the thing putting
» me to sleep. Why don’t you enlighten us on some of the protocol, in
» layman’s terms please, on how you would do a home brew Follica procedure.
» Thanx.

yeah. tell me about it. I respect your input benji, but sometimes I find your explanations are longer than the patent/ article itself. If you kept things simple than maybe we could help more.


» Lazy? Or maybe just not as educated with the biological symantics as you
» are. I read the patent… or as much as I could without the thing putting
» me to sleep. Why don’t you enlighten us on some of the protocol, in
» layman’s terms please, on how you would do a home brew Follica procedure.
» Thanx.

  1. Turn meat grinder on “low”.

  2. Stick head in meat grinder.

  3. Pray.

» » Lazy? Or maybe just not as educated with the biological symantics as you
» » are. I read the patent… or as much as I could without the thing
» putting
» » me to sleep. Why don’t you enlighten us on some of the protocol, in
» » layman’s terms please, on how you would do a home brew Follica
» procedure.
» » Thanx.
» 1. Turn meat grinder on “low”.
» 2. Stick head in meat grinder.
» 3. Pray.

after you (ladies first).


» » Lazy? Or maybe just not as educated with the biological symantics as you
» » are. I read the patent… or as much as I could without the thing
» putting
» » me to sleep. Why don’t you enlighten us on some of the protocol, in
» » layman’s terms please, on how you would do a home brew Follica
» procedure.
» » Thanx.
» 1. Turn meat grinder on “low”.
» 2. Stick head in meat grinder.
» 3. Pray.

Hey thanks for breaking that down for us Baldbitch.

» on “low”.

I don’t agree

The patent is evasive, defensive, deliberately vaugue, and yes—very boring

…its also very long. I read an patent on various alpha five inhibitors onece that was long & boring beyond belief and was practically unreadable. When they really dont want you to know something, they will describe various compounds by their molecular structure----just be thanking the Gods Puretech didn’t do that…

If it were me, this is what I’d do and why:

Day One…I’d depilate the area to be treated, wait three days

Day Four…I’d start taking dutasteride at this time. I’d dermabrate, making sure to remove the top layer of skin and the stratum cornelium, wait three more days, I’d stop washing my hair with shampoo in the treated area at this time, and keep any anti-infective off of it from here on out just like the patent says. In fact, I’d not use any medicinal shampoo at least two days before I abraded. Salycic acid for instance, is basically topical aspirin. Ketoconazole stays in the dermis at theraputic concentration for 72 hours, I wouldn’t risk anything screwing this up.

Day 7, I’d start taking Arava, which you can buy online (or better yet Getefitinib or Erlonitib if you can get them–even if you have to buy them as powders “for research”). Id also start taking an anti-histamine, an over-the-counter one would do. I’d also start taking loniten (oral minoxidil), or at least start taking arginine (ups Nitric Oxide) internally. I’d also start using lithium chloride as a salt, and eat an apple with it salted about twice a day. Lithium Chloride used to be used as a salt, but it has long-term toxicity. 10 days of it though, wont hurt you. You might feel a bit lazy on the dutasteride and the lithium, but its only going to be for 10 days. Lithium mimics wnt signalling in the skin, it doesn’t “up” it, but mimics it.

Day 17, I’d stop taking the drugs, go back to finasteride, and be patient for a couple of months to see if anything appeared. I’d start washing the abraded area again at this time. Thats it.

Hair in or around the abraded area can be cleaned by taking a towel, leaning over the side of your bed…and clasping the hair proper within the towel and pulling the hair through the towel, removing oil----being careful not to touch the scalp. The epidermal stem cells that are conducting the wound healing are only doing so because the correct rebuilding signals are being sent, this is why I’d be so cautious about letting anything, that even might have a detergent residue, touch that skin…which will have small scabs on it at three or four days post-wounding if you do it right. The pain of dermabrasion and discomfort isn’t worth messing the whole thing up by anyone taking a chance of applying a topical with any potential anti-infective agent. That is why its better for this short 10 day period to just take the things internally.

In Example 7 of the patent, hair GERMS, were DETECTED in the dermis at 7-days post wounding. You would be refraining from touching the abraded area for 10 days post-wounding if you do as I suggest. That should give the hair germs time to really begin to formulate new hair follicles.

This is a hell-of-a-lot-more of a pain-in-the-A$$ than merely abrading and needling, but do you really want to create scar tissue by needling all over an area that you’d like to grow hair, and possibly get nothing because you didn’t use an egf-inhibitor or an anti-androgen-or at least something that ups NO (arginine), and used something anti-infective in a topical or a shampoo (tea tree oil in particular is a great anti-infective, and is in some shampoos)??? I’d try and cop their patent as close as I could if I was going to fool with it, because it will be a hassle.

If it worked, you’d probably start seeing hair a couple of months later. If it didn’t work, you gave it your best shot. I was refraining from trying it until they actually tried it in a human being’s balding area (I feel pretty certain it would work on your body or donor area…where MPB is not taking place). Im hoping the stem cell population in the balding area is such that it will work there, but as has been pointed out before…these indeed are cell lines that produced MPB-hair, so any hair made seemingly would likely have the same genetic signature, meaning I’d stay on finasteride or use a topical anti-androgen later (like fluridil for instance).

I have wondered if being on fluridil for several months (fluridil has been shown to decrease androgen receptor expression in the skin in experiments if its applied for several months)before doing this might make the hairs formed much less likely to have MPB genetics, but that is my own “wondering”. If the wounding can just “work”, perhaps -someday- they will be able to use drugs that block certain GENES in the ten day or so period post wounding and the new hairs formed would be non-MPB hairs.

Before I depart, Im well aware that many naysayers will say “but follica is creating a topical with their patent, so why shouldn’t we peruse indications topically”. Well, that is because they have Dr. Albert Kligman, Dr. George Cotsarialis, Dr. Kurt Stenn (in an advisory capacity), and members of the University of Pennyslvania Dermatology Department formulating their topical and we are a bunch of guys trying to cop something at home. Who knows what vehicles they might use and concentrations, and liposomal suspensions of various medicines, or time-release agents, etc. That is complex stuff, but remember that one small milligram of finasteride internally gets to your scalp with no problem, and nothing has to touch it, potentially interrupting any delicate cellular signalling processes that would be complex beyond belief.

I’ll probably be offline for a while, as my computer is screwing up big time…its five years old, and Im pretty hard on this PC…I think its time to buy a new one. It keeps dying on me, so I may not be around for a week or two online.

» I’ve been thinking about TRC lately, and essentially it is Abrasion
» (Stimulation) + Needling (injections)
. Considering that the abrasion
» significantly increased the response rate of TRC. It makes sense that it
» will work if you just do abrasion & needling yourself. Is anyone willing to
» give it a try?
