Time of consumption

Do you think it matters if you take propecia and avodart in the morning or night? I take avodart in the morning, and propeica at night. Is there a best time?

Those would probably be the best times to keep DHT down throughout the day. Anyways, how are those in combination working for you? Any different results from what you were doing earlier?

» Those would probably be the best times to keep DHT down throughout the day.
» Anyways, how are those in combination working for you? Any different
» results from what you were doing earlier?

I can’t tell since I haven’t been on Avodart long enough to know (only 1.5 months).

» Do you think it matters if you take propecia and avodart in the morning
» or night? I take avodart in the morning, and propeica at night.
» Is there a best time?

An extremely important feature of the way dutasteride works is that it BUILDS UP in the bloodstream over a period of time; therefore, it obviously makes no conceivable difference at all whether you take it at night or in the morning.

It might be slightly relevant as far as finasteride is concerned, since that drug doesn’t build up in the bloodstream to the same extent that dutasteride does. But even then, I wouldn’t lose any sleep over that issue.


» Do you think it matters if you take propecia and avodart in the morning or
» night? I take avodart in the morning, and propeica at night. Is there a
» best time?

For Propecia, I’ve wondered this myself. I know that testosterone levels in the blood are higher in the morning when you wake up and decrease through the day. I don’t know how quickly they build up at night, though. Since Propecia has a half-life of about 4 hours, it might be optimal to take it a few hours before the period where testosterone levels peak. When that is, exactly, I’m not sure,
but it seems it must happen sometime during the night. If there were a reference on how testosterone levels cycle throughout the day, this might allow us to draw some conclusions, though…

I’ve been taking it first thing in the morning but it seems possible that just before going to sleep could be a better time…