The poster named "Lady" has made progress with astressin - b & needs info

I want to start a new thread because the other astressin - b thread is getting too long and congested. The poster named “Lady” has made considerable progress regards to astressin - B because she has found a source for this exact peptide AND she also has a doctor who will do the injection. She is getting very close to getting this done but she needs some information.

Below, highlighted in color, is her latest post. She is asking for some information. We should focus on these two issues because she has done the rest of what is needed. She has found a source and a doctor who will do the injection so we just need to figure out the answer to her two questions below:

The largest peptid producer has replied they would be ready to make it! So have we on here decided about the dose & exact formula?

» I want to start a new thread because the other astressin - b thread is
» getting too long and congested. The poster named “Lady” has made
» considerable progress regards to astressin - B because she has found a
» source for this exact peptide AND she also has a doctor who will do the
» injection. She is getting very close to getting this done but she needs
» some information.
» Below, highlighted in color, is her latest post. She is asking for some
» information. We should focus on these two issues because she has done the
» rest of what is needed. She has found a source and a doctor who will do
» the injection so we just need to figure out the answer to her two questions
» below:
» The largest peptid producer has replied they would be ready to
» make it! So have we on here decided about the dose & exact formula?

Women hairloss != men hairloss

Thanks, Googoo, furthermore I would appreciate any info on potential side affects of Astressin-B? Or side affects of CRF antogonists?

» Thanks, Googoo, furthermore I would appreciate any info on potential side
» affects of Astressin-B? Or side affects of CRF antogonists?

You guys and your monologue is pure awesomness. Is this a new form of snake oil seelling?

User A : Hey new thread because some other user had positive effects
User B : Thank you, are there any side effects
User A : No there a not
Use B : Great i buy this

Registered since 02/22/2011 and 9 postings, which all are related to this Stress bald mices where other solutions with realistic compatibility are ignored hmmmmmmmmmm strange strange :smiley:

You know guys, stress hairloss is mostly temporaire and not permanent., ah forget it i lost my red line here because i dont wanna talk about obvious crap anymore. knoch yourself out guys, knock yourself out

» » I want to start a new thread because the other astressin - b thread is
» » getting too long and congested. The poster named “Lady” has made
» » considerable progress regards to astressin - B because she has found a
» » source for this exact peptide AND she also has a doctor who will do the
» » injection. She is getting very close to getting this done but she needs
» » some information.
» »
» »
» » Below, highlighted in color, is her latest post. She is asking for some
» » information. We should focus on these two issues because she has done
» the
» » rest of what is needed. She has found a source and a doctor who will do
» » the injection so we just need to figure out the answer to her two
» questions
» » below:
» »
» » The largest peptid producer has replied they would be ready
» to
» » make it! So have we on here decided about the dose & exact
» formula?
» Women hairloss != men hairloss

What does your post mean? Anyone who knows anything about hair knows that women also lose their hair. We need to stay on topic and give the lady the information she has requested. She has solved two big hurdles because she can:

a) get it made.

b) get it properly injected by a doctor.

Now we need to get her the two pieces of information that she has asked for.
We are close to testing this on a human if we can keep our focus and get the lady the information that she is asking for. Let’s keep our focus and get her the information she needs please.

» » Thanks, Googoo, furthermore I would appreciate any info on potential
» side
» » affects of Astressin-B? Or side affects of CRF antogonists?
» You guys and your monologue is pure awesomness. Is this a new form of snake
» oil seelling?
» User A : Hey new thread because some other user had positive effects
» User B : Thank you, are there any side effects
» User A : No there a not
» Use B : Great i buy this
» Registered since 02/22/2011 and 9 postings, which all are related to this
» Stress bald mices where other solutions with realistic compatibility are
» ignored hmmmmmmmmmm strange strange :smiley:
» You know guys, stress hairloss is mostly temporaire and not permanent., ah
» forget it i lost my red line here because i dont wanna talk about obvious
» crap anymore. knoch yourself out guys, knock yourself out

Are you out of your mind? We are not the people who made the news story about this astressin - b stuff. A lot of people here are trying to find out how to get this stuff made and injected properly. You are starting to seem as jerky as Iron_Man. Please stay away from this astressin - b thread if you aren’t interested in asstressin - b.

I’m starting to think that perhaps you are here to give support to one specific doctor’s treatment because you are perhaps that one specific doctor, or something like that, because you don’t seem to think that there is any reason to examine the possibilites of all treatments.

Googoo, dont entertain such people as Stevie, not to mention that an adult mentally healthy man would never choose such a nick as “Stevie”:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Anyways, I found this formula
Cyclo(30−33)[dPhe12, Nle21,CαMeLeu27,Glu30,Lys33,Nle38,CαMeLeu40]Ac-hCRF(9-41) (astressin B, 19)

Yeah right iam a doctor in disguise.

I tell people to not go to me for FUT (i offer FUT) and tell them to demand something like hairplucking which is for me as doctor very time consuming.

I am more happy to be jerky like Iron_Man then to obvious fool people into DIY expriments.

All your dialogues/monologues sound like

a) one person with two accounts
b) two persons or more who keep those threads alive because they are selling this stuff.

googoo ou have a vivid affinity to snake oil so it seems, forget it there is noc such thing as the magic cure bullet where you have to grab some pills and thats it.

“”""""""“PILLS CANT WORK WITH GENETICS”"""""""""""

All the other things (you think i rush people to) are in fact somehow working with genetics and the manipulation if it.

Those pills or substances you present here are only symptom switchers at best but nothing more

» Yeah right iam a doctor in disguise.
» I tell people to not go to me for FUT (i offer FUT) and tell them to demand
» something like hairplucking which is for me as doctor very time consuming.
» I am more happy to be jerky like Iron_Man then to obvious fool people into
» DIY expriments.
» All your dialogues/monologues sound like
» a) one person with two accounts
» b) two persons or more who keep those threads alive because they are
» selling this stuff.
» googoo ou have a vivid affinity to snake oil so it seems, forget it there
» is noc such thing as the magic cure bullet where you have to grab some
» pills and thats it.
» “”""""""“PILLS CANT WORK WITH GENETICS”"""""""""""
» All the other things (you think i rush people to) are in fact somehow
» working with genetics and the manipulation if it.
» Those pills or substances you present here are only symptom switchers at
» best but nothing more

Listen to me, there are a lot of us posters here that are interested in this astressin - b stuff. I don’t know if it works or not but a lot of us are interested and you should respect that. Now since you are not interested in astressin - b would you please stop cluttering up this thread with your argumentative posts and accusations.

also, the entire world took notice when the astressin - b study was released but of course you know better than the rest of the world. Give me a break!!

I am not saying astressin - b will definitely work but I am saying that it might work. You say that stress hairloss is temporary so this astressin - b stuff is irrelevant but there is a point that you are missing. That point is this: What if stress causes hair loss and once stress causes a hair to be lost the body somehow locks that lost hair into a permanent lost status/mode? What if that locked status is physiologically permanent if you just leave the body to its’ own devices, but maybe there is something that can be done to unlock the hair from its’ permanent “lost” status/mode and turn back on and start working again, and maybe that something is this astressin - b stuff. I don’t know enough about the body to say for sure and neither do you. It does make sense to me that if stress caused a hair to go into some kind of permanent status then some medicine like astressin - b that acts on stress might be able to affect the situation. Also, keep in mind that astressin - b is also a peptide and it is a known fact that peptides have a mediating effect on hair growth. PS1 is a peptide; and so is tricomin, and both do have an effect on hair growth.

Yes can the people with irrelavant chatter & nothing to contribute butt out of this thread for a while.

Thanks for the updates Lady.

Would you be able to try it out on a couple of volunteer males with MPB (one who’s norwood 6 and another who’s norwood 3 with fuzz on his head)?

Im extrmemely interested in the astressin-b injection results.

Lady please keep us updated!!!:smiley:

Guys, the producers have replied that the provided formula is not complete, I really need the formula guys!

I have provided to them:

  1. (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, C.sub.αMeLeu27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-hCRF(9-41)) (astressin B)
  2. (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(10-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(11-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(12-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(13-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(14-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(15-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(16-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(17-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(18-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(19-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(20-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(21-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(22-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(23-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(24-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(25-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(26-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(27-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(28-41);

(cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(29-41); and/or

(cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(30-41).

Hey Stevie,

It looks like he is doing the same thing with “Cygenex” on other thread. See my post there.

Their language is identical and they are feeding off each others posts.

Hope noone gets sucked into this.

» Hey Stevie,
» It looks like he is doing the same thing with “Cygenex” on other thread.
» See my post there.
» Their language is identical and they are feeding off each others posts.
» Hope noone gets sucked into this.

Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?

» » Hey Stevie,
» »
» » It looks like he is doing the same thing with “Cygenex” on other thread.
» » See my post there.
» »
» » Their language is identical and they are feeding off each others posts.
» »
» » Hope noone gets sucked into this.
» Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?
this drug is to reduce hormone cause by extreme stress! the mice was not a androgenetic alopecia model ! this drug is useless for us . Why they did not tried it in a androgenetic alopecia model ? lol I could not believe somebody ( besides the dumbs media ) press attention to this crap .
The mice loose they hair cause the extreme stress, once the stress disappearence ( or the hormones caused by stress blocked ) the regain their hair ! is so simple like this. Where is the androgenetic here !?

» » » Hey Stevie,
» » »
» » » It looks like he is doing the same thing with “Cygenex” on other
» thread.
» » » See my post there.
» » »
» » » Their language is identical and they are feeding off each others posts.
» » »
» » » Hope noone gets sucked into this.
» »
» »
» »
» » Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?
» this drug is to reduce hormone cause by extreme stress! the mice was not a
» androgenetic alopecia model ! this drug is useless for us . Why they did
» not tried it in a androgenetic alopecia model ? lol I could not believe
» somebody ( besides the dumbs media ) press attention to this crap .
» The mice loose they hair cause the extreme stress, once the stress
» disappearence ( or the hormones caused by stress blocked ) the regain their
» hair ! is so simple like this. Where is the androgenetic here !?

you’re missing a point. stress produces androgen so maybe it is the androgen from the stress that caused the mice to lose hair. if that is the case then androgen hair loss and stress hair loss (in this case) are the same thing.

Also, androgen and stress may both cause the same biological reaction that results in hair loss. if that is the case then this drug could work on both stress hair loss and androgen hair loss.

also, this drug is also a peptide and for all we know it grows hair by way of it’s activity as a peptide. it has already been proven that peptides mediate hair growth. PS1 mediates hair growth and so does tricomin…both are peptides.

» you’re missing a point. stress produces androgen

i don’t think stress produces androgens. but it may be that androgens activate the same/similar biochemical pathways as stress harmones.

anyway the only way we’ll know anything is if we try it.

» this drug is to reduce hormone cause by extreme stress! the mice was not a
» androgenetic alopecia model ! this drug is useless for us . Why they did
» not tried it in a androgenetic alopecia model ? lol I could not believe
» somebody ( besides the dumbs media ) press attention to this crap .
» The mice loose they hair cause the extreme stress, once the stress
» disappearence ( or the hormones caused by stress blocked ) the regain their
» hair ! is so simple like this. Where is the androgenetic here !?

Obviously stress can generate hormons that cause a follicle to stop producing hair. Usually this hairloss is temporary, but what if the stress continues for years, does the follicle start deteriorating?

Perhaps our DHT susceptible hairs which are falling miniturizing have become more sensitive to these hormons so that even small concentrations of stress are enough to kickstart the mechanism of halting the hair production? Maybe there is a connection between the permanent and temporary hair loss. We know too little.

Keep Us Updated!

» Guys, the producers have replied that the provided formula is not complete,
» I really need the formula guys!
» I have provided to them:
» 1. (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, C.sub.αMeLeu27,40, Glu30,
» Lys33]Ac-hCRF(9-41)) (astressin B)
» 2. (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30,
» Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(10-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(11-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[DPhe12, Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(12-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(13-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(14-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(15-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(16-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(17-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(18-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(19-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(20-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Nle21,38, Cml27,40, Glu30, Lys33]Ac-h/rCRF(21-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(22-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(23-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(24-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(25-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(26-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Cml27,40 Glu30, Lys33, Nle38]Ac-h/rCRF(27-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(28-41);
» (cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(29-41); and/or
» (cyclo 30-33)[Glu30, Lys33, Nle38, Cml40]Ac-h/rCRF(30-41).

What happened? Have you made the order? I think you should order nr.1 in n-terminus aminated form is more efective.