The History of HST by Dr. Gho

» Thats plain wrong Gho said that his first FM got regrowth rates from 50 to
» 80% but the problem was those results werent consistent.

No. That’s NOT what HE said …

» proof please, maybe an advertisement, article, anything
» where gho makes these claims over the past decade

» I don’t have proof of this because I typically don’t have proof of anything
» I talk about. I’m not the kind of forum member that posts a lot of links,
» cites a lot of texts, and has that kind of stuff on hand all the time.
» What I’m saying about Gho is common knowledge.

Does it mean that everything you mention and say is just - sorry - out your ass?

But this behaviour is not so uncommon - about 95% humans on this planet just talk out their ass in general and 99% on the internet.

That’s the reason why I mention sometimes that I don’t make any claims - I just REFER to the persons who made the claims. The latter is the traditional way how e.g. researchers and scientists basically work.

» Does it mean that everything you mention and say is just - sorry - out your
» ass?

I claim to be intellectually honest. I claim to believe what I say at the time I say it. I claim not to be trying to mislead people for the sake of selling my viewpoint or winning a debate.

I don’t claim to be infallible about data that I might say conversationally. In these cases I will usually put a disclaimer on my sentence like “I think _____” or “if I remember correctly ______”.

I do not give a sht what a total stranger thinks of me on the internet. If you wanna demand a link proving every piece of information that I say on here then you will be disappointed. If you challenge me to prove something just on principle then I will probably say “You win, I don’t care enough to spend hours of my life backing up my arguments to you.” You will win your little verbal debate point against me, and neither I nor anyone else will give a flying fck that you did.

» I claim to be intellectually honest.

That’s nice.

» » The history of HST is not a decade old.
» »
» proof please, maybe an advertisement, article, anything where gho makes
» these claims over the past decade
» thanks

BEWARE! This thread is >4 years old!

… and “closed” with a post by HairSite.

Ive found documents claiming HST as early as 2005

if anybody can figure out why this was announced in (almost) 2006 but didn’t come out til 2010 please let us know