The Gho Red Flags (my questions)

Well first of all, i really want to believe that Gho could help us all, i really do because we are all affected the same by hair loss. But after doing some research (to dig more into it) and a phase where i totally believed Gho (around two months ago) i think i will collect all the Red Flags i found so far. And before Flame Wars is about to start, this is only to be shown, so that Gho supporters etc can chime in and maybe debunk some of thos serious red flags.

A question for the insulting Guys here

“Do you guys belive that i as a person who wants hair himself and has to find the best solution, am happy about raising red flags? Do you seriously believe that?”

  1. Density in first session can only be 35 grafts per square centimeter. (Why with an almost total regrowth they could transplant as much as they like in the hair line and the patient can come back any other time to fill the rest)

  2. Density second session only up to 50 Grafts per Sqaure inch (What? This is just plain ridiculous, first they can built up to 35 and after that only up to 15 Grafts more? So why not saying 50 Grafts is maximum and then end end?)

  3. They force their will on patients. They dont care if you want a dense front because if you demand it they will simply kick you and use someone like Roloff Who doesnt care about density at all Cough COugh BS ahead

  4. Over 2000 patients? So ok where are they, you cant tell me that of all hair loss suffering people, only 2 percent seek help and from this 2 percent only 13% get a hairtransplant and Gho got over 2000 of them and not a single one showed up. And if the patients show up they…

5)…are dubious patients like : Oh look at my donor (18 sec video), 1 Post poster, people who strangely doesnt care about their hair at all, cant see any regrowth but they did only care for not having a scar etc.

  1. Advertise with celebrities, yeah we all know how well clinics do who advertise with clebrities every week. Its funny that Gho on his homepage more promotes celebrities then he promotes DONOR REGROWTH

  2. Donor Regrowth is just a tiny side note at the HSI homepage. Its nit their main advertising point. Theri main advertising is hair growth from day one and no scar. But to educated patients DOnor Regrowth would be the most important thing. For a Die Hard reasearcher who believes in his stuff, he is very calm about it

  3. Gho is balding himself but doesnt let his technicians do the work on him? WOnder why is that, because according to Roloff you dont have to shave your head completly at all, so Gho could do it himself

  4. Where are the magnifying devices during extraction? For a tedious and very very precise operation (Gho claims) his technicians pull pretty much a John Wayne stunt here. They extract without glasses.

  5. Time consuming to extract grafts? Yes its very time consuming, when speaking to the camera, clicking the graft counter, talk to the patient, usins NO magnifying glasses, good Crytal could extract 1 Graft in around 5 seconds or so. WHy do they neew a whole effin day to extract 600 Grafts again

  6. Stop RANDOM time : They extract the grafts pretty much randomly without paying that much attention at all, they use a drill device. Ahem some user here claimed they could only use THE BEST of your hairs…Ahhh ok if the best of my hairs can be chosen randomly, i assume we all have the best hair

  7. More then a decade Experience: Yeah where is Ghos Number one patient. After more then a decade working on HM he isnt capable of showing only one, in words ONE FUll transformation? And dont start with this whole “This technique is new we have to wait a few years” stuff. A decade is more then enough time for Gho to prove it. End of story

  8. Small mini sessions after 9 months to one year. How much more can you make fun of patients and rip them off. The small sessions are used for one simple reason. No one can clearly say “There has been NO regrowth” because its simply not detectable in such a small session. Also why does Gho say after 9 months again? Simple, we all now hair loss progresses and we all know at a certain point you dont care any more.

So what Gho does is simple, he discourages patients to pursue this further, because over time people just dont care any more and their hair will be diffuser more and more and you simply cant say hmm was this due to Gho or was it because of me aging and MPB progressing.

  1. No Number Exceeding : There is not a single patient we are aware of that crushed the magical number of 4000 Gho Grafts. One should assume that people with much money would directly run to Gho to get rid of their rugs and stuff, especially stars etc.

  2. Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you can clearly see how much of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is. HE knows that brits are somehow connected to the royal family and if WIlliam would go there, this means best advertismeent for gHo. But belive me even Prince William would only get 1600 Grafts and then they would say “He got fixed” and never ask for another grafz again, result would be Gho advertismenet for free and the royal family has been ripped off. My bet is that Gho depserately tried to convience them to get to Prince William, but their stuff is not dumb and falls for “Hair multiplication claims without proof”

  3. Wayne Rooney Incident : Why does a famous soccer player go to another clinic and not Ghos place even when his collegue WS has been there?

a) WS was not that impressed at all
b) WR is not a Quasimodo, and instead he is so smart to see " OK i could go to Gho but the results are pretty lame and i want a nice look overall at all and future technologies could come"

  1. The Iron_Man Incident : This user claims he will go to Gho somewhere in 2011, but he will only get his transplant done by a female doc and no one knows when he is going there not even Gho (if Gho cares). But now he remains silent about this and also admit in one posting that Gho cant create good hair lines, but in the other post he say “The only limit for denisty is mones” which is contradictory because all those famous celebs got the exact same amount of gRafts.

My bet on this RTL news anchor guy at Ghos place right now is 1600 Grafts, who is with me on this, he will recieve the same amount of grafts i can guanrantee you

Also Iron.Man is not talking about his Gho transplant anymore, this is simple for some reasons

a) he had it done but the result was so bad and he like everyone would be is ashamed that he has fallen for this charlatane
b) he never planned it in the first place and told us lies

  1. In science everything works in theory but where are the visible results: This is the simplest rule here. Gho claims a lot, a lot but in the end of days, all people get is science talk and theoretical figures, but the ultimate proof (a full restoration) was never seen and will never be seen.

So those are just a few red flags, i am really exited to see how Gho supporters will debunk those concerns of mine. I really hope iam absolutely wrong but i doubt it.

@Iron_Man : Dont risk another posting restriction by using insults, if you can debunk those arguments feel free to do so, but if you only want to insult me stay away

  1. No Graft count when showing results : No comment on this because its obvious there are no Graft counts

Good ones Stevie!

» Well first of all, i really want to believe that Gho could help us all, i
» really do because we are all affected the same by hair loss. But after
» doing some research (to dig more into it) and a phase where i totally
» believed Gho (around two months ago) i think i will collect all the Red
» Flags i found so far. And before Flame Wars is about to start, this is only
» to be shown, so that Gho supporters etc can chime in and maybe debunk some
» of thos serious red flags.
» A question for the insulting Guys here
» “Do you guys belive that i as a person who wants hair himself and has to
» find the best solution, am happy about raising red flags? Do you seriously
» believe that?”
» 1) Density in first session can only be 35 grafts per square centimeter.
» (Why with an almost total regrowth they could transplant as much as they
» like in the hair line and the patient can come back any other time to fill
» the rest)
» 2) Density second session only up to 50 Grafts per Sqaure inch (What? This
» is just plain ridiculous, first they can built up to 35 and after that only
» up to 15 Grafts more? So why not saying 50 Grafts is maximum and then end
» end?)
» 3) They force their will on patients. They dont care if you want a dense
» front because if you demand it they will simply kick you and use someone
» like Roloff Who doesnt care about density at all Cough COugh BS ahead
» 4) Over 2000 patients? So ok where are they, you cant tell me that of all
» hair loss suffering people, only 2 percent seek help and from this 2
» percent only 13% get a hairtransplant and Gho got over 2000 of them and not
» a single one showed up. And if the patients show up they…
» 5)…are dubious patients like : Oh look at my donor (18 sec video), 1 Post
» poster, people who strangely doesnt care about their hair at all, cant see
» any regrowth but they did only care for not having a scar etc.
» 6) Advertise with celebrities, yeah we all know how well clinics do who
» advertise with clebrities every week. Its funny that Gho on his homepage
» more promotes celebrities then he promotes DONOR REGROWTH
» 7) Donor Regrowth is just a tiny side note at the HSI homepage. Its nit
» their main advertising point. Theri main advertising is hair growth from
» day one and no scar. But to educated patients DOnor Regrowth would be the
» most important thing. For a Die Hard reasearcher who believes in his stuff,
» he is very calm about it
» 8) Gho is balding himself but doesnt let his technicians do the work on
» him? WOnder why is that, because according to Roloff you dont have to shave
» your head completly at all, so Gho could do it himself
» 9) Where are the magnifying devices during extraction? For a tedious and
» very very precise operation (Gho claims) his technicians pull pretty much a
» John Wayne stunt here. They extract without glasses.
» 10) Time consuming to extract grafts? Yes its very time consuming, when
» speaking to the camera, clicking the graft counter, talk to the patient,
» usins NO magnifying glasses, good Crytal could extract 1 Graft in around 5
» seconds or so. WHy do they neew a whole effin day to extract 600 Grafts
» again
» 11) Stop RANDOM time : They extract the grafts pretty much randomly without
» paying that much attention at all, they use a drill device. Ahem some user
» here claimed they could only use THE BEST of your hairs…Ahhh ok if the
» best of my hairs can be chosen randomly, i assume we all have the best
» hair
» 12) More then a decade Experience: Yeah where is Ghos Number one patient.
» After more then a decade working on HM he isnt capable of showing only one,
» in words ONE FUll transformation? And dont start with this whole “This
» technique is new we have to wait a few years” stuff. A decade is more then
» enough time for Gho to prove it. End of story
» 13) Small mini sessions after 9 months to one year. How much more can you
» make fun of patients and rip them off. The small sessions are used for one
» simple reason. No one can clearly say “There has been NO regrowth” because
» its simply not detectable in such a small session. Also why does Gho say
» after 9 months again? Simple, we all now hair loss progresses and we all
» know at a certain point you dont care any more.
» So what Gho does is simple, he discourages patients to pursue this further,
» because over time people just dont care any more and their hair will be
» diffuser more and more and you simply cant say hmm was this due to Gho or
» was it because of me aging and MPB progressing.
» 14) No Number Exceeding : There is not a single patient we are aware of
» that crushed the magical number of 4000 Gho Grafts. One should assume that
» people with much money would directly run to Gho to get rid of their rugs
» and stuff, especially stars etc.
» 15) Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews
» brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you can clearly see how much
» of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is. HE knows that brits are
» somehow connected to the royal family and if WIlliam would go there, this
» means best advertismeent for gHo. But belive me even Prince William would
» only get 1600 Grafts and then they would say “He got fixed” and never ask
» for another grafz again, result would be Gho advertismenet for free and the
» royal family has been ripped off. My bet is that Gho depserately tried to
» convience them to get to Prince William, but their stuff is not dumb and
» falls for “Hair multiplication claims without proof”
» 16) Wayne Rooney Incident : Why does a famous soccer player go to another
» clinic and not Ghos place even when his collegue WS has been there?
» a) WS was not that impressed at all
» b) WR is not a Quasimodo, and instead he is so smart to see " OK i could go
» to Gho but the results are pretty lame and i want a nice look overall at
» all and future technologies could come"
» 17) The Iron_Man Incident : This user claims he will go to Gho somewhere in
» 2011, but he will only get his transplant done by a female doc and no one
» knows when he is going there not even Gho (if Gho cares). But now he
» remains silent about this and also admit in one posting that Gho cant
» create good hair lines, but in the other post he say “The only limit for
» denisty is mones” which is contradictory because all those famous celebs
» got the exact same amount of gRafts.
» My bet on this RTL news anchor guy at Ghos place right now is 1600 Grafts,
» who is with me on this, he will recieve the same amount of grafts i can
» guanrantee you
» Also Iron.Man is not talking about his Gho transplant anymore, this is
» simple for some reasons
» a) he had it done but the result was so bad and he like everyone would be
» is ashamed that he has fallen for this charlatane
» b) he never planned it in the first place and told us lies
» 18) In science everything works in theory but where are the visible
» results: This is the simplest rule here. Gho claims a lot, a lot but in the
» end of days, all people get is science talk and theoretical figures, but
» the ultimate proof (a full restoration) was never seen and will never be
» seen.
» So those are just a few red flags, i am really exited to see how Gho
» supporters will debunk those concerns of mine. I really hope iam absolutely
» wrong but i doubt it.
» @Iron_Man : Dont risk another posting restriction by using insults, if you
» can debunk those arguments feel free to do so, but if you only want to
» insult me stay away

» 15) Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews
» brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you can clearly see how much
» of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is.

I find that interesting. In which interview mentioned Dr. Gho “Prince William”?

Or are you just confused concerning Dr. Hitzig’s comment recently?

Maybe Stevie was confused because YOU speculated:

BTW - In the video (see above), Dr. Gho mentioned also the (British) “Royal Family”. So I guess his next candidate will be Prince William?

Dr. Gho just mentioned “Royal Family”, but you Ironed_Man, put “(British)” in Gho’s mouth.

» » 15) Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews
» » brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you can
» clearly see how much
» » of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is.
» I find that interesting. In which interview mentioned Dr. Gho “Prince
» William”?
» Or are you just confused concerning Dr. Hitzig’s comment recently?

» » 15) Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews
» » brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you can
» clearly see how much
» » of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is.
» I find that interesting. In which interview mentioned Dr. Gho “Prince
» William”?
» Or are you just psycho-confused concerning Dr. Hitzig’s comment recently?

Is this all for debunking red flags? If so we can put Gho finally on the black list for wrong claims

» » » 15) Gho forcing on ROyal Family : Its funny how Gho in all interviews
» » » brings up Prince Williams hair problem. Here you
» can
» » clearly see how much
» » » of an attention grabbing charlatane he really is.
» »
» » I find that interesting. In which interview mentioned Dr. Gho “Prince
» » William”?
» »
» » Or are you just psycho-confused concerning Dr. Hitzig’s comment
» recently?
» Is this all for debunking red flags?

Sorry, I didn’t read all the other crap, but without looking closer, I think you formulated it already correct. :smiley:

Of course i do, because those red flags are accurate until proven otherwise.

In three years or so we wont hear anything from Gho anymore because he will vanish from the spot, thats for sure

Good questions.

At first we tend to believe anything cause we are desperate. But after some time reality sinks in and we see things very differently.

Gho hasn’t proved anything at all.

» Good questions.
» At first we tend to believe anything cause we are desperate. But after some
» time reality sinks in and we see things very differently.
» Gho hasn’t proved anything at all.

Using science to initiate a fog candle. I mean i really belived Gho when i only looked at the science stuff, but then i was digging further and the whole thing doesnt look so good anaymore. In fact the reality seems to be one of the greatest sc_ams in hair restorations.

I mean if we like it or not, but other surgeons have show good results over time on a consitent base. While Gho in over 10 years has not shown ANYTHING at all.

The HSI does always the same things

  1. Give everyone 1600 Grafts
  2. Come up with excuses to not beeing kept repsonsible for not so good outcomes.

I mean HOW cheap is a disclaimer that says “Hair multiplication does not work on everyone”? This is just utter BS, bcause its working STRANGELY on guys who are not caring for their hair or regrowth or density AT ALL.

But all the other people who want a high density and only consider regrowth, OHHHHHHH those guys are not a perfect match for HM because it doesnt work.

I WONDER HOW THIS is not sound fishy o anyone

Also this could happen to GHo if he takes his game to a new Level

"Illinois State Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in Cook County Circuit Courts against a Chicago based hair growth company for allegedly making false statements based on unsubstantiated claims, and for failing to provide consumers with refunds for unproven hair growth treatments with an average cost of between $8,000 and $12,000.

“The defendants in this case use highly sensational marketing slogans to convince consumers to pay thousands of dollars for a service that simply isn’t proven to be effective by modern science,” Madigan said.

Natural Hair Growth Institute uses low level laser light therapy, scalp massage, questionable topical concoctions and nutritional supplements that it says will regrow hair within six months or “your money back.”

Among other allegations, Madigan’s lawsuit alleges that the Natural Hair Growth Institute’s treatment method fails to produce the results as advertised.

The state is seeking a permanent ban for the defendant from operating in Illinois. Madigan also requests full restitution for all consumers affected, and civil penalties of $50,000 for each violation of the Illinois Consumer Fra_ud Act."

An i guess stuff like this is the reason why Gho hasnt open up a clinic in the US, because he knows what happens with wrong claims

I am sorry if i crushed some Wet Dreams about Gho but believe me with Gho you simply cannot win the race and fight against hair loss.

I repeat i am NOT saying that Hair multiplication as Gho claims it to work, doesnt work. I am pretty sure that HM works this way and will be a solution in the future BUT not with Gho bcause he simply cannot work with it, he is not a skilled surgeon nor is his team.

They are only forcing their opinions on what a hair line has to look like on patients which is just unethical.

If i had to gove a tip to people who are desperate right now

  1. Look up a good FUE surgeon, convince him to use an minimal depth approach and as benficial factor Acell usage and ask him if he would do a small test case for lets say 200 grafts after Ghos method with your normal FUE transplant or so